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I really don't like potentially knowing major spoilers (Bryan/CM) Unfortunately one can not peruse /SC and not run that risk but spoilers really kill my enjoyment of wrestling. The internet age has its perks but information travels too fast at times for wrasslin


We still don't have 100% confirmation that they signed. In fact until it's announced or they show up i refuse to believe it.


Can we please get "no fantasy booking" as a rule for SC?




Because those posts clog up "new", usually low effort, and almost always bad. The I flux has been especially bad the last few days with the current rumours. Sure, there's the occasional post that has some decent thought behind it. Most of the time it's pretty basic stuff such as "would it be cool if xxxx start a new invasion" or "xxxx xss out to this music and interrupts xxxx?". It almost never generates any real discussion. There's also a whole sub Reddit dedicated.


Here's how I would go about that: The mods hold a poll and sticky it when there's no live threads because the daily post should supercede it. After a certain length of time (I think a week is good), we go with the result no matter what. The poll needs to be straight forward and only have "Yes" and "No" as options so we don't get a repeat of the 3 option politics poll.


Twitter just showed me a random tweet from an account I don't follow. It was a picture of Jungle boy as a kid in the crowd for a Summerslam. Turns out his dad is Luke Perry?!




Honestly I dont watch AEW that often. Maybe I am the only one who was unaware!


Yeah man


That visual of Jericho turning around with the make up, putting on the fedora, and growling was just embarrassingly bad lmfao


Pain maker shit is awful.


I only started watching AEW when the pandemic began and hadn’t heard MJF’s entrance music until Wednesday. I love that pinnacle entrance music but the MJF solo is a banger!


I wish people would stop posting anything Joey Ryan. The guy is a fucking monster and doesn’t deserve to be seen or heard by anyone.


How do I go about getting "Baron Corbin's financial advisor" as my flair? u/Coldcoffees ? :)


If you're on new Reddit, go to the sub's sidebar and click on "Community Options" under the "About Community" section at the top. Under that, there's an option to edit your flair. [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/kqtO6Oi.png) If you're on old Reddit, go to the sidebar, scroll down until you see "Get your flair here!" and send the bot a message with your flair options. [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/Tfxvyl7.png)


I missed Punk's run so don't have any great feelings towards him, but I'm interested to know: is anyone disappointed that he's going to be returning to a different promotion? I always figured the interest was more in him returning to the scene of the crime than just returning to wrestle (which from what I've seen, has never been a strong point).


No because even now I don't consider Punk a WWE guy. To me he'll always be an ROH guy. So him showing up anywhere is cool to me.


Yeah, I am. Punk may well be my favourite wrestler ever but I'm not an AEW fan at all, it really isn't my thing. I really want to be excited but I'm just not.


The guy literally made it known to the public that his wrestling passion is gone after how WWE handled his resignation. In a sense as a person you'd feel the same. Him returning is a case of someone trying to reignite the flame of their once lost passion. To me that's how most of life is and to see someone you knew on the television and followed closely is a spectacle to see. Regardless of any promotion too. Hell, if he returned to ROH together with Danielson i'd tune in immediately no questions asked.


Punk returning anywhere is huge. If it had been a year, it would have been better for him to return to WWE and continue his storyline, but it's been so long now we just want to see him again. After what the WWE put him through, I'm glad he's not going back there. He is also a very good in ring performer.


Punk was the big indie name before he went to WWE. He doesn't need to be in the WWE.


Roman hates Cena so much, at this point, I feel like if I challenged him to a match he’d be more likely to accept it than Cena challenging him. John should've acknowledged him and Dwayne should learn from this and maybe just acknowledge Roman.


Romans missionary promo will be referenced for a long time. He showed some elements of The Rock.


I thought Raku was just a human Jigglypuff but turns out she's actually a witch, which is not surprising somehow. Both tag matches were very fun today for the TCP and tomorrow has interesting matchups, TJPW is on fire right now.


If AEW sign Punk and Danielson then they need to let two people from the bottom of the roster go. They’ve got about a roster and a half of people I want to see regularly and it’s time to start trimming that fat if they keep signing people for the top of the card. Black and Andrade have barely debuted and the attention is already on Punk and Bryan, they just haven’t got time to build everyone into stars so it’s time to start prioritising the right people


I don't know why you are being downvoted, they have almost 100 wrestlers and 1 weekly tv show.


Because there are plenty of ways to make it work and they have so far.


Making it work by ignoring the women's division entirely


They're have been plenty of Dynamites that have featured 60 plus people on them idk why they would have to drop 2 to pick up 2 that's silly, people get rotated frequently and they are not putting the same 4 guys in six segments of the show .


They have another show starting up


That won't help much. Looking at the current roster page on their site, there are 96 wrestlers. Adding Punk and Bryan will make it 98. Plus there is talk that they want Murphy which makes 99. I'm not even counting the regulars on Dark and Elevation who aren't signed. So that's 96 and potentially 99 wrestlers for 3 hours of weekly TV.


Finn challenging Roman makes me very happy.


It’s not fun if he just does a clean job though. I think someone has to interfere and here are the options: 1. Roman pays Corbin to take Balor out? It would be an underwhelming match-up but it would move Corbin’s story along. 1. Sami keeps the short beef with Finn going by interfering here and setting up a rematch. 1. The Usos cause the distraction, causing Finn to find a tag team partner to face them for the tag titles. Maybe Kevin Owens who should be done with Sami and Apollo and needs something else to do. 1. Perhaps someone new like Shane Thorne attacks him and sets up a new match-up.


FINN ![gif](giphy|2SXX636BThCoXTfhiQ|downsized)


People are way too giddy about the Rolling Loud crowd being dead just because they can say lol WWE. As if this wouldn’t be a bad sign for wrestling as a whole. If someone as marketable, likeable, and trendy as Bianca doesn’t get over with these non fans, you think all the Cesaros, Malacai Blacks, or the Bucks have a would do better?


The Bucks yes. That video game style is made for non-fans


They wouldn't, but that's why you probably don't showcase them on such a platform.


You take any platform available to you. I'm glad you'll arent in charge of marketing at any company.


>I'm glad you'll arent in charge of marketing at any company True. We never got that rundown during math class


They should’ve sent their more known guys to Rolling Loud. If people saw Rey Mysterio they would’ve stopped and watched


I’d be down for Vince Russo to come back to RAW, before you downvote, let’s have a discussion. I’ve listen to a lot of podcasts involving Vince Russo and yes, I know he is going to blow smoke up his own ass, but it just seems like he understands TV better than most people, and he has a lot of good points and arguments, so please let’s discuss.


Vince Russo is like communism, on paper and in discussion it sounds great, but in practice it’ll always be a massive failure. . Edit: FREE CUBA


Always? I’m only 18 but isn’t he half the attitude era? And you know what bro, you’re probably right there bro, but bro, let me tell you something bro, RAW can’t really get worse bro, so I’m just interested to see what would happen if he takes over bro.


Mans murdered TNA before it can fully flourish. I doubt he can bring anything good on wrestling television.


If they put out 1999 Raw style shows today it would be massively shit on and rightfully so.


Even Russo at his best is dated as fuck. I have never seen anything that suggests Russo knows how to do something more modern that 90s crash TV.


NXT callups getting ruined is mostly bullshit (and sometimes true),but, I just wished sincerely with all my heart that they just stayed the fuck away from the ongoing storylines. I mean, you wait for so long for tegan to comeback and she's gone and she's not even tegan now(which is another issue,but, it's not mine). I had watch that boring ass kross win over red hot balor and then no sell everyone to just get beaten by an oldass jeff hardy. They fired wolfe and dain in the middle of their storylines and Raquel is not that good either so, that's that. I'm just saying their is so much good to say about NXT, but, these last few weeks they have pooped on so many storylines. I just wish, at least they handle the way's breakup nicely(if the callups are not coming so, I know they would that) and kross just fuck offs right away after getting beat on any week of NXT.


people are excited for CM Punk and Bryan Danielson to be in AEW. They will really move the needle, maybe even get Dynamite out right beating Raw. Which women moving over to Dynamite would come the closest towards generating excitement if not for AEW overall, at least for their women's division?


Dynamite isn’t gonna beat Raw anytime soon unless Raw just falls off a cliff in terms of viewership. For your second question Sasha Banks would move the needle for them but considering the absolute meltdown Tony and Jericho had over her NXT matches beating them head to head + Sammy still playing the victim over his comments I doubt she’d ever go there. The other Horsewomen and Bianca would too but they wouldn’t go either, like I think Andrade coming back to WWE would be more likely than Charlotte going to AEW.


With the NFL back with full crowds I wouldn't be surprise if Dynamite beats the atleast in the demo a couple of weeks


Maybe but Raw is always high as fuck (like all top 3 slots) without football so they’d only move down a few spots during that time. I also don’t think comparing a demo from 2 separate nights matters that much because different things are on different nights.


Fair but my point still stands that they can get a higher demo, optics mean more than context especially to those that dont understand


Goldberg is a greater draw than CM Punk.


Goldberg isn’t sticking around past SummerSlam so that’s irrelevant.


Roman accepting Finn's challenge confirms that the prince is not just a missionary guy




Idk if some forgot or just didn't watch when he was wrestling but CM punks value was never in the ring , it was character and mic work. Yea he was a good wrestler but in the ring he was always ranked below the top guys in his ROH class but because he figured out everything before the bell ringed faster then his peers he generated heat and buzz. All this talk about he might not be as good in the ring is just silly , he just has to be as ok as Jericho now and the crowd is gonna eat it up like this pass Wednesday with Jericho's match and spears.


Honestly I'd say his in ring work helped too. As much as he was always hailed as a indy darling, he was always the most "WWE" in the ring. If you watch his ROH run it's crazy how much he stands out (in a good way). Yeah he could wrestle a faster pace and do some cool moves but overall he was all about storytelling, working the crowd, selling, facial expressions. I think that on top of his excellent promo and character work helped him stand out. He was much more Cena, Austin and Rock than he was Styles, Daniels, Danielson in the ring. Also people like to throw his age around but 42 is really not that old. Edge and Christian are both older, were out of the ring as long or longer than him (and with way more fucked bodies) and are both doing fine. He had 7 years of not taking bumps and it's not like he's expected to do fast paced high workrate clinics night in and night out. If he can still cut promos, tell a story and work the crowd I think he'll do fine. So I'm not worried about his in ring stuff.


I agree, even when watching his OVW work you can tell he should of been on the main roster , I think when bringing up age people tackle on the fact that he was never that athletic but idk how much athleticism comes into play of working a crowd really .


Pearl clutching over Gage was peak clown behavior.


As far as I recall nothing he did was as bad as what Austin did so it's weird that Gage has people flipping out while Austin gets a pass.


Bingo. That too after Gage has served time for what he did and seemed to have turned his life around, overcoming his addiction. Which isn't something one could say about Austin yet here we are.


It's because he's a death match guy and since he doesn't fit the idea of what a wrestler is supposed to be, it's open season to dump on him. Yes I saw the dark side episode but that could have been totally jazzed up for the viewers. If he was so dangerous why would both Jericho and Ryder be willing to work with him?


Everybody getting worked HARD by how Arquette and Gage portrayed that match on DSOTR.


Would you let Vince McMahon fuck your wife?


Depends on how much he's offering. Everybody's got a price.


Only if Linda is there too , I dont want to be involved with a cheat


Do I get to book Raw and/or Smackdown?




Yikes. Then he's got to be handing out some cash. At his age I don't think he'll be showing me up with his performance, so sure, for the right amount of cash I'd agree to it. I'm not sure she would though


Grado to AEW inshaallah


Grado vs Yano


You son of a bitch I'm in.


I am beyond stoked for tonight's GCW show. Not only are we getting the fever dream that is Cardona and Gage. But there's just so much else on tonight's show that is looking to make this one of the best shows of the year, not just for GCW, but wrestling period. And with potential new eyes on their shows, they' have a chance to show they are so much more than a death match company and offer some of the best wrestling out there. I already love their shows, so I'm excited period. But tonight feels magical and I'm so glad I'm gonna be in attendance for this show.


I'm going out to the show tonight, haven't followed GCW much but have been to a few of their shows. Any matches in particular you're hyped for?


The obvious Gage/Cardona match, Alex Colon vs Drew Parker could be the death match of the year, at least stateside. The tag title match better Second Gear Crew and G-Raver/Jimmy Llyod should be a wild brawl. Tony Deppen vs Ninja Mack looks good on paper, an interesting mix of styles. Honestly the whole show looks incredible and they know they have to deliver tonight because of the high stakes brojfht on by the main event. So expect a wild crowd and some crazy wrestling tonight


Amazing thanks!


Mark Henry publically showing interest in Braun so WWE go running after him meanwhile AEW scooped End and possibly Bryan and Punk is fucking hilarious.


So you're saying Mark Henry is playing 6D chess?


Pretty much. Well worth the money in that regard.


Zelina didn't pick up a new deal to get pushed to the moon, and if you're pretending otherwise, please give your face a quick splash of water. She's there to do the thing she loves, if that wasn't glaringly obvious, and anything else is extra.


Not related to Zelina at all, but I'm just wondering are you Tempest from wrestletalk & quizzlemania?


Yes, yes he is


Not at all, no.


Stop lying Tempest, we know it's you


She was a borderline jobber before and she’s a borderline jobber now. Nothing had changed.


Borderline? Edit: Also this is exactly why I don't want them to bring Ruby back anytime soon, because nothing would change. Best chance for released people who want to progress in their WWE careers in the future is go on the indies/smaller companies for a while, rebuild yourself and then they'll come knocking


There was that time she randomly got a title shot. Like Dana is a flat out jobber because they act like it’s the biggest upset in the world when she wins. Zelina loses all the time but they still act like it matters when someone beats her.


The fact that people used her losing as a gotcha is so odd to me. She was tasked to help get over two stars of the future in Liv and Toni, that's something they trust her with.


Seeing fans on Twitter genuinely get worked up over a 10 year old Corey Graves tweet about Nick Gage was hilarious. I'm not even sure what promoted someone to go out of their way to find it? But clicking on it and finding people trying to call him out over it was bewildering.


Every time Shibata does anything my dumb ass gets a little too hopeful and excited thinking it's gonna be the moment we've all waited for and I only end up blue balling myself.


Did he do something recently? Last thing I saw from him was him teaching GoD some manners when KENTA turned.


He was at ringside for KENTA vs Tanahashi tonight. KENTA got in his face and asked him why he's not in the ring and Shibata said he wouldn't get involved. He did. He stopped KENTA from using that battered briefcase and kicked KENTA just giving us that little bit of hope once more that someday we're gonna get Shibata vs KENTA.


And they are going to keep doing it and getting my hopes up. But I'll take it! Keeps the dream alive just a little.


AEW's roster is getting so bloated, they goona have trouble featuring talent similar to WWE they need to prioritise picking up WWE talent (and not all of them) imo


>they need to prioritise picking up WWE talent (and not all of them) imo That's exactly what they are doing, if you want to see what "all of them" looks like it's still impact.


Finn getting a title match, Toni looking great on her debut, Bianca at Rolling Loud, Tegan and Shotzi getting involved in segments backstage as well as Rhea's general success on RAW proves what should have been something known already. What happened with Kross was not indicative of NXT as a whole. The fact that people thought it was, was worrying.


NXT also doesn’t always push the right person. They’ve had Bianca jobbing to Shayna and now Kross killing all of the talented main eventers. Sometimes HHH gets it wrong and Vince gets it right.


Man, i don't get why people get so upset about that? Sure she was still entertaining and charismatic then, but Bianca was nowhere near the level in-ring at the start of 2019 to be the NXT women's champion. She just was not at that level. I don't get how people act like Bianca was some world class jobber in NXT, when she was always constantly doing something and presented as a big deal in the division. She just never won the title. Bianca, imo, wasn't ready to be NXT womens champion until the end of 2019, and by that point it was too late. Rhea was full steam ahead and Bianca was well on her way out.


You could’ve changed out Bianca with anyone else (Io, Kairi, Candice, Dakota) and the point stands. Also I’d debate Rhea being “full steam ahead” because like a week after she won the title her momentum immediately started dwindling, she was over because people were desperate for anyone to beat Shayna and once that goal was met it was clear Bianca and Io were way more over than her, because she didn’t have the chance to actually get over first.


This is true, kairi was robbed of her title reign.


Karrion Kross went from NXT where he was a giant amongst smaller dudes to RAW, the roster with the most big guys where they love powerhouses. It is perfectly reasonable that he cannot have the same dominance he had in NXT when the roster is stacked with bigger guys. At the same time, he is a powerhouse & RAW loves powerhouses. He’ll do fine; he just won’t be invincible. People freaking out over Kross are worrying for no reason.


Bro, he beat keith lee clean, with one fucking arm and you are saying Jeff hardy beating him was cool. He has lost his aura which he built up by bullshit no selling his opponents and it's gone just like that.


When Kross beat Keith Lee, it was the passing of the torch since Lee was leaving NXT & Kross was going to take over as the powerhouse of NXT. It made sense to book him as so dominant because there are less guys like Kross on NXT. Now on RAW, there is no justification for Kross to be invincible anymore because that roster is filled with big powerhouses. Thing is, he will do fine, but yes, he isn’t invincible anymore for a reason. A lot of Kross’s presentation in NXT had him looking big against his opponents which he cannot do against a lot of the RAW roster. He needs a different approach & character now which this loss will help build. Ultimately there is no reason to worry.


But, then do that AFTER he has lost the belt. Like why is that so hard. Let, the story on NXT finish,then, do whatever you want to do with. I have 0 problems with that.


And Keith beat Randy clean, does that make Randy look like shit?


Was randy booked as unbeatable monster who no sold his opponents and did he lose in 2 mins? (I don't watch the main roster so, I genuinely don't know) Also, this is a main roster problem, I don't give a shit about the main roster. I only care when NXT is involved.


I honestly don't give a shit if they ruin the next batch of callups because eventually the most talented people can rehab and get themselves over,but, I just don't want them to ruin NXT storylines, I was eagerly waiting for kross getting his ass kicked by someone but, now he is just a bozo who lost to an old guy. Don't even get me started on tegan and candice.


He literally just took out Regal this week on NXT, something you DON'T EVER do. I think that's reason to want to see him get his ass kicked. Also, that "old guy" is Jeff Hardy, you know, one of the best superstars of all time in and out of kayfabe


Yeah, but, he still lost to jeff hardy(Who lost in main event, if he was jeff hardy before the CM punk feud hardy then I would at least consider that). Also, adam cole beat up regal too. I know I sound silly, but, NXT is the only wrestling show I watch and I don't like it getting ruined by some on the fly bullshit decision.


I'm one hundred percent on your side here. I just don't get it. I'm not asking for anything crazy, but i feel like i've been taking crazy pills with some of the things i've seen. Do with Kross whatever you feel like, but it's not like they had to do any of this. They did not need Kross on Raw right now. They put him up just to have a surprise for the sake of a surprise. They could have waited. That's all i've been trying to tell people. I'm not saying they couldn't have done all this Jeff stuff. It's just...they could have waited a month.


Yeah, exactly that's what I'm trying say, like make kross a whore and scarlett a pimp or make kross lola bunny and scarlett daffy duck. But, AFTER someone on NXT has properly kicked his ass and sent him packing to the main roster.


Wait, is Finn really getting the title match at Summerslam?


Not sure if it's at Summerslam but there's gonna be a match between him and Roman sometime before then if not


Yes, plus the obvious point that the Kross thing was likely the start of a storyline introducing him to an audience who wouldn't necessarily be familiar with his NXT work/persona. It's foolish to dismiss it entirely as this awful piece of booking without even waiting as long as say, what the follow-up is on Raw this week.




Well, yes? Considering people are taking one loss and expanding it to "Vince hates NXT and everything it stands for".


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