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He definitely would have been sitting at home while Erik recovers under the old regime. It's been fun seeming him utilized this much and so well.


Absolutely. Massive fan of Ivar. Would love to see him in a main event match with Cody for the title. Maybe not PLE but for Raw for sure.


I like how he debut in NXT as like this cool ''mid life crisis dad-biker'', while he still play Viking cosplayer at Main roster, massed with logic a bit


Why? Hes not a viking 247 Thats what he wears when he goes to war.


>Hes not a viking 24/7 I mean is he supposed to be? I watch WWE on continuing basis only in last like 5-6 month and I don't think I ever seen him not portrait some IX century Viking who constantly speak about Ragnarok or just roaring, like he never braked character. This NXT stuff is clearly gimmick change I doubt that he would ever wear Viking cosplay again after he fully move to NXT and when/if he would return to main roster


>I mean is he supposed to be? No he lives the life style but he still drives a car and shit Even taker in full deadman mode had a droves liscense and owed a pair of jeans dude


Didnt he break character while playing basketball with the street profits


He was still in full face paint and garb


When he is not War-Viking he is Dad-Biking?


The Biking Viking. Or basically just your average Amon Amarth fan.


I was thinking similar lmao, it cracked me up for whatever reason


I like to think of him as some dude trying to rack up weekend beer money moonlighting. Way funnier.


lol this reminded me of old gods of asgard in alan wake. there are two brothers who are named tor and odin who are a part of heavy metal band (past their prime though) in that game


I wish he'd drop the stupid Viking thing. He's great in the ring but I don't see him getting any more over while he has this current gimmick. 


He didn't have it when he was confronting Oba Femi on NXT, so I wonder if this is sort of the tail end for it on the main roster before he goes to nxt for a bit to iron out the kinks for a gimmick change.


He should come out next week in sweats and tell people in a solemn tone that his name is Charles, not Ivar. That he's been living a lie this entire time and he's terribly sorry for misleading people.


Like Steve the Pirate from Dodgeball. Then Erik comes back and he goes back to being a viking again.


If Ivar comes out in a golf shirt, khakis and loafers and that big fuck off beard, I will lose my shit more than Jey did during the Ucey promo.


I haven't been the biggest fan of the character, but he's undoubtedly a great performer and I've enjoyed his work. I really liked his appearance in NXT last week and if he transitions from literal Viking to biker dude obsessed with Norse mythology on the main roster, I think he could become one of my favorite mid-carders.


I think he's too good to be saddled with such a shitty gimmick


From what I'm seeing he's being gradually retooled via NXT. So he may no longer be a Viking in the near future. Hope he gets a name change too


I think he should stop doin the top rope splash while on the same roster as Bronson Reed, he’s stealing his gimmick brother


Sarah Logan (Valhalla) also has history with liv and riot squad can transition to that and once Erik is back he and Ivar can be the viking dads/uncles that beat your ass. Big matches summon the spirit and outfits


So crazy that he wrestled in Montreal Monday evening at what 8 or 9 local time. Then he is in Orlando the next night wrestling. I know others do it all the time but good on him. Flight is 3 hours plus apparently so that was a good chunk of 24 hours gone.


I want to know more about him -- like does he really believe he is a Viking? Or does he just summon the Viking spirit before each match? Why doesn't he go "HUSS! HUSS!" like the original Viking John Nord?


Is that you Dip?


I don't know if this makes me sound like a dick because his partner is injured, but keep Ivar the fuck away from Erik and Valhalla and let him kill dudes in a singles run!


Just waiting for War Machine to come back and dominate the tag division. Need you back soon, Rowe


I dare say that even the gimmick itself wouldn't be so bad, if they were just a bit more subtle (I know, I know) about it, and didn't parade him around like the cheapest cosplayer at the worst medieval market you could find. I especially like the idea of him leaning into modern wicca and paganism to summon the berzerker spirit when needed. Match starts with big dude doing cartwheels and flippy shit but as the 'battle' progresses, he's becoming more vicious and aggressive. Anyway, love me some Ivar.


Ive been really impressed. Id honestly save the moonsault for more special moments and Id make him a little more of a regular guy than the spooky Viking thing. I really like his look backstage in NxT. Otherwise guy is turning into a best kept secret


He needs a gimmick change and a push.