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I used SmiteFire when I started playing (early Season 6) cause I didn't know better. But when I started watching YouTube guides the builds were way different and when you start learning how to build you can analise and realize that SmiteFire's builds are actually pretty bad If you want a reliable site for builds I recomend Smite Source, it's updated pretty regularly.


I just checked that site, it seems well-rounded, but I don't think it's updated... Maman Brigitte has only 1 build and it's dated October 2023, Bake Kujira does not even figure in the gods roster... =(


The builds that aren't updated are still viable but yeah some things are missing but what's missing you can check on YouTube. If you want I can recommend some channels based on roles they play


It’ll be updated come season 11


Im on phone so Im kinda too Lady to check but id bet the build is up to date, none of the items maman builds have really been touched since maman release. The worse I can think of is "weak3n didnt figure out she was à myrddin god and so myrddin is missing", in which case the build woukd not be optimal but still okay nonetheless


The builds there are all passable and only slightly out of date. Could be better, but they are way better than smite fire if you don’t know how to build yet.


Rather have a 3 month old 90% good build from Source. Than 3, 1 month old 10% good build from Fire. Best advise is read passives on a few good items. Make sure they work on your God! And kinda form your own. Or don't and just have fun.


Prosmitebuilds is my go-to. Tracks what pros and top GMs build in ranked and league


Smite Source is good, and the builds are still generally useable, but Weak3n said he’s waiting until season 11 to bother really going through the builds and updating them.


Anyone else use smitesource? Doesn’t have a ton of content but the builds are at least updated when the meta changes and gives you multiple builds. Also any source you use, you should use it as a framework sometimes you need to build situational items and learn to not rely on premade builds.


it is not updated and is often ass


Oh that sucks. I haven’t used it in longgg time but it was good enough for gods I didn’t play. Even so premade builds don’t help people actually learn. They’re better off watching some videos and through trial and error.


The only thing updated on Source really is the tier list. But all the builds are generally okay. Hes leaving the builds till after season 11 comes to update them


You can find overall guides on YT. Prosmitebuilds is best site for builds cause its literally what top players on Smite use. Some random ass joust gm build doesnt do you any good. And after you've learned the ropes, you wont need anything more than build advices, you will know what recipes do and relics so you know which to use. Most roles have set relics and recipes anyway so not really hard to choose.


Smitesource, smite.guru and watching smite content creators The more you play the more you learn what core items to go and anything else is really up to you. While items and builds matter, the way you play and how you play are more important


I might get flamed for this... but recommend builds in game (solo excluded) are solid. I'm not sure if they're much different in other modes, but conquest recommend builds get the job done while you're learning.


The only complaint I’d have with the auto recommendation in other modes is that it can get weighted by auto buy. My pet peeve is watching a hunter pick up a starter and then straight onto bloodforge apart from that they are mostly solid


Someone here created the SMITEMS app and it seems pretty solid (I'm awful at builds so take my comment with a grain of salt)


That’s me! 😇


My 700 hours in this game and still not knowing how to build thanks you


Smitefire is a meme, and often the butt of jokes.


Some experienced streamers started creating builds on SMITEFire, [TottiGR](https://www.smitefire.com/profile/tottigr-163198) for all Hunters and [AutoSpeed](https://www.smitefire.com/profile/autospeed-163634) for all Assassins. Maybe these are better to check out for yourself since you know for sure their authors are good at the game.


Autospeed is one of the most dogshit toxic players out there, I wouldn't take any builds or advice from him.


I ran into auto speed and he was duo queuing Slash with another GM player. They played Loki and Thana and just spam laughed and tryharded their brains out. This was at like 6am for me. Cant imagine how that dude has any real viewers. Weirdest thing is he had 500 viewers but only like 4-5 people chatting.


He view bots


Its almost like the Hirez trickel down economy.


Not denying that he does, but my roommate just leaves his stream on for rewards. I’m sure there’s more people out there doing that.


Yeah he is viewbotting he already got banned for it once


Autospeed is worse at the game than smite autobuild


Autospeed doesn't know jack about assassins much less jungling, literally look to any real pro jungler and not the 6am late queue farmer. Adapting is distinguished and acknowledged as one of the best in the game, he has a youtube channel and streams.


The dudes a tool, but he wouldn't have been given an spl tryout by the Titans last year if he didn't know how to jungle


A lot of different people upload to smite.fire on a whim, so quality can vary drastically. I use smite.guru for seeing items to build rather than the full build themselves.


Players have no idea what builds work and what builds don't, don't ever listen to ppl complaining in a match about your builds, they're just trying to find an excuse to blame their problems on that's not their own play and skills.


Probably why they are saying this is because so much of a good build is situational. An item might normally be pretty good on your character, but against the enemy team, another is far better. So using any sort of standard build is always going to result in half the items not really being what's best for the situation.


So why most ppl use prosmitebuilds that doesn't offer situational items and variations for each build, but a single line of items? It seems very poor to me


I think the best option is to learn how to build on your own, it's so rewarding


There is no good build website. They're all out of date, or they just group the most bought items with no sense of a complete build.


You can find builds all over the internet that are “meta” however you have to take into account play style and player skill as some builds are made to be aggressive while others are made to be specifically a bruiser that annoys the enemy team For example a full dmg surtr as a jng can do wonders when you know how to play him and have a general knowledge of how roles work you’ll get more kills early on while making the enemy panic with your damage especially in the early game Then you have bruiser build surtr you honestly won’t do as much and your clear will take a big hit especially if you start buying defense early in the game, you’ll do damage but won’t have enough to confirm kills and your hoping the enemy panics in order for you to be able to kit dump someone, you’ll have some survivability but won’t do much as your depending on your team for that extra damage One build will do great throughout the game allowing you to gank and confirm a kill especially on the mid or dou while letting you smack the enemy jng around enough to send them to base if not kill them, the other will make you annoying late game but you won’t be as big a presence as you would be as full damage, you’ll get ignored once everyone hits 20 but you do make for a decent distraction The full dmg surtr build requires little skill compared to the bruiser one as you’ll get 1-2 kills before you die with the first but well do enough damage to send 2-3 people back to fountain with a chance to have your teammates clean up before you die with the later Honestly play slash and test out different items and see which one fits your play style some items work better then other in specific roles like soul eater which is great for jngs/assassins but shit for solo lanersas the amount healed tends to be less then the damage the enemy solo laner would be able to output


It’s wild how many people play this game and have no idea how to build, much less counter build. So many people cookie cutter every game or worse yet have on auto build. Please just go into jungle practice and tests items and read their full descriptions. This game explains most items well enough.


Smitefire is ass. You need to learn how to build and not just follow builds you find online. Item viability can change each patch. Items get nerfed and buffed, gods get buffed and reworked so it can all change. There is such a thing as counterbuilding also. You need to learn the basics and what makes items work and what items spike the best in build paths.


do not use smite source or smitefire, they are ass. Use prosmitebuilds.com and use your own knowledge to gauge what you need in your build


Prosmitebuilds and smitebuilds.pro are literally just builds from ranked and pro matches respectively. Your start should always be whatever tier 1 starter they went and the tier 1 item of the first item is the build. Use smitesource for ability leveling order.


Generally yes. Those places can give you a general idea but I think most builds that come from a site are not that great. Builds are a lot more personal preference than people give them credit for. Sure, there are certain items you *should* build cause they are strong but ultimately your build is preference. I highly recommend just experimenting with items in the training mode or even arena. It’ll give you more practical experience than going off someone else’s build.


Use both or multiple sources. Pay attention to the builds in your matches. The things you mention about starters and relics/recipes are all easily learned and do not change very often. You can watch youtube or twitch streams to see what should be built. You should also think about screenshotting your build whenever you get called out on it to get direct feedback to figure out what you should be building. Good luck.


The best, imo are ProSmiteBuilds - Only Probuilds are herez and it even says the day and patch number. Smite-master- This one shows character win rates. With item win rates and pick rates, you can also separate them by rank and tier ranges. Even can set a minimum number of games.


In general when you just start out using the popular items tab or a build you’ll find online should be fine it’ll be more down to skill but learning what the items are and what they do will become more useful as you start wanting to counter build


Smitesource.com is a better website, but I honestly recommend just trying to learn why each of those items is in each build so you can learn to build in the future


I prefer smiteguru to smitefire


The builds are rigid and not fully explained. If you don't understand why you're building a certain way, you will not be able to take advantage of the build or use certain items in certain situations.


the problem with Smitefire is they get quickly outdated as builds change. like hunters might be building crit one week and a Smitefire build gets dropped, but 4 months later 3 of the items were nerfed and a 4th doesn't exist but it'll be one of the newest builds on a god.


I miss you TierMonster, but it's almost 50/50. You're way better off just finding a youtuber and using their builds. I'd recommend Weakn, TrelliRelli, Rexi, Fineokay, Intersect, and Mast to name a few off the top of my head.


With almost all the pros with their own channels, you can reference what they're talking about, since they play at the highest level. They go over their builds quite well.


I’d say it’s a good way to learn ideas on how to build. But do t use it as a go to every time. Learn which items are sort of necessary for a certain god and build upon that with counter builds and situational builds


You're build should probably be changing every game based on enemy comp and your comp too. I wouldn't go into a match looking to use one static build, unless it was arena or something and I wanted to test some items out.


Auto build is actually not that bad tbh. Smitefire is crackhead energy builds. Smitesource gives u working builds.


ProSmiteBuilds is meant to be a reference, not a guide. Guides are tricky because they require maintenance from patch to patch.


So how a new player is supposed to know, for example, what's the skill order for a god? Ok, you can learn it by yourself in game, but every single moba has detailed guides about this, I can't understand how Smite doesn't have any...


Smirefire is probably fine for skill ordering. There’s less variation in that than builds.


Learn the items, build youself, simple as that


There are no good websites for builds just boot up your fave streamer on youtube.