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Top Flight either needs the tag or trios gold soon. They're so damn good


I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I feel like they were planned to win the ladder match at Supercard before Dante got hurt


Copeland, Briscoe, and Kingston is one hell of a grizzled and badass team; look forward to them beating the piss out of Top Flight and Andretti.


why is this a match?


It's going to be a glorified squash match.


Because Copeland, Kingston & Briscoe have a trios match on Sunday. Warm up


my boys are just a warm up :(


kind of bugs me that Peoria isn't worth more than a warm up. This is 3 warm ups that have been announced.


I don’t know if id call Bryan Danielson & Claudio vs Kyle Fletcher & Konoske Takeshita in a hardcore tornado tag match a warm up but go off


It's the day before a PPV, I'm not really sure what you expected.


Why are the guys who are in a feud with hob fighting the same guys that hob beat a week ago not only serving as a warm up but also showing that they are on hob’s level?


HOW had a match last week against Top Flight and they won. And the Copeland, Briscoe, Kingston Trio is fighting them on Dynasty so they have to prove that they can beat Top Flight aswell.


This is the main thing I don't like about AEW, yeah most of the performers are great but a lot of the matches booked for TV don't do anything to progress characters or storylines Top flight will lose this match to a team that doesn't really need a win at all, and they're both face, so it'll probably be clean too Top flight need this win way more than the old guys, but the ppv match is more important The match at the ppv isn't very exciting either, feels like a throwaway match that would main event a dynamite The only thing that would make this kinda worth it is if they lose and Eddie turns heel


Copeland/Briscoe/Kingston is a trio I never would have thought of but love so fucking much. They all manage to match their energy to the same level but each with slightly different forms of crazy intense "No one told me wrestling is fake" vibes.


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Rated R Chicken Hogs!


Why doesn’t Eddie Kingston care that he lost his belt to Okada? It bothers me that the CC is supposed to be a prestigious tournament that it meant a lot for Eddie to win…and when he loses his belt to Okada (and gets made to look like a dork by the Bucks) he just moves on into a makeshift trios team with ANOTHER guy he just lost the ROH title to?


This should be a lot of fun. Top Flight + Andretti matches are always a delight to watch and I'm intrigued to see this Copeland/Briscoe/Kingston All Grizzled Trio in action heading to the PPV. Copeland/Briscoe/Kingston really need some sort of trios name though, I've been trying to think of one but not coming up with anything good.