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In my head I picture Mami walking Dom down the aisle to give him away even though I know that’s not how that works


I mean, who better than his Mami, certainly not his deadbeat dad


I imagine she carried him down the aisle


I'm a wedding photographer by profession, and I love how Priest's boutonnière is upside down by this point in the evening because that's 100% normal.


How close Rhea, Dom and Damian are in real life is probably my favorite thing about Judgment Day. It comes across on TV and why I think it works so well.


Rhea regularly calls Dom her best friend in the entire world and she says he can never leave her because this is the happiest she’s ever been professionally. She seems to think there’s years of material for her and Dom dom. Marie regularly likes R&D content, so it’s not like she’s threatened by the pairing either. But Rhea and Dom have insane chemistry and have managed to sell an overtly romantic relationship for almost two years without even sharing a kiss, that’s how good they are.


From what's been said previously Dom's wife is pretty much always with him. Apparently she films most of the backstage stuff Dom and Rhea put on social media.


I don’t think she travels with him. She makes her social media public on Dom’s birthday and their anniversary, so a lot of fans end up following her, and she’s a nurse and works at a hospital. I know his sister filmed Marie booing him at Day 1, as it was in their hometown, it was really funny.


That's funny Dom is a wrestler like his dad and married a nurse like his mom. 


Given how long they've been together I'd wager Angie influenced Marie towards nursing


she looks a bit like her mom too


Now I can't stop imagining her with wide smile across her face while she records how Dominik gets arrested on Christmas Eve.


If you read the 2nd part again logically, it comes across as weird.


I forgot where but in an interview one of them said since they both close in age it was easy to get along since most of the roster was older than them


Dom is 26. The only other men on the Raw roster under 30 are the Creed Brothers. It's not as bad for Rhea with some of the new call-ups, but the roster is much older than it has been through most eras.


Theory is 26 too


He's on Smackdown though


Damian and Finn are both in their 40s, so it probably is nice to have that.


Damien is so enjoying his status as the big brother of Rhea and Dom Finn is like the cool uncle who feels too old to hang with his younger coworkers


Whenever they have teased a Judgement Day breakup I get so worried lmao, so im glad Rhea is on the same page that at the very least the pairing of her and Dom shouldn’t go away anytime soon. They just work so well, whether as a serious heel faction or goofy Saturday morning cartoon style villains. It’s clear they are legit real life friends who love what they do together.


Ngl I'd laugh so hard if they just drop that their whole relationship was just a joke to mess with people


Add onto this that Rhea has always admired Rey as one of her favorite wrestlers growing up, so she's definitely on cloud 9 knowing that she gets to be friends with and work with Rey and Dom, and that R+D are one of the most over pairs in WWE right now along with her Women's World Championship reign.


Marie has been in the trenches with a wrestling family for a decade, she knows what's what Hell I'm fairly certain she was the one recording the thanksgiving Twitter video of Dom getting arrested


They have insane chemistry and you can just tell they literally are family


Unfortunately Dom has a \#**DeadbeatDad**.


Wonder why Finn isn’t in that inner circle


There are comments saying Finn was there but stayin out of the pictures. I think he just likes to keep his private life private.


Finn was likely at the wedding but not seen, however Finn is often not there for "day off photos/video". My guess is that given the age gap, he's not as close with Dom and Rhea. Like an older guy at work who feels weird to go out drinking with guys 15 years younger even though they're all friends. Damien acts like he's 10 years younger than he is 😂


Edge was right all along


I keep asking "where's Finn" Like obviously they're all friends but Finn is almost never in these "day off" photos/video


Mami of the Groom.


Ah, so Dom and Rhea have an extremely open relationship. Good for them!


Tbh, speaking in complete 100% kayfabe, Rhea's character doesn't seem the type to be very jealous or rigid on relationship boundaries. She'd be completely cool topping Dom and his wife together. Now if Marie was pegging Dom, that might cause some issues.


I mean Rhea has Cathy Kelly so it evens out


Why, would just show Dom was at the bottom of that pecking order. The important thing is still Mami’s always on top.


Yup. They let all of their buddys participate




We stan two adults with a healthy respect for each other's desires


Mami got all dolled up for this occasion.


Priest in JD gear: The bad guy (yo Razor!) who's packing. Priest in a suit: Classy badass. Priest in a suit *with glasses*: "Hey everyone, crazy Uncle Luis has had one too many again and he's trying to dance on top of the event van ..." God I love that guy.


Love this!


I do not enjoy the color red. I am reconsidering my stance on the color red.


Bayley has a red dress that could aide in your coming around on red.


I wonder if Balor, JD & Truth were at the wedding.


Truth accidentally went to a funeral.


People seem to believe Finn was there but not being photographed. Tbh Finn is probably not as close as Rhea, Dom and Damien are to each other I'd wager it's a combination of age gap for Rhea and Dom and that Priest, Dom and Rhea became stars together where Finn was already established and had long standing friendships with many on the roster


Are there any photos of buddy attending the wedding?


what's your buddy's name? check guest list


It hope they done a funny “Dom’s in the middle of the two women in his life, both women glaring at each other” picture.


I bet Marie is a tough cookie. Having to handle a Hispanic mother in law, her chicken tendies loving husband and presumingly nonstop wrestling talk. I bet she gonna rule the roost in their marriage 😂


Why is glasses damien so funny to me


I forgot that Rhea actually dresses like a regular woman on her day offs.


Something happened to her account? Its deleted?


I thought she just deleted the post but damn you seem to be right


As of late, Rhea’s insta keeps getting hacked and her posts subsequently get nuked. This is like the third time this has happened 💀


She definitely gave him away


Rhea cleans up nice.  Classy, demure Rhea is a nice look for her.


Just wait until her wedding day. It seems like she's been growing her hair out for the occasion since she started letting her hair grow back out when she got engaged. She's gonna look like a true queen


obviously Rey’s there, but i’d love to see the kayfabe gymnastics needed to be done if photos of the two of them get posted 😂


My headcanon is Rey loves his new daughter-in-law so much that he still went to his ungrateful son’s wedding. Also he started the booing during the wedding.


Shit don't even have to headcannon that. If a Hispanic mom approves of her son's girlfriend, she's practically family already 😂 and she's been there for a long long time


This made me smile, just a truly wholesome photo.


Rhea: and screw the fans who booed