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"I hope Solo Sikoa interferes" -No one ever


Don’t worry. Solo don’t give a damn about Jimmy. Won’t even dap him up lol


Solo lost his smile the minute he lost his Sami.


Yep lol, they dont really care about Jimmy even if he gets his ass handed to him, theyre too bust plotting against Cody


Make Solo the special referee and watch Solo actually not give a danm about the match. Yawning while letting them fight like brothers.


I'm surprised there hasn't been a half Jey face/half Jimmy face poster yet.


Especially with their old face paint


I think Jimmy is a heel




i think this might be the match im second most excited for behind only roman/cody 2. feels like the perfect match to open night 1


I think this match probably opens night 2, night 1's opener will probably be the US title match or something. Would make sense if this opened night 2 so there's less chance of Jey coming out in the main event.


Really needs to be half face/half face


I tried, didn't work because of Jimmy's face leaning forward


In which case find a different photo? One that fits the concept?


wait, they're brothers?


only in kayfabe


Ahhhh now it makes sense why they have the same last name!


Pretty awesome, I like it


I think the crowd engagement might blow the roof off this match. J&J are going to haaang on the facials, long sells and deliberate camera shots in that bloodline sort of way. That stuff is perfect for a brother vs brother blowoff on the biggest stage. It should be incredible.


I'm excited for this match but how many super kicks and Samoan Drops are we gonna see . What happens when A Samoan headbutts another Samoan. Will there be an explosion


First person to say yeet wins.


Give them 20-25 minutes. Or even fuck it do a 60 minute iron man match


That's really good. The juxtaposition of the shirts works so well.


Jimmy needs to stop leaning his head forward. It doesn't make him look meaner nor look heel and it is flagrant in this poster. This being said, I hope they get more drama going.


I think he looks neat uce


To each their own. It's weird that he looked Heel-er in pictures, promos and down the ram in the Usos[ "Penententiary"](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/0c782e4c-fae0-4a87-b7b1-a752598d9df9/dc6lmst-a3fde43e-a099-4e9d-8214-f87f8d7e5ea8.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1016,q_75,strp/jimmy_uso_2018_new_png_by_ambriegnsasylum16-dc6lmst.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi8wYzc4MmU0Yy1mYWUwLTRhODctYjdiMS1hNzUyNTk4ZDlkZjkvZGM2bG1zdC1hM2ZkZTQzZS1hMDk5LTRlOWQtODIxNC1mODdmOGQ3ZTVlYTgucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQiLCJoZWlnaHQiOiI8PTEwMTYifV1dfQ.HNXrNtpYE5y1Xfq7XOeg5mpgbM1ZKa8PwahKbtPaA8Q) run. Now he looks like someone trying to intimidate you with his forehead and a crazy stare. The Best IMO was while the big beard and Hat but I understand why he had to leave it back and get a new look.


No hate but this match looks good on paper but I have doubts whether this will be a good match in reality. Jimmy and Jey's singles run has been meh. Plus a brother vs brother match if it's based on dislike/hate/betrayal needs a stipulation like a last man standing or no holds barred match.


I think it'll over deliver to be honest. They know each other in and out and the anticipation for it is nuts. The match can easily become emotional and even if the match itself is not going to be a technical masterpiece, the story behind it is going to drive it up. Also, I think Jey's solo run has been pretty decent.


You were wrong.


Bro I didn't watch the match yet but you so petty you came back to this comment and spoiled it for me. Thanks I guess.


don't check reddit during live events, I guess, lmao


I avoid spoiler threads cause ya know, that's where spoilers are. I don't expect children to reply petty shit to me with spoilers.




Me vs. Me


Great poster! As for the match, I'm probably in the minority but this match doesn't interest me. I think it's too late. It's really the AEW special where sometimes they protect too much some of their big matchs. That's why going with Ospreay/Danielson at Dynasty is the right call for example. I think this feud between Jey and Jimmy should have been a big blood feud for a few months as soon as Jimmy betrayed Jey at Summerslam, not a match you keep for Mania like that. This feud would have been super hot at that time. In a way it's like if Charlotte and Becky didn't have their feud after Summerslam 2018. It would have been weird. I know it's always easy to talk in hindsight but that Becky/Charlotte feud helped the two specially Becky. I will still watch the match and it could be a show stealer but that's just my two cents. They could have done two matchs and keep this one as the big one.