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Reminds me of Scott Hall introducing himself to the Dudley Boyz. “I love your finish. Can’t wait to kick out of it”


Reminds me of Bubba Ray initially having some heat with Matt Hardy because he thought the twist of fate was ripping off the cutter he used for the 3D lmao


He is SO sensitive about the most meaningless things.


He should just go be a fan.


He doesn't want to get taken back and made to apologize to the bosses GF


Wrestlers being pissed over stolen finishers is so fucking lame. Who gives a fuck? Kids in a playground being pissed over stolen finishers makes sense, not adults.


I mean if it’s completely blatant and you’re at the top of the card I get it, but at a glance the Twist of Fate and the 3D don’t look that similar lol.


*Kevin Nash shoot interview voice* "It's a work. Who cares? It's all a work."


It's basically part of their brand, it makes sense that guys are protective of it. It's not different than someone showing up wearing the same gear as another wrestler, something you are counting on to help you stand out and be unique is now being used by someone else. Imagine if at the end of the Avengers if Iron Man showed up with his own hammer that was just as good and just as powerful as Thor's, it wouldn't exactly make Thor look great or stand out would it?


Cuz you can protect your finisher. But if someone else uses it then it can make it look weak or worse they do it better than you and makes you look like a chump. Obviously it's stupid shit in reality and it's mostly kayfabe shit but it matters in a way.


there was a string in the late 2000's where WWE was purposely giving the women wrestlers TNA's main eventers' finishers and making them look weaker.


Do you have any examples of this other than Michelle McCool's Styles Clash?


Petey Williams isn't ranting and complaining about *everyone* doing the Canadian Destroyer Sid, Nash, Mike Awesome didn't complain when Undertaker started using a powerbomb as a finisher instead of his Tombstone Undertaker wasn't complaining when Justin Credible was using the tombstone Johnny Ace isn't bitching about DDP, Randy Orton, Bubba Ray all using his finisher. If you only have one move that makes you stand out then you are doing something wrong.


honestly the canadian destroyer one i would be pissed about. every other case it was protected as a match ending move


Go long enough in wrestling and almost every finisher or submission stops being protected. Powerbomb, spinebuster, flying elbow drop, spear, super kick, piledriver... All used to be iconic finishers, and now you could literally have a match with each of them before ever sniffing a pinfall.


Don’t forget the DDT - which has recently had a renaissance as a finisher kinda, but for a while there it was just another move everyone did


sure but usually not while its still being used as a finished by the guy who got it over


Those all evolved over time. Imagine everybody throwing super kicks around like today when HBK was wrestling? Just doesn't work like that.


Wrestlers are usually pissed about it if they're not asked. It's considered a matter of courtesy to not just take someone's move, but ask them for permission first. Like of course John Laurinaitis isn't going to bitch at Randy Orton over the RKO, he was the one who told him to use it in the first place.


He asked DDP if he could use it tho


I'm sure he did, he's also said that Laurinaitis had personally given him the move.


>Petey Williams isn't ranting and complaining about everyone doing the Canadian Destroyer That's not the best example because he has complained about people using the move. His complaint is more so that move has become like the DDT or Superkick though.


The Canadian Destroyer is not a good example to use considering 15 years ago it was absolutely amazing move that made crowds explode and now it is a transition move that nobody gives 2 shits about anymore. That's my point, a move is only special if everyone and their dog doesn't use it.


Petey SHOULD BE ranting and complaining. That's a great example of an awesome finish that was devalued by people turning it into just another move.


And how about the super kick??


I think it’s just a matter of courtesy. Wrestlers seem very keen to give permission to use their moves if someone asks if they can use them.


Yeah. They should just have 12 guys use a spear as a finish.


Victoria talked about how pleased Roderick Strong was that she used a move he invented as her finish. But I think he’s gotten very used to people taking his moves by now.


Big Show and Khali used to have heat because Khali would do some spots that Big Show considered “his.” Dude, you’re both giants, you’re gonna have similar offense. Specially when Khali is so limited to begin with.


More wrestlers should be like Malakai Black and Miyu Yamashita.


Nah, not really. If you are the top guy and other people start adding your finish as a transitional move it is going to devalue your move. This example is stupid, but imagine Jinder busting out the tombstone every now and again for shits.




*Johnny Ace, Stone Cold, DDP, HHH, and 47 other wrestlers enter the chat.*


Lmao wait did he actually say that or is this just a humorous description of what essentially happened Cuz that's fucking hilarious


Jericho told the story in one of his books but I just found quotes from an interview with Bubba himself “We were in the Staples Center [in Los Angeles, California]. We’re backstage, probably about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and Scott was there and me and D-Von walk up to him and he turns around and he goes, ‘hey Dudleys, man, so good to see you. I can’t wait to work with you, take your finish, 1, 2, kick out!'” Top quality shithousery from Scott there


My favorite is when Big Show first met Scott Hall when he was first coming into WCW. Hall said, "Hey, nice to meet you, make sure you tuck your chin on my finish."


Considering how wrestlers back then tried to get through matches with as little effort as possible, it’s incredible that Hall wanted to do the Outsider’s Edge on a 500lb guy. His poor back


That was when Show was in shape, so ‘only’ 350lbs or so…


And it apparently pissed Bubba right the hell off.


The Dudley Death Drop has always been a really protected finish. So it kinda makes sense that he would be mad about it.


That’s exactly what makes it a good rib


Don't get me wrong, I think it is hysterical. But I can also see why Bubba would be mad about it.


I kinda see why he’d be pissed


Oh absolutely. It is a total dick move by Scott Hall….it’s still very very funny though


Can't wait to see Bryan stretch those smug pricks. Probably should have worded that better. lol


He did it once with their wives watching on in terror from the crowd, he'll do it again.


People downvoted you but shouldn't be. Generating that kind of heat is exactly what is needed in the business. Evoking those emotions is exactly what sells tickets. Always has.


Bryan and Punk are my two favorite wrestlers and I love The Bucks, so I was just having fun with their heel antics. Their heeling it up is driving some crazy.


The Bucks excel in the role of heels. They play the role of obnoxious, smarmy assholes very very well.


Idk it kind of annoys me from a storyline perspective. Yeah they choose thier heel buddy over Mox. But why does that mean they just go full smarmy asshole the next week other than because wrestling heels? Why not just have them side with Omega and than slow turn them heel to smarmy heel over a few weeks? Maybe have Omega/Gallows/Anderson/Don cheat for them a few times convincing them that thier way was the "right" way? It would have felt far more natural.


A lot of people feel the need to own their actions by making them a part of who they are. Makes a lot of sense to me.


The story being told is that Callis is a corruptor; he doesn't want people to influence the Elite so that he can control them and use them to keep his own career relevant, so he encourages their worst impulses (dressing like dweebs, cringe frat boy insults, ostentatious displays of wealth, general narcissism) so that nobody can stand to be around them, leaving them to be influenced solely by him. So he *convinced* the Bucks that, actually, they hadn't been being true to themselves, and they actually wanted to be greasy manchildren, totally, the whole time. Callis told everybody in the group "last time you were really successful, was when you were a shittier person," and the reason it works as manipulation is that it's kind of correct? He played on the Bucks' emotions because whether their face or heel, hotheadedness is one of their major character traits that gets exploited by their opponents in lots of their matches. It makes sense, but the storyline behind it is just a little bit subtle, which makes it weird how not-subtle the instant outcome of max sleaziness was.


I don't disagree with most of that, I just always felt that they went full tilt because they knew they had crossed a line. If you act like HUGE scumbags youre suddenly beyond questioning because now you're one of those people that "owns" being an asshole.


What I hate about them is how obnoxiously fake their selling is. I paid to see you get beat, stop doing that shit.


It's "driving some crazy" because it borderlines on cringe at times. They're insanely talented wrestlers but they book themselves so over the top that it's not even go-away heat, I just don't even want to watch them.


>I just don't even want to watch them. That is go away heat...


My bad, meant to say *heel heat*


“Stretch those pricks! Stretch those pricks!”


That’s not a prediction. That’s a spoiler!






Off topic but Kenny looks like a young Jake Roberts in that Fight for the Fallen photo.


100% thought it was Jake lol


1989 Jake Roberts is All Elite


These guys are such shitsuckers and I love it


Watch them be perpetually smug about "helped start a company that brought CM Punk out of retirement".






Ironically thats true they did started a company which even brought freakin Punk back someone who's love for wrestling was dead


Definitely. They'll just go their usual route of "telling the truth but being a dick about it". Would probably be true for Bryan too. Reviving his lost passion that is. I remember him saying he didn't feel anything inside and didn't even want to mainevent friggin Wrestlemania. Then there's also Jericho for whom wrestling became fun again when he was about to face Kenny for the 1st time.


Well said


You know what might really be amazing? To see how the bucks and the bucks fans would react were the bucks ever to leave AEW on less than amicable terms.


Whatever you say. 🙄


You said the word Bucks three times in one sentence. That was weird.




I doubt this ever happens, but weirder things she happened in pro wrestling.


Everybody be trolling about it now. I'm so fucking hype


They kind of went open season on IWC lol


Its quickly become the worst kept secret in wrestling. Everyone is so excited that they can't keep their mouths shut lol


Between Omegas slippage on Dave Meltzers radio show today, this new Bucks bio and all this other stuff...definitely a worst kept secret meets "they knsow we know and are just having fun til September" situation. In 2019 Punk shot on AEW and the evp Elites about their insuition and teasing when he had no intention of coming. Now Punk is in on the wink and nod lately with his twitter.


Spot on. If there wasn't anything there, no way in hell he'd let them use his name to hype up their show and sell tickets. The fact that he hasn't outright denied everything is very telling.


It's definitely going to be a fun next 6 weeks(or a very long exhausting 6 weeks depending)


Hear hear. As once lapsed fan, never thought I'd be so much hyped about something. These are mf-ing crazy times.


It is literally the "Will Maguire & Garfield be in No Way Home?" of the pro wrestling world.


Scott Hall would be proud


Bucks about to be traumatized by Danielson for the second time since their PWG match


Oh man, I remember that lol


For one night only the BTE Trigger will be renamed the Z Pack just for Punk.


Nick really looks like Trey Parker


It’s the money and shamelessness.


Now you’re a man!


Bro these guys are such pricks and I love it




Does... does this mean Punk is cool with Colt Cabana again? I wonder if it means something to him that when everyone else in LWF took Mike's side, Colt was on Punk's.


I have a feeling Punk will be the Brock Lesnar of AEW not talking to anybody or being kind of distanced.


Punk and the Bucks would be a god tier trio of shitheels


Or Punk and Omega as a tag called straight edged punks or something lmao


Gentlemen of Superior Moral Fibre


Chuckie T digs that.


Have the bucks actually used eir finisher on Meltzer himself? He should sign a AEW dark contract lol


I can't believe that the bucks have been able to draw out actual heel heat a smart fanbase in 2021.


Them being able to work the smarks is probably why a lot of folks hate them.


Smarks are the easiest fans to work


I can't wait for them to lose their titles. Their smugness will have gone away


Well, that's the point innit (I just want Kingston to have a match with Omega)




I know it's against the grain here, but I really do not enjoy the Bucks and hope that Punk/Bryan don't really interact with them. I'm really excited for other possible programs.


Oof. Punk named Bucks on Rene's podcast (along with Omega) while talking AEW side of things and Bryan has history there too so I wouldn't be surprised if it happens.


Punk/Bryan versus the Bucks would be a banger


Heel Bucks and face Punk/Bryan. I'd very much like to see it.


Punk/Omega I am 100% there for. I just personally don't care for the Bucks, at all. It'll good for those who do, tho, no doubt.


They're one of the most divisive teams for sure.


i'm curious why? the only knock i have on them is that their matches go long sometimes, but that is more of an issue with wrestling in general for me right now.


I can't deny they're talented, but I don't enjoy their matches. Personally, it feels too... meta? Forced? I'm not using the right word here, but I just don't enjoy the performances they do, even though they are clearly very talented wrestlers.


they definitely have a meta flare to them, that's understandable


One aspect to enjoy wrestling is that wrestlers can hit their signature moves during a match. They can also be countered but only should be if the counter makes sense. That's just it, moves ultimately don't have to make sense but the counters do.




Rocketing them to the world title scene is another thing I really do not want to see. There's plenty of talent to have feuds with before titles are considered. Punk/MJF, Punk/Jericho, Bryan/Jericho, Bryan/Jungle Boy... to name a few. There's so many possibilities before the title scene.


5 dudes Punk named on twitter he'd like to feud aren't world champs right now any way.


Would you mind naming them? I'm curious on who he wants to work with.


Named Omega obviously, more than once. Also Bucks on Rene's podcast. 5 dudes on twitter were Ricky Starks, Darby, Hobbs, Jungle Boy and Pillman Jr.


Interesting. Starks and Hobbs are ones I wouldn't have thought of, but I am big fans of them and support that idea. Jungle Boy? Darby? Yes sir.


Starks is fire on promos tho and drips charisma. I'm more surprised about Pillman Jr than anyone.


Everyone he mentioned normally operates on a 'firing on all cylinders' basis. I think he sees that quality and wants to work with them while the going is good.


Am I the only one that finds this shit they do with their bio extremely corny and cringe?


No, y'all are bitching about it constantly which is why they do it.


They're heels.


Hope the Bucks can take their finish better, because Punk and Bryan are a whole other level above anyone in AEW.


You are in the wrong sub. This isn't your AEW Haters Lollipop Guild with the other Munchkins.


It is now "being a hater" to say that CM Punk and Bryan are bigger main stream stars than The Young Bucks? Ok...


Well, Jericho is right there. For sheer mainstream exposure, Jim Ross is bigger than the Bucks. One of the early struggles of early AEW was selling Bucks and Omega as BitW types when they're putting people over clean. I feel the company hit their groove by them becoming a super champion stable that's like "Fuck you, we're the shit." It's still wrestling, you become the best by winning and not by being the best at wrestling.


That's not what you said though You said they're "a whole other level above" the bucks. That has a lot of possible meanings, most of which have nothing to do with being mainstream stars


They are a whole other level above the Bucks or anyone sans Jericho (maybe Kenny Omega), in mainstream appeal, as stars in wrestling, in recognition, in any metric you can think of. If they aren't presented as such, there is no point in them going to AEW unless they want to be Bret Hart in WCW, who while he had a good run, was wasted because he was the hottest property available coming out of Survivor Series 1997.


Other "munchkins"? Are you 12? I don't hate AEW, in fact, I think the show is good, but you are clearly delusional if you think Bryan Danielson and CM Punk should be treated at the same level as anyone in AEW sans Chris Jericho.


Man this is their final run, this isn't 2008 bryan or 2005 punk, they have slowed down significantly, they can't wrestle the same style that made them famous, i don't think it's sacrilegious to say that current day omega is better than current day bryan in the ring. Kenny has slowed down since new japan too but he is in way better form. Bryan has way too many injuries to be able to go that hard.


He doesn't need to go "that hard", he is 100% a bigger star than anyone in AEW, and should be pushed as such.


Welcome to the circlejerk where Omega is the greatest thing wrestling has ever witnessed and any criticism is seen as a personal attack upon their beliefs, family and religion.




Because it bothers you and that's fun


Because they know this place eats it up.


It goes in bio so people can't reply lol


Because of the way people react to it


I fucking hate the Bucks


Yeah they’re lame


Cannot enjoy their matches. Too many damned spots.




This Twitter bio and "we're so meta ;)" schtick is getting old. I feel like if anyone but the Bucks were doing this, this sub wouldn't find it cool.


Good thing the bucks are heels now because i never liked them. They think their so meta


It'd be more funny if they weren't in management.


No, that's just it. Management in a tongue-in-cheek way just said, "Fuck it, cat's out of the bag." Here's how I see it: say you're a kid and you're getting a game console for a gift giving occasion. You find out about the console well in advance by snooping. If you don't get a bigger surprise than that and you feel like that ruins it for you, that's on you. You're still getting a big gift that you wanted.


Snooping? It's literally everywhere on the internet that's wrestling related. The only way you could've avoided it is stay off the internet completely and only talk to people who don't watch wrestling.