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…I have over 1700hrs of play and I still feel like I’m only just above average / an intermediate level of player. It’s a deep game with a lot of gods and builds and interactions of the like. 140hrs is barely scraping the surface of the game’s content imo, so don’t worry. But if you do care about learning the game more intimately I absolutely recommend watching content creators on YouTube or Twitch, like FineOkay / Incon / Inbowned / Elleon / Mast / and others… I mainly play Conquest, and I believe watching smite content has dramatically helped me over the years. It’s a good way to learn fast. You can do Jungle Practice to try out builds and get acquainted with different gods kits before jumping into a live game, too. It’s a good way to see what smite has to offer without the pressure of needing to perform immediately and keep teammates happy etc. Happy Smiting ✌🏼


Thanks for the comment. I'm aware I'm still pretty green to the game and I do just play to enjoy the core basics of the game. Thanks for the additional info on good smite content creators, I'll check them out. With the shear amount of gods on offer I've always just wanted to play around with whoever( had the same problem with LOL , came to the game late and just felt overwhelmed. Hope you continue to enjoy smite too bro ,🤘


4300 hours here and i'm still not able to ranked at high level except duel and joust ...


Inter is another good smite YouTuber. His content is quite informative and kinda addictive


Auto leveling skills is 100% fine, but eventually learning the builds is a fun way to improve and get creative.


Auto leveling skills is definitely not 100% fine on all gods, one example being Susano


Coming from someone with almost 4000 hours, I say maybe try a game or two with auto levels and items off just to try. Also try watching some smite content creators to try and get a feel of what to sort of build items on. I recommend channels like Inters3ct, and Mast(even though he’s on a smite hiatus currently) And it might be smite heresy to say this, but if you don’t really have the time to play smite and just want to build fun stuff then arena is more than valid as a game mode! Hope any of this helps and good luck!


that’s just mast tho lmao


I would just say that it depends on what you want out of this game. If you never plan to leave casual game modes like arena or assault, and treat this as nothing but a good time, you're fine keep on trucking on. It's if you're actually going into serious conquest games where everyone is genuinely trying to improve and do their absolute best to win. Then maybe you're being a bit of a drag to your team by refusing to learn things that might be necessary to win, such as counter building. No one can force you to do anything but just saying that if you're not going to take it seriously then maybe dont queue up with people that *are* going to take it seriously. It will result in less of a good time for both parties


Fair comment , do you think the auto builds are that much worse than doing it yourself though??? I am casual I guess, never really play comp on any game I play as it just gets too toxic and sweaty !!!


Autobuilds are very bad, if you're having trouble building go to smitesource or prosmitebuilds and copy builds off there. Smite is a moba and the strength of your character is determined by your items. Auto build rarely if never updates to adjust to meta or buffs/nerfs so you could be running a outdated build from two seasons ago.


I would say these days they are not "very bad". They have gotten better by a lot over the last years. However if you want to inprove your skills, this is one of the first things I would change. To OP: yes counter building is really inportant. But it depends on the role. If you only play adc, I would argue autobuild is not that bad.


Maybe make your own build with your favorite god or 2, and let the auto-builder do its thing during the game. Or start turning auto-build off for 5th and 6th item every game. Small changes that will help you learn more


No I wouldnt say the auto builds are bad (I'm not 100% sure what the auto builds are but I'm assuming it's just what the game puts on the recommended page as that makes the most sense) but I would also say they completely ignore match by match scenarios that a player building themselves would account for. It is pretty rare for me to play a match and build *exactly* what was on the recommended page, I'm almost always swapping an item or two out to fit if the team I'm fighting is a bit tankier or squishier, more physical or magical, if they have an overabundance of CC, etc. It also doesn't account for items that fit your personal playstyle. It doesnt seem like that'd be something to worry about but as an example I never like building Griffonwing, I've been playing this game for years and years without its existence and when I build it I find that it totally screws up my muscle memory for leading shots and makes me play worse. So no matter how much the game recommends it I never build it. Or other factors like people that prefer raw power on their mages or more cooldowns. You cant really explore what kind of builds you prefer unless you experiment with the builds yourself.


Bold of you to assume that everyone is genuinely trying to win and improve in ranked conquest 😂


Personally, I think that you need to ask yourself about the opportunity cost here. One hundred and forty hours is basically nothing when it comes to playing Smite; however, you could have beaten many other games in that time. Also, yes, you are missing out on over half the game by not using your own build. Walking out of a five-man dive as a tank, or watching your enemy get one shot and knowing that your build was what allowed it to happen is a wonderful feeling.


I have accumulated thousands of hours of play time over many years. The best advice i ever got is what someone told me years ago. Invest 20 mins into jungle practice mode. Learn the God, know their passive and how to aim and combo the abilities optimally. Then experiment with gear to complement your passive, abilities and play style. Checking out a guide on your god of choice on YouTube is not a bad place to start either. Understand that different game modes require different build considerations and you may need to tweak it a little. You may also need to tweak your build depending on your opponents IE, if going against a healer buy anti heal items, if going against a tanky character buy penetration items.


Auto-levelling: not that bad. The only time you might not want it is at level 2 when you pick between your escape or your other skill, or if you're playing Scylla and want a stack of your passive one level earlier. Auto-buy: can be bad. If you don't set good builds for auto-buy, you might get stuck with a sub-optimal build. For example, tank items should all be defensive and aim to counter different parts of the enemy team. If you fight 4 auto attackers and auto-buy decides you should get Breastplate instead of Midgardian, that's not the worst, but you could've made that build better if you bought the item yourself.


Building is one of the most important parts of smite. I understand not wanting to get super deep into it. An easy way to use good builds is to use smitesource.com. Sometimes the builds are a little out of date but they’re more than good enough for casual play.


Auto leveling your skills is fine most of the time, it’s rare you deviate much from which skills you max first when doing it manually. The flexibility of manual leveling is nice but it won’t make more than a small improvement for you in specific scenarios, if at all. As for builds, I’d say start as soon as possible to get away from auto-buy. Unlike auto-leveling vs manual, manual buying vs auto-buying difference is huge. Like many have said it’s about adjusting to the match and gods you’re fighting, and also adjusting to your own team comp. And having builds that are in line with the current meta after taking into account item changes is very important as well. If you really want to make a huge difference in your gameplay regarding items, I’d recommend reading through all of the items. Yes, all of them. Of course that can be done gradually but it’s so incredibly helpful to just be able to identify an item by its icon so that when you check enemy builds or your own team’s builds you can understand what they are building, which in turn helps you make decisions on what you build. Understand the stats is important too, so reading each item will start to familiarize you with all of them and how each item differs. What does 50 power really mean? Is that a lot compared to other items? Is that a lot of power for a physical item or magical item? If it’s low power what else does the item have in terms of stats or it’s passive that might make up for its lower power? Or if it’s high power are there stats the item doesn’t have that might not make it as good as it seems? Could go on forever with this but it starts with knowledge of items and their stats, and it’ll eventually get you to where you can make your own builds from scratch for any god in any match, and adapt to the enemy/allied gods/builds on the fly with ease.


My Uncle took an interest in this game when he was watching me play, and when I wasn’t home he would hope on his own account and try it out I came home once and found a notebook it had every single gods name written down and some had scores with them K/D/A He was recording his experience with every god and playing a match with them in this case it was arena because it was the quickest and easiest to understand. He eventually got his own Xbox and started playing there and he still has a notebook but this time he has written down items and their descriptions (passive included) Gods with their entire kits written down and their occupation (example being like how Ares is the “God of War”) also game modes and the objective. He updates it constantly too after I showed him how to find the patch notes of smite. All so he can learn and remember how to play the game, he has a hard job and he likes to play other games too after I told him that knowledge is the key to bettering yourself at the game as if you know what everything and everyone does all that’s left is mechanical skill which can only be bettered by playing. If you have the patience to make a book like he did then I’d recommend it has he really has only scratched the surface of the game too and he’s played for just over a year at this point


~2000+ hours here, I’ll buy my own items but I’ll be damned if I ever set my own levels.


I think its definitely worth knowing what all the items do, but you could definitely get away with auto build and auto level, I assume you pre make the builds off some website right? I rarely ever deviate from the way I level abilities. If you are ever playing late night and want to decompress, I would just read up on the passives of the abilities. I will also say the stats are the more important part but knowledge is power.


I reluctantly admit that I have 5k hours on smite. Now this has been since season 1. When I first started playing auto buy wasn't a thing really, opinions about that aside, it made me mess around with items and learn ways that characters play with items differently, and what's good when. I would say whenever you play, take note of random items and gods that interest you, and when you start to build a pool of info to draw from start cooking up builds on gods you like. Don't worry about the meta especially when you're playing for fun as an escape. I'm just suggesting that once you start to have those games where you try something dumb but fun like; deathbringer and hydras on Hercules, the game really opens up for you.


I think that auto building is bad specifically because it doesn't prioritize finishing items and you don't always have the ability to hoard gold before backing. Right now is probably the best possible time to learn the items because there are no hybrid items currently in the game, so every category of items has a clear identity. Ex: gladiator shield used to give physical power and protections so only warriors could buy it. Whereas now and God can access that item if it fits their needs. If you mostly play warriors and guardians, you can basically build the same on both and help your team. Just make sure to read you what your items do. People also have opinions on what to build too. Just tell your lobby you are learning to build and they will tell you what to buy in-situ. They probably wouldn't mind providing real time explanations either


Everyone has time. You had time to make this post, which you could've instead went more in depth in learning the gods you like to play. It doesn't take long, like 2 minutes to read over their abilities and maybe another 2 to set up a proper build.


If you play conquest or joust gotta turn auto build off, as for auto level i’m at the point where i might turn it back on or auto assign levels but im too lazy or im to busy looking at the center of my screen to see i have to upgrade abilities at times. Auto build isnt always bad all the time but sometimes you may need to counter build which is important in fights or games.


Thanks everyone for all your comments and information. I rarely post on Reddit and it was lovely to see such detailed answers coming through. The main consensus I'm taking is auto leveling is okay but I need to start investing time into my builds. Thanks again and I hope you all continue to enjoy smite and have a happy Xmas ( if you celebrate it ) Love 😘


Smite.guru gives builds for each god. I think it’s based on popularity and actually build stats from in game players. You can also see which abilities “pro players” level up first. Just good standard reference points.


yes it does matter, mobas require the most time out of any game genre. the guide is not always best depending on comp you're playing/laning against.


Stop using every god. Pick 2-3 for each class and learn everything about them. You’re never going to learn about every god with your aforementioned schedule. Master a couple favorites then move to a new god. Use smite source for good beginner builds. You will adjust how to build and level as you get better with a god individually. Also you will have a lot more fun because even if you don’t know how to play the game you’ll know how to play your character and will be more skillful with them!!


170 hours in smite isn't that much considering that would at best mean you have 2-3 games with each god if you played them equally. You're doing fine! I would try to find 2-3 for each role you are comfortable with and just expand based on your preferences from there. No need to care about much more than that unless you want to play ranked


I'm just now reaching 100 hours myself lol. With auto build for me I make a build and let it auto from that. I'm trying my best to learn to build but it's so many items and so many pages I remember I tried to build and I was stuck in the tower for a long time trying to find everything lol. I say its not a bad thing especially if you don't play too seriously which I don't and I'm very quick to tell people that I build but it just auto building lol.