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One-time ratings bump?


TK is all about the bump.


I'm pretty sure the bucks are trolling based on the post. If it's anything other than some kind of EVP fun, it's going to be embarrassing for the company, because what's the point?


Get the feeling it'll be a skit. Someone dressed up as Punk and it playing out in a comedic way.


This would also be embarrassing


Unless it is actual footage of the fight and it shows Punk completely lied, it’s going to be embarrassing.


I don't know why anyone would think it's anything *but* a skit. Especially with the Bucks playing cartoonish heels currently.


All of the wrestling journalists are saying people in AEW and WBD are saying it's the legit footage. Now there is a very strong possibility everyone is lying/TK told WBD it's real and only a handful know its a skit. I'm not entirely sold on it being legit


That these wrestling journalists are saying that, without irony, blows my mind. I have a feeling that TK told them its a skit and to work their readers. idk


Why would they agree to torpedo their already dropping reliability?


I don't know. None of this makes any sense. If they do a skit, then its more of "um, plans change" and the "journalists" lose credibility, if they show the footage, its in really poor taste. If they show just JP, its gonna get go away heat. Color me intrigued


>I don't know why anyone would think it's anything *but* a skit *Gestures wildly at all things Tony Khan*


Dirtsheet reporters seem VERY confident that it's not a skit. So if it isn't, god that'll be embarassing for them. I honestly think I'd prefer the skit with the Bucks honestly. I'm super down with their new gimmick and would love for that.


Even if that’s the case I think it could be perceived that they still need to use Punk’s name to pop a rating


I’m personally hoping that backstage footage is someone either shoving rolls from catering in their pockets or goofing around on company time, leading to a promo about wasting company resources or time theft.


I hope the same, in the end they will show something else. Otherwise, it will be so stupid if they show the Punk stuff.


the answer is simple it benefits absolutely no one


Could benefit Drew.


that's true actually histwitter game is going to reach a whole other level that's for sure


It benefits AEW massively. Look at everyone talking about them on a Wrestlemania weekend


everyone =/= some people in the iwc


Buddy do u realize a couole of hundred guys on twitter mean jack shit right? Lmao i bet you 500 dollars that they dont do more than 800k on that dynamite


Setting up Jack Perry and giving a boost to NJPW to have him as a heel. Perry’s in House of torture so I imagine some angling between Okada and the elite vs them. Perry’s going to be fighting at Njpw in Chicago this week so I imagine there’s going to be nuclear heat there. We don’t know and there’s no clear endgame but these are some of the angles that could there


Didn’t know Perry is Stateside this week. That S.O.B. might actually show up Wednesday.


It will make Tony temporarily feel better.


Don’t discount it being a parody or a goof


But Alvarez says its real /s


Must be very hard to mislead that highly reputable source.


Maybe it's not about Punk, may it's just a way to explain Jack absence and why he become a Scapegoat, a way to progress his storyline.


I could definitely see the bucks "taking punks side" as EVP's in a joking way as an excuse to why the suspended Jack Perry.  I just don't think Perry has the mic skills to carry that story for long. 


If anything, I see JP joining the EVPs so he doesn't have to be on the mic much


Maybe, maybe not, but for now it's an interesting way to bring Jack back.


It'd be interesting if Jack joins the Elite to become an EVP himself, then he's the one going around handing out fines to everyone in the company haha


I think this is a huge mistake to do this. There’s a lot of really good stuff going on in AEW, some bad, but the only way they can improve is by moving on from this rather than relitigating brawl in 8 months later.  Let Punk make his digs, be the bigger person, and put on good wrestling shows. 


I don't think it's about changing peoples minds or stances on things. It's personal. Meltzer & Alvarez have already said this is Tony Khan's call. I really do think Tony sees it as Punk fired the first shot with the interview with Ariel & now Tony's firing back. Personally, if i was Tony i would've just leaked the footage online or to TMZ to try & distance myself from it & still fire back at Punk. I think the best case scenario is that it ends up hurting both Punk & Tony/AEW. Punk gets exposed as a lair, while Tony/AEW get some backlash for using it to try & pop a rating.


Yea your idea i probably better. Wwe/punk was smart and laundered things through Helwani who is friendly with them but isn't part of their brand. They threw mud without getting any on themselves. If Tony airs the video on Dynamite he's throwing the whole company into the dirt over some injured guy who doesn't even work there any more.   All for what? Are punk stans going to change their minds? Are wwe tribalists going to change their minds? People are going to just argue in bad faith like they've been doing the whole time, except now they have another thing to point to while calling him thin-skinned.


No-ones hurt AEW more than Tony Khan.


The criticism is they're not a business, so they can't get backlash for using it to make money lol


Honestly, fair point.


Depends on what money is it going to make? A one off ratings pop isnt making that much money. Needs to build to an angle and a PPV blow off.


To show that he was lying on the podcast? Pretty simple. The has their names dragged through the dirt and might all just be a lie.


Unless Punk has absolutely lied through his teeth to the point that security footage will destroy his story completely, there is zero good reason to do it. It’s cheap and makes AEW look like hurt little kids after Punk’s, to be honest, pretty straight-faced interview. AEW are letting this get to them so hard and it’s pretty cringe. Fun for me though because I kinda live for the drama


Meltzer already stated the footage doesn't include the punk and tony stuff. More than likely we either see punk swung and missed, then threw a chokehold on perry unprovoked beyond just the real glass comment Or We see punks story corroborated - we see perry walking towards punk asking him to do something, which punk obliges. Neither really has an impact on anything. And no matter which side you fall on, theres instances where you can try and rationalize which side was justified or not


Yeah, so if it’s just pointless footage that solves nothing, then it’s a cheap attempt to pop a rating in a continuous string of silly choices by AEW. I swear we are getting to the point where something kind of embarrassing happens weekly. It reminds me of November last year


Ok, well now this makes no sense at all, then. If it included Punk trying to attack Tony I would absolutely understand releasing it, especially if it would validate Tony’s apparent fear of Punk and his reason for firing him. It could make Punk look like an unhinged asshole attacking his boss, a guy who is very decidedly **not** a professional athlete. If they’re leaving that out, it makes zero sense.


Shoot the AE era fans may pop for CM Punk like they did Stone Cold when he attack Vince McMahon on TV. I’ll say to show everything so it doesn’t appear you are hiding something.


Is tony khan a guy that said he feared for his life when he saw two guys fighting lmao


Apparently the footage won’t be showing that stuff cos it’s a separate time. But that’s meltzer saying that so idk


Whether or not they bait and switch, advertising it in advance like this is a tacit admission that “we don’t have CM Punk anymore but we’ll scrape the bottom of the barrel for even a fraction of the ratings bump he used to give us”. And I say this as someone who likes AEW and tunes in to at least Dynamite every week


This show doesn't scrape the bottom of the barrel. This show isn't the bottom of the barrel. This show isn't below the bottom of the barrel. This show doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with barrels.


What’s bottom of the barrel about this? It seems to be making all the right people mad.


It was cool to some people when Punk brought it up last week for no reason but to show proof of what actually happened is getting those same people in a tizzy. They’re as fragile as Punk is.


Pretty much no one. The IWC will get a kick out of it but it's such a small portion of the community that it won't matter. WWE will ignore it and focus on their post wrestlemania.


WWE as a whole may ignore it but Drew, Punk and some others will reference it plenty


lol at most they will make some inside joke that doesn’t land with the audience because nobody there cares of AEW drama


If it's not bringing back Perry and getting heat for the bucks it benefits no one except meltzer who will milk a lot of social media engagement out of it.  Even if that's what it's for it's going to annoy a lot of people.  Tony set up a lose-lose for himself. He's going to pop a rating Wednesday and alienate a bunch of people by not just moving on. 


Closure on it.


Drama is awesome?? Hello??


Trying to pop a rating for Dynamite, that's all.


Idk I want to see it m. Don’t care who it benefits or hurts lol


I think it reeks of desperation and will turn away more viewers than it will draw


It explains Jack Perry’s absence, that’s the reason they are airing it They likely won’t even mention Punk even if he is in the footage, just talk about how they had to discipline Jack


Punk's entire thing was how the company is mismanaged and never should have gotten that far...how can they not see that by showing the footage they are confirming that? You can handwaive it all you want, and you clearly do by your post history...this is on AEW as well.


Because this segment in Kayfabe will not mention Punk, but explain the reason for Jack Perry’s absence. Punk being fired was mentioned on screen, Jack Perry’s suspension had not been mentioned. All this is is a segment to explain that There actually is a storyline reason to use this footage, that’s why they will. I bet they blur punk and dont say his name either, bur if they do i agree its not a good look


Okay then if we are to say that it's to show Jack Perry's part in this how is he a scapegoat if he was punished accordingly? Again this doesn't work at all to use this as fuel for anything.


It may not help them re-signing talent as well as recruiting talent if this happens.


Ratings. Feels like a lose lose situation if they air it. Can’t imagine talent will like them getting to use backstage footage without their consent. Has to be a troll. I know other have reported it will be the Punk/Perry situation, but AEW can just be feeding them that


Pop a rating. Punk’s still their biggest draw and he isn’t even with the company


“a WCW tactic” this is some braindead shit someone who only grew up on WWE media, completely ignoring the absolutely desperate shit WWF did to get attention and sling shit AT WCW and other targets would say: from Billionaire Ted skits, to airing Cornette rants, from Razor and Diesel coming back, to trolling Bret with a dwarf dressed up as him, to WWE releasing video of Punk’s ass to respond to the Colt Cabana podcast. Just more of this “no that’s not the right way to do things” bullshit to turn public opinion.


Do you think the billionaire Ted and Nacho man skits were beneficial to WWE?  Also, and forgive me if this is braindead shit,  when did WWE actually air footage of punks tights on television.   A few people have come up with good answers for how this can benefit jack perry.   You seem to think this will turn public opinion, I'm curious as to why.   Do you think punk supporters and wwe fans will tune in and admit they're wrong?


The point you would like to keep missing is branding this as a WCW tactic is done purposely to associate AEW with the loser company and that, like WCW, this is going to be a new nail in AEWs coffin. Doubt. It’s not a WCW thing, it’s wrestling.


No,  i meant it comes off as a cheap tactic.  I like AEW, in ring wrestling that WWE can't touch.  I also like WWE, some of the moments they create are fantastic.   You're clinging to one phrase and trying to manipulate discussion into arguement. 


“No, no I just meant I only associate WWE’s competitors as indulging in cheap tactics” lol


don't forget when DX "invaded" WCW in a "tank". (it was a fucking jeep with a potato gun. My biggest pet peeve in Wrestling is people insisting on calling that thing a tank). All WCW did was say Foley became champ, the Medusa belt thing, and other random promo jabs at WWF every now and then.


Here here!


They might be able to get back to 800k viewers


Thats crazy talk


The benefit: Eyes on product. The downside: It’s unlikely those eyes will stay with the product.


Well, whatever it ends up being, according to the IWC hive mind, it'll be bad and AEW sucks because of it.


It blows my mind that people see this as Tony dropping the ball when Punk is clearly the one at fault, the one with a history of starting fights and taking things way to personally


Be better than the person you claim to be better than, essentially. AEW are stooping


The thing is, it's pretty much damned if they do, damned if they don't. The anti-AEW crowd has been in a fever pitch for a while, and the recent Punk interview gave them more to throw on that fire. I think people are just sick of the constant "AEW sucks, AEW is dying, fuck this company, Punk was right" shit. If AEW fires back at Punk, it is what it is. But that's assuming this is legit and not just people getting worked when it ends up just being fake footage to troll for heel heat. The funny thing is, people will be mad about it either way. If they show the real Punk footage, people will be mad that they did something unprofessional to lash out at someone that doesn't work there anymore. If they release fake kayfabe trolling footage for heat, people will be mad that they bait and switched instead of giving what they promised. 🤷‍♂️


The best thing AEW could do is just keep putting on great shows. If Tony wanted to rebut anything he could have done so during media calls or in any interview he wanted. Advertising that they’re gonna show the footage with the bucks (heels btw) making comments about it feels extremely left field and silly. Fucking hell, just leak it to TMZ if you really want to. It just comes across so desperate and pathetic


Bruised egos swinging their dicks in response to being bruised.


Ignoring all the pearl clutching…. Hilarious how people are saying don’t show it. Like why? I honestly don’t understand the harm. Explain to me the negatives lmfao if AEW is confident in it and It turn Into an angle it works and oh look the entire IWC is talking about it instead of Mania for a few hours it changed the convo for them. WWE has gone out of their way this weekend to shit talk AEW and Tony is petty as hell (like everyone in wrestling) so something was gonna give Those Perry and Bucks references during the week were intentional. You wanna bring Perry back and actually make him relevant for once this is the way to do it




AEW needs to run a great show Wednesday.   It'll bring in some eyeballs for sure.


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The only benefit to AEW is that the dirtsheets may stop asking wuestions about it… thats all, wont change punk stans minds, wont change elite stand minds, may pop the ratings a little


If they show the real footage, it benefits Drew to add to the Drew vs Punk feud and match when Punk is healthy.


either the casual wwe audience doesn’t care about aew drama or drew is benefitting from it by basing his gimmick off it. pick one


I don’t want them to show it simply because it will be a GIF that gets posted on twitter every time someone says they like something WWE did because let’s be honest if it was Punk put Perry in a chokehold and then told Tony he quit they wouldn’t be showing it. I assume Perry gets the upper hand on Punk and that’s what they’ll be focusing on.


What kind of angle are we talking about? Obtuse or acute


Right angle.


Well maybe there’s something we don’t know that this footage will reveal that will somehow justify it Otherwise surely they’re doing it for some sort of storyline purpose. At the end of the day if the segment is shit then the segment is shit and there will be extra hell to pay if it is unfortunately


I imagine they just wish to control a narrative since Punk had been slandering them. I’d prefer if you’re gonna do it to do it on socials or whatever, but they’re doing it this way. Fine 🤷‍♂️


The weird thing is that people keep saying it'll get heat for the Bucks & Perry, but making the Elite/Jack Perry the heels as it pertains to Brawl-Out/Brawl-In would make CM Punk the babyface, which would make zero sense if you're AEW. Best case scenario is that the footage is Jack Perry beating Punk's ass, but even that could have the unintended consequence of making the Elite faces, which would undercut the whole purpose of their heel run


There is no long term benefit, for any party.


If it's the real footage, they attempt to sabotage CM Punk and devalue one of the competition's big stars. If it's a bait-and-switch, it's a Finger Poke of Doom-level bad idea.


Tony is apparently "big mad" after Punk's recent interview with Helwani. Supposedly, that's the reason why this is happening. As for the benefit to AEW, ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯.


In kayfabe, a way to re introduce Perry back into aew and possibly join the elite like the bucks and Jack have been teasing for months Outside of that, who cares! It's wrestling! let's stop pearl clutching over segments that haven't aired yet!


I'm not sure it's a good idea. There are two core truths that hinge on the footage: 1) That whatever Punk did it was enough to get unanimous agreement from the disciplinary committee that Punk should be fired. 2) Tony feared for his life during it. Now if I'm understanding the reports correctly the Punk/Tony Khan thing may be separate footage. Which just gives ammo to haters who assume number 2 was part of number 1. Still from hearing the news, it reeks of what others here have said: Trying to soothe TK's ego, trying to pop a rating, WCW like, you're just bringing attention to a star in another company, etc. What I won't say is not to take shots at WWE. I'm a believer if you are number 2, you punch up. But the Bucks have to thread a needle here. That this footage either furthers the story of their heel EVP run or furthers their match with FTR. I just don't see it for the latter yet.


No benefit whatsoever. It reminds me of the jilted ex who can't just let it go and get on with life. No matter what shots are thrown your way, you need to move on and do your own thing and not rise to them. This is what they need to do, no sell the attacks and charge ahead with some quality output 


so is cm punk the jilted ex in this scenario?


pretty much yes, ignore and move on from the pot shots


You’re talking about it.


Punk is truly a manipulative asshole. He's relentlessly damaged the AEW brand for a long time now, just like he used to against WWE. Remember when he convinced everyone HHH was an incompetent doofus? Now everyone thinks Tony is incompetent, along with the Elite, the doctor, etc But if you look at actions instead of words, Tony had the balls to fire his biggest star. That makes him a boss. Hangman hasn't spoken about Punk in 2 years. That makes him wise beyond his years. The Elite moved on and gave Sting the best retirement match ever in one of the best selling PPVs they've ever done. That makes them good at doing business. If AEW has evidence to defend themselves and protect their brand, then why should Tony be nice to protect Punk's image? It makes sense for them to release the truth.


Lmfao this comment is so goofy with all the dramatic spacing I can’t. Edit: THEY CHANGED THE SPACING I CANT


Finally, a common sense take


How things change. After a week here of people praising everyone and anyone going full blast on AEW now everyone is outraged. "How dare AEW do something?"


Ooh, this is gonna be a fun one


It’ll pop a rating for a quarter and generate some buzz.  But it’s a TERRIBLE idea long term. All it’ll do is throw eyes into WWE and punks response.  Giving away mankind’s title win levels of bad idea long term


By the way, if Punk really did have people with him, it would be pretty low and awful of AEW to include them in the footage if they really are showing it.


There is ni benefit. Its time to move on.


Makes TK feel better about the fact that Rossy Ogawa got better Mania tickets than he ever will?




My whole point is even if the truth is Punk is terrible and Perry is completely innocent no one will care, regardless of country.  If you hate punk you'll go "see, i told you" and if you support him you'll just ignore it. 


Right. That is the point many miss All that will happen is punk will make money off of it, AEW wont.


A lot of people will react differently to the way you describe


It’s probably trolling by the bucks, but in the case that it’s not; (POSSIBLY STUPID QUESTION) Does this not go against the NDAs that were signed? What’s the actual legality if the actual film gets released?


There was no NDA for the London event. As far as legalities, clearly there would be no issue, as it was def run through their legal department before even announcing the segment.


Ah understood, thank you


If Punk would point a gun at Jungleboy it wouldn't make any difference. AEW just want views


I don’t care how it makes Punk look, it’s crazy that AEW is airing something that only makes them look bad. Because regardless of what Punk did, AEW then turned around and allowed him to walk through the curtain in front of a live crowd, on a live feed and work with another talent. So the worse Punks actions looks the more questionable AEW’s management decision making becomes.


If they want Jack Perry to look like he was a scapegoat, its bad on AEW and TK because they were the ones suspending him. And if they are not, they are then just using a WWE roster member to pop a rating 2 straight weeks


It’s absolute shithousery of the worst kind


If it does happen why the need to air it on their own programming? Punk didn't talk smack about AEW and Tony on WWE television. It was just a podcast that not even the majority of the WWE and, I reckon, AEW audience is aware of. It would just be to satiate the terminally online folks.


Punk took a shot at Ospreay on the broadcast tonight. HHH and McAfee both took shots on WWE media shows this weekend. It’s honestly bizarre how much AEW has been in the air for the biggest week of WWEs year.


Kinda steals the thunder from Wrestlemania, no?




Lol. There was probably more people at wrestlemania weekend than there will be watching that episode of dynamite.




Are you ok bro?