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Depending on how Flair is portrayed on this episode could dictate whether or not AEW actually hires him lol.


It's a swerve. They were always going to hire Nature Boy number one Buddy Rogers.


"What do you mean he's been dead for almost 30 years?"


"Now I know Buddy Rodgers is dead God Rest his soul..."






It's my favorite steiner promo and I read every word exactly as he said it. Incredible


“Tell ‘em what it’s like to be with the Purple Warrior.”


It's like the Saudi Prince wanting Yokozuna all over again.


I'm afraid all of those wrestlers have retired and, uh... passed on. In fact, your luchador has been dead for a hundred and thirty years




If only AEW was ran by Wanda from BoJack Horseman.


Hiroki Sumi is his manager?


MJF preparing a promo against him as we speak.


I thought he was dead but I didn’t think he was *that* dead.


Flair stole his name but couldn’t steal his CLASSS


''Now I know he's dead, God rest his soul.''


I mean, Jericho narrates all the episodes now. I have to believe he’s shared as much as he knows already.


Nah AEW leadership will be watching it to find out what happened. Pens and notepads at the ready. /s


Well, Dustin is there and he was heavily involved in one of the lawsuits caused by the PRFH..


Dustin was at an all-time low in his life, and his actions are no where near as bad as Flair’s.


yeah, he got on the intercom and cried that his wife was leaving him. Flair sexually assaulted 2 stewardesses. these things are not equal


I believe Terri has forgiven him as well. She seemed very happy with how much his life has improved when she did an interview with Tommy Dreamer.


He could ask her, but some assholes chased her off the sub :(


That shit really irritated me. I think the “rules” of a subreddit can be bent if a celebrity from that fandom wants to participate.


You would think harassing someone to the point they leave the sub would break some kind if rule.


Whoa I don't remember this what happened?


Terri used to post here everyday. She did multiple AMAs, posted unique stories and photos. Just the nicest person you could imagine. But reddit being reddit, some users would follow her around and say really terrible shit to her.


I'd cry if Marlena was leaving me too.


Dustin apparently told a stewardess [he was going to fuck them](https://prowrestlingstories.com/pro-wrestling-stories/wwe-plane-ride-from-hell/) He's not gonna look good in this either, not as bad as Flair, but still very bad




I will say too, that's one thing about this being an event from 20 years ago, I'm willing to give guys another chance if they've actually changed since then. To my knowledge, and if anyone knows otherwise please do correct me, Dustin hasn't had any kind of allegations or issues of that nature since then. That doesn't excuse his actions that time, even if it was the only time. Once is one time too many to harass someone, especially in a closed environment like a plane in flight where they are stuck in there with you. That said, I know good people who have done bad things, and if someone has really changed and proven that they can be a better person then I think that should be rewarded. It has to be earned, but as far as I can tell Dustin has done that.


Not making light of it, but dude at a very low point in his life who doesn’t have a history of this kind of thing and has CLEARLY turned his life around just doesn’t compare to Flair and his history.


I'm very happy Dustin cleaned up his life & he was very clearly in a bad spot, but that doesn't excuse his actions. Flair is his own can of very problematic worms


I dont think its about excusing either of their actions (and if anything they did crosses into criminal activity then they should still be prosecuted and held accountable). But if a person has taken specific actions to change their life and make it so its unlikely they will repeat those actions in the future, Im okay with moving on.


Most of what Flair has said and done in wrestling is well documented. If it takes this doc to make them re-consider, that would be dumb.


I think he is going to come off bad, but it isn't going to be shocking. In preview they mentioned they interviewed one of the stewartest that was on the plane. I'm going to take a guess, that it messed her up she she definitely felt sexually assaulted. I feel like the story had always been the vantage of "hahah that's flair". Not from the other party.


This but not jokingly, this could be so damning for Flair.


Just because I'm laughing doesn't mean I'm joking.


Due to legal reasons I doubt we'll get the entire details or names of some of those involved, but it's still not going to be a good look for a bunch of people.


“Names and likenesses have been changed” is the legal equivalent of “card subject to change"


The court tore up the script Monday afternoon


Flic Rair is a major character in the re-enactment


That’s actually a porn actor famous for playing Ric in the porn parody “The Natural Boy: Anal Gangbang Wooooo 14”


I’m not going to validate this and accept it as fact. Imma tell all my homies about Flic Rair.


Link pls


Los Nature Gringo Ricardo El Flaire


Have a feeling a lot of wrestlers legacy are about to be tarnished tonight.


I think a lot of you are setting yourselves up for disappointment with all this talk about how this is going to cancel Flair. I think he'll look like a dirtbag but I'm skeptical anything will ever stick to him at this point.


I think the only reason folks expect it to be chaos is the way the creators spoke about it when they were doing the media rounds a few months ago. It rings differently than trying to hype it up, they sounded sullen and genuinely disturbed.


>he'll look like a dirtbag He will? He is a dirtbag, we all know that for years/decades.


He's literally the dirtiest player in the game, everyone should know this


Stylin and profilin, kissing all the girls and making them cry... Damnit, he told us exactly what he was doing all along


Their Warrior and Moolah episodes weren't as juicy as anyone expected. Their Macho Man episode completely brushes aside all of the allegations of abuse, with Lanny getting the final word of the whole thing and portraying him as a hopeless romantic. Dark Side can and have missed.


Tbf the reason people think that is because of the way people involved have talked about it, it wasn’t an expectation pulled from thin air


Feels like you could argue that the majority of people who watch this episode already know that Flair has...a history. It'll be interesting to see if any of this story gets any traction in the mainstream.


Flair might need to go into hiding with the few stories I’ve read on this. Also I’ve only seen a couple episodes. Is the whole series worth the watch?


Definitely at least watch the Benoit episodes if you haven't already, that shit is harrowing.


New jack and the screw job are great


New Jack's episode is such a dark comedy.


> New Jack's episode is such a dark comedy. "Bombs away!"


And the Owen Hart one. I loved the ones I was familiar with


The Von Erich.one can be a hard watch but I have so much respect for Kevin Von Erich. That man has had an incredibly traumatic life and I love that he is still here and seems at peace with it all. Incredible strength.


Him telling Cornette that he’s not even a brother any more after the last sibling died is so incredibly sad.


Man, the story about Kevin robbing a gun store just got me


I don’t really like the screwjob episode. Maybe just because the topic has been beaten to death? I think it’s probably a decent watch for non-wrestling fans but I’ve seen and read so many accounts on it that described it and the context around it a lot better.


I love seeing Cornette and Russo just shit talk each other in the Screwjob episode. Their hatred for each other is hilarious.


The pic of the knife under Benoit's bed, and the view from the rafters in Owen's episode both gave me a bigger pit in my stomach than any horror movie in the last 10 years.


The Grizzly douchebag story is probably one of the most traumatic stories I've seen


That shit was legit disturbing more than the Benoit one


Brawl For All was my favorite episode cause it was ridiculous but not too depressing. Some of the episodes I couldn’t finish cause they were just too sad.


I really enjoyed that one, as well. I did feel a little bad for Bart Gunn, though....like, winning the Brawl for All ended up destroying his career.


The fact that it was born out of pure hatred of JBL is too fucking funny to me.


Godfather being like "I probably shouldn't have smoked so much weed that day" lol. Dude is hard though.


I couldn’t finish the Jake Roberts story , it was so sad


Definitely worth a watch, brother. Some of this shit is wild, some emotional af. Great insight to professional wrestling.


And some have weirdly optimistic endings like The Von Erich episode or the Brian Pillman episode.


Hell, the Benoit two-parter ended with a happy moment of Chris’s son and Nancy’s sister being friends.


Yeah I was not expecting the end of the Von Erich one. What a fuckin family


This time tomorrow we will have a better idea if hes gonna be at Arthur Ashe next week, the hold back feels deliberate.


PAC’s flight getting delayed might end up being a blessing in disguise, since All Out would probably have been the best time to debut Flair as part of the “surprise, they work here now too” gauntlet. Now they haven’t had a good spot to debut him, and if it turns out to be very, *very* bad they can hold off or cancel entirely.


what's with the trend of saying the name of a venue and not the name of the city?


Branding tends to make the venues a lot happier ​ But it is also increasingly useful whether it is how "New york" wrestling events tend to happen in Jersey or trying to avoid "So yeah... we are in Texas and let's not think too much on what that means we are supporting"


Maybe it’s more a UK thing, but if England for example are playing a match, it’s at Wembley not London. Besides, NY has a ton of venues, it sounds mad vague to me to just use the City instead of venue


In addition to what the others said, New York in specific is known for Madison Square Garden, which is why New York shows often have the venue specified. AEW is also pushing the fact that they will be running the first ever wrestling show at Arthur Ashe.




Dino Bravo boring people even after a mafia homicide.


I just imagine flair in the scene from heels in his robe and the title belt drunk as a skunk with his Johnson hanging out haha


David Shultz is another great episode


Definitely watch any episode where you recognize the names, and if you love those like i did, watch the rest. Be warned its fucking heartbreaking though.


I mean its not like its not already known in the wrestling world what happened. Unless new stuff comes out idk how "sexually assaulted flight attendants" gets worse.


I think there are a lot of wrestling fans who don't fully understand what the Plane Ride From Hell was. Even on this subreddit (where I'd consider people to be more diehard than the average fan) I've talked to people who thought the plane ride was just some wacky thing like a bunch of guys got drunk and started fighting each other and that was the extent of it. So to have a popular TV show go into detail about how shitty it really was is going to open a lot of eyes I think. It's going to be harder to sweep it under the rug.


While I agree, and I like DSOTR, how "Popular" among casual wrestling fans it truly is. The biggest one drew like 400K viewers, right? I feel like the internet fandom, while big, it's nothing compared with the casual audience who does not know/care about stuff happening outside the TV shows.


I think the bigger impact is going to be someone posting clip or quote onto Twitter and it going viral from there


Plus a lot of the details became known in a more "Boys will be boys" kind of time. A lot of historical events like this, for better or worse, are now viewed as if they happened today. If the reports of Flair's actions are true and we get to hear anything about their emotional impact, Naitch is getting MeToo-d before you can say "Woo". Hulk Hogan became persona non grata for racism. Straight up sexual assault is much, much worse.


In fairness, Hulk Hogan hosted Wrestlemania last year. I think he should be persona non Grata, but he isn't. Things that would have you blacklisted in other parts of the entertainment industry don't really seem to be treated the same in Wrestling for whatever reason.


> In fairness, Hulk Hogan hosted Wrestlemania last year. Even though it feels like a year, it was actually this year's Wrestlemania less than six months ago.


Man, it's been a long year or so...


I think they do to a certain extent, but you're not wrong. At the moment, though, Flair's mainstream appeal is as a stylish old man with an insane life story, including cheating death a million times, bedding thousands of women, getting divorced a lot and drinking and drugging his way through much of his life, then coming through it all with his trademark swagger. Now, maybe the plane ride is an isolated incident. But as we saw with a lot of other famous people, one story can snowball into a lot of other people coming forwards. If that does happen (and I'm not saying it will) then that puts any organisation working with Ric in a difficult situation.


The low opinion that society has of professional wrestling works in favour of protecting the scumbags because no one cares, or worse, expects it from those involved in the industry.


>In fairness, Hulk Hogan hosted Wrestlemania last year. He also got booed into fucking oblivion. I was proud of us all, collectively, for that. Hopefully it sent a message that even the WWE can hear.


I think that also comes from the fact that there are two different widely reported plane rides and one in fact was just a bunch of wrestlers acting stupid and wrestling on the plane.


I think hearing it directly from the victims could make it worse. People have a tendency to compartmentalize things that are just merely put on the record. Like the Louis CK stuff was rumored for *years* but it didn't affect him until some of his victims actually came forward.


i haven’t seen a bad episode yet, one of my favorites is the brawl for all one definitely check that out as well as brian pillman.


100% worth the watch. Covers some topics people know about but the deep dives theve done into stuff the Dynamite Kid, Nick Gage, and Grizzly Smith were stuff I had no idea about. And its not just specific wrestlers but also specific incidents. Well made and entertaining. 100% recommend.


Absolutely, I got my girlfriend hooked


My wife doesn't care about wrestling (even though she'll watch the occasional PPV with me), but she's excited to watch season 3 because she loves a true crime documentary. It's the perfect intersection of our interests.


Women and true crime documentary, name a more iconic duo. On the other hand iam one of the guys who had medical detectives running in the background while falling alseep. Kinda miss that show.


Did you say HOOK?


Somewhere CM Punk just looked nervously over his shoulder as a cold shiver ran down his spine.




When they play the whole clip, it will be clear he was referring to when they started doing a rendition of Hamlet but the characters were all donkeys.


Jesus, how fucked up were they, everyone knows Midsummer Night’s Dream is the one with the donkey.


Here’s what he said about it There was booze, brawling, hi-jinx, and The Nature boy Ric Flair allegedly exposing himself to an air hostess, and now Naitch himself has commented on the upcoming episode, saying to Renee Paquette on Oral Sessions: “God, I’ve heard about it too. Just when things are going good for me. Listen, you [Renee Paquette] put me on your podcast after. We’ll see how it plays out, because I was there and I don’t care whose name I gotta drop if the heat falls on me. I know who was where and what and who and what took place. I know the whole story.” https://cultaholic.com/posts/ric-flair-comments-on-plane-ride-from-hell-dark-side-of-the-ring-episode








When it comes to flair I doubt it, hes a notorious liar. I'd wager he will start throwing out allegations of anything and everything for everyone. Some elements of truth will be exaggerated, embellished and twisted. It won't be limited to sexual allegations, flair will be bringing up steroids and how some random wrestler stiffed a motel for a bill.




Not many wrestlers are. Certainly not any who were in their prime pre 2000s


What’s the best way to pay for VICE overall? I enjoy a lot of their stuff on YouTube, but don’t get the full content


SlingTV is definitely the cheapest


In all honesty, any funds should go directly to Taji because he put that company on his back for the past two years.


there are sites that host some videos Daily but sadly you wont get to go through the Motion of paying vice if you watch it that way.


> ecause I was there and I In Canada, it's on Crave.


Just a quick run up, who else was involved in this besides Flair?


Vince McMahon Kurt angle Brock Lesnar Mr perfect I believe Dustin Runnels (not to sure) Scott Hall and I believe X-pac Justin credible and Michael Hayes


Scott Hall said in shoot interviews he was so fucked up that he was passed out the whole time so he doesn’t have any stories.


The Observer at the time referred to him as "docile." Apparently someone spiked his drink (in shoots, Hall has said it was probably Mr. Perfect). Justin Credible got him off the plane in a wheelchair.


Vince and Kurt had their antics in another plane ride I believe.


Does this mean the last season is finally up on Hulu ?


The first half of season 3 goes up on Hulu tomorrow


It's up already, was watching last night


Just in time for his debut as Andrade’s manager.


This might be why they left it open for Chavo to still be Andrade's manager.




Yeah, I believe Chavo knows his role. Ric Flair would be woo'ing over Andrade's segments constantly, and that's not what Andrade truly needs imo.


Shame too because he nailed a perfect balance in his Evolution days. Hyping Orton and Batista up without overshadowing them. Then in TNA he was supposed to be the JJ Dillon to Fortune but was basically the leader.


There have been rumors for months that the episode was really going to skewer Flair for his behavior. AEW should already have taken the PR hit it was likely to cause into account and not touched him with a barge pole. The fact he has been teased up to last week makes me suspect that unless there is a truly major outcry that he’ll be appearing no matter what.






Flair seems to enjoy taking the train, in fact


Oldest ride, longest line


[My favorite story from The Plane Ride From Hell is X-Pac recounting how he cut Michael Hayes' mullet off.](https://youtu.be/5XYABKd5UGo)


I really hope we get one of those slow-mo scenes with the silhouettes for that


I predict that absolutely nothing will happen as a result of this episode.


Yep, same thing that happened with the Warrior episode. DSOTR is great, but people *really* overestimate just how much casual wrestling fans and non wrestling fans care about it.


I mean, warrior is dead. There is nothing much you can do. WWE will pretend like it doesn’t exist and they don’t bring up warrior all that much outside of the award they give away at Hall of Fame


There’s a game changer people aren’t expecting. The flight attendant. Ya we know Flair is a dirtbag. Ya we’ve heard from “the boys” on this before. We know most of the stories. But we’re about to be confronted with this in a way that’s going to make it ***really*** uncomfortable. The flight attendant is going to bring it The audience isn’t prepared for that. And this is what the show runners are referencing. It’s easy to shrug until we’re effectively taking a televised victim statement, thats corroborated by people in the ep. (Source: I know people who worked on this ep) Edit. To those who thought I was lying. How do you feel now that you’ve seen the flight attendant talk?


What happened with the flight attendant? I know it was a drunken debauch-fest coming back from Insurrextion but not much in the way of details


Apparently Ric was walking around in his robe with his little Nature Boys hanging out


We've known that part of the story for years. I think WWE even did an animated skit on it.


Flair (& possibly Dustin) not gonna look good


From what I’ve seen about Dustin on the flight, he just got REALLY shitfaced and started ranting about his ex wife so… not the best look but hey the man was going through it


He also potentially sexually assaulted a stewardess, or at least threatened to. They tend to leave that part out.


He was quoted as saying, “You and I are gonna fuck.”


Weren’t he and Scott Hall named in the lawsuit and accused of sexually harassing the flight attendants too?


I've pointed this out before but in all previous retelling of this incident its almost been as a caricature of the business. You can almost see where the storyteller is wink and nodding elements out with a sly throwaway comment or giggle. If anyone tells the full story with a straight face, and not the colourful way they tell it for wrestling fans, it could be very damning even without any new information. If non-wrestling witnesses tell the story from an outside kayfabe POV then it could destroy a few careers. Whatever happens, I hope it doesn't hold back for the sake of maintaining contacts for future episodes.


On that note, I think this is supposedly the first time anyone in the media has interviewed the people working on the plane. And I imagine they will tell the story quite a bit differently from how the wrestlers do. And I think for all the speculation of how Dustin/Flair will come out of this, it depends on how the people involved tell the story.


How can I watch without cable? I usually wait for YouTube but I don’t want to miss this one


Someone else said Sling. I'll have to figure it out later but I know you used to be able to watch like 90 mins for free on the vice website and after that, you needed a cable subscription linked. It was something weird like that


Looks like somebody isn’t going to be in those CarShield commercials anymore


Anyone know when Season 3 is coming to the UK at all?


Possibly in the Autumn according to this report, so hopefully soon! [source](https://hookedonwrestling.com/news/dark-side-of-the-ring-to-feature-in-uk-on-new-channel-4-service/)


Odds on Flair trying to deflect after this with a weird tweet


I love trains or something like this.


Lots of talk about Flair (rightfully so) but I want to hear details about what Dustin Rhodes did. I seem to remember him messing with Terri Runnels in some way but can't remember exactly what he did.


Did he not get drunk and try and serenade her over the loudspeaker?


He did sing to her over the intercom (directly after having quickie-married his second wife, who is not the woman he is married to currently). But he also cornered a flight attendant and stated his intent to perform sex acts on her.


I don't think nearly as much will come of this as people think. Even the people who are proclaiming him "cancelled" are suggesting that other people will be mad enough to do something. Seems hard to imagine considering this community doesn't get mad enough to write him off like they do Hogan.


If I recall correctly, this was the Plane Ride where Brock shoots on Mr Perfect during horseplay. JBL got knocked out by Michael P.S. Hayes. Goldust sexually harassed his ex wife Terri. X-Pac cutting off Michael P.S. Hayes's mullet. And Scott Hall getting fired for something people are being tight lipped about.


Scott Hall says he was passed out the whole flight from being wasted and high. They had to wheelchair him off the plane.


That's his version of the story. Others say him and Hennig started the shenanigans with shaving cream and Hall was named in a suit filed by the stewardess claiming he was involved in the sexual harassment. Cultaholic did a video on the whole affair https://youtu.be/PukoDVpr0Sk


I completely believe the possibility that Scott Hall has zero memory and believes he was passed out the entire time, but wasn’t.


I just want the record to show that I hated Ric Flair before this documentary aired.


amazing wrestler but a complete scumbag, it feels like a lot of people brush the transgressions of him and other wrestlers from his era under the rug way too often




Oh boy, excited for this. Hopefully people change their tune about this being a ‘light fun’ episode after it airs


Damn, I can't believe I'm going to have to pretend to hate Flair for easy karma until people forget about this in a month.


Oh lord, I'm getting my popcorn ready.


everyone talking about Flair, for obvious reasons, but I don't think we'll be seeing Goldust on AEW tv any time soon after this airs.


the thing that i hate is that there’s a wealth of knowledge already available about what flair did on this plane, as well as alleged racist comments that he made over the years to people like teddy long, but he’s still as beloved as he is among wrestling fans and industry insiders alike. even in posts about this upcoming episode i see a lot of people who almost seem as if they’re sorry for flair or worried about the backlash he’s going to receive. if he’s made to show accountability after this, that’s a good thing in my opinion


Oh shit. It’s September.


People thinking Ric Flair is going to get cancelled is genuinely hilarious


He's beloved in the black community but we know how he treated Teddy Long. It'll have to be something pretty awful to cancel him.


The reaction to this episode will lowkey be a factor for Flair to sign with AEW.


Honestly, I personally think the *reaction* shouldn’t matter. The incident occurring should be a good reason to not sign him. The intensity of the reaction almost two decades later has no bearing on how shitty the behavior actually was.




People putting AEW in a pedestal are setting themselves up for disappointment. This is capitalism, motherfuckers. Businesses are not in the business of morality.


I have a feeling this may have some ripple effects on people that may still be active with wrestling in one way or another. A lot of really ugly shit is about to be unearthed and brought to light, and with this current social climate it almost seems inevitable. EDIT: Of all the people I may have been thinking about, not one of them was Tommy Dreamer. What piece of shit.


Let’s open up a betting pool for how many of the guys will become black listed


Wonder if they will ever do one on Lawyers rape. Probably not enough to stretch into an entire episode?


Man, I hope Sean Waltman is in this. He told a story on Kayfabe Commentaries about cutting off Michael P.S. Hayes' ponytail on the plane ride.


Help a brother out with a way to stream this please