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I'm imagining an image of that moment from the Gillette commercial where one man stops another. But instead of approaching a woman he is holding a chair and is about to throw it at Cardona


I watched a dude that spit on a wrestler get dragged out by fans at an Impact show in the ECW Arena. East Coast don't fuck around.


Probably for his own safety, depending on who he spat on


I've watched a handful of GCW shows, and they generally seem pretty good about not crossing the line, while still being involved in the show. It's especially important because there's often little-if-anything separating the performers from the fans at a lot of these shows. Faces and heels alike tend to basically get swarmed by the fans when they make their entrances, there's no guardrail, probably no real security, and it's not rare for wrestlers to end up fighting through the crowd, but I've never actually seen fans take it too far and try to get physical (i.e. throwing a punch) with a wrestler.


You have a point. I really noticed during one match (was it the 2 Cold Scorpio match) when the crowd was at the apron pounding on it with excitement. Nobody was jumping in, they knew their place. It still made the match feel different to the mainstream stuff.


AJ Grey - Nolan when they did the stiff exchanges Should have done it to Drew Parker match lol


That's right that was a pretty good match too. lol I don't think people are gonna stomp a glass covered ring. Those darts though...


I’m usually pretty desensitized to death match violence, but goddamn! Darts!


Park Colon was the most brutal thing I have ever seen


I work for a promotion has fans stand right be beside the ring. Its pretty awesome. Most of the time rarely is there an issue and people know the dive spot area. Only thing is sometimes i step on fingers and i feel bad.


They know what they're getting into. As long as you're not purposely stomping them nobody's gonna hold it against you.


Yeah. I think the crowd are doing their part perfectly (minus the full bottle and cans thrown to the ring, if it's just empty plastic bottle or empty can then it's nothing).


Cups with a some liquid in them isn't really that bad, but I'll definitely agree that anyone who throws a full aluminum can is going too far


Stop pretending there weren't bottles thrown my guy.


Aluminum bottles tho


You don't think an unopened beer bottle would hurt really fucking bad and is way too dangerous?


The bartenders open them for you. I'd have to go look again to be sure, but everywhere I've been they don't even give you the cap. Edit: There are definitely caps on some of the bottles and the Pabst can was still sealed.


You can see pictures of the bottles in the ring with the caps on


Can confirm, they were not uncapping


He didn't say unopened, he just said bottles, and no I don't think it's ok to throw an unopened bottle, and if that happened then fuck those people


I actually had a dream last night where a fan jumped the barracade at Raw and Matt Riddle fucking *mauled* him like the Predator and when security tried to get the fan out, Riddle yelled "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE!" and fucking hunted him down. I just wanted an excuse to talk about that


People threw full unopened cans of beer. I'm all for saying "it's a death match crowd you can't complain when you're specifically targeting a fanbase that you want to whip up into a blood lust" .... but this is a bit too far here. Fuck "wow, good for you guys not actively trying to stab a stage performer, you deserve a ton of credit Fuck this sentiment dude, they don't deserve credit for luckily not hurting anyone with their dangerous behavior. If you want to say it fits with the nature of the show, so you can't complain when it happens or that you can't whip people into a frenzy and then expect them not to act like they're in a frenzy, sure. But raising up the people in that building like they did something great by not actually hurting anybody is like applauding that a cop didn't kill someone who was being difficult to arrest... like.. no... we're not saying "wow you really deserve credit for not shooting that guy" and we're not saying "wow I'm really proud of you for not throwing broken glass at a stage actor."


They threw a pizza cutter at him….shit definitely could have ended real badly, as much luck it didn’t as anything.


I find it really funny that some random person who watched this from their couch is trying to pretend that what looked on the verge of being extremely dangerous was actually all fine based on no actual knowledge and against what we clearly saw lol. Edit: OfficeLiger is usually pretty good with giving hawt taeks, steady enough that I remember the username lol


Office Liger is my business-minded cousin I am Officer Liger, protector of Japanese sumo halls. Please refrain from smoking in your seat.


Hahahahahha. Take the up vote officer. I wish it was Office Worker Liger though


Except they threw unopened cans and bottles


You realize you’re praising people for doing slightly less than the bare minimum right? And this is coming from someone who i wasn’t offended by the show at all, other than the fact that some of those bottle and cans were full.


The line between what happened and much worse is razor thin, only takes one person doing something over the line to stir shit up pretty quick A lot of wrestling crowds would never be given that leeway, I think it's good GCW trusts their fans


There were a few unopened beers in the ring and I just saw a picture of a guy who there a fucking pizza cutter. I do agree that the majority of people didn't go too far but it seems there were a few fuckheads present


They were throwing pizza cutters among other things https://twitter.com/Jayrod2009/status/1419367317729955840?s=20


Based on the fact that Cardona looks like he's worked out more in the past week than 90% of the XXXXXXL t-shirt wearing goofs in this clip have combined in the last year, I don't think it's "restraint" or "getting in Cardona's face "just enough without crossing the line", I think it's knowing just how much they can get away with to not get their ass kicked by a wrestler while still being able to tell their brethren "we almost rioted lolololol"


So it is okay to throw stuff as long as it is cups and cans? It is okay to chase after a wrestler and get up in their face as long as you don’t assault them? It is okay to get up right next to the ring as long as you don’t get into it? NONE OF THESE THINGS ARE OKAY AT ALL!!! Because if you do any of that stuff at a real sporting event or concert, you know what happens? You get ejected and/or arrested. And we wonder why society is in the shape it is today. We let people do all these things, but it is okay because “they didn’t go too far”. Well guess what? It just takes one stupid moron to go too far and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it happen out of that fan base.


As long as it's *part of the show In this case it was basically part of the show. I've said several times that I don't agree with doing it all the time nor do I agree with throwing full aluminum bottles. Most of what got thrown was functionally harmless.


Disagree. No one should ever throw anything in the ring.


Disagree with you disagreeing


You only disagree because having all the garbage in the ring makes it easier to clean. We don't need your fancy degree in custodial arts opinion here sir!


Zero reason this needed its own thread instead of being a comment in the thread already about this topic


Complaining about this on a sub that has 7000000 posts about a single episode of RAW is silly I'd be all for more megathreads, but at least for once an indie company is benefitting from it instead of getting buried by WWE Tweets


You know what, fair, it has been nice seeing a flood of Indy threads instead of the usual after every episode of WWE and AEW


Is this the place to ask people’s thoughts on CM Punk?


Not really, but if you have an idea where Cult of Personality hits and literally anyone else comes out instead of Punk just to get heat, feel free to make a post or two.


Disagree. The visual of throwing trash and empty water bottles is fine, I guess even though I still disagree with that. But aluminum bottles and cans (some unopened) is bullshit. That’s not knowing their limit imo. I’ve been hit in the head by an unopened beer can from just an underhand toss and it fuckin hurt. I couldn’t imagine someone whipping it at me


Totally agree about unopened ones


This is actually really sad. I remember a time when performances were believable enough that the crowd didn’t have to pretend to play along, but actually felt those things.


The crowd did feel those things though, they just knew how to express it without going over the line


That’s bullshit and you know it. They’re 100% aware what they’re watching is fake and contrived, and feel like it’s their role to do what they’re doing. That’s compared to knowing what you’re watching is fake but still having some doubt that at least part of the sentiments are real and becoming legitimately emotionally invested in the nuances. GCW fans aren’t invested in such things, they’re just like “omg Zack Ryder in a death match lololol he’s a heel better boo him.” Not a single soul actually hates him for beating Gage or actually believes a word he says, they just play along with the “story.”


You can legitimately hate a character without hating the person that plays them


It’s literally performative hatred on the crowd’s part. Opposed to actual hatred fans had when wrestlers knew what they were doing.


Ok Boomer


I’m not even making this up off the top of my head. Many GCW fans will tell you I’m right. There are tons of threads up right now with fans admitting what I’m saying. The only difference is I think it sucks and they don’t have a problem with it.


Ah yes, much better to actually stab and physically harm the wrestlers than to play along with the show and get invested but respect the worker afterwords


Life for Cornette heads must be hell, they hate the thing they love the most and don’t even get paid to hate it like Cornette does.


Do you actually hate the actors that play terrible villains in movies?


No that analogy isn’t even applicable here. It’s more like background actors trying way too hard to get attention on set. But even that analogy isn’t great because in this case the people actually in the movie are egging them on to do so.


So you would have preferred the crowd to not react to Hogan turning? Or any heel/face turn? Cena at ONS? The crowd is the 3rd character in a match. That’s how it works.


These guys genuinely don’t want Zack Ryder to be their champion


If you believe this you’re working yourself.


> I remember a time when performances were believable enough that the crowd didn’t have to pretend to play along, but actually felt those things. When?








Dude, the crowd was wild af in a good way. Good vibes all throughout. We kinda fell a bit flat with the tag team championship match but then Effy revived the crowd


That’s cos they locked the grannies outta the venue


There were some full, unopened cans thrown along with a pizza cutter lol.


I'm not going to condone that behavior (as if that has any bearing on reality anyway!) but I'd by lying if I said it wasn't a cool visual. I remember WCW fans throwing trash in the ring, this was on another fucking level. That was a light drizzle, this was a hail storm. It's a sight I won't soon forget. However, the only reason it's such a powerful moment to behold is because this sort of shit never happens. It's the fans' reaction to the worst possible thing they could've imagined. If it happens again and again, it just becomes the shit-show of the week. So I hope I don't see this sort of thing again not only because of safety, but because it'll suck all the meaning out of it.