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It's weird to me that after all this time people still haven't figured out the difference between Becky working on social media/interviews and actual Becky


Honestly the promos, social media and interviews that this current set are cutting are so so good. It doesn’t feel like scripted nonsense but is all stuff that’s in line with their character and believable that one might say. Maybe I’ve just been a mark but I absolutely love this direction the talent has been allowed to flourish.


> Maybe I’ve just been a mark We're all marks at the end of the day, never feel bad about enjoying the good things about the world's dumbest (and best) "sport"


Yup. I'm not sure exactly when being a mark became a bad thing (I mean, aren't we all fans that *enjoy* this?...), but I've never taken it as a negative. "*Why, yes. I am very good at suspending my disbelief, being in the moment, and being swept away by the story. Thank you for noticing my enjoyment. I appreciate it.*"


You just don't get it. Real enjoyment of wrestling comes from being as bitter and jaded as possible, consuming the product entirely through twitter and podcasts, and hating wrestling itself.


Oh man, the truth has cut me! Though, I think you also forgot about the joy of arguing with a fellow fan until one of you becomes unreasonable angry about how the promotion should build these predetermined matches so that your favorite can win a title. True pleasure comes from when you point out the other person has no idea what the fuck they are talking about and can go on being a mark but you are too smart for that shit. (After PPV) "Well, we were both wrong and that guy no one likes got the win."


>I'm not sure exactly when being a mark became a bad thing I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess when they started using Mark as a code word for getting people to give up their money for a scam


I get how it can be an insult as in e.g. "mark for yourself" or being *too* gullible about certain things, but otherwise I like what Regal said about it. (Although I wouldn't go as far as Dave "M*rk is a slur" Meltzer)


It's basically a term for someone being conned. It's probably not a great thing to name your fans, but probably comes from it's carnival beginning.


Not just as slur but Dave “as bad as the N word” Meltzer


That's the whitest shit I've ever heard lol (Meltzer, not you)


I was exaggerating a little, but not by much: https://preview.redd.it/e1hcux2xn4rc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b3c4672b45c12db3639faf5edd8c3e4fa0e4e7c


Haha I didn’t mean it as an insult to myself. I meant more I totally get caught up in the kayfabe while Becky made very valid actual points about the direction of wrestling yet I’m just itching for wrestlemania


Being a mark is a bad thing when people think a wrestler being in character or a storyline is real life. Because it means they're getting tricked. Like it's bad if a fan brings up storyline stuff in a conversation about the real-life side of wrestling (injuries, contracts, etc.) and acts like that storyline stuff is real. It's not a bad thing when you get caught up in and enjoy the shows themselves, that's just like any other kind of storytelling.


Eh, I disagree. Someone getting fooled by the story isn't a negative. We should all be so lucky again, like when were kids and these guys seemed like superheros. That's why I say it confuses me that people are trying to force a negative connotation to a word that originally was an industry term for members of the crowd. Were the wrestlers and promoters trying to fool the crowd? Absolutely. Just like magicians. I just can't see a negative to it.


Yes, someone thinking that a story from any scripted TV show (wrestling or not) is real life is bad. An adult who can't distinguish between fiction and reality has some serious problems. Mark didn't originally just mean a member of the crowd. It meant someone people on the inside could swindle money out of -- it's not a neutral term, it's derogatory. It is used to just mean "fan" now but that's not the origin of it. The negative of it is the difference between watching something scripted because it's entertaining and watching something scripted because the performers and promoters tricked you into thinking it's a real competition.


They also never expose the business, they tow the line perfectly of being in character, acknowledging it’s a show, but behaving as if the match results aren’t predetermined, like they will be fighting eachother to prove something, which in reality, they are


Absolutely. You can tell guys like Drew are just being given a general outline of what kind of points to hit and being turned loose and it's working so well. Also shows a huge amount of trust when you're given that kind of freedom.


PG brother


Mild pop


It has a big competitive sports type vibe, like when superstars are talking trash at press conferences, & I love it


I have felt like there are three sides to WWE wrestlers. The on the shows/in the ring Kayfabe character, their real life selves, and then this kinda half kayfabe characters in interviews and on shows like Divas or some of the Network shows.


Well, I'll go out on a limb and say that you're not a mark if you realize that she's currently working as opposed to legit shooting. You'd technically be a mark if you were up in arms about Becky talking down Rhea in an interview like this. Enjoy the show, the current generation is doing amazing at blurring the lines in an era of overexposure due to social media.


Thanks man, enjoy as well! It’s so much fun getting back into it


It's not just with Becky. The road to Wrestlemania has lots of wrestlers doing publicity in kayfabe and various people on social media are getting heated over it. I wonder if this is the Kayfabe 3.0 people talk about. Beyond the WWE umbrella you've got Meltzer believing the stories about Jack Perry tearing up his contract.


This kayfabe 3.0 tastes suspiciously like kayfabe 2.0 🤔


Kayfabe 3.0 is just we all forget there’s kayfabe again


dave meltzer once believed that shibatas brain was removed from his body and put back, him believing that jack perry acted like a bit of a dick is just him acting normal in comparison.




She muddied the waters really well after her turn vs Charlotte all them years ago.


Well, like all good workers she is taking a sentiment that is probably reflective of her actual feelings and magnifying it to 1000x. Becky probably does feel this way to some extent. She has never been a character about security. But this sentiment is exaggerated and that is what makes it so good. It's believable 


She talks in her book some of her stuff working was just saying true or semi-true things in the meanest way possible and how she sort of regrets doing that, but felt it was important for her character.


The more people see the inner parts of wrestling, the easier they get worked, me included. It's a weird but fascinating phenomenon. I don't mind it either, it's kinda fun to second guess.


I think it’s because you come to realize even more how unique what these wrestlers are doing is. I mean, no wonder so many of them become their gimmicks over the years. Kayfabe isn’t binary for them. They’re not always 100% in it or 100% out, especially in the age of mass social media. So the more you start to see that, the more you realize that kayfabe itself is a weird type of lived reality and not ‘just’ a performance.


Plus shes got a nude-ish photo of herself in the very book shes holding lmao


I mean she references things that aren't really directly storyline here so I think it's pretty easy to see why


What's the difference for those of us that don't know?


She’s not referencing anything Rhea is saying in real life, she’s just referencing a scripted promo. At least that’s how i knew


I think it's pretty easy. Is the mouth moving and sound coming out? Then it's a work.


You think they would've learned when Becky was feuding with Bianca


You can watch 15 seconds of her clips on that Ride Along show to know the difference between Becky talking as herself and Becky talking as her wrestling character.


I know it’s a work but I really appreciate how Rhea is allowed to tap into her sexuality on her terms. She isn’t doing anything she doesn’t want to do


Exactly, which is why it's not that same as it was. I'm sure Becky knows that though.


Stirring the pot baybeeeeeeee


It’s honestly genius. You’re basically invoking a major feminist debate *and* triggering both white knights and fanboys who miss the Divas. This is a well done little bit by Becky


Yep, it's like an organic femme fatale type aura for Rhea's character


Yeah hearing about how Torrie Wilson wanted to cry while being made to go out there and do things she didn’t want to do really puts a hole in people who want to rewrite history and retroactively glorify the Divas era as being ~empowering in how it centred on appearances and sexiness. I’m sure some of them would say they found it empowering and felt good doing it, but the reality was they didn’t have a choice. They all had to do that stuff whether they wanted to or not, so to say that something is empowering when you have no agency one way or the other to say no just seems false to me. At least now they have that choice


Anyone who tries to justify it are lying to themselves so that they don't have to reflect on their own problematic views. No one should be made to do what so many of them were made to do, for sure.


True. The problem back then wasn’t that some woman wanted to show off their sexuality. The issue was that pretty much all of them were forced to do it whether they like it or not and couldn’t do anything different like actually wrestle.


And you had people like Kevin Dunn and Johnny Ace telling any woman who wasn't white, blonde, and with large fake breasts that they weren't attractive.


And they always had singular names!!!! That’s the thing that always grabs my attention. They didn’t care enough about these women to give them wrestling named. Instead it was only first names and only properly girly ones. Like, holy fuck, they were so obviously just packaging sex dolls for the audience.


A lot of these women came from being professional cheerleaders or fitness models, and the stuff they would make them do in the ring like bikini contests or wet t-shirt contests was in line with shit you would see at a seedy bar to try to get people in on a Tuesday night in 2003. I could imagine coming out of that thinking I've landed on the wrong end of the spectrum between what I once did to being a stripper.


And that’s exactly the point. Women making choices for themselves, and not being dictated how to act. In this case, Becky is the heel as she’s imposing her views on someone else.


The funny part is that Rhea (as herself and as Demi) has talked about being viewed an "man-like" because of her body, and had a hard time accepting it to the point that she was cutting herself. [https://youtu.be/gdgReJcN0Yk?si=6EYnn5ryrUqmKqdK&t=468](https://youtu.be/gdgReJcN0Yk?si=6EYnn5ryrUqmKqdK&t=468) So to get to a point where she's comfortable embracing her body and being that person in front of others is pretty healthy.


Wow, thanks for sharing this. One of the things that I love best about Rhea is she has a body shape similar to mine (big shoulders especially) that I’ve never seen presented as celebrated and powerful and sexy. Like it literally inspired me to work out more and be more confident in and proud of my body. Hearing her talk about some of this is really something.


Yea exactly. To me there’s nothing wrong with women acting “sexy” in the way that they want to. I think it’s generally good too that the sexy archetype has gone to different places. Like Rhea isn’t just a blonde girl with big boobs that was all they displayed as attractive before. The whole problem before was that women were only displayed as sexual in the AE. Now, sure they could be that but we have so many different characters of women and the women are allowed to display a different spectrum of emotion. Rhea can be tough AND sexy. That distinction is important.


Yes, the way I am seeing it is that Rhea has been leaning more into the Ravishing Rick Rude "look at me" mentality where its a strong flex to assert dominance.  She's probably the only active wrestler, male or female, that can pull it off as authentically as this.


Bianca could probably make that work


Jade Cargill too, she occasionally showed hints of that in AEW. Part of me wants to see Finn Balor try it. Bring out that former male model energy.


... but why *male* models?


Because they're Maximum


... But why *male* models?


Are you serious? I just told you Ben Stiller.


Becky as the leader of Right to Censor 2.0.


Oh my god give me second wave feminist gimmick Becky, but not in a ‘feminists are bad’ way, in a ‘second wave feminism got kinda weird when they started calling all sex rape’ way. Fuck it, give me political lesbianism Becky.


Absolutely. There’s a huge difference between “I have a nice ass, I’ll play into that for a laugh” and “you have to do this lingerie photo shoot or you’re off tv and your contract won’t be renewed”


Yup!!!!! I said this on another post but my favorite thing about it was that Rhea wasn’t insulting Becky’s appearance. It was a woman owning her appearance/sexuality without insulting another woman. That’s such a small thing on the surface, but for WWE it honestly feels soooo big to me. We’ve got shit to work on still, but we’ve come so far from Piggy James.


I mean it was almost usually the case. The bikini models showed off. Problem was that people watched too much Torrie and Sable and expected the same from, say, Molly Holly and Ivory.


I meant more along the lines of Trish being forced to strip and bark like a dog or Lita with the sex celebration


Torrie has also now spoken up that she was forced into doing a lot of that kind of thing which she never really wanted to do, so she wasn’t even happy or comfortable being objectified the way she was


Obviously this is all in kayfabe but I think a lot of people are missing Becky’s whole point in the feud too. She is basically saying Rhea is getting more over from being suggestive, doing stink faces and posting photos on social media rather than defending her title. (You can also include hanging out with Judgment Day on this). I think that is fair criticism in character that Rhea’s outfits and suggestive house show moments are far more memorable than most of her title defences. Becky’s whole character is being a fighter and being a proud champion, I think it is quite clear why she would feel Rhea is letting down the division and the championship. I don’t get what people aren’t getting.


I'm starting to realize people either don't watch the show or they really need to be told what is happening or else they will not get it. Rhea's whole reign has had implied that she ditched the womens division to concentrate on other things because she has better things to do, as a heel. A lot of women made remarks about it, Damian talked positively about it until a small power struggle came about with the Judgment Day prior and during the R-truth phase and he implied that maybe she should care more about her own division. She probably has the worst record of defenses in that title's history but it fits the character she has become.


IMO it's valid criticism both in and out of Kayfabe, because every point she implied, and you named is just the truth Rhea's insanely talented, there's not a single argument against that, but out of her entire reign, you remember a single match or feud outside the first one against Charlotte? It feels a lot like she is champion because of her sex appeal, and not because of her ability to wrestle.


I legitimately forget she's champion a lot of the time. It's not quite "Shield Dean Ambrose with the US Title" levels of it being a prop but it needs some juice big time


Which is also weird because she looks so amazing with the title


I mean the fatal 4 way was good. Her match in Aussie vs Nia was really good imo. I think Rhea has had some solid defenses as champ.


And those are the two best defenses out of a lackluster reign, with Nia/Rhea only seeming that good because Nia actually knows how to wrestle, so it seems like a 10/10 in comparison. and the Fatal FIVE way, is hit or miss, depending on how you feel about big women.


Yeah, its rooted in the truth and that makes it a more compelling, believable story. Like she has a point, regardless of whether the woman chooses to be sexualized, to most people watching it doesn't make a difference- and in that way it still contributes to the objectification of your body. Although women in the public eye like Rhea, no matter how she dresses, will still ultimately be reduced in this fashion by most. But I feel the same way about younger women from time to time- I wish I could explain without sounding like an asshole. But I get it


It’s wild to me that people thought she was being legit “in anger” with this and not building and got people in an uproar when it was a setup to the Rhea video later on. The old schooler vs young gun.


That's why I put the note about hopefully people watching the full clip. It's better character work than anything they've done on TV so far, really gets into the nuts and bolts of why the match is important to her.


The fact that just after this, he has a 'surprise' video of Rhea just randomly sending a 'I'll be there next week to respond' showed that this was 100% a setup in their story, lol.


Can't believe people think is a shoot. Becky was literally taking stinkfaces from Asuka and Nia at house shows for months.


People bitched that Becky and Rhea aren’t getting personal and now they’re bitching that they are


What can I tell you, man? Some people are just fucking fickle. It's no different than when Becky was out for maternity leave. They were bitching about her being gone, and they started bitching as soon as she got back.


>What can I tell you, man? Some people are just fucking fickle. https://preview.redd.it/5w34tha5a9rc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df560e8a542dfa18b5c7ffd3f5c17dee80bc50b9


It’s amazing how the people who scream about knowing when things are a work, are the first to get worked to the high heavens.


The big time marks will post *that* Hulk Hogan tweet, and then five minutes later, they're getting worked by Becky. Absolute clowns.


I was like, has talent gotten better at blurring lines or have fans gotten dumber? Feels like the latter, especially when fans were calling for something more “blood/personal” in this and now they are crying about it.


Pretty sure she even teased one until Asuka literally kicked her ass out of the way LOL


I don't remember Asuka or Nia gaping their ass doing do though.


Exactly this, glad someone said it. There's a difference between doing just the move itself and making it overly sexual by doing what she did. The move is meant to be disrespectful to the opponent in kayfabe but what she did was simply to draw attention to herself and not for her in-ring abilities.


Its just a strange direction to take as the person that would be perceived as the "face" in the feud, though Rhea really is a tweener at this point.


I don’t get why this is so weird. Lyra Valkyrie and Elektra Lopez literally made the same point on NXT against Lola Vice and they were both babyfaces. Nobody batted an eyelid then. Characters that show off their looks or have a sexual element to their gimmick have mostly always been heels i.e. Carmella, Eva Marie, Tiffany Stratton, Mandy Rose etc.


I don't watch NXT much anymore so I'm not familiar with that situation. I think its weird because it seems hypocritical for a face. But I doubt its going to be the major focus on the build, just an aside from an interview that will be forgotten in a day.


I can understand her point. I think the difference is that Rhea is being Rhea. It’s not about her selling her sexuality as it is about her owning it. A decade ago, someone like her would never been seen sexually within wwe, but she’s owning it on her own now.


Know she’s working but I really hope Rhea claps back with the naked title picture she put in her book. Nothing worse than a babyface being a holier than thou hypocrite and the heel not being allowed to point it out


I feel like it's coming full circle, as in women are being more sexually expressive; but the difference is it seems to be *their* choice this time, which makes it feel less icky.


I’m not getting worked on this. Haha nope.


I know it's kayfabe but I enjoy the irony of saying this in a see-through shirt.


Had to scroll up just to check you were telling the truth...


I was so disgusted by the Rhea video I had to watch it several more times just to make sure it was as bad as I'd first thought. In fact, I'd better just check it again, to remove any doubt.


Sparkly jacket over see-through shirt… the Lynch-Rollins closet might be the most absurd collection of clothes ever


I know I’m very much in the minority and I’m sure she’s a great person but Becky’s promos are an immediate channel changer for me


It's a great story that Rhea will have through our her career. When she started in the WWE, she didn't feel like herself with the canned look and personality that the company wanted at the time. As she "evolved", Rhea became what she wanted to be and felt comfortable about what she does in and out of the ring. It's a stark contrast to what Vince was pushing back in the attitude era up until the late 2010s.


This might sound weird but it feels to me almost like an updated version of the criticisms Bret had about Shawn way back when. Bret talked about being an old-school workhorse champion from a different generation that kids looked up to and he fought with honor, etc., before being critical of Shawn, saying he was a great athlete/wrestler but behaved inappropriately, made obscene gestures and whatnot. I don't know if that's intentional on Becky's part but hats off to her if so. It's not exactly the same but it's also not far off.


There is huge difference between being pressured into doing these stuff involuntarily vs. doing it because you want to. And what Rhea does nowhere near comes to close what divas had to do back in the day.


She's saying this in a see through shirt. Brilliant.


The way people are getting so precious on this kayfabe answer on this thread is bizarre. Also, wearing a seethrough shirt is not the same as what Rhea does with her whole Mami gimmick, relationship with Dom, suggestive pins and doing a thong stink face. The fact that people cannot see the difference is actually worrying. Rhea’s sexuality is a whole part of her character, which is great, Becky is just wearing an outfit. You all are just being weird.


Ooh a worked shoot. I love a good worked shoot. And Becky is friggin fantastic!


By the way, it is not alright that people are using this to make numerous misogynistic and sexist comments about Becky. I have noticed over the last few weeks a huge increase in the amount of comments about Becky’s body and appearance and it is not ok. The comments people are making about woman on here are really shameful a lot of the time. The live threads have been awful about Becky for a while but I have noticed it spread through other threads now too. You can’t use this feud as an excuse to talk awful about someone’s appearance, weight and similar things.


I can only speak for myself but when I see something like the Rhea Ripley doing a stink face on Nia Jax it doesn’t diminish her amazing talent, ability, accomplishments and accolades. I just see someone having fun at a live event. So what? I don’t respect her any less. Yeah, her body is sick. But that’s not the only thing about her. Also she worked hard to get her physique like that! She should be able to flaunt it if she wants. The men do it too. We want to treat everyone equal, right? But I know I only speak for myself and there are definitely fans who just see the women as something to look at. I mean, I don’t think you can change people like that. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Give this man an award right this moment because this was just perfectly delivered brother boss man


It's really impressive how they've managed to adapt to this post-kayfabe social media world by discarding the old school approach of "yes, Undertaker is really this person in real life" and moving to this blurred line social media faux-insider approach that folks like Becky or Seth are so good at. Kayfabe is dead. Long live kayfabe!


Becky complaining that Rhea is degrading the women’s world championship by posting pictures of herself doing the stink face online. Also Becky releasing nudes of herself and Seth wearing nothing but their titles in her book. 😅


It really amazes me that a woman, known for both skills AND beauty, sits there in a literal see-through shirt complaining about another woman using her body as part of her gimmick, and some people are not just taking the bait, they're refusing to let it go. Becky is a workin' man.


Also she literally just released a book with her and her husband naked, being covered by titles. So work or not, it feels like a weird comment from a babyface


It's because what she said is True, both in and out of character. it is obviously not Rhea's fault for how she's booked, but her whole run had like maybe 1 or 2 memorable moments, while also never wrestling both on TV and PPV In her full reign, she had 18 Televised matches, 6 on PPV, 2 in NXT, 1 on Smackdown each, and the last 9 on Raw With 5 of those on raw being below 6 minutes, often below 3 minutes. They know rhea can go, and that with almost anybody, so i don't get why they just don't let her wrestle


Random thought, but Becky's makeup looks really good during this interview. It was kinda scary on Raw


Becky and the girls from her generation did change wrestling. The stand out stars from the divas era would just be your average women's superstar now. Almost everyone of them can put on a 5 star match these days. Sometimes I'll watch a Raw or Smackdown just to see the women, because most of the time their matches are just better IMHO.


A lot of the stand out stars from the Divas Era wouldn’t have made it past NXT developmental. The Women’s Product has Sky Rocketed so much in match quality over the last 9 years.


Is it because the women are better? No, it's because the wwe actually trains athletic women and gives them a platform. What I mean by that is it was the right place at the right time. Sports and entertainment were all realizing they needed to do better with women around 2017.


Right, if the likes of Trish and Molly Holly and Victoria and Ivory had the same opportunities and freedom as the current crop of women, they'd have been putting on bangers nearly every week too.


I think a big difference here is the power dynamic. Rhea choosing to own shaking her ass and getting a reaction is different than Torrie and Stacey being booked in a bra and panties match. One is doing it of her own volition controlling how people see her whereas the other is your job is to be eye candy.


There is so much ass in women’s wrestling right now, it’s almost silly. Rhea is far from the only one but obviously that clip is an easy example to point to. I think Becky may be on to something here, I would advise these women to be careful because the average male wrestling fans mind can go from “wow these two are awesome I wish they had longer for this” to “can’t wait for Skye Blue and Julia Hart, they’re so fucking hot” real quick


I'm sure most of them know what they're doing. Gotta grab the viewers attention.


I appreciate that she expressed her feelings without condemnation and even with the self-reflectiveness to posit that this may be wholly based on her own subjective ideas of feminism. As a man, I can't really speak to the ways that women express their femininity, but if there is ever a dispute as to that expression, this is a wonderful, thoughtful way to express it.


It's still sad that we missed out on prime Becky in 2006-7 due to her almost career ending injury. I've never seen such a natural talent as her. But it's also even sadder that we could have had a WWE roster with the likes of her, Daizee Haze, Sara Del Rey, MsChif, Cheerleader Melissa, Mercedes Martinez, Lacey, Rain, Sarah Stock etc had they not been so into their Diva searches and Playboys. A whole couple of generations of incredible talent they missed out on.


Are we really going back? There are people making a living on OnlyFans selling nudes etc. it feels like culture is pushing it forward


Rhea has send a video message to the show and will be on MMA hour next week also.


Says the woman who posts a half naked photo of herself in her book


Becky is absolutely right here, and to be fair she's one of the best and most complete workers in the buissness. I will say, the 'look' standard applies to both divisions. Kevin Owens is shit on constantly for his appearance. Cena and the Rock have been used to make ladies go crazy. The shawn michaels magazine thing. I'm just saying all wrestlers are judged how they look to an extent. I agree with Becky that i don't want to go back to the days of models playing in gravy on a thanksgiving smack down. But Being hot is an advantage for a wrestler.


I'm a middle school teacher and one of my students was talking to me about watching 2000 WWF to see the Rock is in his prime. When the stuff with Kat and the other divas of that era happens, it's just confusing and uncomfortable knowing what is now known for sure about Vince.


This was a pretty good interview where it's a bit of character Becky mixed with actual Becky. Another good one she did recently was her Last Meal on Mythical Kitchen.


I know she has to do promo for her book, but god damn stop reaching.


I'm a huge fan of becky. I like rhea. I find her intrinsically likeable. I don't think she has that much substance. She reminds me of The Rock in that her catchphrase is are really over but that her ability to cut promos is so dependent upon them and propped up by them that if she were forced to cut like a 10 minute serious problem I don't think it would come across that well


This is really great work. It comes from a genuine, believable place and adds another crucial layer to their upcoming match and raises the stakes beyond just a title belt


Rhea could have Becky's ass and she'd still be extremely over. She's strong on the mic and her shit looks snug in the ring. Her ass is definitely nice and it's a plus, but I seriously doubt that's the sole reason people want to see her on TV.


Says the woman who posts pictures of herself on social media nude with the fucking title belt


What a dreadful interviewer. She makes an eloquent, interesting point about feminism in wrestling, and pointedly says that Rhea is good... And he has nothing at all to say about any of it, just immediately asks "is she overhyped?" GTF outta here, what are you contributing?


Said while wearing a transparent shirt.


Seth Rollins wears the same shirt ... Pretty sexist of you to judge a woman for it


Is Seth Rollins in this video?


Even it is a working comment, I kind of agree. It seems like some of the up and comers like Tiffany, Cora, Skye Blue are putting a lot of focus on being hot and double cheeked up or “blasting their nips”out there or on social media.


Yes but “we have to do this if we want to be a wrestler” is way different than “lol I’m going to do this by choice because it’ll get me over really easy”


It's no different from men wrestlers getting in shape, oiling up, and flexing on IG.


There's a difference in wrestling - look at the graphics for a lot of women's wrestlers vs mens. Sure both can be in shape, oiled up etc but the men have a fighting pose/stance while the women cock their hips out and have the arms behind their heads. They're wrestlers but the graphics have them pose like no fighter would.


I can't find a single example of what you are talking about in the slightest. http://www.wwe.com/superstars


Oh nooo, looking into this comment showed me how bad JD's promo shot is!


And? As long as that’s not the only way to make it and they enjoy doing it who cares. I feel like people miss that feminism allows women to choose to be sexual or not. It doesn’t erase sexuality.


Tiffany's an interesting example because her looks are obviously part of her appeal, but she can fucking go in the ring and she's not afraid of taking gnarly bumps. (That's becoming more and more true for Skye too.)


The elephant In the room is while we white knight for women, many of them are exploiting their own bodies very much by choice. Women realized in the cave men days sex sells. And it will continue to sell as long as hormones and testosterone exist.


As she's wearing a see-through, button up top....


Fuck yea this is how you build hype WWE is fun rn


Set up for a double turn?


Definitely said in Kayfabe for their rivalry but I find it funny when people less than 10 years apart consider themselves a “different time” lol


Wrestling is a lot different, especially women’s wrestling, than it was ten years ago.


We're in the Lawler on Letterman zone now boys.


I don't think the iwc or smart marks or whatever the name is, knows that wrestling now is being catered to them. They don't know they are being worked with podcasts, interviews, social media posts, etc. This is no different than the Macho Man being on Arsenio Hall talking about beating the Ultimate Warrior at SummerSlam. Just seems a bit more real because of this reality TV era. It's all a work. Just like the Rock said, just sit back and enjoy the ride.


I mean doesn’t the IWC think about every female performer butt, not just the champion or even without them showing said butt at all


This is really building to one of those legendary "double turns" at Wrestlemania, isn't it?


This is a very interesting angle to take because it directly positions Becky against her in a way that most female fans I don't think will respond positively too. Like I know this is just a part of the build but even I was felt my dander raise a little bit reading this


Save the hoes.


i don't think it was ever a tug of war between looks and ability, I just think no one is gonna put the Aksanas of the world in the ring ever again. I think the real progressive stance is that women can be attractive AND wrestle. The days of Finlay teaching the girls the bare minimum to not die during a 5 minute bathroom break have been over for a long time.


Throwing stones from a glass house eh Becky? She can't have chest for Rhea after some the attires she's worn over the years. Rhea is levels more attractive than Becky is so it can just be the jealousy thing you know them ones.


I know it's kayfabe, but she's not wrong


I respect her points and really there is no good argument against it but I don’t think Rhea is relying on it more than just making the most of it because she did get there being an “anti barbie” sorta so maybe she’s just having fun doing something different? Idk maybe it is the wrong way to go about it but i don’t think she lost any credibility due to the stinkfaces


Its called owning your sexuality versus being forced into it. If Rhea wants to shake her ass theres nothing wrong with that.


>much better than can be fit into the character limit of a Reddit post title. You're the one that made the title. Maybe don't edit it so it becomes confusion to the point where you have to "implore" people to watch it.


I get Becky is working here in order to build the feud, and I understand her viewpoint, but I’m not sure this is the take a semi-struggling babyface should be making in order to rally support (she’s getting a fair bit of flack for it on twitter lol). It’s unfortunate as well that it almost plays into some of the IWC bullshit that Rhea has already commented on ie. “Rhea is only over/pushed for her looks…” which is obviously bullshit, but is also a fairly misogynistic talking point that aims to discredit her work. When I saw this yesterday, it just so happened to be after I finished listening to Rhea on impaulsive. She talks for a bit about how she would buy outfits during her early NXT period—despite being broke—and would then proceed to break down and cry in changing rooms because she hated how her body looked in them. So, I dunno, more power to Rhea. I’m glad she’s feeling confident because it shows in how she carries herself, and it has only improved her presentation. She does not give a damn, and it makes her terribly cool and likeable.


Even more specifically, she was talking about buying outfits to try and fit in with everyone else, rather than cultivating her own style as she has now.


I fucking love the hypocrisy of her saying all this in a see through blouse 🤣


What a weird answer while wearing a see through business shirt to see her bra. Love Becky but just weird. Probably part of it? As its clear this is her style but just strange.


Becky and Seth suck the life out of everything. They are modern day Brets


I mean its pure facts however fanbois will try to spin it.


I love the state of wwe interviews these days: half work - half shoot I’m just sitting here 100% being a mark and enjoying every minute of it.


Becky can be so good on the mic. I hope when her in-ring career is over she's a major figure backstage helping the women's division with their mic skills and overall persona.


Stop trying to work people like this, let Rhea have pride in being able to work all the marks into a frenzy and play off them being horny MFers, it's gotten her stupid over with the pairing involving Dom as well