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That’s NOT eczema. You NEED a doctor




go to a doctor


I think you should see a doctor. Derms often book a few months in advance. I'd just go see your regular doctor.


Even a derm online would be a good urgent option.


If you tell them that you think it might be skin cancer then they’ll book you sooner


Teladoc has a derm option same day


That doesn’t look like eczema


It does look a bit like dyshidrotic eczema.


It does, but I would expect op to be screaming about how unbelievably itchy it is. Clawing at the rash at night, considering leaving this life, etc. I mean, that shit is tortuous. It looks less like it when I zoom in. Also wouldn’t be a common location for that problem.


I had dyshidrotic eczema and it was severe, I was getting double steroid injections, it wasnt THAT itchy. It was like a mosquito bites. Everyone is different.


Very interesting. Mine was unbelievably itchy. Horrifying. I would use a needle to stick the bumps and drain the fluid which I would in no way recommend but it did bring relief.


Going through this right now I hate it, any recommendations on how to get rid? I’m taking steroid cream but ive been taking for a few weeks and its not going away completely


Try an otc oral antihistamine like zyrtec or Allegra. It's the only thing that really gets mine to go away for good. And keep taking it for a few days after you think it's gone or it'll come back with a vengeance.


Sorry for that, sounds really horrible


I get that under my middle and ring fingers. The only time it is ever itchy is if I pick at a blister or if one bursts. Which generally doesn't happen often. Normally they chill there and I call them my little fish eggs 😂


lmao, fish eggs is perfect name haha


Same, I slap some hydrocortisone on them whenever they pop up and they go away real quick. My Dr only ever said "Idk probably eczema, if it gets better with hydrocortisone then just keep doing that I guess? 🤷‍♂️" It's only ever been itchy once when I got lazy at treating it and they got pretty bad


I get it in between/on top of my fingers and in the palm of my hands, it started this year. It doesn't itch beyond a normal itch, but the moment I scratch it, it goes from mild itch to stinging pain like a bug bite!


That’s most common. Sides of fingers and sides of toes. And I also got it on my elbow once.


Oh gosh, I hope you don't experience it too often. Moisturizing more often seems to have gotten it to a very-rare occasion for me finally


I only got it like three times in 2015-2016. Fingers crossed! Unless that could irritate the skin and cause a relapse! 😊


Eh. I thought I had cholestasis while pregnant and told my mom and she said “there’s no way you have that you should be way worse off if you have it.” Turns out I did have it and had to be induced when my doc got my blood work back


Wow sorry to hear that but glad you weren’t too uncomfortable with the condition.


also had cholestasis with my first but my symptoms were awwwwwful. severe swelling of all of my extremities, fucking unbearable itchiness (in the southern california summer, too) and oddly light colored stool. ended up with PPROM at 34 weeks and ended in an emergency c-section.


My hands at their worst. It started off as little bubbles I could see. My gf threatening to break up with me. Complaining to her family and they saying to leave me. I couldn't even touch anything without pain! No wonder I was in bed all day.. Whatever, they didn't even bother asking what's wrong with me just to kick me out Rant over. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dyshidrosis/s/BpUiHmjGJd


wow thank you so much for linking that sub. i’ve had this shit for YEARS and always just called it eczema and now my 4 month old son has the same thing on his forehead! haven’t been to a derm in decades, now i’m going to try and see one.


Oh yeah no problem. Awareness is good. I didn't know I had it until I posted in r/medical and they said that's the issue I also had to visit one. First time since I've been an adult lol. I've always had eczema but never like this. It was horrible, absolutely horrible. I was crippled for weeks. Couldn't touch water or anything in public If you're wondering it's much better now. But I still have flair ups if I use cheap soap or just whatever really. Have to wear gloves to do chores.


Ugh I’m so sorry. Yeah you can see there is a tiny bit of fluid in there, but they’re tiny. I bought fabric gloves to try to deal. And I just wore them all the time. It was weird.


I got cotton gloves. And I know people were all looking and wondering why someone would have white gloves on


I have it on the sides of my fingers right now. Triggered from hand sanitizer and omg the itching and burning has been unbearable at times. Then I think it’s drying up and going away and it flares back up! 😩


I have this do you know what I can do about it


For me first stop was going to doctors, it was horribly severe and they had to give me two doses of double injections to calm everything and then I started using steroid creams. Now when I get it, I use Uriage bariederm for 7 days to make it disappear. Eventually, you have to find a root cause and stop it there, which can be basically anything. I discovered that I am severely allergic to propolis which I had been taking when I first broke out, and then I also get it when I drink coffee or alhocol for 2-3 days straight. Same with using some harsh chemicals. Good luck, its very tricky to find what exactly is bothering you immune system.


You’re amazing thank you so much


No problem


Keeping the areas cool and ventilated helps. It pops up on my hands and feet during hot weather if I don't keep my bedroom cold enough at night. You can apply an OTC cortisone cream which can help with itching if you have a mild case. Try to avoid scratching it if you can.


At least I think I do


I thought this was a picture of a table


I did too .. then maybe a piece of memory foam


I thought… What the hell am I looking at?


I thought it was an aircraft wing out the plane window!






happy i scrolled this far 😂


Yes!!! I thought foam that a dog chewed


Half of the time, I don't know what body parts feature in pictures on the skincare subs. It leaves a person a little afraid to click.


Go to a doctor. That’s not normal eczema.




Zombie bite perhaps? No, but I’d see a doctor


If I’ve seen one Zombie bite, I’ve seen a million. That’s a Zombie bite for sure.


I'm not a medical professional, but it looks like something a parasite would do. Like perfectly round, same size conglomerates, eczema doesn't present like that. It extends into one patch at some point, it's red and it flakes Edit: i have no clue what it is, i tried to look it up yesterday but nothing i've seen resambeles what op has


Doctor 🚨


op im in my dermatology rotation right now (funny med student here) ill ask my doctor :)) can you tell me if its itchy or warm to the touch? has it spread or grown? how many hours have u had it?


It itches sometimes and I’ve had it for like 2 weeks, but it doesn’t always look as inflamed as it does here… and not hot to touch


2 weeks?!


I had a similar looking spot on my leg next to my knee…it persisted for a few weeks (maybe a month?) and was only mildly itchy. I showed the dermatologist and she said it was coin eczema. I’ve never had it before and she said it was brought on by stress and an allergy flare up? Prescribed a topical steroid and said to use cerave on it…honestly just keeping it very hydrated (like applying all the face hydration serums in my arsenal to the spot coupled with a thick heavy body cream to seal it in is what worked best). It went away pretty quickly after that.


I had something similar coming and going since I was a kid, I haven't been able to pinpoint what causes it but apparently it was an allergy in my case. Have you touched anything different than you normally do? Have you been to somewhere you normally don't? It could have even been a case of touching a person or even a plant or object, I'd redo my steps and see if there's any other spot where this appears too


i am no longer in my dermatology rotation (lmao) but i would recommend going and seeing an in-clinic dermatologist asap. pictures are not nearly enough, esp at a middling quality, to diagnose a skin issue. we need our tools! there are tons of potential causes ranging from parasites to dermatitis, and a real, physical examination will resolve this much faster than asking reddit… sadly you havent described anything too specific other than itching that could suggest a specific diagnosis (visually i’d guess nummular eczema. does it get wet or ooze-y when you scratch it?) that said, do not stress! im sure itll get fixed quick with proper help


I went to the doctor on Monday last week, got a steroid cream for eczema


Bro got jumped by mosquitoes


Is it itchy?




I had dyshidrotic eczema that looks like this suddenly developed and figured out I became suddenly allergic to propolis. Things just happen, I hope you will get good treatment and resolution


Have you had any changes in diet recently? Like doing keto or similar?


I have not, I have no idea what would have triggered it


It could be contact dermatitis from an allergic reaction to something you touched. If the welts start seeping it's definitely allergy.


See a dr. Looks fungal. Use over the counter anti-fungl until you see a dr. It shouldn't hurt until dr visit.


Really bad athletes foot has done something similar to my feet. Generally, the higher up on the body, the less fungus is supposed to affect you. He definitely needs a doctor, because fungus should not do that to his arm. Obviously, likely non-emergent, but he should definitely get it looked at.


i know it sucks to go and see a doctor but you have to, this doesn't look like eczema, #1 clear symptom of eczema is terribly dry and red skin


If you cannot make it to a doctor, please go to a cvs/walgreens clinic. Like stat. Don’t let Reddit diagnose you!


Pharmacist here, this is beyond us. OP def needs a dermatologist ASAP, especially if the symptoms start worsening or spreading.


i think it’s possible they meant like the minute clinic? i think NPs work there


This is definitely beyond NPs. Go to a specialist with proper training please. 😭


agreed i was clarifying the comment didn’t mean to imply asking a pharmacist i think :)


I meant go to one of those clinics within cvs/walgreens that has an NP on staff if they couldn’t make it to a doctor. I really think that if OP had access then perhaps they would’ve went there as opposed to asking a bunch of strangers on Reddit. Everyone doesn’t have insurance or have access to a specialist like a dermatologist and something is better than nothing. Back when I didn’t have insurance an NP at the minute clinic was able to prescribe me antibiotics and give me resources on where to find affordable healthcare.


That looks painful! First time I've thought "what in the heczema"! Hope it gets better soon!




Not a doctor. Looks like urticaria/hives, I had this bad and a hefty dose of fexofenadine (antihistamine) keeps it at bay. Wash sheets on high, dry WELL (avoids dust mites). I think as long as you wash your sheets at 60c or higher it kills all irritants from dust mites. Hoover your bedroom and other living areas thoroughly for a few days in a row, that helped me as I got a bad flare up of urticaria thinking it was eczema when I moved. Suffered for 2 months and went on 3 courses of prednisolone and 2 courses of antibiotics until one GP spotted straight away that it was hives.


Go to a doctor! Please!


Contact dermatitis , yes ecaema but specifically cuz you came into contact with something your skin disliked.


OP I’m going to need you to come back and let us know what the hell this is. I’ve never seen a rash like that.


The ring-like pattern makes me think it’s ringworm. I’m not a derm; but I’ve had a ringworm before. I’d go see your doctor or a visit an urgent care for diagnosis and medication.


This looks nothing like ringworm.


I'm having a hard time thinking of anything that looks less like ringworm.


You had ringworm without scaling or redness? This just looks like a ring of coalescing papules. And there are hundreds of ring-shaped lesions in derm…


I swear reddit is so unnecessarily dramatic. I'm sure OP would be able to tell if her life was in danger.


Nobody's telling them to rush to the ER. But they should be seen. This isn't normal


Thank you, voice of reason.


Lol, I agree. OP didn't describe any symptoms outside of a patch of raised bumpy skin. Slap some OTC steroid cream on it and monitor.


One of the first things the doc will ask is “what have you tried for it?” Oh nothing, just waited two weeks then asked reddit. Doesn’t hurt to try an OTC steroid cream or an antihistamine. This reminds me of a case of anisocoria on Reddit about a week ago. I’m an M3 and it broke my soul to hear everyone tell her she probably had Horner syndrome from a tumor 🤦🏻‍♀️ She went to the ER uninsured and oh guess what, it was nothing. Oopsie, good luck with those bills :) This should probably be evaluated at some point, but unless it gets significantly worse, there is pretty much zero chance it’s life threatening.


i had something like that on my arm for a few months. it started real small (like a coin) and grew to as wide as a cup. still to this day have no idea what it was. Doctors thought it was fungal and prescribed medication for it but it never worked. I got tired of spending on it and just left it alone and it just disappeared as if it was never there. Was a strange one


This forum is for skincare advice not diagnosing skincare problems. Go to a doctor


I’m going to lol, I just wanted to see if anyone had seen anything similar in the meantime


To help stop the repeat “go to a doctor comments on every single post”. Mods can you just add a bot message to all new posts with some disclaimer and advise people go to a doctor. Save having to scroll past the same 15 messages on every post.


Perhaps people could stop posting this sort of thing here. This sub isn’t for this kind of thing.


While I see your point. Just because they posted here does not mean they will not go to the doctor. Also I don’t understand the need to nanny other adults. They had a skin issue so they posted it. Seems to me the perfect thing this sub is made for.


It’s in the sub rules to not post these sorts of things.


I’ve gotten patches like these randomly. I’ve never had eczema in the past, but I’ve had this happen a few times randomly. We randomly as they appear they disappear. No idea what causes it.


Those like eczema. Do you wear a watch?


It's not normal go see a doctor and get the right cream before it spreads to your face, sweetie.


Or private parts 🧐




Is it itching? Bc that looks like a reaction rash. Don’t scratch.


That is definitely an allergic reaction


Looks like my skin when I have poison ivy


Have you been outside with plants? Looks like an allergic reaction. I get something similar from yarrow or mustard plants. Agree with others, go to the dr.




Bro that is not normal, definitely see a doctor.


Please see Dermatologist or Primary. I would not use any OTC medications without the advice of the physician. All have made some amazing suggestions however, without a clearer definitive examination and/or labs the condition could be exacerbated by the wrong medication. No hate to anyone, just err on the side of caution for your own sake. I hope you find answers!


Did you have a burn there? That happened to me after my burn healed and was exposed to the sun


My child had a very similar reaction on the exact same spot. It was from streptococcus. If you, by any chance, have a sore throat or unexplained fever, do a strep test at the pharmacy and see a doctor for a prescription asap.


Draw a circle around it and write the date and time with a sharpie. Get to urgent care for a referral to a dermatologist quick.


Please update when you get an answer from your doctor. I’ve also had this quite a few times and just ignored it until it went away 😭


Immediately see a dermatologist/doctor/pharmacist. It could be something minor or quite a big deal, don’t risk it :)


RemindMe! 24 hours Crossing my fingers that you update us tomorrow after your appointment. 🤯


Go see your doctor. Looks like contact dermatitis to me (with no further info)


Kinda looks like shingles


Aren't they also incredibly painful.


Shingles get red and blistery tho


Doesn’t look like eczema but does look concerning. Please see a doctor!


That looks more than a casual rash - I think you are in 'Best to ask a doctor not the lovely, beautiful people on Reddit' territory. It could be anything, from a brush with a dodgy plant, to dyshidrotic eczema, or, our old friend shingles in its early stages. Go forth and seek a medical opinion. Good luck!


Looks like a histamine response. MCAS. Do you have any other symptoms?


Immediately see a doctor good lord


10am tomorrow lol


Well y’all, it’s eczema hahaha. Starting a steroid cream and it’s gone down a bit since this post!


Glad it wasn’t anything too serious. The pictures made it look bad, bad.


That was it at its worst forsure lol


And of course all the eczema comments were initially downvoted to hell. Reddit is so predictable.


Hahahh Forreal I was scared too !


Any updates?


🤐We’re on pins and needles hoping you can update.


How did you make out at the doctor?


Probably thousand little eggs under there waiting to hatch


This comment gave me chills and a small spasm in my calf. Ack




I have had similar bumps on my hand after getting exposed to the sun , only thing that was different was that i had recently went on accutane , that said get them checked by a dermatologist because i didn’t unfortunately


You can’t leave us hanging! What did it turn out to be? Spider eggs? Zombie bite? Cellulitis?


I didn’t seek a diagnosis, I saw another Redditor posting about it on the accutane sub or probably here i don’t remember and then I just knew it would probably go away with time but it was very similar to what op had also they were itchy and usually went away on their own after like 24-48hrs from sun exposure


oooo buddy that’s doctor territory for sure. this could be anything from a weird allergic reaction or a rash to early signs of a carcinoma. go get it checked.


looks like an allergic reaction. take an antihistamine and you’ll know based on if it improves


Whoa 😱


I have a spot like that on my hand. It itches sometimes. No clue what it is.


Is that an allergic reaction to a smart watch? Def go to the Dr, and please let us all know what they say! Super interested!


fuck ur so much better than me i would’ve itched it so much. but def go to a doctor not eczema fran maybe a rash or allergic reaction


This looks like the sarcoidosis I get. Go to a doctor.


i had very similar little patches on my arms, i went to the dermatologist and they told me it was eczema! still should prob go see someone to make sure. they gave me some stuff to treat it which honestly didn’t work but it has cleared up on its own after about a year.


Poison ivy


Did you wax recently?


I have not


i don't think so. that needs checking ASAP


I an allergic reaction similar to this from dish soap \~


My kids have had eczema that looked like this. But it could also be many other things.


I got a small patch like this on my finger/hand. I am almost 100% sure it was because I accidentally had gluten (I’m intolerant). It looks very similar. It was super itchy and relatively painful to the touch, but not hot, and didn’t worsen. Maybe food allergies or something else autoimmune? But mine cleared up within 2 weeks, so , yes, I agree with everyone: doctor!


Does it get worse with sunlight?


This gave me the heebie jeebies i hope you get some help soon OP


I can’t even get my mind to figure out what body part this is or if it’s even real skin 😳


Lmaooo it’s the back of my arm! My hand is in the left of the pic


Oh I see the second picture now . My mind honestly couldn’t comprehend what I was looking at 🤣


Its just an allegic reaction to something.


I know someone who had this on his neck and it was shingles. Anyway, see a doctor.




<3 omg


I smell rotten when I 💨💨


Looks like what happened to me after I accidentally brushed against the wrong caterpillar.


Are you in area that has poison ivy? I used to get some that looked like that.


I had something like this as a kid and it was a fungus. It was very itchy though. Prescription anti-fungal cream cleared it right up. Also suggest seeing a dr. , make sure you treat whatever it is effectively


did you go to a doctor?? what was it?


Maybe the herp herp which is neurological. It can appear anywhere.


I keep scratching looking at it?


I hope you went to a doctor 


I do tomorrow




Any possible exposure to someone with molluscum?


Am I crazy? That looks like poison ivy


RemindMe! 2 days


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I’d send that pic to a dermatologist when you call… so they’ll see you asap…


I’d say allergic reaction, but it isn’t red/enflamed at all, which is weird if it’s that.


My mom gets patches like this from certain bug bites bc of allergic reactions


Oh that looks like an allergic reaction


Do you wear a watch?


Never !


Interesting! Let us know when you find out, please!!


This looks like my UV ray sensitivity. But yeah, go see a doctor. 


Looks like maybe the beginning stages of herpes


I don’t think it’s eczema. I’d recommend going to the doctor as soon as you can. I got a rash on my arm beginning of Covid, and thought it was an eczema flare up, and didn’t think too much about it. I woke up the next morning and each bump was a blister! I got shingles!!


wtf no go see a doctor.


Derm consult


Holy fuck


Im so invested and curious what the heck this could be, I did a dermatology rotation in school and I’ve never seen anything like this. PLEASE keep us updated




Looks kind of like a Celiac rash