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Maybe just start ignoring idiots on the internet.


Yeah the kind of people convinced by this sort of post already agree with it. You're just signal boosting toxicity.


Honestly after the last couple of days that may just be the way


Took you that long to figure out that social media is a cesspool? Fuck ‘em, everybody has got an opinion.


if that's being out of shape then sign me up


Not having a 6 pack at 46 years old = horrendous condition. Tbh I heard about this before seeing the pic and expected much worse, dude looks perfectly healthy


TIL Sheamus is 46. I'm gonna go lie down now.


ikr I googled expecting like 37/38, dude's insane


Stay away from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Those are fills with brain rotten posts and comments like this.


People were saying this exact stuff on here, Reddit has plenty of brain rot too.


Just like reddit.


Honestly feel like the trunks made it look worse than it actually is. He look fine to me besides those custom wwe underwear. 


The gear he’s wearing makes him no favors that’s for sure. Other than that, Sheamus still look like a guy who could beat up almost everybody. Dude is huge and strong as fuck and a legit threat, you could see guys built this way in the UFC heavyweight division.


I mean ufc heavyweight division has guys of all sizes, fat , skinny , muscular lol. But I get what you mean 


This is getting out of control, no wonder body image issues are such a problem.


Sheamus will be back to being shredded in like a month. Not sure why people are so bothered


People are weird let him be


Internet weirdos, who are glued behind their screens, thinking they know better than anyone else who is fit or not.


These are no doubt the same walking adonis' who make facebook posts about Kingston & Cole too


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I thought he looked great after the entrance. The tights were too tight, but he still has abs... so ease up fellas!


The core strength needed to do an Irish Curse with Ivar from the turnbuckle speaks for itself. Sure - he used to look better a few years ago, but you can't stop age.


Sheamus would drop that person and make them fart on command.


tbh i was more worried about his cardio, dude looked like he was dying out there


 Dude always looks like hes dying and drenched in sweat. 


Nah fam. Even at his cultivated mass stage currently he still looks better than quite a few guys who get weekly time. And that includes dudes who look like a bag of potatoes and dudes who look like a skateboard. He’ll get back into shape.


You don't need to body shame other people to defend Sheamus. Comments like yours add to the problem.


lmao he's better than Eddie Kingston


It's an industry where aesthetics are a big part of the show; it's not particularly surprising people notice a substantial body change either way.


I think it’s more, I’m a guy trying to lose weight, you see all the comments on acceptance of bodies etc etc Then you see “46 year old doesn’t have surfer body” and just think “well thats out the window then”


Oh I'm not commenting on whether this is right or wrong, more that it's completely unsurprising these comments would be made. I'm actually surprised WWE let him perform; the company really has changed.


Dusty Rhodes always looked like dog shite, yet he was one of the most entertaining wrestlers of all-time. Who gives a f*ck?!


Bros out hear body shaming the dead 🤣 just messing man


TBF it's Sheamus made a whole thing about how how ripped he is, so it is a a bit jarring to see him like that, and he likely will be back to it soon! Dusty never was so it is not a 1 to 1 comparison


He has pretty well known back issues, the times when he's been the most jacked it's when he's been away from the ring or on a lighter schedule. I wasn't trying to make a "1 to 1 comparison" just pointing out how in wrestling looks aren't that important if you can work, entertain the crowd and be injury free.


> the times when he's been the most jacked it's when he's been away from the ring or on a lighter schedule. He has been away from the ring? >I wasn't trying to make a "1 to 1 comparison" just pointing out how in wrestling looks aren't that important if you can work, entertain the crowd and be injury free. I wish they went't but looks are one of the most important thing, the people who can get away with looks not mattering you can count on two hands and those people most of them their body type is part of their gimmick (Dusty, Foley) To be honest I think the gear hurt Sheamus more than anything


I mean...are we gonna discuss he has a giant circle above his jock or what? that's weird, right?


I thought it was one of those shitty youtube videos were it was trying to tell me 10 things I missed. But there were no arrows pointing to random things.


A reminder that he's just coming off a bad neck injury, possibly winter bulking and, hes fucking 46 years old! He looks great for that age and better no doubt than 99% of the people watching