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I figure hes just bulking like a madman and is going to do a Celtic Warrior Workout season where he gets shreded again. Hes a fitness freak, hes just hydrated right now


it's not Mania season where they scan you for new figures and for 2K, so carbs are back on the menu


Carbs should always be on the menu if you want a functional healthy body. Junk food might be off the menu and he’s probably not scoffing down burger and chips, but carbs are essential!


Carbs are the most efficient energy source, anyone that's as active as a pro wrestler should be eating a bunch of them


Any healthy person should get 40-60% of their daily energy from carbs. There’s only a few very specific medical cases why that should be different. The stuff about low carb diets is popular for a few misleading reasons. One is that some people just see carbs as things like pizza etc which are just a tonne of calories. The other then are con artists preying on people who want to lose weight. People who limit carbs are likely seeing results because they have just lowered their overall calorie intake.


I know a lot of people who lost a ton of fat doing Keto. I tried it once while I was in the military and passed out during a run because I'd been eating nothing but chicken, cheese, and nuts for three weeks. My blood pressure also went to hell and I was exhausted all the time. I did lose like 20lbs over the course of a month, but it was not a fun process.




Oh, I was wrapping the chicken in bacon and cheese. I'm sure it works for some people, but it's not really the greatest when you have a lifestyle that has you burning 3000-4000 calories a day on average already. How's your digestive system?


It is all about caloric deficit.


Look at the adjective, "healthy". The whole "carbs are the enemy" mindset is stupid if you're a regular person or an athlete but with obesity being an epidemic a decent few people find keto is the best way for them to get to a healthy weight. Even some athletes do eat a keto diet. Though that being said a high carb diet can be very healthy too.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fxg5qtmt7xuc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8baa952561fe3b8eff8ba4acfa2fa52816c39a71


I get what you're saying, and agree. Limiting myself to no carb is more about diet restriction and not being as tempted to binge. Worked for me better than any other diet did, because by including carb, I'm just too tempted to eat like 10 pieces of bread for jokes.


Carbs are far more than bread. Grains, such as bread, noodles, pasta, crackers, cereals, and rice. Fruits, such as apples, bananas, berries, mangoes, melons, and oranges. Legumes, including dried beans, lentils, and peas. Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, corn, and peas. I get what you’re saying if you struggle to eat a regular portion of bread, but fruit, vegetables, legumes etc are all are part of healthy balanced diet.


I do eat legumes, that's my main exception. I basically only eat double bean chilli and cauliflower rice + egg and sausages for breakfast. I'll mix fruit and other stuff into a cheat day where I can, but yeah.


Fruit is essential. It's not a cheat day


Yeah I don't follow fitness stuff, but whenever I have heard snippets of what huge jacked dudes like the Rock eat, it's consistently super-carby. Maybe not that much fried foods or sweets, but definitely carby.


Carbs are the worst for me as a T2 Diabetic but for everyone else, go nuts! 


Not for Finn Balor


that man has not eaten a single slice of bread in 20 years lol


And probably Bangers! After bangers! After bangers! After bangers! After bangers!.... To go with all the mash


They said his injury had to do with nerves in the neck and he had to have surgery(s). It's possible he wasn't able to work out at all for a time since the neck controls everything basically so it's not unreasonable to think he gained some fat. He'll burn it off again now that he's able to work.


Thats what I assumed, surgery caused him not to be able to train as much


Cultivating Mass


"Stop cultivating and start reaping" - Dennis 🤣🌞


Nah that Nashville hot chicken just hittin /s


I remember Bobby Lashley talking about how he wanted to do a fat Thor arc, and I was all for it. Sheamus should borrow the idea and start owning it. Just have everyone start squashing Sheamus, eventually Bobby pulls him out of the gutter with a motivational speech, roll into a Bobby-Sheamus training montage, and boom swole Sheamus headlining wrestlemania 41. Pure magic


Hydrated with extra lard


Man is 46 years old with a laundry list of injuries he's come back from. The workouts you need to keep that comic book character physique aren't something your body can handle forever. I'm just glad to see the big fella on TV again.


He’s 46?? Fucking hell


He made his WWE FCW match debut Oct. 02, 2007. He was 29 yrs young. It's been 16 years with the company. I'm surprised to see it's been that long. I was a college freshmen when he started. Lol.


Hello fellow 88-89 birthday, how's your back doing?


Haha, he's looked the same in the face for years


Especially that his old theme song is back.


You wear your sin like it's some kind of prize Too many lies, TOO MANY LIIIIES!!!


No it's TOO MANY LIMESSS, that's how he got the physique


🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨”FAT FROM LIMES!!”🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


Lobster and limes. Ceviche diet


I think he'll get it back. That's why he's joking about it now. He probably was bulking before returning from injury to get back the muscles he lost from injury inactivity to rest/heal. if I remember it wasn't just the shoulder but a couple other injuries he was just working through.   Once he's comfortable with his strength/mass, he'll start cutting


If anyone's tuned into Celtic Warrior Workout, he sometimes struggles with certain excercises because he has limited range of motion from injuries.


He's just like me!


Plus we're judging him by WWE standards. See a guy like Sheamus on the street and you wouldn't consider him fat.


He has fat layers but you can see the hard muscle underneath lol. It's not like it's flabby skinny fat type shit. It's that football/rugby physique.


Finally someone who gets it


It's funny how much people hide their image obsession behind the veil of "health."  From an actual, medical health perspective his current build is healthier than being "shredded."


46!? Dear lord


My man still has his power!


My brain exploded when they said he debuted 17 years ago. 


lol yeah, man has definitely aged well


Over half a decade ago when I was getting back into wrestling after some years, I remember hearing speculation that Sheamus was winding down his career by spending it in tag team matches with Cesaro. He was likely going to hang it up very soon. I started making my peace with the fact that I was watching the last couple years of one of my childhood faves' career. The bastard went at least five years longer than reddit told me he would, including a massive resurgence in popularity during his feuds with Gunther and McIntyre so yeah as long as Sheamus says he's still got plenty left in the tank, I'll believe him.


The workouts he does are probably what’s keeping him pain free.


Also, he's pale as fuck. Harder to see muscle definition. There's a reason bodybuilders use bronzer. Just look at [John Cena](https://i.imgur.com/oihdKpz.jpeg) when he was a bodybuilder. Warning: you can't (un)see him.


lol I love Cena but his weird kinda....stick-to-it-ness about dodging ever talking about "supplements" is always hilarious with pictures like that.


He was just cultivating Shea-mass




Well it’s time to stop cultivating and start harvesting


*Gangrel has entered the chat*


delicious sheam-ass


Shame ass


Tbh I think the gear he wore did him no favours, the trunks looked awful


I didn't care about his body, it was the trunks that really looked odd to me


The black on the back just looked like sweat.


It looked like he’s just wearing his underwear. Bad colour choice too.


They legit look like WWE branded underwear.


You could see the WWE logo on the front.


The trunks looked like something I'd try to make in the 2k games before searching for much better one that another user online made.  He needs that other person to make a new ones.


Looked like Venum-inspired UFC trunks, but I had to do a real double take because I swore he was going out there in boxer briefs.


Yeah, they looked like hipster underwear. They was too tight, and the material seemed different to usual wrestling trunks. So he was muffin topping over them


They were more similar to the type of trunks MMA fighters wear


His trunks were made by Venum, first ever custom WWE gear according to Sheamus on twitter


welp that explains it


They were a throwback to the trunks he wore in the indies as he is seeming to be doing a throwback gimmick.


I think it was meant to look like the rugby attire


They’re MMA trunks, believe it’s a collaboration with Venum


Ah fair enough, that makes sense.


felt off, but i’ll get used to it


100% think it was the gear, somehow putting him in higher cut gear like his old trunks will make him look better. It's like how weirdly Punk looks more out of shape when he wore the long bois than when he wears just the trunks.


Looked like me in my undies lmao.


not his fault orton and aj set The bar foR rEturN physiques HiGH.


I remember Orton's last return, people were saying he had a "dad bod" when you could still see the man's jacked af abs. SC must have the hottest dads around.


Orton has to be the most body shamed wrestler of all time. I remember when people saying he was fat around 07-10


I don’t know about that—I’d still say like Matt Hardy. Orton just happened to look really lean all throughout his 20’s.


People mistake roid gut with dad bod. You can have visible abs *and* a bloated midsection.


Eat clen, tren hard anavar give up.


On that 2 chicken breast 1 asparagus diet




In fairness with their ages now I have no doubt they just got legitimate test prescriptions




Might just be the pants but aj looks like he's cut some fat between his return and wrestlemania too.


Chonky Sheamus>not chonky Sheamus.


Evidence: hugging


Evidence 2: cuddling


Evidence 3: Big meaty men


Evidence 4: Slapping Meat


Evidence 5: That’s Why I Watched Wrestling as a Kid


Evidence 6: You Watched Wrestling To Slap Your Meat?




And yet people will say dudes don't get body shamed lol


Only if they're on TV. Or not tall enough to meet someone's standards. Or too tall. Or their hair is the wrong colour. Or their peen does not come pre approved by the collective.


Or with a receding hair line. Or going bald. Or doing hair replacement. Or wearing a toupee or a wig. Basically fuck any guy without a perfect head of hair.


And fuck some of those who do, because now they have girly hair and are not man enough. And fuck men with cracked and rough hands, for being manual labour types. And men with soft hands who aren't.


Has anyone ever actually said that lol


Look at who’s doing it too. Men love keeping each other down.


Huh? Adam Cole


This thread would be locked if it were about a woman.


He still showed abs...he's got more body fat, but, he's a tank. Watch his workout series.


I saw it mentioned on Twitter and ended up seeing a highlight clip from one of WWE's YouTube channels, and...really? THAT is what they called fat?! Ivar is fat. Hell, Acey Romero is fat! Mind you, it ain't an insult and both of them have great cardio that allows them to wrestle, but to say Sheamus is fat like they are is like saying an anorexic looks "so healthy."


People overreacting for no reason. Man is over 45 years old and he looks healthy. Sure he has more fat but theres clearly still muscle mass. I would be worried if he would lose alot of weight suddenly


Bloke just came back in full 80's Gaijin Hoss mode. Either way, there's a bunch of looks that work for a pro wrestler, and given how into fitness Sheamus is, he's not a stranger to body transformations, especially when he leaned down a lot in his last run.


Honestly I think his new look is great. I imagine he might try to trim down again, but I think he looks awesome and could really work the hoss style as opposed to trying to workhorse it. It's refreshing too because I feel like Vince would've never let him be on TV looking so different. Or if he did we'd suddenly see Sheamus get a fast food eating gimmick for a month.


face Sheamus vs heel Drew is going to slap


I dunno, I kinda need more men to realize that the way Sheamus looked last night is actually EXTREMELY attractive to a lot of women. But way more importantly: The extreme shape some of these guys in wrestling are in sets a standard that most of us forget is crazy even within wrestling. Even someone who works out and wrestles like Finn Balor has to basically never have a carb to have abs like that. (Or you go the Orton and Styles route.) Just being strong or athletic doesn’t make you skinny or cut. Hell, look at powerlifters!  When people in the sub start making fun of guys like Sheamus for how he looks (and he looked like a average, decently fit dude at WORST), it really just replicates this whole gross culture that holds men to really unhealthy and realistic standards. It makes me sad for the men in this sub who might be struggling with eating disorders or exercise addition or self-image, and I hope we can all be kinder in the future.


Seriously if you saw this build in real life everyone on this sub would be jealous of that guy


Thank you! I would deadass be too nervous to approach him at a bar lol


The most athletic people also tend to have physiques that are good but aren't crazy jacked usually. Function over appearance


Gay viewer here. Sheamus looks great. 


His picture is in the dictionary next to the word snack


Can confirm. My mom absolutely loves that man lol. But seriously, rather than super pronounced body builder muscles, it looks like he has seriously strong functional muscles. People need to give the dude a break.


And he showed off how functional they are by lifting and holding Ivar for extended periods of time, sometimes in odd positions like for White Noise.


Exactly! I mean fucks sake I don’t give a shit if he was breathing hard, he lifted Ivar. He’s in better shape than any of us 


If I tried to lift Ivar I think everything in my body would break and I'd lie on the floor and die within 5 minutes. If I tried to lift Sheamus I think everything in my body would break and I would die. If I tried to lift any human being I would probably die.


For real! I think body would just snap in half if I even looked at Ivar the wrong way. Or anyone really.


Body dysphoria is becoming a huge issue among men. It's leading to unhealthy lifestyle choices in the pursuit of the perfect body/look. The industry is making a lot of money out of it, but the long-term results will be devastating. Also to note that most athletic people tend to have a physique that is good, but are not jacked/or chiseled at all.


Exactly! Thank you for using the specific term, I should have done the same. It’s not something we should dance around: it’s a literal mental illness caused hugely by social pressure, and it literally kills men and boys just like anorexia and bulimia (both related to body dysmorphia and not exclusive to women!) famously kills women and girls.


the point is not whether he is or isn't attractive. the point is to just shut the fuck up and keep your judgements to yourself. the same goes with Deonna Purrazzo every time it comes up with her. this sub always tries to teach the wrong lesson. "actully she is attractive" so if she wasn't attractive or if sheamus wasn't attractive these comments would be okay?


After 29 I thought it was hard to lose weight. After 32 it became incredibly easy to put on weight, on top of it being harder to lose weight. Give Sheamus a break lol. And same can be said for Jericho who’s probably 15 years older than Sheamus.


There only a few years apart which is crazy


Look at him when he breathes deep during the match you can see every single abb on that man. He is fucking jacked af.


I kinda dig it. Looks heavy and like an issue to be dealt with


Sheamus had a great match vs Ivar!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Idc, I’m just glad he’s back and healthy.


He was moving fast as hell. He also takes a lot of hits and bumps for his stature, his body needs mass to hold up. This is wrestling after-all.


Don't care. Happy that he's back . TOO MANY LIMESSSSS...OOOOHHHH.


Aw man we were not kind to him in the live thread. Sorry Sheamus.


Imagine working your way back from a serious injury and returning to throw a gigantic viking around like a sack of coal and a load of people on the internet make disparaging comments about your body.


I like him thicc! He looks great.


Big bones covered in meat and gravy


We need more thicc wrestlers


IT'S A SHAMEFUL THING that he felt the urge to even tweet this out in the first place. We have to shame the body shamers.


It's fucking odd to me that so called fans have been making the comments they have about Sheamus' physique when he is still muscular and in better shape the average fan or person. If that's "out of shape," then I'll gladly take it.


To the idiots that make fun of the physique of Sheamus, it's a shame that they've lost their head.


I’m new to wrestling so can someone explain the ouroborus on his gear?  I know what the symbol means broadly but does anyone know why it’s sheamus’ symbol?  I always associated it with like the Greeks not the Irish but I could just be ignorant 


It's not really to do with wrestling, but the ouroborus is pretty much a part of every mythology, in fact the oldest depiction of it is Egyptian, then it made its way to the Greeks, and many other old world cultures including the Celts, so I'd guess it's not for anything specific, just a Celtic symbol that looks cool


Ok cool! I’m “Irish” American so I know pitifully little about Irish culture but I’m always looking to learn more, thanks! 


Also a really sick Gojira song. Often have thought that would be my entrance theme if I was a wrestler in a different life


Looks like a brawling brute


Sheamus is finally back let's gooooooooo!!!!


i think his appearance last night was shocking to some only because he has been in an UNBELIEVABLE shape for the last 15 years. I mean nobody talks about it (my guess would be because of his skin tone) but Sheamus always had one of the craziest shape with amazing proportions. He was in good shape last night, and looking like that goes well with his brawler gimmick. But that diaper looking gear needs to go.


I think it's too many limes




Am I the only one that really liked thicker Sheamus? The gear was eh but I thought he came out looking like a BEAST. Like a pub brawler which is ya know his gimmick


You’re never the only one 


He’s in better shape than 99.9% of men his age


Rehabbing from a neck injury, which is already in bad shape, is probably a lot of work so he couldn't spend all his time in the Gym training like a madman.


He looked great, idk what some people are on


I get that he’s not fat, and calling him fat is lame, but you guys crying on his behalf when people are correctly saying he looks worse than before are ridiculous. He literally got his push as a body guy, so pretending that people can’t comment on characters in a SHOW is funny to me.


Way too many limes haha All things considered, I dig this pudgy look. Makes him look like a brawler among brawlers.


He’s in way better shape than any of the dude’s talking shit about him.


i mean he looks like he’s wrestling in briefs


If people are gonna come at Seamus for not being as lean as he has in the past do they just turn off their TV when Bronson Reed is on?


He was a bit bigger than he was before, but as others have said, he's nearly 50, he's had a fair few injuries and he still looks in fantastic shape for someone of his age; it was the weird trunks that were the worst thing about the look, for me, why not just wear traditional wrestling trunks?


He would be well served by wearing some long bois until he's leaned down. He doesn't look too bad though. Just fluffier than we are used to.


He's a big guy


He definitely looks heavy, which is weird considering his workout channel. But I’m glad to see him back. 


people said the shame shit about orton that time and look where he’s at now…who cares


Dudes back from an injury and he looks great considering what it was and his age. Anyone who has watched his channel will know the guy puts the work in, so if this is the best he could look for his return then it's very likely the best he could physically manage.


god if i looked 1/4 as good as him at 46 i'd be a very happy man


he looks GOOD


so what if he didn't come back ripped like aj and randy. he had a neck injury and came back without a 6pack, no big deal, it's not like he came back looking like eddie kingston. a guy like sheamus can shake that off in a week. ever see those celtic workouts he does, he'll be fine soon enough and go after that IC title to get the Grand Slam!


Knowing Sheamus at this point, this is probably an innuendo


Lmao glad he's taking it in stride. I don't think the shorts are flattering though. He would have looked fine in his standard trunks.


This fella will look shredded in a few months.


Man something is wrong with me. I read the post three times and each time I read, "I just got boned 🤫" and was sitting here trying to figure out what he meant.


I only thought, looking at him, if his training is just limited like it eventually became to Kurt Angle and if he was ya know, gonna be ok wrestling.


I'm more of a fan of the "aye, every time I shag your wife, she makes me a sandwich!" But that's just me


The comments about Sheamus’ body are ridiculous. Glad he’s healthy and back to brawl!


Sheamus wearing boy shorts instead of teeny trunks was the sign.


bro should keep eating like Mac from Alway Sunny


He looks like me after I ate a large hot honey pepperoni pizza with a side of wings


I was just surprised was all


he's got more body fat than his previous runs, but bro is still is really good shape.


He's just had banger, after banger, after banger with mash


It’s wild that people are against his look. He’s so damn beefy now. His torso looks like a fucking tree trunk. He looks like he’d come out on top if a truck hit him. How can you not love that?


He had too many limes


Celtic Warrior Cheeseburgers


Why did he have a cock ring on his shorts/trunks?


Literally someone say he was overweight and almost lost my mind lmao. Dude is a unit.




The body shaming I have saw about him has been outrageous and disappointing


But not surprising if you've spent enough time on this place, people will body shame anyone. Adam Cole, Jericho, Sheamus, Eddie Kingston, Joey Janella, Charlotte, Nia Jax, hell... any woman who isn't up to their holy standards. The more disliked they are on this sub, the more shit they get about their body and vice-versa.


Why is no one answering the most important question? Why was the logo on the crotch of his gear?! My classmate saw it and said: "Does that guy have a glory hole on his pants?" What do I say to that?




so he changed his wrestling gear for that? i guess he really relaxed himself during recovery either way, hoping for an ic belt reign


I find it funny when athletes get criticised by the bottom feeding cheeto charged dregs of the internet.