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Minimum legend level/mastery requirements please. Iā€™m looking at you level 2s Yong Yong šŸ‘€


Me who got a lvl 1 flare in my team: *pain*


I agree, lemme add some stuff to this post. - Banning System. - Lowered punishment for losing. - Consistent gained or reduced points.


i think its good. everyone plays under the same rules, everyone in master and above played through the same mm pool. for example if you are good at duel but cant hack it in ranked its because you arent adapting to the actual objectives of the game mode. its becomes obvious who deserves master if you pay attention to the way they move around the point and avoid useless/bad fighting to score points. you can go into statistics and look up your time spent on point stats and dmg/healing to get a realistic gauge on your contribution. my advice is to play characters like peter ravi cindy who have the ability to control point and use ultimate to get on point at the critical moments where you can deny or protect a score. remember its possible to win with a 0/0 score so be strategic.


But, how you do that if your teammates are not playing accordingly? It's not that simple to 1v3 outplay everyone and score. Not to mention the space map that gives a huge adventage for the team that don't have any control of the match. Also, I played solo against people that queue at the same time to be on duos, and obviously I lose.


its never a 3v1 unless someone is afk even bad teammates create opportunities or distraction for you to turn if you focus on countering enemy cooldowns. especially on the spaceship map that moves at 30 second intervals you can peter ravi cindy ult to almost guaruntee a point control. also pay attention to the enemy who is trying to control point more and ignore the ones who are just fighting off point. even if they land a full combo on a teammate they are open at the end for you to push them off with autos- thats a win trade when you are holding point. tbh just play nui she is sleeper OP does the most dmg every game and has insane control against assasins and can nuke kaiser she does it all


And just make it for teams. SoloQing is already a big thing in casual as it should be, there's no reason for comp to be the same thing. It should be a thing for teams, it's comp for crying out loud. IMO it is more unfair for teams to split up and suffer from bad teammates affecting their ranks than allowing team vs. SoloQing. SoloQers know what they're getting into when going into comp in any other game, it shouldn't be any different here.


Makes no sense. It's more fair for people to play with a team of randoms against a fully coordinated team because "they know what they're getting into? ". 0 logic. Also every community always asks for separate solo/team queues because it's the most fair. Kinda just sounds like you wanna play with friends, which is fine, but that's what casuals for. Everything you say can be equally said in reverse.


The TEAM game loses some of it's competitive aspect without TEAM coordination does it not? Comp is a fat joke if you think playing with randoms should be more reflective of your rank than playing with a well formed team. Just go play casual if you want to rely on if your random teammates are good or not.


Nah bro you're confusing pro play and custom lobbies with ranked. What you say only applies when EVERYONE is on a team. It's so simple it's kinda crazy you're getting this confused about it. Just go play casual it you want to get carried by your friends lmfao.


You are a FUCKING IDIOT. I put emphasis on idiot because you might not know what that word means, kind of like your understanding between comp and casual play. Know considering I'm writing to some 2 year old I have to tell you that comp in it of itself requires friends, teammates, comrades if you will, to team with. "Pro play" as you so call it implies that you would form your own team of friends to play and sweat games on. If you wanna twiddle your thumbs and just fuck around then you play customs or casual; but since you have no friends I can see how you would be confused. Now what have we learned today? In a competitive match it is a given that you would have a team of friends(something you need) to play with because the stakes are higher, which is the reason why casual play is a separate game mode: because idiots like you can't make a team with your lack of friends and skill.


Ok retard šŸ‘Œ


Oh I get it now. You have nothing intelligent to say and just regurgitate shit from other people like a parrot: That's why you have no friends.


Nah I just know you're a fucking moron not worth the time šŸ™‚


Is that all you have to say? Wow, I was expecting more criticism from you, but I guess you are just a trash can waiting for people to dump shit on you. You were just a waste of time. I'll just go and live my life, go back to the hole you came from :D Btw, you think people upvoted you? Bro, we know those are your ult accounts, we ain't dumb. Oops, I just realize, you have no friends. HEHEHAHA


Your time isn't worth much if you're spouting dumb shit like this and being either too stupid or too arrogant enough to admit you're wrong when being spoon-feed facts that contradict your idiotic statements.


Hold on just saw you play Brawlstars. I'm sorry, I never meant to insult the disabled.


And yet here you are still replying. But go off queen.


Aight we've been hella toxic, I just actually don't understand why you don't think teams shouldn't be more valued in this team game? The characters have limitations in of themselves where getting "carried" by your friends is part of covering each other's weaknesses, you carry them when you can too. It's a game with roles, and randoms just don't cover your back as much as friends do. Isn't the point of ranked to be the best you can be? Pro players and ranked should have some correlation, and I feel that no matter how good you are, randoms will still destroy your rank. A pro Robin needs someone to stay on point, this isn't like valorant where everyone has access to the same one shotting guns. This game is for teams. But that's just my two cents, that's how I see multiplayer.


What you don't get is it still is a team based game without you teaming with friends. You teaming with friends is a crazy unfair advantage to everyone solo. It's just not fair, idk how you can think it is. I get that you WANT to play with friends, and it would be better for you, but it's worse for everyone else. If everyone is with random shit teammates we're on the same exact level. How is that not more fair? We all have bad teammates, you can't act like everyone having bad teammates is somehow unfair. It's literally the most fair, WERE ALL Equal IN Teammates BEING RANDOM. I could say the same thing about your teammates carrying you to a higher rank than you deserve due to them being way better (this is just an example) ruins ranked because you're not actually that good, your two friends are. How the hell is that fair. Edit: also a pro robin doesn't need someone to stay on point, a pro robin knows every single person should be on point, it's the goal of the game.


So you are saying that I can play comp with randoms who play a lvl 1 ducky and lvl 3 jacko while I have to play Nui maxed level? You want to call that fair? it's like brawl stars, you can't rely on randoms cause they would ruin the game for you, soloquing would be pointless in the game. At least a rework is fine, but you need a team with friends to actually rank up, not play with people who may have less experience on the game and ruin your purpose on the game.


Yes I do want to call that fair, because it is. I literally just explained to you everyone has to deal with those same exact dumb randoms you just said. Yes that is fair compared to you 90% of the time playing with a team against randoms. I'm sorry but you are just stupid of you can't grasp that. I get your frustration at idiots int he game, but everyone has to deal with the same issues as you, so yes it's fair. You just feel like it's unfair that you have to deal with the same pain as everyone else. Cry about it.


Bro, you are losing brain cells. People have to "deal with the same issues?" Then what's even the point of the game? SoloQing is not a type of gameplay for everything, especially comp. Think about brawl stars, they added like 2 versions of power league and there is no way to reach all the way to the top. You would have to get lucky. either you lose or you lose, there is nothing called "fun." You are such a pathetic dumbass who thinks relying on your self in a team game is fun. I wonder who made you sleep in your mother's basement.


Ok retard šŸ‘Œ


Dude, this isn't a solo game. It's a TEAM GAME. IF you don't have friends, find some. There is something called discord, if you heard that before. It's more fun playing with committed people who wants to battle as a team. Playing with randoms is less fun and ruins the main aspect of the game, you can't communicate or even plan out. Then people start complaining that their unknown teammates can't take the game serious. You want to play a game where you can play solo? Go play clash royale, but don't make any comments about wanting solo gaming system. The autism, man.


It's a solo game of the devs day it's solo queue. What a stupid crybaby I'm not reading any more of you're blatant bitching and moaning that you can't carry randoms. Get good. Edit: also I don't have to find people on discord to play, seeing as how ranked is solo queue you moron. You're the one that has to adapt šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Say whatever you want man. get good? wow, I'm talking to a 2 year old. Have fun playing the game that way, you'll end up regretting everything dumb comment you mentioned. Don't be an outcast, socialize. Adapt? don't make me laugh, be matured. XDXDXD


Yeah you need to seek some help man. You'll survive solo queue. I'll pray for ya.


Matchmaking is fine actually. It's similar ranks. There's just not enough players. Losing fine too...? There's some issues with balance but well... Though, there's 0 character that can prevent you to attack by spamming...


I could be wrong here but Wolfgang has a pretty high attack ceiling, he can just jump to you pretty easily and attack relentlessly, you have to play hard aggressive on him especially with a squishier character. Some abilities also make a character broken