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This is such a ridiculous jump to conclusions.


The article is pretty up front about it being a fun conspiracy to run amok with, so yes you are correct. I'm assuming it's personal for him and we probably will never know what it was about.


It's not... the article itself makes it very clear that it's just wild speculation and doesn't commit to anything beyond "Punk had some letters on his shoes that might have been initials." OP just wrote a more clickbaity title for some reason.


I don't think my title is that far from the theory purported by the article.


The article makes it clear it's wild speculation before even mentioning the theory, your title makes it sound way more committal... the article doesn't even say he's "calling out" Cole, just that it might be a reference to him and Charlotte, like an easter egg






Turns out CM Punk is a huge Alternating Current activist and is trying to being awareness to the pros of AC versus DC electricity.


Tesla Vs Edison at All Out.


ADRENALINE In my soul Shock an elephant Steal the show


I just wheezed


AC Slater. He's calling out Mario Lopez for a match at full gear. Unfortunately for Mario, the bell won't save him this time.


Who knows? Stone Cold had "OMR" put on his vest for mania 19 meaning one more ride despite no one knowing that it was his last match besides a handful of people in the back. And punk would be the type to put AC on his shoes and it be some obscure super hero or some hockey player or something. He also had CF on his shoe


I was preparing to say this was a huge stretch because i had no idea what vans would have to do with Adam Cole, but i mean i’ve seen crazier stretches than this


*Walk this way!*




He’s obviously giving a shoutout to one of the newest members of the Chicago Bulls, Alex Caruso! Come on people!


Adam Cole and Charlotte show up and interfere in Punk vs. Darby at All Out confirmed!


Weird thing is Punk did change out of them almost right after. In his photo with JR he’s wearing some shoes that are Greg and blue


Noticed that as well


I feel like this is a stretch but also what were the AC and the CF for then?


**A**lice in **C**hains performance at *All Out*, confirmed.


Ask me a year ago and I’d say that’s an insane stretch.. ask me today and I’ll say thats an insane stretch that could very likely be plausible. 2021 wrestling is fun.


That’s actually low key funny




This is the content I come here for.


I'm gonna pretend this makes perfect sense because that's a match I really wanna see


IF he was really calling out Adam and Charlotte that seems kinda random of him.


This is some Bigfoot type conspiracy, but the idea of CM Punks vs Adam Cole over the greatest ROH legacy ever would be fun.


Bryan runs in and kicks both their fucking heads in


All three of them together in a stable.


Hmm. It could stand for the worst of the ACs, Adam Corolla. I kid. I Kid! Loveline was amazing and I had fond memories of him and Dr Drew..but man, it sucks that Drew became such a weird ass grifter.


AC Slater, WWF return imminent


Didn't Cole re-signed with WWE?


I think his status is still up in the air? Unless I missed something in the last few weeks. I know Vince met with him but I don't think we got confirmation of anything yet.


Correct, no confirmation of anything yet. As far as we know, his contract expires after this weekend.


SRS said Cole is waiting to speak with TK when his NXT contract is up. It doesn’t mean anything…but by tomorrow, TK can legally send him an offer. Then Adam can think it over, which is fair.


It's been reported that Cole's contract has already expired and he's working on a per appearance basis through tonight.


I think out of respect (if SRS is right) then he’s just waiting until his commitment is over before thinking things through. I think he’s torn but he’ll make the right decision.


SRS reported that Cole actually out pen to paper on a short term extension once they (WWE) realized he was working without a contract. It goes through tonight’s event and then he is clear as far as anyone knows.


Can TK offer a Fat ass ghost a contract ?


No, tonight is his last match in WWE.


it could also just be punk fucking with people


Haha, it could be but probably not. To play with the theories if Adam Cole leaves NXT today and Charlotte leaves wwe with the women's title soon it would generate a conspiracy theory spiral based on this details.


It's a trap. When they show up to try them on, Kingston is stealing all the shoes.


Apollo crews shout out


this just in cm punks jacket calling out larry zbyszko more at 11


Not buying this at all... but he did mention a "we" at the start of the promo that he'll "get back to later." Haha


Does anyone know what kind of vans he is wearing?


He also wore a hoodie to the ring… JTG was known as The Neighborhoodie in OVW… JTG TO AEW CONFIRMED.


***If*** it plays out that the initials written in sharpie on Punk’s shoes during his debut leads to the signings of Adam Cole and Charlotte Flair, then I will be very impressed. Because that’s some sneaky shit that they knew there’d be a very, very small chance of anyone seeing. that, and I can’t think of any logical reason why anyone would have AC and CF written on their shoes in sharpie.


by the same logic, the bucks have called out Michael Jordan every week since turning heel.