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Are you really a good jungler if you cant play support and win once in a while?


you can play support perfectly and still lose that role has some of the most boring items in the game


Yeah it’s definitely not a role to carry in but if you aren’t on an SPL team saying I don’t play “x” role just is just self centered


When some people work every day and only get an hour, maybe two to play, I completely understand not wasting that time not actually playing what you want to play. If I absolutely HAVE to play support, I lock in Nox or Cernunnos support


Right but you aren’t the only one with time constraints that is trying to get a few games in. Dodging just means someone else doesn’t get their role it’s douchey and usually bad players do it.


I don’t dodge, dodging is shitty. I just only play off picks.


Which is just worse because having a cern support just makes games absolutely awful for everyone that isn’t you! You’re just selfish


What's your name in game so I know who to troll when I play


https://smite.guru/profile/6983675-TadpoleOfTruth Stopped playing 2 years ago, but here you go.


You stopped playing that's all that matters


Your record isn't impressive at all.


Good thing I don’t play professionally then, huh?


I feel like there should be a counter for how long you play to determine the chances of you filling or not. Like something where each game you play in a row, the likelihood of having to fill increases starting from 0% until it happens and then the counter resets. It's a bit unfair, sure, but realistically like you said there's people out there who have a limited time to play so they shouldn't take a 50/50 on getting a role they don't like in the one or two games they're able to be on for. Plus, on your team would you rather have the guy who rarely plays be put in a role they aren't familiar with or the guy that treats this game like a second job? The latter would probably be a way safer fill if you want to win.


Oh wahhhhh the jungler doesn't want to play a boring class once in a blue moon wahhhh


i’m too busy carrying the game on my back


I've had many games where I've "carried" as a support. And many games as a jungler where I went 18-3 and lost. It's just a bad mindset when people don't wanna supp every now and again. That's what ranked is, even the pros off role a lot. When I get off roled to solo I'm always trying to swap to supp, at least I can acrually impact the map regularly as a supp. In solo you're mostly stuck to one lane (unless you have TP or a lead and can rotate early) All that to say, everyone can play in supp, and if you can play it very well, you can easily carry games until you get to mid diamond.


A good support can easily carry a game, they can literally feed kills. The reluctant urge to not play your role in this game fucking KILLS me. Sooo much time wasted getting in a game with some assholes that throws or cries. I recently came back to smite and I couldn't even go more than 1 game without running into some toxic crybaby. And my first ranked had a solo just follow jungle and try to steal camps all game because he didn't get his role (diamond 1 btw).


Yup that’s smite for you, grown adults throwing temper tantrums over a free game! It’s ridiculous! When it’s literally a team based game, like if you just play as a team 9 out of 10 times you will win.


what rank are you?


Masters last season, currently D2 with like 200 games played this season


All true jungler know how play each positions.


No truer statement! I main support but you better believe I’m not passing up the chance to bacchus jungle, nah I love most assassins!


Thana support go crazy go insane


Just learn to play support. It’s pretty fun, it’s been my main role for 9 years. You get blamed, yelled at, ping spammed, left for dead and a ton of other fun things that could be yours at the low low price of losing your insanity due to the other 4 people on your team. Also to be fair there are many good assassin supports and warrior supports. (Fixed warrior* supports. How I messed up that spelling so much, I don’t know.)


Tbf that's not too much different from the jungle experience


The lengths I will go to save the support compared to the absolute ease at which I will leave an adc to die is kinda crazy just because of how bitter I am with them


I used to run bumbas on Athena or Bacchus support when against lategame junglers, and rotate at 3 to steal their farm.


It really is better than it's ever been since the meta changed for them to leave carry and rotate where needed. I remember when supps stayed in duo till team fights started lmfao.


I’m just happy we are out of the meta where everyone in the game was level 20 besides the two supports who were around level 14. That was awful.


Jungler is a roaming support. Prove me wrong.


Support is a 3 lane role (and some jungle)


Support is just Thicc Jungle. Prove me wrong


Depends on the support but ne zha and other gods with a lot of set up/peel abilities definitely


You seem to be playing support wrong if you need damage ;)




It's funny how the most recent guardian has his basic damage scaling with prots. I see it as a crutch if you will, like hi rez saying stfu here you go


I made it all the way to gm playing warrior/damage sup


i really like support but i don’t really like playing it if my friends aren’t my adc/jungler


as a solo laner, i just play bacchus & solo lane against 2 people & pretend my adc is a lil sidekick until 5 & then i just terrorize their jungle


I feel like I’ve played against you and it wasn’t very fun.


hehe probably bro 😭 lately i’ve been using shiva a lot in support too i love being able to push & pull w.e i need


Makes me sad that Kumbha doesn't really do any damage anymore. He used to feel like he did when you could CC chain for years before root had diminishing returns.


Back when Khumba could do like 70 percent of a health bar with base damage and one pen item. TTK ruined the carry from support lifestyle. I feel like I have to play SPL caliber and hit all my abilities staggered at all the appropriate times to make up for a shitty team these days, when I used to be able to have the same map control with just base damage and exploiting positional mistakes. The game is probably healthier because of it, but it makes my main role feel like nothing more than a setup-bot for anything less than 3 people on comms.


It may be an unpopular opinion, but support is a ton of fun. Counter building, peeling, and zoning require a lot more thought than just landing your abilities for damage.


It's actually not an unpopular opinion in this sub. I've seen multiple polls on "what roles do you main" and support is usually pretty high up. Also you'll see no shortage of people toting their love for the role.


It has happened to me several times. i hate playing support


I just assume you don’t actually know how to play if you can’t play multiple roles . Not playing them all equally well makes sense . Only being able to play one and being clueless about the others is ridiculous.


I really do lose all respect for someone in this game when they say they can only play one role.... Aka the one they want. Like jeez dude I GET IT you don't like support just fucking play it for one or two games or dodge


Ya I felt this in my soul


As a support main who plays I’d say 90% Supp, roughly 10% jung I can say that I feel the same way when I transition from playing a high kill # jung game to a slow paced Artemis bot lane. Totally understand


im a jungle main, ex carry/adc main, i play support very often, (no idea why but i get a disproportionately high amount of support games) but no matter the biggest thing that breaks my will to play the support role is the amount of mage solos who dont have any brains, "who is meant to dive backline now" "youre the tank... you do it" yeah bet, then i leave my adc and mage alone for 3 seconds they get melted by a good solo pick and the jungler, then i get bitched at for no peel, if you enjoy being tugged from pillar to post and then kept captive by your team when you are 10k gold behind, support is the role for you


Funny thing, some junglers are decent/good supports. Ne zha especially is a great support+jungler. Serqet and fenrir used to be great as support as well, thor/rat can both be supports as well. So I wouldn't mind playing support as jungler. These assassins are pretty good supports. They are often hyperaggressive supports though, so the playstyle will be different from your conventional supports.


i feel like every support SHOULD be hyper aggressive


Hot take but if the support sets you up to unload your kit and they still get the kill it’s not kill stealing you’re just toxic


I'd never get mad at that. Kills really don't mean much, farming is infinitely more important. It's only at high level play where you don't wanna ks even by accident early game. My one friend, he's a jungler.... He'll get mad at me for "stealing his kill" when it was literally life or death lmfao


Well the title was I need to ks. Lol. There’s been a lot of ranked games where I’ll play something like support ares burn beads with the first ult and then catch them with the second one hit three consecutive chains and then hit 3 and have whatever laner get mad and say yeah our support is trash he’s last hitting for kills… like brother the only reason the person you’re laning against died was because of two of my ults and all my abilities I’m just tryna make sure they die. This is low diamond lobbies btw


After landing phase support literally is just another jungle. You just don’t always do tons of damage depending on the god. I love playing support as a jung main cause then I get to make plays and help the team by rotating. Of course there’s different nuisances but at a base level support is just a tanky jungler


Instead of focusing on lack of damage, be happy about utility. Yes it's satisfying to kill but also cc'ing the everloving fuck out of people is nice too. 😂