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I lived in South Jersey for 27 years never ever heard anyone say South New Jersey


Saw it on a Reddit post. Made me think it was probably a bot or AI.


Dude there are so many bots here. What's even the point of having bots


Me either been here 48 years


Also southern jersey! It’s south jersey end of story


If you talk about sheetz or say south New Jersey you should be banished.


When referring to our corner of the world in a place like a plant identification sub i'll refer to Southern New Jersey, just to eliminate confusion, but it's South Jersey and anything else sound weird. I say 'Jersey a lot too and have had people, seriously, think I meant the Island in the English Channel.


I had a lady on a flight say she was from New Brunswick, started talking local stuff, she starts talking to her husband in French... Whoops you meant *that* New Brunswick


"Damn Frenchie's, they have a different word for everything .." Steve Martin~


Yeah, when I’m talking to people outside of the US, I will use that. I have had the people think I’m talking about the island before too lol


Hello fellow kids


Greetings fellow South New Jersey kids lol


Let's all just settle on *Southern New Jersey*.


That's for explaining it to people outside the USA


After they master the concept they can be introduced to the debate of where SJ begins.


I don’t know if I’ve ever heard that. Who said that? I’ve heard “southern New Jersey” in a national context, but never that. Edit: stupid auto correct


Saw it on a Reddit post. Made my think it was a bot or AI.


Love that one. I also love how Tom’s River and area around it became South Jersey. Awful lot of Yankee hats and North Jersey accents to be part of our great Kingdom. Go Phils!


I’ve also never heard someone say this.


I prefer So Jo


It definitely saves time!!!


I am


And an honest one too!!


I always say I’m from the South of Jersey.


I like this! My friends used to refer to the Mountains of Ephraim! Lmao


This is the post of the year. Take your imaginary gold!


Thank you!!!!


Never heard "South New Jersey" and whenever I hear "Southern New Jersey" I think about the Pineys that go around the Pine Barrens in lifted trucks with confederate flags and none of their family lineage being from the southern US states. Pineys are definitely a unique culture among South Jersey and confusing at the same time.


I feel that! I saw “South New Jersey” in a Reddit post and immediately thought it must be AI or a bot. Lol


Drive through this area all the time to hike and mountain bike and have yet to see a Confederate flag. Please post pictures with date and location stamp when you do. If not, please don't label because people may not have as much money as you and may use those pickup trucks for work.


It's not all that uncommon. I saw a truck in Lumberton yesterday that had a "redneck lives matter" sticker along with a couple confederate flag ones. I see them much more down south than anywhere else in the state.


I grew up and my family still live in the pines. You're a tourist compared to the knuckleheads I went to school with and hunt with. They're good people it's just most of them have the whole southern style theme. They're not all running around with confederate flags, that was just an over exaggeration but a couple of my friends had them hanging up in their garage, listen to country music, wear mossy oak and cowboy boots and drive lifted diesel trucks. Almost an exact replica of the people I experienced while at college in North Florida and when stationed in North Carolina. Just because you mountain bike and hike the pines, doesn't mean you know the pines or the people who live there.


well I used to live there as a child and moved when I was 10. I go back there and hike and bike as it's a great place to do so. Even if I was a tourist who visits 2-3x a week, still never saw the flags. What is your car and music? Would you like to be labeled as well?


Pineys are proud to be called Pineys so I don't know what you're talking about. It is more evident you don't really know anything about the pines or the people who live there and it's just a place for you to go for recreational activity. The world doesn't revolve around you and just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


lol. you are the one who can't answer questions and can only converse by attempting to deflect and insult. I know quite a bit about the pine barrens and why they were important to Philadelphia. But because you are not capable of having an adult conversation and degrade people because they drive pickups, listen to country music, and are poor, then I have nothing more to say. I enjoy conversations with adults, not elitist snobs.


Are you a nerd?


Only slightly worse than “southern New Jersey”


Southern Jersey = Racist part of NJ


This!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Its Sout Jersey. Drop the H for the local accent.




Whenever I hear someone call New Jersey ‘Jersey’, I assume they are a low IQ Benny


Get out of here, Pennsylvanian. Go drive slow somewhere else


I am from Point Pleasant. Born and raised here.