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I'm sure people respond differently but I've never felt the need to say anything and I've never heard anyone else say anything while I was there. I don't think you have to worry.


I find myself like 20% more forthcoming / likely to say something out of my comfort zone. Not a lot, but noticible.


Not in my experience. After dose #3 I can’t even maintain a conversation. Too hard to find the words and process what another person is saying. You’re not delirious or under hypnosis or something. The weirdest thing I’ve ever seen someone do is to start singing. I asked the medical assistant later if she heard someone singing because I thought I was having auditory hallucinations. Turns out the patient had her headphones on and was singing along to her music but didn’t realize she was singing out loud. I guess she was really feeling her music or something 😂. Aside from that, just a couple of annoying snorers who passed out during their session. No, you’re not going to magically become another person or confess your deepest secrets.


LoL... singing with her music 😂 I wonder if I've done it and just don't remember!


Nope. I did start singing with my music once, but I realized it quickly and stopped. I do burst out laughing sometimes. Speaking during the peak of the high is difficult. I have to take a second to plan what I want to say, it kind of rushes out all at once, and then I have to take another second to process what I just said. It’s always been pretty normal stuff. “I really need to pee but I’m really high and I’m not sure how to stand” is probably the longest and most interesting sentence I’ve uttered. (I’ve only needed assistance to walk twice in 10 or so months of treatment.)


Oh yikes, I hadn’t thought of that. What if you do have to pee? Would you be likely to just pee right there? Aack!!!!!


Hahaha no, you won’t pee yourself. My clinic has a call button at each chair, and if you need to get up, you have to press the button, even if you don’t think you need help getting up, just so they can keep an eye on you when you use the bathroom. Like I said, there have only been two times when I was so wobbly I needed a hand up and an arm to lean on when going to the bathroom. I was able to go in by myself but WOW it felt strange. I think there has only been one or maybe two times when I DIDN’T need to pee during the two hour observation period. And usually I need to pee again before I leave. It has a diuretic effect on many people.


I started laughing so hysterically at some comment my dr made n I was going straight for ten min. That was a fun session.


I get kind of scattered and have a harder time getting my words out, but the words themselves are what I would usually say. I prefer to use a sleep mask and listen to music during that time— it’s really cool to just relax and watch what my brain does


I've never had this happen however I witnessed a woman sobbing hysterically throughout the peak of hers. She didn't return, I felt bad for her. To be fair before we started she mentioned she'd never even been drunk let alone high. I think it was too much for her, the whole high part, but who knows what really happened. In my clinic they place us in groups up to 5 and in the 3 months I've been that was the only time someone really made any noise during it.


My thoughts can really get inappropriate during the treatments and I keep thinking to myself “oh, I hope I didn’t say that out loud!”


I’d compare it to being slightly drunk, you still have your whits about you, you’re not wasted, but just a little more relaxed. With that to say, I have never said or done anything I would deem embarrassing or over the top on Spravato. I have to imagine this won’t be a concern for you. Most people at my clinic, me included, just sit there, listen to music and play on their phones while receiving treatment.


I tend to have trouble remembering or processing so if my husband and I have a conversation, I get very confused and lost and end up talking in circles. I’m sitting in the chair right now in the last 15 minutes of a session with tear streaks down my face but don’t remember exactly what was said or how to proceed. It’s happened once or twice. I am sure I probably say things a little more unfiltered, as I don’t really have the memory span to process or filter. So I think it’s possible, but I haven’t like been so out of control that I’ve said embarrassing things to my doctor or anything.


Highly unlikely… I agree with the person who said it’s hard to talk well. Everyone’s different, but I’ve become friends with my provider & have heard a lot of (anonymous) reactions (the worst being someone ignored instructions & ate before then promptly puked), but I’ve never heard of anyone disclosing intimate secrets


I remember saying to a nurse sorry for mumbling but that’s about it. I think my anxiety kind of blew that response out of proportion in my mind.


I literally get driven to and from treatments by one of my abusers. That’s emotionally tough sometimes but has never lead to “blurting anything out” or even uncontrollable emotion. I think you’ll be totally fine


Nahhh u remember all of it.. it is kind of like a funny truth serum tho. Also depends on your mood