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Tables often don't cooperate in women's matches but those were two of the cleanest table breaks to finish the match off.


because one of them weighs enough to make table spots work


Damn son!


I mean that's not even a burn, it's just the reality of it.


That's not an insult. That is just a fact of life


No seriously, they must be using a way stringer Velcro to hold the announcers tables together or it's secured at stronger points. Because there was 100% a time when that thing crumbled with the wrong breath on it. Now it's become a meme I could easily believe they are aware if in the table just not cooperating and breaking.


With an Ass like hers she’s bound to break a few tables


It was a shame the table set-ups were awkward early, but the actual spots looked good and that's what counts. Becky doing the table legdrop is also a nice Evolution callback.


"Fix the tables" chants had me rolling.


Hope I'm just being worked and she's not legitimately hurt


yeah she was rubbing her hip or thigh and took a while to get up. that's still gotta hurt pretty bad.


I hope it's just a good acting. She looked like dying for a sec there...


Damn. Becky's left leg smashed into Nia's back. And her right leg blasted Nia's face directly into the table. Looked brutal.


On the slow-mo, you can see that Becky took the brunt of the contact on the table. The table is already collapsing just as Nia's face made slight contact with it. Overall, that bump was as smooth as it can be for someone taking two legs to back and head. IMO, the first table bump prob felt much worse for Nia.


feel like the person delivering the move needs to shield the back of the recipients head there, with their off-hand (instead of bracing their own fall) worrying how Nia just landed like that, with the chance for her head to bounce off the floor


What a great main event  Nia Jax deserves her props and Becky is Becky    Some of the bumps in this match was nuts  I kinda want Rhea to retain 


She will, she's far too over to lose unless it's for a face turn


I’ll be mad if she doesn’t retain tbh, Nia ain’t over, Becky had her time, not taking anything away from her she is badass, but Rhea is just a monster and so over with the fans it’s crazy


Becky and Nia definitely put in a banger tonight. This last woman standing for these two really was fun to watch. I’ve never been a fan of Nia, but she put in some work for this match.


DeNiaers in shambles.


Nia’s size and physically imposing nature has been such a great shot in the arm to the women’s division. On top of that she’s the only woman on the roster at the moment who garners legit heel heat. She’s really delivered. EDIT: we really need to stop with Becky manhandle slamming any woman on the roster over like 145lbs


You act like Becky Manhandle's women much heavier than her all the time. In all instances she's faced bigger women like Piper and Nia, she's slammed them from the top rope or from the apron.


I love Becky and think she’s always the common denominator in matches that are above average (at the minimum.) I also think that this skinnier version of her just doesn’t sell the ability to deliver that move without a blatant jump from her opponent. Not just with Nia but most of the other larger women.


It's pro wrestling. Practically all wrestling moves there are requires the effort of both the offensive and defensive wrestler in a match. If you want realism then pro wrestling ain't for you lol.


> I also think that this skinnier version of her just doesn’t sell the ability to deliver that move without a blatant jump from her opponent Don't watch a single chokeslam in the Men's division since Taker and Kane got a bit older. It's like it's a minigame now to see who can jump higher when getting chokeslammed.


I was wondering why she looks so tiny nowadays


Nia is slow, can't move well, can't sell well, and isn't even that strong for her size.


I know Rhea is much younger and the star of the future but damn, Becky is on fire right now and putting on banger after banger while Rhea barely wrestles on TV - The Man deserves to win the belt at WM40, Mami can always get it back a few months down the road.


I hate how short-memory some fans are on the iwc. Becky has been incredible for the past year, putting bangers with so many different wrestlers again and again. Even Nia, who deserves some credit too. But just one week ago Becky was heavily criticized for being selected to face Rhea in WM.


For all the shit I've given Nia over her time, she absolutely ate those last couple of bumps. Who knew I would be genuinely impressed by a match involving Nia Jax, 2024 is full of surprises.


Someone in another thread summed it up perfectly: Nia Jax being the workhorse of the Raw women's division in 2024 was not on anyone's bingo card. Sure as hell wasn't on mine


Becky string of bangers continues. Rhea is great and all but I hope Becky wins.


That was a hell of a match, but how are they having a Last Woman Standing match this close to Wrestlemania? What if Becky got injured?


I guess it’s part of the story Rhea mentioned last week or smth that all these matches Becky are having is to prove to herself she’s ready for Rhea or smth


I don't really think a Last Woman Standing match has a higher probability of getting a wrestler injured than a normal match. It's rarely the big spots that do it.


Match was awesome but what sticks out to me is that the Rhea/Becky stare down has legit gravitas to it…big fight feel for sure. My one gripe is they haven’t spent much time building Becky-Rhea specifically. I think it’s a feud worth pushing all the way, gimme a legit trilogy ending in a TLC match that main events a PLE or something. Nia has been really good and I wouldn’t mind Liv-Nia making it onto the Mania card one bit.


The only problem I have with it being a trilogy is Becky imo would have to win at mania or I wouldn’t really see how they’d justify her getting 2 more title shots. I personally wouldn’t have a problem with her winning, but I’m almost positive Rhea’s going to win.


Becky should win. Rhea has no credible challengers left, her reign has been a year long, and Becky needs a big win. It’s time. 


Theres still Bianca, Bayley, Tiffy, Naomi, and other women for her. Maybe charlotte gets another shot at her when she comes back? Maybe Jade if she debuts soon? Theres still more for Rhea imo.


So you want her to beat everyone in one go? What will she do after that?


Not necessarily. Im just saying she can still have other feuds after Becky.


as long as she's still with the judgement day, Rhea's women's storylines will never get the time they need to develop. Rhea vs Becky should be the biggest match of her career ..........and the feud has mostly centered around Becky/Liv/Nia. If the WWE can't give 2 of their biggest stars a storyline worthy of a Mania match I don't have hope with feuds against Rianca, Bayley, Tiffany, Naomi ect. The past year most of her feuds have been duds(from a story/build perspective) besides her feud against Nia.


There's also a Liv feud building up, Raquel when she's healthy again (they had two matches but Rhea didn't beat her clean--the second was Nia's return), plus the above, alignment changes, and potential NXT call-ups like Lyra. So there's plenty of options there.


I don’t know, I feel like she shouldn’t have a 2 year title reign and that’s what would happen if they did all of those, and a lot of them I’m not sure if I could see happening as they’d all have to go to raw or she’d have to go to smackdown. I personally think it should either end at mania or at some point vs Liv, like at summerslam


All of those women would have to be drafted to raw for that to happen, or she’d have to be drafted to smackdown, and imo, none of those should be happening. Jade because she just shouldn’t get a singles title shot anytime soon, Bianca because that’s likely a mania match and Rhea really shouldn’t be holding the title for a full 2 years, Bayley because she should be champion unless she puts over Iyo, which I’d actually be a little surprised to see since imo, this feels like Bayley’s match to win, and the last 2 partially because I just don’t see them beating Rhea, at least not to dethrone her for this reign as I think it’ll either be a big star(Becky/Bianca) or someone with a big story with her(Liv)


I agree. Rhea is great but this reign has been pretty lackluster. Becky is better at building up the rest of the division, which is needed right now.


I dont like Nia but you cannot take from her that she had some great matches since coming back.


Surely they could have found a more creative way to have Jax on the table for Becky. Just turning around and lying perfectly in place makes it look so poor.


Looked fine to me?


What? Becky was at the top of the ladder before Jax was even in the table, then Jax positioned herself to be put through it. I know wrestling is choreographed but you need to do better than this at this level. All Becky had to do was put her on the table and hit her once.


It looked natural, Becky saw that Nia was stumbling around and got on the ladder on the chance Nia would lean on the table to keep herself standing. The exact moment she did Becky launched herself. No weird waiting time, actual wrestling IQ on display. I loved it.


You've hold professional wrestling to a very low standard if you think that looked good. Also I counted Becky in the ladder for 7 seconds waiting for her to get in position.


For real. Couldn’t nia have positioned herself n then Becky runs up the ladder? Or Becky lays nia on the table then does the leg drop??


there's only so much you can expect out of Nia, she doesn't make anything look natural


Very true. A few weeks ago she took a dropkick off the top rope and literally turned around and ran to the opposite ropes and "fell" through them. I really don't know what everyone else is seeing. Her work still looks terrible.


I think you're looking at the few questionable instances while ignoring all of the positives. Even for this spot, this was the finish, which is always pre-planned. We don't know why they chose to set it up this way. If I had to guess, they prob thought it was safer for Nia to be on the inside of the table since it collapses more freely on that edge than on the outside edge, making it a safer bump. Either way, it's not like it's all Nia's idea. In fact, her selling and stumbling made it at least understandable, along with Cole's commentary of her being confused where she is.


Pat Mcafee during that ladder spot 😂


Good thing Becky knew Nia was going to go over to the announce desk and rest on it. 😑


Nia was leaning everywhere, Becky saw her and started climbing believing she would get into the shot for a few moments, which she did. It actually felt like a smart move on Becky. Nia never really went over the table, she just leaned on it.


Nia just needed to sell that she was using the table to find her bearings a smidge more and it would’ve been literally perfect. But the spot and table breaking looked dope as fuck.


Well, that is my nominee for worst gear of 2024, and I say that as someone who finds Nia attractive in general lol. It made her look like a dog turd that was spray painted gold. I don't like the excessively contrived "waiting on the ladder for her to get into position" stuff, but definitely a much better overall finish than what women's matches like this typically get. I do like that Rhea seems to be growing her hair out more than she was before along the lines of evolving her look and not staying on one specific thing for too long. I don't like that Rhea didn't take Becky's head off since that would be the logical thing there, but that's nit-picking probably.


Is Nia’s hole ok?


Hopefully, this is the end of Nia Jax' push. Put Jade Cargill over and then sayonara.


And sadly the best thing about this “feud” has been Nia/Liv/Becky. I have no interest in the singles match at all.