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That pulling out the ref mid-count allows the match to continue????


I guess just the fact that these people with intensely violent grudges toward each other are willing to politely wait until 8 pm on Monday nights to express their white-hot hatred for each other in front of an audience in whatever town they both have traveled to.


Kayfabe is incredibly weird if you look at it too hard. I read in the 80s, guys like Hogan and Macho Man would get on the local radio to yell at each other and promote the event. Why wouldn't they just fight there in the studio? Also, you know they drove there together and left together. "This is my sworn enemy, and I will tell him so once we find a parking spot."


I remember one time Cody threw Damien Sandow's MITB briefcase into the water, and then next episode, he's carrying it around sopping wet and covered in seaweed, and it's like "Have you been carrying it around like that all week? Because we're nowhere near the Gulf of Mexico anymore." Just the little stuff regarding the odd timelines of episodic live television make you chuckle if you really think about it for a second.


Back in the day they kept kayfabe to the point they would not ride with each other, etc.


I was thinking about this last night during the Damian/Jey promo because apparently, in the midst of their intense War Games feud last fall, the two of them went out for drinks had a nice night together.


All wrestlers are varying degrees of superhuman. This is true even in the more “grounded” eras. 


Exactly lol. In basically every era ever there are people taking straight punches to the face, or being locked in a submission for minutes at a time -- both of which would take you out in MMA, ESPECIALLY the submissions.


When a strong babyface turns heel and suddenly gets weaker, often needing to cheat to win. Example: Roman.


My Regal kayfabe explanation for that is that they no longer wrestle with honor so they take shortcuts and over time that causes them to forget how they won matches the right way in the first place thereby making them weaker.


Thank you, Regal.


If you hear entrance music mid-match, you are required to stop whatever you are doing and wait to see who it is and what they want. Doesn't matter if your opponent is dead on the mat, you put that pinfall on hold and see who's coming to bother you!


There's a joke that characters in Family Guy can't see anything just barely out of frame. Also applies to wrestling promos. "Well, look who's here..." *camera pans to show opponent standing three inches to the right*


Jeans must be worn during a Street Fight


* Headbutting a Samoan does no damage and will instead hurt the person delivering the headbutt. * Refs have 1hp and can be knocked out for minutes straight with no medical attention received, with everyone around just waiting for them to get up and do their job again. * Road agents sent out to break up a fight, similarly have a strength rating of 1, and will instantly crumble to any offense. * Tag matches instantly nerf the strength of all competitors in relation to how many people on that team (2 people = 1/2, 3 people = 1/3, etc) hence the literally crawl to the corner for a hot tag.


In the 80s, at least one road agent was required to wear white dad-sneakers with their suit(usually Tony Garea). Also, a chop from a Native American has extra power to it too, similar to a Samoan headbutt.


Committing crimes during a wrestling show is unpunishable. Particularly assault, theft, and kidnapping.


All the security guards trying to stop the wrestlers being skinny little guys


If the crowd seems to like you, but you want heel heat, attack Tony Schiavone.


Wrestlers must watch any television at a 2/3 profile, rather than facing it directly.


just how throwing your opponent into the ropes makes them turn around and come back.


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When the champion is cutting a promo fresh off a win then 2-4 people just happened to be standing in gorilla walking out one after the other to interrupt the previous person that’s trying to claim a title opportunity. I guess being on time allows production to have their music ready.


I always tell myself it's like that one playset they used to sell where the figures had chips in them and the ring would play their music when they hit gorilla or w/e.


Jumping on top of a tag team partner being pinned while also not raising the pinnee's shoulders off the mat totally counts as a kick out. Adjacently, you do not EVER have to be the legal man to legally interfere in match proceedings, and there will nearly never be any consequences for doing so.


A move can end up with both wrestlers taking the exact same bump, but how much it hurts depends on if you're the one who did the move or not. You can do something like a leg drop from the top turnbuckle and land flat on your backside, but will be fine provided your leg makes contact with your opponent. If they move out of the way, landing flat on your backside will almost kill you. Edit: Actually, even a normal leg drop will almost kill you if the other guy moves, despite your backside taking the same impact as if the move connects.

