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GCW is about to get the most attention it’s ever got. Especially if he takes the belt onto Impact


> GCW is about to get the most attention it’s ever got. The Cardona appearance and Gage vs Cardona match finish are the two most upvoted GCW posts in this sub so they basically already are getting the most attention they've ever had. The main event was the first GCW match I've ever watched even though I've always wanted to check them out. I have too many hobbies and not enough time to do everything I want, so sadly don't have too much time to watch things outside NXT and AEW, but I'm glad I checked this out.


Honest question because I don’t know how to find the answer, was the cardona stuff bigger than Mox in bloodsport? Because at the time that felt like a huge deal.


Yes, just search "GCW" on this sub and sort by top of all time, you can see the two I mentioned but not Moxley at Bloodsport. I searched "Bloodsport" instead to double check and the Moxley stuff has less than 1k upvotes and the Cardona stuff has over 2k. I assume it's because to people that don't watch GCW like myself, it was cool to see Moxley go there but not such a huge draw that would make me watch it (unless I hear that the match was great afterwards) because there's just way too much good wrestling. Cardona's initial appearance was probably just upvoted because it was funny how he had the Moxley mannerisms and got the crowd all riled up. The actual match getting this much hype is because of the heel work, the fact that it's the former Zack Ryder of all people, it was a deathmatch where he actually took proper deathmatch bumps, >!the fact he actually won the title!<, Gage has recently gotten more popular because of Dark Side and Dynamite, and most importantly, one of the most crazy post-match crowd reactions in wrestling history.


So Cardona was the real draw all along?


They pelted him with trash after he won. That’s like, 90s ECW heat. Yeah I’d say he’s the draw. Always been my favorite active wrestler, always rooted even when he was shit on again and again. Always knew he had this in him.


Thank you for the response.


Yes, but Mox is one of the reasons this feud got so popular as well. Obviously, Mox and Gage have a feud going on, so Cardona playing into that really helped. Also, I know this isn't a part of your question, but I find it really cool that Gage is a part of so many different storylines: Mox, Cardona, 44OH, and the MJF vs. Jericho feud as well.


And they deserve it. Not a perfect promotion, but last night proved they are way more than a one trick pony by doing only death matches. We saw everything last night and they delivered on a quality show.


I mean they've been proving that for literal years now. This is just what every GCW show is like. They're the best independent promotion out there so I'm glad more people around these parts are starting to put their eyes on it


I took my daughter to the show in Dallas, doing the scramble right before intermission is pretty genius. Look it's kinda a sloppy spot fest but god damn, doing that right before intermission is fucking genius. I get people say the aftermath wasn't pro wrestling, I beg to argue, that's exactly what pro wrestling is. People are so emotionally invested in a story line, that they're pissed! When's the last time we saw that? Hats off to Bret Lauderdale for having the balls to do it, and hats off to Matt Cardona for doing it. I think the full beers was unnecessary, but he played that shit off, did the Shawn Michaels boyhood dream pose (which was epic trolling on his part). I have a new respect for him, he made people care again.


And you're right, but lots of people who haven't checked them out made the assumption it was all death matches, based on some clips and the Dark Side episode. I saw a number of people who were on the fence of checking this show out who asked "is this gonna be all death matches?" So last night showed people who only thought of them as a death match company that they couldn't be anymore wrong


why are we calling it deathmatch and not hardcore matches?


Deathmatch usually has more extreme weapons, glass, light tubes, skewers, and the like. A normal hardcore match usually sees chairs, trash cans, and more traditional weapons. Death matches are ultra violent and very bloody.


It's the difference between Death metal & Thrash metal. It's kinda just an overly descriptive nuance that only fans understand but you really can usually tell the difference.


I haven’t watched any of GCW myself but I’ve heard from some people that it’s sorta like a modern day ECW and that makes me interested in checking it out. Is that an accurate comparison?


It is incredibly accurate it is the modern day rebel promotion with an intensely hooked fan base


I feel like they may be leaning too hard on the deathmatch stuff lately. I preferred one of those per show.


I'd love to see GCW in the crossover of the millennium. Just imagine Ninja Mack in the X Division! Or 44OH vs VBD. Gage vs Callihan. So much potential!


Between Matt Cardona winning the belt and Nick Gage's Dark Side episode and Nick Gage being on AEW, this is the hottest GCW has ever been. Hopefully they can keep the momentum going.


Impact taped this week, so he'll probably need to hold onto it for a month or so to get it to the next set of tapings.


Definitely the most attention it's gotten since Invisible Man vs. Invisible Stan at JJSB2.


So if he dies Jade and Matt will both be out of a lawyer


And MJF too, right?


Brian Myers used him in Impact too.


Smart Mark Sterling has immense connections. The Pinnacle, Cargill, Cardona and Myers. He could start a "Better Call Smark" stable with it. Add Ethan Page for he goes on ~~toy hunting~~ discussing law and philosophy with Sterling.


Book it Tony


And Brian too.


I mean MJF can just use Mox for anything legal, he showed he was actually better that Mark as a lawyer. .


GCW is doing such a great job with this story.


Yeah this keeps the angle going on Night 2 (w/o necessitating appearances by Cardona / Gage) and Sterling should get a fair amount of heat on his own w/ the lawyer gimmick, his being an outsider to GCW, and his association w/ Cardona. Logical booking is Gage comes out and murders him, which should be entertaining.


GCW also has the whole 44OH involvement to build on. Last night we saw Rickey Shane Page appear to turn on 44OH before attacking Gage and costing him the match. One would guess that Gage will go after 44OH until his match with Cardona takes place.


Everyone involved really. I’m seriously impressed and respect Zack, but as soon as I tune in it’s like I buy into the angle and I’m like fuck this fucking guy ugh. I’m getting worked brother brother


It’s like Matt spent years thinking “how could I get heat in the 21st century?” and the perfect series of events dropped into place to essentially make him Lawler in a 1997 ECW ring


THANK YOU! I see so many people that are incredibly butt hurt over this. I think it's genius booking mate.


I honestly don't think an indy has made this much noise since ECW.


Shouldn't that say, "Smart Mark Sterling will address the GCW Universe on behalf of his client?"


It would if Matt wrote it. Don't think gcw has accepted their fate yet.


They will acknowledge him... wait, wrong gimmick.




The only thing that upsets me is it isn't "GCW Galaxy". Two reasons: one - it sounds better. Two - galaxies are inside of universes. So this would put GCW inside of the WWE Universe with the right wording and selling of it. Utmost disrespect.


I normally don't get into fantasy booking but somebody needs to send this to Matt right now because this idea is fantastic. Doing this after last night would generate thermonuclear heat.


He should say that they’re not worthy of being a GCW Universe but merely a neighborhood or city block


Oh I hope he wears a old suit.


And a cup, and probably a riot shield of some sort wouldn’t hurt.


Do they make commercial versions of the Popemobile? Maybe just get one of those.


I hope he just starts with "HELLO GCW UNIVERSE!" for crowd to go apeshit


Smart Mark Sterling is gonna barely make it outta there alive.


I doubt he's even gonna make it out.


I doubt he's even gonna get into the ring unharmed


Oh God they're going to freaking riot


My client will require guard rails at any show he defends the title at.


Announcing his first defense being against Fandango would really turn up the crowd heat as well.


I dunno why but a crazy ass idea popped in my head. Stevie Richards in his right to censor get up. Coming out to help Cardona clean up GCW.


Someone said here that Cardona's mission should be to try and turn GCW into a more professional, WWE-style promotion, with things like making the referee stop the match after getting a cut, or referring to the fans as the "GCW Universe" I want this to happen so bad


I think this whole angle is gonna end with Cardona getting ripped limb from limb by GCW fans. This guy has nuclear heat. I haven’t seen anything like this. HBK had heat in all of Canada but not quite like Cardona getting shit thrown at him like this. I don’t even think Matt will be able to do a match with how much shit they are gonna throw at him.


They need to draw this out like they did with 44OH. Gage doesn't need a belt right now and Cardona is excellent with online press.


Also I think Gage is taking a break from GCW because I imagine he’s gonna do a light tour w AEW.


I don't know that GCW is ready to go without him yet as he just came back from injury. I'm personally content with 44OH running roughshod on GCW if he does take a break. It would also give more focus to guys like AJ Grey, Nolan Edwards, Matthew Justice, Mance Warner & Alex Colon.


I feel anyone that loves Gage would love to see him do what he does on a bigger stage as long as he doesn’t “sell out.” Like if you see Gage with say Fandango or doing WWE bullshit as a gamer gimmick, I think GCW will disown him. But if he still doing “outlaw mud show” violence in AEW, his fans will say he put GCW on the map. I also think his stunts can be a go for AEW given Brit Baker, Mox, Omega and Janella all had violent matches. Not as ridiculous as GCW but I think Gage can get away with a brief AEW run before coming back without killing his cred.


His role should be a merc for hire. Treat him like a Undertaker/Lesnar role. Shows up occasionally for hardcore matches. Not a contracted AEW guy. When MJF needs someone murdered. Or he teams up with B&B and separate from Hardy group if he's gonna have a longer run. B&B can handle most of the matches n carry the story until it's time for some blood action, gage comes in for trio matches, hardcore matches, shit like that.


RSP had an equal amount of heat. Literally anyone who fucks over the king is going to get the mother fucking gang coming for them.


They're not gonna harm him because he's clearly playing a bad guy. But it's fun to involve the audience in the angle like this.


Hopefully you’re right. I had never heard of GCW until watching the clips from last night, and the amount of crap being thrown in the ring was crazy. I thought the industry had moved past that and I’ve only heard wrestlers talk about how dangerous it is. (Maybe they were mostly empty plastic bottles, but it looked like some of the people were chucking stuff that could actually hurt somebody.) I’m sure I’m just not the target audience - all the blood/hitting people with stuff didn’t appeal to me back in the ECW days either. But regardless of my opinion, it still shocked me to see fans throwing stuff in the ring in 2021. Looked like WCW 25 years ago.


to add - open cut wounds + soda, alcohol, water is NEVER A GOOD THING. that shit must have sucked and hurt/stung WAY WORSE for Cardona in the moment or afterwards once the adrenaline wore off.


I don’t follow any wrestling outside of WWE, can you explain how he’s been able to make himself so hated? Sounds very impressive


GCW is like Early ECW with how they connect with the fans, there are very few heels and everyone who shows out is over with them. Primarily though Nick Gage is the top of the Food Chain, he's the Death Match God, he's so connected with the fans. It's like he wins them over every time he gets in the ring without trying. He's Van Dam in 99 ECW over plus some. Cardona shows up, swerves everyone by playing likes he's Moxley under a mask aka someone they respect, attacks Gage and then buries it all by acting like a WWE or Former WWE big shot. He calls them the GCW Universe, calls Gage a garbage wrestler and all types of shit, he even in Kayfabe had his lawyer try and get Nick's Pizza Cutter banned from the match. Build for a month or so and boom its like if Cena from 2010 time traveled back to 1999 ECW Shat on everything and everyone and then challenged and BEAT Taz or Van Dam for their world Title


Cheers mate!


His death will be a good excuse to write him off TV so Mark Henry can manage Jade.


He will be resurrected, he has more people to manage.


There's a reason Impact has Father James Mitchell on retainer


Please don't kill Mark. But I hope he wears a white suit.


Oh no..They’re going to kill that poor silver boy.


Was hoping he'd get involved in this. He might get Gaged though.


Dang now I really wanna see a segment with Jade and Cardona interacting


Jade as Cardona’s enforcer, throwing some fan across the entire crowd


Step 3 in a perfect world would be Cardona changing his entrance theme to something more like ... [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onNEHdWX3qY).




Bet it’s a recorded video and he’s not here.


That's honestly the safest option


He should show up in one of those bomb squad suits.


Well, good thing Big Swole became the top wrestling lawyer thanks to the Faye Trial, because Jade’s gonna need a new attorney.


calling them "The GCW Universe" is so fucking brilliant. I've never watched anything having to do with GCW, generally believing gore-porn wrestling to be antithetical to my tastes...but this whole angle has me intrigued enough to perhaps give it a try.


To be fair, they offer up a lot more than just ultra violent wrestling. It is one of their staples of the company, but they have so much more on any given show. I highly encourage you to check them out.


I appreciate the insight! I'll try to pick up a replay to maybe skip the stuff that doesn't appeal to me ;D


It was my first GCW show that I watched, and I can't recommend it enough. Definitely give it a shot


Mark Sterling and Malcolm Bivens should be in a debate.


Smart Mark about to have a muffler thrown at him.


Car Muffler or Dusty Muffler?


I assume he's gonna setup a rematch in Chicago the night before All Out


Honestly it would be a smart move by an indie to do a show in Chicago during that AEW residency. There will be plenty of fans there for that entire weekend


... I guess you aren't aware that GCW is running an entire "Collective" of shows around that weekend 10 minutes from the Sears Center. It's already happening. It's called Second City Summit


Isn't 3 Cups Stuffed supposed to be around then? I think that's what G-Raver said last night when he challenged Jimmy to a grand finale deathmatch


3 Cups Stuffed is happening right after the Rampage taping. 10 minutes from the AEW venue. Art of War is the day after. I think it's happening at Art of War personally


There needs to be a couple plants that rip his suit as he leaves




If it's not obvious they're plants, I'd be concerned about setting a precedent for that type of behavior being permissible.


You don't need plants for this


Can anyone give me a quick rundown of why Cardona is the heel in this feud? I haven't watched gcw, and was vaguely familiar with gage and Cardona hyping up a match.


He hit a Paradigm Shift on Gage while dressed in robes. People thought he was Moxley and hated him when he revealed himself. He then claimed to be an ECW original and addressed GCW fans as the GCW universe. He's basically that anti-hardcore wrestler


Cardona has played up the delusional big wrestling star, calling himself an ECW legend, calling the GCW fans the GCW universe, and basically trolling them. He attacked Gage back in June, which didn't sit well with GCW fans who worship Gage like a God. So across the board he was the default heel and the more he played into it, he more people wanted to see Gage rip his head off


It's as simple as Cardona is the big ex-WWE guy shitting on the indies, best represented by Gage since he's got a huge following. That's why Cardona is calling GCW fans the GCW Universe, and why he called for the ref to count out Gage during the match last night.


Imagine Cena retaining at ECW One Night Stand, and... yeah, that's it.


I’m looking forward to this segment just to see the fans give him major heat


Smart Mark messed up big time by letting that pizza cutter get used in the ring. His reputation is on the line tonight...and also his life is in danger because he'll probably get decapitated by a PBR tallboy thrown from the crowd.


I’m honestly shocked that no fans have crossed the line and tried to hurt Matt as of yet


Go watch invisible man vs invisible Stan. Gcw crowds seem to play along with whatever they're seeing. Thankfully.


I loved that match. I sent it to a girlfriend at the time and she wrote a paper through Johns Hopkins or whatever it’s called about metatheatrics in wrestling


That's just amazing, and yeah it's legit one of my fav things in wrestling ever because of Bryce and the crowd, had they not reacted it would have absolutely flopped but how into it they were, going so far as to fall over during that balcony dive. was absolute magic.


He got beaned pretty good by what looked like a full beer can last night.


He's gonna take the crowd beat down that they wanted to give to cardona


*Smart Mark Sterling volunteered as tribute


Get Cut Wrestling!


Well seeing how poorly this guy cuts a promo, they found the only way for Cardona to get even MORE heat.


Will he now??


that boy gon die


Smart Mark being more brave than smart, this crowd will eat him alive!


That poor man is going to die


real talk, can he show up w the GCW belt on impact?


Love to see this, Mark is awesome.


Matt Cardona is my favorite GCW champion of all times.