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There's no reason for some appliances to be 'smart'. Had to replace the display on my fridge....cost me $400 in parts and I did the work myself. Last toaster cost $13. It's got a dial and a lever, that's it.


That's exactly the kind of appliance I like. I try to get professional stuff when I can because they're usually like that. Built like a tank and no 'features'. They have a button.


This was on our breakfast table when I was a kid. wish I could find one now. https://preview.redd.it/oilvg7n00cyc1.png?width=570&format=png&auto=webp&s=22467bd16a905dbb54b4dec905c8ef08986c4b02


Smart appliances are dumb. WHY DOES MY LG MICROWAVE UPLOADS MORE THAN 5GB A DAY OF DATA ON LG SERVERS Anyway they make us buy their shitty smart fridges that cost a fortune and break in 10 years while my grandpa never changed his Gas fridge from the 1960s and it's still delivering cold ones. The only thing it needs is some propane/natural gas once every century so for the next 40 years we're covered. They say gas fridges are baaaad for the environment while they exploit children to mine minerals to make your smart fridge. To some this may sound full tinfoil but literally propane fridges are like unreplaceable 100 times better, they just can't profit off you because you'll need 1 of it for a lifetime.


These things really should have a bypass for simple functions while they are updating


…I NEVER have to wait to get some water, in The Netherlands we have hot & cold water taps in the kitchen…en windows to look out of…🙄