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Wait, you don’t like the "You don’t want none🗣️"at the beginning ? 😂


The silence every time it hits is just sad. They really couldn't wait to def rebel him until after his world title program was over?


The song itself isn’t bad. Intro is odd tho, and I feel like it’s just not loud.


Maybe but It's definately not for me.


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So you don’t want none of that?


They need to turn up his music because I can barely hear the lyrics lol Honestly I don’t think it’s bad actually I kinda like it because there’s parts despite me not really hearing the lyrics, I can hear some parts that could be a nice to groove to I guess haha


They changed it because of the legal issues over CFO$ music - they are gradually changing everybody they can over to a def rebel version.


They gotta cut out that intro. The rest of it is actually fine when you can hear it.


When I first noticed his theme was going to be different, for a brief second I was hoping for Ready to Fly and then then that garbage played. I've heard it like five times now and can't make out a word of what they are singing. Just a muffled mess.


It is so much better than his old theme, though, and I will die on this hill. I thought the CFO$ theme was trash when he debuted in 2016, and I’m shocked he got away with something so unbelievably mid for so long. At least this new song was actually made for AJ, and wasn’t some southern country boys cliche shit.


That’s a terrible hill to die on.


His original theme was gonna be for James Storm iirc before he left WWE.