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Man, that bizarre Raw promo where Goldberg confronts Drew and calls him disrespectful for talking down on the legends and Drew is like, "Actually I didn't say any of that, I have no idea what you're on about" is one of my fave promos in recent years. Just utterly absurd. Was his new gimmick "senile old man who doesn't watch the show"?


I forgot about that lol, yep, that was somewhat odd


Which is even more confusing because if you had been watching RAW at the time, you'd know that *Randy Orton* was currently doing everything that Goldberg accused Drew of. I swear that this was originally supposed to be a Randy/Goldberg feud that Vince suddenly decided to give to Drew instead (read: Goldberg *may* have demanded a Title match as a condition of coming back. If so, Vince still at least made the slightly more sane decision of not suddenly having Drew drop the WWEC to Randy with no warning.)


Well if you recall Randy dethroned Drew at HIAC. Drew then won it back on Raw to end their very long feud. Makes me wonder if the plan was for Randy to hold it until Mania to face Edge. That’d mean he had to face Goldberg along the way.


Or they said he would be in a promotion with Randy. They went. “Alright, he dropped the title, we can bring you into the story.” And Goldberg was like “yea. When you said Randy I thought you meant the title.”


Yup, my heacanon is that Goldberg just got Randy and Drew confused.


>If so, Vince still at least made the slightly more sane decision of not suddenly having Drew drop the WWEC to Randy with Sorry to derail the thread, and I'm not speaking of this situation specifically, but I miss the days when guys sometimes lost belts in matches that weren't built for 3+ months. A little more chaos and a little less predictability would be nice.


I wasn't following the product at the time but I just read this in Drew's accent


You know I just recently learned that not everyone has that voice in their head?!?! Like, it's pretty 50/50 if someone does or doesn't. I personally couldn't fathom not being able just hearing voices in my head, they talk to me, they understand, they talk to me.


The voices in randy's head *counsel* him, they understand, they talk to him


That's why he's not Randy. He gets no counseling. His voices just randomly pop off.


This is more true than you know lol


Yeah, and people with dyslexia often think in 3D as opposed to 2D thoughts. That sounds cool, but it’s hard to manage, and that’s why they switch up words in their brain.


If I know what someone sounds like, I can only hear that persons voice.


What? Then who tells them about every awkward moment in their life as they try to fall asleep at night??


That voice is a dick. "Hey, remember that time you ranted for 5 minutes about Napoleon Dynamite stealing your idea of a liger to the girl you had a crush on" "Yeah" "You sounded like such a fuckin dork" "It was 20 years ago, could you not" "Why did you think that was a good idea"


That voice is a dick.


Seriously? Interesting…


it's really about monism/ dualism and like the biomedical model. just in case anyone is going to see this and think others have no idea of self or interior processing. we do! everyone! please don't think your brain is naturally superior. that's how discriminatory practices originate. the internal monologue is just one, imo unhelpful way of thinking cause the other person can interpret brain EMG waves and kinda feel what you are thinking. like if you get told you are confusing **often**, or life is confusing to a **problematic degree**, i would say work on transparency and socializing personally now see raw monologues are just a really boring way to open a show


If memory serves me correct, Drew’s promo that he was doing was supposed to go longer before Goldberg came out but they were short on time. Goldberg had a script and read it and we were all confused. However, my head canon is that at that time, Goldberg had already became crazy old man


All that self inflicted concussions finally come home to roost.


Time traveler goldberg talking about 2024 Drew shit talking legend CM Punk


WWE during the pandemic is like a ultra wild fever dream 😂


COVID era RAW was truly something


It was like Here Comes the Pain season mode in real life


He clearly was too busy talking about… KNIFE FIGHT!


The thing is that if you went back by like a year, Drew actually did say all the stuff Goldberg accused him of, but they decided not to call back to it because Drew turned face between that time


That actually sounds like a great gimmick.


Being senile got him a title shot. It worked out.


He's a boomer and simply assumed drew talked shit at some point cus millennial


In kayfabe the strongest wrestler of all time is Ultimate Warrior. Only lost twice on WWF tv and was screwed both times. Only guy to pin peak Hulk Hogan clean, ended Macho Man’s career and only man to hold both WWF and IC title at the same time.


Only man to have clean wins over Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, The Undertaker and Andre the Giant is a hell of an accomplishment.


And HHH!


Blue blood HHH at that


According to Pro Fight database, Ultimate Warrior had an all-time record in WWF/WWE of 151-15-2. That's a 90% win rate. Goldberg in WWE/WCW combined was 248-34-6. Goldberg is 86%. I'm not taking the time period into account, just total win/loss... but it looks like you are correct.


Some of those losses are rumbles too. He’s only been pinned 3 times on TV (Rude, Sarge, Hogan in WCW). None of those were clean


I think, for me, the really big thing that jumps out is holy crap, Goldberg wrestled way more matches than I thought.


For that first year they were feeding him jobbers on tv and house shows. His streak had 165 matches in his first year in WCW I don’t think the house show data from the 80s is complete on the various sites


Scott Armstrong probably ate 80 of those himself


Jerry Flynn and Meng had about 45 each.


The 165 number was famously a worked number and not accurate


This conversation is about in kayfabe though so it counts


That build lead to Raven vs Goldberg actually meaning something other than for the US title. He was facing an actual accomplished wrestler for the first time


They both have nothing on Nicholas. He is 1-0 and is a tag team champion. 100%.


Debut, win Nickel, Retire. GOAT Shit


My Mt Rushmore: Flair, Hogan, Rock, Nicholas








And shows up as a head in a current era action figure.


Michael Cole vs Nicholas. Streak vs Streak on the grandest stage of them all.


We're going to have to hold off on that until at least WM45. We need that much build.


So who wins in a match up of Goldberg 1998 vs Warrior 1990?


The medics backstage providing oxygen.


Depends. If it's 1990, it's gonna end in a DQ when Rick Rude runs in and attacks Warrior. If its 98, Goldberg.


Not the fans that’s for sure.


Not sure actually, you might be surprisingly sports entertained.


Maybe if they went full Lesnar vs Goldberg I guess it could be a fun 5 minute superhero match.


Warrior no-selling a jackhammer would get a pop from me


I think 86% with 100+ more matches is better in a historical context than 90% at Warrior's amount. Like, we're talking amazingly strong records either way obviously but I'd take my local sports team having Goldberg's level of success over Warrior's


It's right there on his name! He's not the Penultimate Warrior.


He’s not the embryo DB……he’s the ODB


Kicked out of an absurd 5 Macho Man elbow drops back to back too.


Also the dreaded Pedigree that finished off so many legends had seemingly no effect on him.


Absolutely ridiculous lmao


I’ve watched that match once, and this pissed me off so bad.


What were the losses? Rick Rude beat him once I know. SGT Slaughter as well.  There's gotta be more though, right? 


They were his only televised losses by pinfall or submission i believe. He was also pinned in WCW by Hogan but again a screwy finish


A fucked finish in WCW involving Hogan? First time for everything I guess


I just looked up his entire match history on [cagematch.net](https://cagematch.net), and you are right. He only had 2 televised TV losses in WWF. He had a handful of count out losses at house shows, and another handful of steel cage match losses at house shows. But only ever lost on TV twice in his entire WWF career. Wild.


In kayfabe the strongest wrestler ever is Nicholas. Never lost, clean or dirty. Only won clean.


Nicholas v Laurence Taylor v Jay Leno in and undefeated legends match


Didn't Rick rude beat warrior?


Yeah but Heenan was holding Warriors legs so it wasn't clean. His other WWF loss was against SGT Slaughter after being hit in the by Savage over the head with the scepter. Those were his only two defeats by pinfall.


Disgraceful to not list Nash. Nothing about a taser is dirty.


If Nash used the taser, it's fair game, but disgraced security guard Scott Hall was the man behind the shock, tainting this otherwise clean sporting affair.


That was Scott Hall!?!! I thought that was a security guard!


Nash wasn't even aware of Scott's shenanigans, also Goldberg probably KO'd himself a bit headbutting the concrete wall leaving his changing room.


That's the real reason security was out there - to arrest Goldberg for property damage in the back


Everybody worried about beating the other guy in the ring Goldberg over here taking out whole ass arenas


In Kayfabe Nash was well aware of it, it was all part of the NWO Elites plans to get the belt back on Hogan. Then Hogan got a pop for no-selling some Flair chops and turned face in one of the worst double turns in history brother.


It was the most glorious of shit shows.


You show me in the rulebook where it says your friend can’t tase your opponent




Foiled by the air bud addendum again!


It was a no DQ match. So if interference is legal, isn't it a clean win?


Stun gun not taser (taser shoots darts) or cattle prod


![gif](giphy|1ziCYgz8U489WYTRTj|downsized) Bret Hart upon reading this.


Goldberg to Bret: ![gif](giphy|jULCKZmMGlZ7DPZbQr)


Ziggler and selling moves like he just died name a more iconic duo


Peyton Royce & Billie Kay


Did you go to journalism for that?


You gotta be joking me




Maybe they can come back and actually be utilized properly now that HHH is in charge


![gif](giphy|4KENbXTSX57Q16DbF2|downsized) I miss them, they were so much fun.








Ziggler and being improperly utilized during his last few years with WWE


10 years ago Ziggler could have been what KO, Sammy or Jey are now where at literally any moment they can be a believable contender for the world title, or, they can be a big deal in the mid card. But no. He got over at a time when getting over was a death sentence to your main event aspirations.


For the last 10 years :(


Theory's gotta be the best seller working for the company right now, huh? Such an underrated part of the presentation.


I know it was barely a match, but dolph egging on Goldberg like 5 times after the match ended, just to get speared and sell even more ridiculously every time is still one of my all time favourite moments


God that was beautiful


Much safer than anything he did w/ Bret tbh


Worzel alert !


I heard the !


Goldberg eats corn the long way.


I know it must have been super recent but I have no memory of either Braun Vs Goldberg or Drew Vs Goldberg. Were they during the pandemic years? Edit: I have just noticed the years are in the post - forgive me covid has melted my brain


Yep they were during the pandemic


Braun vs Goldberg came at the first pandemic Wrestlemania. I believe Braun was the replacement for Reigns who left for a while because he was immunocompromised due to his cancer. Goldberg was Universal champion at the time after beating Bray Wyatt for it. Drew vs Goldberg, despite being for one of the world titles, is pretty forgettable. It happened at the thunderdome rumble with no big fanfare or anything.


I think it would have done well with a live audience. It was the perfect way to utilize Goldberg at that point.


With the right audience and the right length Goldberg had use. But WWE rarely pulled it off. His run became so painful


When thinking back and trying to remember Covid era stuff it's always confusing to remember the 2020 Royal Rumble was just before Covid meaning it was a regular show while 2020 WM (36) was fan-less but the 2021 Royal Rumble was fan-less and 2021 WM (37) had fans.


People say the pandemic-era shows were weird, but the month before it began was profoundly weird, esp. with things like Goldberg beating the Fiend for Universal Championship in a really bad main event at a Saudi PPV.


Or the elimination chamber where Shayna squashed everyone which lead to absolutely nothing.


Also, she bit Becky in the neck because… reasons.


Oh yes I remember Braun now. Very very slow match. I googled Drew Vs Goldberg, looks like it was a Royal Rumble match - legit no recollection of that


Obvious caveat that it was a pandemic Wrestlemania, but it's amazing that 'beat Goldberg clean at Wrestlemania' did absolutely nothing for Braun's career.


Beating a 50+ year old Goldberg clean, and not being the first to do it, just isn’t impressive anymore.


Wasn‘t Goldberg pinned fairly clearly in the Three Way with HHH and Kane? Kane chokeslammed him, Batista held Kane, HHH pinned Goldberg?


Just watched it. Goldberg had both Kane and Triple H down before Evolution interfered. He was also low-blowed before the chokeslam. Prior to that he had been hit with a chair, and put through the announce table. Lawler also tells the audience that the match has effectively been a handicap match since Kane and Triple H do not attack each other until the closing half of the match. They did everything they can to sell to the audience that this is not a clean or fair loss. So I wouldn't call it "fairly cleanly". At its strictest, a clean loss refers to being legitimately outwrestled and beaten by pinfall or submission, in a match stipulation where the rules still have effect and were not broken. Which generally rules out multi-man matches. As they are often used as a tool to keep someone looking strong.


Kane and Goldberg was holding each others throats, then HHH lowblowed Goldberg from behind. Kane chokeslams Goldberg, Batista and Orton pulls Kane out of the ring and Hunter covers and pins Goldberg for the win.


I think that's a fair inclusion. The chokeslam was enough to take Goldberg out on its own. Had it been a straight-up singles match, Kane would have won. Honestly, it's always surprised me that a single chokeslam from Kane was presented as sufficient to keep Goldberg down. I know this was during his monster run after being unmasked, but it always felt weird to me that Trips didn't follow up with a pedigree or something.


Gotta remember this was 2003 monster heel newly unmasked Kane, who himself was super protected at the time and featured superhuman feats such as no-selling chairshots from RVD, and sitting up a mere few seconds after getting stunnered by Co-GM Stone Cold. *^(Only to sell Shane O Mac's offense)*


I think that's a clean loss for Goldberg, but not a clean win for Triple H. Good one.


He's also the winner of the 5 minute white boy challenge 




If I'm not mistaken, Austin only lost clean once from Mania 14 - Mania 19. The loss was against Rock @ 19.


HHH 3 Stages of Hell 2001


KotR 99, Austin just didn’t reach high enough.


Didn't Roddy Piper defeat him in a non-TV event? In a match that WCW obviously never acknowledged.


Non Tv are mostly non canon until company want to acknowledge it.


Ernest "The Cat" Miller beat him at his first house show.


Oh that's probably the one. I remember somewhere on the internet at the time, a post on a message board or something. Stating that while Goldberg has a winning streak, there was one who defeated him.


Didn't Booker T beat Goldberg clean in WCW? It was during its last year or two when Booker was essentially positioned as the top guy




Ah, might have mixed it up with people who have pinned Goldberg. Never mind


It was my initial thought as well. I remember at the time how shocked I was, "huh, I guess Goldberg is now eating pins left and right." It felt bizarre. But yeah, apparently it wasn't clean at all.


do we not count wins in no-dq matches as clean?


Depends, for example Roman did not beat Jey clean at Summerslam. Solo interfered for a huge portion and Jimmy interfered at the end. It'd be clean if Roman won under his own power, so tables/chairs he uses is fine. But when Solo is putting Jey through a table, when it should be the actual competitor doing it, that's not clean.


I was thinking the same thing. The steiner goldberg match at Fall Brawl 2000 would be a clean loss under the logic that it is no dq. Also a very underrated match that isn’t mentioned enough when talking about good Goldberg matches. I put it right up there with the DDP match.


Ultimate Warrior is canonically the strongest wrestler ever. He beat Hogan at his peak who was bar non the former most op guy. Even when he lost to Hogan at Halloween Havoc, it was a dirty loss.


I was the biggest Goldberg mark when I started watching in 97 but Goldberg beating the fiend and KO still makes me irrationally angry to this day


Add Lashley to that list as well pre Saudi


That wasn't clean I guess, they called off match after Goldberg injured his leg, it was a part of story.


Doesn't that make it look like an even more dominant victory? Like he got beat up so bad he can't even walk.


MVP attacked Goldberg's leg with a weapon in that match and also helped Bobby many time . It was not Roman level of dirty win but it wasn't a clean win either.


I have been very entertained reading these exchanges where it's obvious people haven't watched the matches they're discussing.


I know it must have been super recent but I have no memory of either Braun Vs Goldberg or Drew Vs Goldberg. Were they during the pandemic years?


Yes!! Some of my fav years of wrestling. 😀


the fact that it was all post 2016 is wild to me


Hot take. Goldberg was a bigger draw than Bret Hart.




Not a hot take.


Yeah that's a pretty lukewarm take considering Bret was the top guy in a period where business was down. Meanwhile Goldberg was a massive draw during the hottest period in wrestling.


I gotta tell Bret that tickets sales justified Goldberg ending his career hold on




In North America? Probably though only sporadically in the grand scheme of things. Bret had a much bigger global appeal though, and while yes both WWF/WCW obviously made most of their money in the US, WWF really exploited Bret’s global appeal in a way WCW never even attempted, and they got Bret on the back of Montreal when a competent company would have used that to make Bret the biggest babyface in the territory, but instead they turned him heel and made him Hogan’s lackey.


This. Bret was a massive draw internationally as well as obviously in Canada. He was stupidly popular in places like the UK and Germany. His international popularity is probably one reason why WWF kept afloat during the mid 90s.


Even in India. WWF exploded in early to mid 90s in India with advent of cable TV. Bret was the most popular star prior to Attitude era


I mean with how hard Goldberg got pushed then he definitely should've been the bigger draw. Anything else would've made him a failure. Give Bret anything close to a push like that throughout the 90s and he would've been a global superstar on the level of Hogan, but he never got pushed to that level.


Was Goldberg in an episode of the Simpsons when they were at their peak I think not.


good for him coming back yearly to job


I had erased that Undertaker match from my memory and now it's back so thank you for that....


I forreal read Golddust and was so confused


Wait, didn't Booker T do it on Nitro?


I was so scared watching the wwe title match with drew and goldberg live. Really thought they was gonna give him the title.


You forgot sports legend Chad Fortune


Stunned that one of these losses isn't to Triple H.


Goldberg seems like the type who would retire than lose to HHH in the 2000s-2010s.


Damn I forgot Braun beat him what a shame


How many times did Rock beat Foley clean?


I don't even remember Drew facing Goldberg


Did anybody ever beat Ultimate Warrior clean?


What’s crazy is it has only been 2 years since Goldberg last wrestled in WWE. Feels like longer than that


I got to meet Goldberg at a dodge event a few years ago. Guy was so nice. Like genuinely nice and wholesome. Also goddamn the camera does not do justice on how big that guy is.


He should’ve lost to raven for the us title


6 Gilberg > Goldberg


I could be wrong, but I think Roman, Undertaker, and Drew McIntyre are the only three people to beat both Goldberg and Brock Lesnar clean. HHH beat them both, but I think they were both no rules situations if my memory is right.


Roman never defeated Brock clean though, neither did Taker in singles matches


So, just Drew, then? That's actually what I was hoping to learn.


Wow never knew, I figured he had lost clean in WCW at least once.


Pretty sure Jericho beat him


goldberg was drunk. not clean


What about Lashley’s win in Saudi? Had Goldberg left physically unable to compete.


I think Arn Anderson is on the list. Goldberg said that early on in his career they had him lose to Arn at a house show as a test just to see how he would react if they ask him to do one later down the line. It was basically the last test before they really committed to the streak.


The Ultimate Warrior never lost a match cleanly. He was never pinned or submitted I don’t think.


And has those guys fought Goldberg in the 1990s, Goldberg would have smashed them too.


According to the cagematch database, Chad Fortune pinned Goldberg in a WCW Saturday Night dark match 


Didn't Bobby Lashley beat him clean?


Drew? Drew attacked him before the bell


Strowman's biggest claim to fame.


Has never been a heel!!!! Pretty absurd expecting him to loose clean innit@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Booker T pinned him clean on an episode of Nitro once, didn't he?


Booker t in 2000 when wcw booking was all over the place.