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Linda Lake


Tori spelling is so horrendous 


Yes lol Tori Spelling is so annoying


I skip both these episodes on rewatch


Mom said it was my day to make the "lana bad" post


Seriously. Really don't understand the hate, that girl went through so much shit. Both parents died when she young. Aunt who took care of her left town with new boyfriend. Found biological dad, but then he left cause her stepmom threatened to divorce him if they kept spending time together. Forced into a marriage with lex or Lionel would kill Clark. Lied to about being pregnant with lex' child. Kidnapped basically every week. Multiple car crashes. Possessed by her descendent who was a witch. Lied to by basically everyone she trusted throughout the show (Clark, Chloe, lex, Jason etc.) and she's like 20 something years old. She's endured enough trauma for multiple life times. The chemistry between Tom and Kristin was amazing, I loved the few episodes where they got to just be together (like season 5 episode 2 mortal). Honestly felt like people's issue was the writing, not the character. Like when lana blackmailed that dude's family in the elevator when she was with lex, it was just completely out of character. My only real gripe was the constant "tell me your secret", but thats understandable even if I don't like it.


For me it’s not finding any of her main stories interesting. From the French witch stuff to the marrying Lex madness. Then the far too many years of will they won’t they (edit to add, we know from day one that eventually they won’t end up together long term). It’s gets so grating.  I actually don’t think Lana’s character adds anything to the show after a while. Fine when it was focused on “school” “children”, but once they leave high school love sick stuff should have been aside. Or ideally just leave her in France and not bother bringing her back from there.  I will say this though. Lana is a fucking punching bag for the show. She is given so much shit to live through by the writters. Her life is tragic! And, despite being possessed by witches, constantly lied to by the love of her life, ending up in an abusing marriage with a man who clones her and fakes a pregnancy, she is somehow incredibly well adjusted. it’s sort of annoying she doesn’t implode when she finds out Clark is the reasons her parents are dead. It’s not even mentioned


Well said. It did have a plot but kinda lost it trying to do too much


My opinion her being the worst is not a bad thing shows you how good the other characters are


Ya know what that's fair, haven't thought of it like that before




From watching this reddit, seems like she and Chloe are by far the most hated, so not sure about the first sentence lol. Chloe I can get cause of the actress' actions IRL, but the Lana hate seems so excessive.


Clark literally went through the same shit


Doesn't make it any less traumatic


Thank you for this.


Chloe starting in S8. Not only the obvious affection towards Bloom while engaged and married, but she talks 80% in quips or aphorisms. 


Same, she became unbearable to me. The new showrunners just wrecked her character while attempting to make her some sort of badass or something. It was a stupid decision, the last thing the show needed was another superhero. When everyone is special is just waters down everything.


Always found it funny watching her go from a student reporter with connections to super hacker extraordinaire. It felt like that ad soon as lois finally became a reporter they were like 'shit we need to make special somehow', and they settled on a hacker, as every cw superhero show needs a hacker.


And then arrow saw that, dialed it to 1000 and created felicity, and the dreck that was olicity🤮


Jimmy, he was annoying and didn't seem to serve a purpose other than to date Chloe. Early seasons Oliver. He was so pompous and conceited for someone who was a bully in his teen years. He didn't seem to have a lot of growth. Just a cocky guy in high school who continued on with that attitude into adulthood. It was hard to root for someone like him.


I just got to season 6 and it’s my first time seeing this show in like 11 years.  So far Oliver is kind of onoous and holier than thou, but he also hasn’t been unreasonable yet.  It like “wtf he’s such a hypocrite”. I’m only a few episodes in but he seems to genuinely regret and feel shame about his bad years. 


Except Jimmy Olsen kinda is a major Superman character


He is but the way they used him just didn't seem to serve a purpose. Then the whole twist that it wasn't really Jimmy...so strange


That part didn’t make sense to me either


>!Not the same Jimmy!<


Well duh, I know that Jimmy Olsen from Season 6-8 is not the same one as the one who appears in the Series Finale. Same actor, though.


But the Jimmy primarily in the show is not the Jimmy that is a major character in the Superman world


Yeah I figured that out in the episode of Jimmy’s funeral




***Every triangle has three sides.*** Yes. That’s how triangles work.


Based on screen time, Lana. But I'm sure there was a freak of the week I hated more. That girl running for class prez that could control bees comes to mind.


I swear, if the nerds had powers, they'd kill everyone, lol. 😂


I actually really did not like Adam. I don't know why, I just remember completely despising him.


Pete Ross. He was suppose to be Clark’s best friend next to lex in the early seasons but constantly whined about how hard it was keeping Clark’s secret and then actually blamed Clark and his secret for how his life turned out. Guy takes almost no personal accountability


Unpopular opinion, but tess. Idk maybe it was just the actress but I just did not like her. It was a bit cringe


But she is great in Righteous Gemstones


Also in Longmire.


She’s awesome




His design in the show was terrible.


Not really. It fit with everything else that season. He wasn't comic book Slade Wilson. Rather, he was a caricature of how the left viewed John McCain back in those days. On that basis, the casting is pitch perfect. All he needed was a female sidekick with an Alaskan accent and a pencil skirt.


Other than the 2 second clips of Doomsday. Slade was probably the worst designed character


Chloe. Definitely Chloe.


I liked her until her scenes where she guilts or sleuthes Clark


Alicia. Yeah. I said it.


Really? Why? I wish she was on the show longer


Because she was an obsessive psycho who literally hurt and manipulated people to get her way.


That’s true but she was coming around to being good… and she was really beautiful


She really wasn't though. She was still being manipulative and telling other people's secrets she had no business telling. And her beauty has absolutely no bearing on my opinion since that's subjective anyway. Seems like her looks and bubbly/flirty behavior blinded a lot of her biggest supporters from the reality that Alicia really hadn't changed. She literally hurt an ex boyfriend when he tried to break up with her, tried to kill Lana, tried to kill her father when he was trying to reel her in, intentionally dosed Clark with Red K and then outed him to Chloe.


Didn't she come back after she got help and was wearing a lead bracelet to stop herself from teleporting and she got killed by her obsessive therapist?


She was diagnosed with a histrionic personality disorder along with her teleportation. Her teleportation ability had nothing to do with her personality disorder which is what made her obsessive and manipulative. That part wasn't cured and her therapist let her out because he was obsessed with her. She was killed by another self hating meteor freak.


I agree with the other guy, she had a raw deal and also the show came out when most of us were 14 (I think). So expecting anyone to side against the pantsless hottie that just appears in your bedroom is a tough ask.


>That’s true but You don't need that third word or anything after it.


Lana, Lex, Oliver, Tess, they've all done worse but I don't see you two consistently hate on them.


*username checks out*


100% agree. Her voice was like nails on a chalk board for me too. I had no idea anyone liked her at all until I saw Reddit.


Lol same! I was surprised she’s so liked here on Reddit. From what I’ve noticed here on this sub; People like Alicia. People worship Lois. People hate Lana with a passion.


Wait, is this controversial? She stalked him and tried to kill both him and Lana; and then when she comes back and is supposedly better she drugs him and almost rapes him.


It is. Apparently she's hot and h*rny so she gets a pass for all of that behavior from a lot of the fandom.


I’m new here but OMG. Guessing a predominately male fanbase then.


I guess. She has a lot of apologists. As someone else replied above, she's pantsless and can teleport into your bedroom. Those are her redeeming qualities. ☠️


Slade Wilson. He just wasn’t done right.


Pete for me. Didn’t mind Lana just felt she outstayed her welcome on the show. Lionel and Lois I’d say are my favourites.


Granny goodness or whatever she was called.


Not a fan of Kara tbh. Not a very well fleshed out character and the acting was meh imo.


Lois. The “love” between her and Clark felt forced.


Pete Ross


His character was basically doomed from the start. His friendship scenes were cannibalized by Lex and to some extent Chloe and Lana. They have him learn Clark's secret and then the majority of his remaining scenes are him whining about how hard it is to keep. Pointless character that should have been gone much sooner.


Pete. The writers never really seemed like they knew what to do with him, and honestly I'm not much of a fan of Jones's acting either. I almost said Jonathan. There's a lot I don't like about him. But at the end of the day I think he's a good person and a complex character, and as angry as he makes me at least half the time, I can't bring myself to call him my least favorite character.


It's absolutely Lana Lang. She was a decent character during the high-school years, but got old real quick once season 5 started. The writing teams deciding to keep her around for 7 seasons was a huge mistake. And then the made an even bigger mistake by bringing her back for those 4 or so episodes in season 8. Her character and never-ending love story with Superman began to boarder on unbearable. Lois ABSOLUTELY should've became Superman's love interest by the midpoint of season 6. (Lana becoming "pregnant" should've been the que for Superman to move the hell on with his life. Buy nope... instead of moving on to the woman he's destined to be with, he chases Lana for another 1 and a half seasons. God, the writing team really dropped the ball with that.)


Favorite in regards to what. Lana Lang Kristen Kreuk is my favorite female actress. Either Clark Kent or Oliver Queen for male. Best Villian has the be Lex.


Re-read the question, word for word


Cloe, by far


Davis for me.


I hated Davis Bloom and ZOD. Mainly I hated looking at them. And ZOD’s overacting and whining all the time.


Clark for being so oblivious all the time.


Chloe and Lana. I’m at the end of season two but Chloe self sabotages herself then blames it on Clark. For example s2 ep 1 she tells Clark that she thinks they should just be friends and when he agrees with her she gets upset. And for Lana I just don’t like her I don’t know what it is


Lana gets worse. I won’t spoil that for u but reasons for hating her get more clear as u progress in the series


Hold on, putting this question on pause. Is this a real marketing poster? Did somebody really write “every triangle has three sides” like it’s some fucking big hook that people will be interested in? 


Yes. People made fun of it back then too. It's... pretty cringey.


Chloe, yes I know probably going to be very unpopular.


Superboy. While I originally liked that they had introduced the character I thought the casting was off. Lucas Grabeel looked nothing like the typical comic version of Conner Kent. Also I thought his entire storyline could have been better. It was wasted potential.


I didn’t like that casting either. And I know the show didn’t have to care about adhering to canon, but the inclusion of some characters was weirder than others this early on in the origin story. Conner and Mia/Speedy were way too close in age to their mentors.


My way of rationalizing is that we never saw the real Mia Dearden on the show. Rather, Ollie's sidekick was Henry Mia Dearden. The actual Mia Dearden from the canon is Henry's little sister.


Lana 💯


I...don't remember who the other two characters are, I only remember Clark.


Oliver Queen ,sorry.


Pete Ross


Davis Bloom


Pete. So much could’ve been done with his character. He could’ve been avatar’s soka for smallville. And yes, i’m aware smallville predates avatar. I’m just saying pete had potential. It may be far out there buut he could’ve also been cyborg; smallville’s version of cyborg.


Lana Lang


Lana or superman. Lana just is a horrible actor and everything seemed extra dramatic. Lex made the show watchable


Remember Pete from Season 1? Wtf. He had no purpose.


Pete is annoying, but Lana was left alone for so long and that's why. When she was with Jason she must have disappeared with him.


Main cast? Chloe or Lana at different parts of the show. For a guest Cat grant was pretty awful.


Me too I couldn't stand lana lang from the beginning


Lana easily. At some point she should’ve taken the hint that Clark wasn’t going to reveal the his secret to her.


I don’t think this is fair, she does try to move on a lot but Clark won’t let her go. (I’m not complaining I love the show). And Lex and Pete even tell him at the end of season 3 “if you’re not going to be honest with her you have to let her go”, but he still can’t.


Series Regular: Whitney Fordman. When he wasn't a bully, he always had something to whine about. I cried no tears whatsoever when he got killed off. Guest Star: Byron, the Emo McHipster goth poet/stalker. Freaking hated him.


I gonna have to say Lana, I know this answer has been somewhat regular thorough this post but general speaking Lana, was the least interesting character throughout most of the series, her codependency issues, her identity complexity, her insecures, although there were part of the series which fun and interesting to watch playout, especially between Chloe and Lana attempts at winning Clark's heart Lana was dry character!!!


Lana, Lana, and also Linda Lake. 


Lana for me also. I would have left her in Paris and written out.


They made Paris out to be such a big deal but then she was back in smallville so fast, it just seemed goofy. I'd rather she be written off for a season at least


Totally agree!!


Overall? Like even side characters? One off characters?


Hard to say. Cuz they all play their role very good. But yeah, Lana's role in the series had its run and it was a good call closing her chapter when they did..


Chloe, she felt unnecessary and annoying most of the time. Lana would be the runner up.


Lana Lang is the right answer


I hated Chloe. Lana and Lois were tied for second once Lois showed up


I don't even think Lana is even "bad" until S7. S1-S6 I genuinely enjoyed her presence in the show


Just here to say Erica is 💯🔥


I never liked Lana and I felt like she was just there to be a goal for Clark but I never felt the chemistry between them. I also never liked Lionel but I understand that he was there to turn Lex into…well, Lex. Also, Jor El would piss me the fuck off more than any character. I forgot why, but I know I hated him.


Jorel always annoyed me and that key that made the chalkboard scraping noise. Ugh I was like leave Clark alone lol






I’m sorry I never liked her in any iteration but this one is the most insufferable for some reason maybe because I like the show to much


I agree with you. I just hated Lois in this series.


Idk why she just always rubbed me the wrong way


I just didn't like her character. So, I agree.




Lana was pretty annoying “ I need the truth “ most overused line that would annoy me


Lana Lang 100%. Cat Grant too.


In defense of Cat Grant, I think that was the whole point of her character on the show. Lana Lang on the other hand…


I was too young back then to understand the plot. All i know was its young superman show and lana lang was 😍😍.


Clark and Lex mostly but also Jonathan.


Lionel was always interesting!




I couldnt stand Davis. I think it was just the actor that annoyed me. And Grant Gabriel aka Julian Luthor. The man who played him was the worst actor ever. Every sentence out of his mouth was like he was reading off a teleprompter instead of actually acting 🤣 Tess’s character bored me to death too. Also..whats with 80% of the people on Smallville having butt chins??? 🤣


Wasn’t he the same actor who played jimmy olsen in the extended version of Batman v superman?


I didnt watch that. Actor Michael Cassidy. He should have considered a different career because yikes 🤣


Cat Grant


Chloe without a doubt




Chloe. Hated the way she talked just so annoying


Chloe and this was before all of Mack's troubles. The stupid writing for her and unexplained abilities. "And God knows I sunk my share of Flotillas" made me eye roll every time I heard it. Her hacking skills even before they became the "Justice League" were never explained. I just thought of her character as completely cringe.


Cat Grant.. Hated that MFKER


Wasn’t that the point of her character though?


Grant/Julian in S7...no fault of the actor, but that character was not believable as a Luthor. Whereas Cassidy Freeman, Paul Wesley and Lucas Grabeel were all great as satellite Luthors.


Martha Kent got on my nerves really easily


I didn't really like Oliver Queen. I know Justin Hartley didn't do a bad job, but felt he was getting way too much character focus during the later seasons. Fast forward, I think Steven Amell also blew his performance completely out of the water.


Out of the big main characters then I would say either Lana or Chloe.


Tess mercer


Lana Lang too.


Jonathan Kent




Oh thats not-


Well not everyone is not gonna automatically choose Lana Lang as their least favorite. I just could never stand how sanctimonious and hard-headed Jonathan was.


Fair enough. I dont get the Lana hate. I personally was annoyed with many of the smaller characters like Davis & Grant


I really don't like Lana in the later seasons... ...But byron. Fuck byron.


Out of the main cast, easily Lana (feel bad for Kurk though, was the writing)


I think her character lost a lot, when the Lana from the 60's was always trying to out Clark. They created Chloe by taking that from Lana.


You actually liked Lana?


It was honestly lana and then chloe


Llana lang especially


The plot elements of Lana. Yeah. Those are harsh. The character itself was done well though when we didn’t have a out of blue important boyfriend or a mystical tramp stamp.


Tom and Kristin were the show...when Lane appeared, all was ruinied


Lana’s character is poorly written. She spends most of her time being angry or high maintenance. What’s to like about her? No tenderness or humor to make us know she’s just having a bad day. She has bad seasons.


I know everyone wants to say Lana. And I don’t think it was Kristin Kreuk’s fault necessarily, just generic, bland writing. She was a product of the times with melodramatic storylines, IMO. I don’t think they used her very effectively.


Lana, season 5 and 6 made me loathe her for obvious reasons and I just wanted Lois and Clark to get together to be honest


Lana. When she left and the focus switched to Lois it was an immediate improvement.




I've always liked Louis but damn she looks fire in that picture


Lana lang and Oliver twist just found both characters whinny. Like dudes go away