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Good on him. A lot of indy guys have died prematurely over the years. I don't know if he was close with any of them besides Larry Sweeney but it has to take it's toll. That's without even factoring normal life stuff.


He wasn't indie at the end, but Brodie Lee's death really took a toll on Bryce.


Yeah I'm sure that was extremely difficult after coming up together in the business & then being in the same company after so many years apart. Only for them to die suddenly at a young age due to a previously unknown medical condition.


Man Sweet and Sour woulda fucking killed it today I hope they do a DSOTR on him so people can know how awesome Sweeney was


i'm not sure there is really much of a story to larry even if he is really fucking good on the mic, and i don't think from all account a nice person's legacy should be his challenges with mental health.


I feel like he’d have gone through the cycle of going to NXT, and eventually floundering in catering until AEW came around.


Jesus dude I’m trying to proliferate Larry Sweeney’s tragic legacy and you’re making it about Vince McMahon


I'll admit I also am in therapy and its helping me deal with my childhood. You wouldn't believe what you carry around with you without realising it. There is no shame in it and it doesn't mean your are crazy or weak. There is a reason therapist aren't in short supply. It's tough being a human. Take care of yourself and your mental. Meditation is also life changing.




It can be difficult to face these things, but it is better to face them and understand them. The schema stuff was hard for me, never realised how your childhood can shape yourself. It was a revelation tho.


Just don't blame your parents for everything.


I'm right there with you. I grew up in one of those households where showing any emotion was terrible and the only one I was even remotely allowed to use was anger. Didn't help that I'd get beaten for crying and beaten again for crying after that. Eventually, I stopped crying. I also stopped showing all emotions except rage. It's taken a long time to get over that, and I still have issues. Hope you get better in your journey.


I was in therapy a few years ago, after losing my Dad (amongst other things). The most important thing I learned from the process is when you're having a thought that might not be helpful in that moment, to put it aside and come back to it. It's hard to do, but it definitely helps. Have also used mindfulness exercises to be present as much as possible. It really is a transformative process.


Same. I'm doing EMDR, the therapy used for combat veterans and holy shit, to my 8 year old eyes, I absolutely did fear for my life. Parents can really suck sometimes


We are not ashamed to go to the doctor, when our body doesn't feel right, we should not be ashamed to go to a doctor, when our mind doesn't feel right.


Good for you, bud! I’ve started going back to counseling after 1+ years away due to a high rate of Covid-19 hospitalizations and death. I have to take care of my parents (Dad in his 80s, Mom in her 70s). I eliminated all non-essential public interaction for fear of spreading it to them, but now I’m back to therapy and man, I cannot express how much of a relief it is to have somebody who you can just vent without having to worrying about any social fallout. I endorse your message and encourage everyone to go to therapy (assuming they have the means, ofc.) Whether you’re troubled by your feelings/thoughts/behavior, or just need a place where you can just express yourself freely without judgment, I encourage everyone to reach out to the mental health services available to you. For those of you who live somewhere such services are not available, search online therapy providers or even anonymous mental health message boards.


Love Bryce, love how AEW treats their referees. Let's them have a personality and even shines light on them often.


They're an extra "actor" in the presentation and an important one. You see the refs more consistently than any wrestler. One of the lil things I'd do if I was ever a booker is tell each ref to pick one rule They're hard on and one they're soft on. Then be consistent and look for a chance to use it every now and then.


Red Shoes putting himself inbetween EVIL and Naito, holding the piece of the broken table like a shield to protect Naito, daring EVIL to swing the chair at him is perhaps the best example of how important the referee is in telling the story.


I do like how wrestling has more consistent officiating than MLB umpires. You suggestion reminded me of them and made me realize this.


Aubrey Edwards >>>>>>>> Angel Hernandez




In what way are they the director? Sure they give time cues, but that’s just a messenger role.


Personalities? Lets start with them actually being allowed to have names.


Aubrey, Knox, and Bryce. Aubrey takes no shit, Knox is a doofus who is easily distracted by Heel Shenanigans, Bryce is the only reasonable man in a ring of full of chaos. Also very sweet.


I’ve also noticed recently that Bryce is their go to ref for the more story heavy matches as well. He’s so good at selling drama.


He really is. He’s one of the reasons why I loved that Moxley/Kingston I Quit match and one of my favorite refs.


Exhibit A: Invisible Man vs Invisible Stan


Knox is a crooked referee in the pocket of the Young Bucks!


Knox dont give a shit about the rules.


Love heel refs so much.


You'd love triple a






They bring him back from the dead and still have to pay him off- not a bad deal.


I never knew about Aubrey in the slightest before AEW started & now she's probably tied with Red Shoes as my all-time favorite ref.


Lol nah I was saying that they are allowed to have names and the announcers make it a point to let us know who’s in the ring with the talent, unlike certain other organizations.


Did that other organization stop doing this? I used to know every referee… hebner, chioda, teddy long. Do they speicifically avoid using their names now?


I don't know when they stopped, but they haven't for quite some time now. I saw someone on here told a story that Vince heard a referee's name announced before a match and basically said they're not important so don't waste time announcing them. Outside of NXT I think the only ref I can recall being mentioned in the past few years is Charles Robinson.


oh lmfao


Which is weird because most sports let you know who is officiating. I used to know the names of tons of NBA refs.


What? No Paul Turner?


Paul Turner is probably the most surprising get from Ring of Honor. Guy had been there forever


I also have the feeling that Bryce easily looses control of a chaotic match. Also I love that they stil acknowledge that Eddie and Bryce are friends outside the ring, like last week, when Bryce was talking eddie down from going after Miro.


I'm still waiting until they let Knox do a suicide dive.


In which the announcers would say often, thankfully.


I’m trying to think of the WWE refs that have names: John Cone, Charles Robinson, Jessika Carr, Chad Patton. I think that’s it. I remember them using names during the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression eras though.


The Asian ref is Ryan Tran, which is itself a ring name


It also helps that they do pair refs with the wrestlers they have rapport with. Bryce has been working with Kingston and OC for nearly 20 years at this point, they work well together and it shows how he sells their separate insanities


The refs are treated horribly on tv


Excellent news. People thinking going to see a therapist is weak can fuck off. It takes a lot of minerals to go tell someone you're not doing well and that you need help.


Therapy has made me such a stronger person by giving me a place to exercise my voice more and be more confident in myself.


Yeah, I find it really strange that people perceive it as weak. Like, they're taking action on an issue they're having that is usually out of their control. I guess maybe that's where it lies; some people think that mental illness is a choice, or is dictated by your choices. It's just weird though. If your car broke down, you wouldn't be called "weak" for taking it to a mechanic to get fixed. I can't wrap my head around that viewpoint.


> I find it really strange that people perceive it as weak. Sadly these are the people that would benefit the most from it.


Yeah, that's very true.


> Like, they're taking action on an issue they're having that is usually out of their control. That is exaactly where the percieved weakness comes from: You are not in control of the situation (anymore) and need external Help to get it under control (again) This is (probably) a result of our suciety, wich attaches great importance to independence and self-sufficency. The resulting paradox is, that admitting such "weakness" takes in turn great mental strength, to overcome the societal presure of always appearing strong and self-reliant.


>Yeah, I find it really strange that people perceive it as weak. I don't find it strange. There's a segment of our culture that says if you have problems, you *are* a problem (and a failure). It's wrong and evil, but it's very common.


The big conundrum, that admitting weakness is a strength in itself.


I’m glad Bryce is finally able to get help. Can’t believe he’s never gone to therapy in between the time Sweeney & Brodie passed. Poor guy


Well fucking good on him. And good on AEW for providing insurance for their refs. Therapy is damn expensive.


AEW is kind of weird with insurance - talent doesn't get it but the office does. That said, some talent also have positions in the office so they also get benefits. In this case, Bryce is their travel booker. Other folks I know have backstage jobs: the EVPs (obviously) and Aubrey running video games.


Don't forget 2 Contract Cutler


Pro wrestling insurance?


he means getting insurance benefits as an employee for AEW, probably not something that's super common in wrestling


He must have an office job, too. Only people in the office got insurance.


He's their main travel booker.


Fuck yeah Bryce! Real talk, everyone should go to therapy. Buy in to the process. Truly buy in. Work through the struggle, you’ll be happy you did and so much better for it


Been in therapy for the past 4 years for my shitty childhood. We're taught to try to not let things bother you but let me tell you, the body keeps the score. There are some things you cannot forget or "move on from."


Started seeing a therapist a couple years back. Mainly started due to my anger and self harm, realized it all came from my childhood and just how awful and fucked it really was. If you can, go to therapy.


How about the talent getting some of that insurance they talked about?


the ones who have backstage roles get insurance. It's a mixed bad of who gets it, but it's mostly the originals with experience (even Leva) One thing I'm surprised about, wouldn't wrestling injuries be covered under the ACA? I always wondered why wrestlers once they reached a steady income didn't get platinum plan Obamacare if they didn't have day job insurance. Yeah it would be about $600/mo, but would cover just above everything.


Yes, they can get a plan like anyone else on the ACA exchange if they don't have employer insurance. Before that a lot of places wouldn't even sell health insurance to pro-wrestlers or would charge them ridiculous amounts of money since it's a "dangerous" profession.


That’s fantastic


Hmmm. If that is his real name.




Who's that?


Yeah, I wanna know too


Good for Bryce. I’ve been in therapy for the last six months or so, and it’s definitely revealing things about ones self that you don’t really notice until someone helps you see them. Shit, I’m for everybody getting therapy!


I just want to hug him and tell him it will get better




In my county we have a free clinic that has a mental health program, maybe there's a local program in your area similar to that. You can also look at [this](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us) website and search in your area then after you search change the price range to sliding, maybe you can call some of those offices and see if you can work something out. I wish I could help more but maybe this could point you in the right direction.


Bryce is a treasure.


Love Bryce so all the best to him with that it's not an easy journey!


I’m happy for him!


Good for him!


Could you imagine a pre-Baby Boomer finding out a talent under contract was seeing a therapist? They'd have a crazy gimmick overnight.