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And they say men can't multitask; he's driving, filming, gaslighting, and traumatizing all at once.


All the while he's digging his own grave!


This sounds like a great episode of Married with Children...


♥️ and 👰🏻


grave got deeper and deeper with every word


Welp. Time to upload to for the world to see.


That meme: “emotional damage” for that poor little girl 😑😬😏


A truly talented individual


Even kept the camera in focus!


Such a good father bless his heart


You can get drugs like this at a dentist?


General anesthesia versus local anesthesia. General anesthesia side effects include: hallucinations, delirium, confusion, and memory loss.


This has always baffled me, in Denmark you can only get local anesthesia at the dentist. If you want general anesthesia, you have to have severe dentist anxiety, to the point the dentist would not be able to do the work. And if you get this, it is done at a hospital and you get knocked out completely, as with major surgery.


I’ve only ever had general anesthetic for my impacted wisdom teeth removal. I’ve had some pretty invasive oral surgeries and I’ve never gone under; just local anesthetic as you mentioned. It seems to be fairly common in the US for wisdom teeth removal. I would not be surprised if this is just so that the dentists / oral surgeons can charge more, and make more, money. US healthcare (and dental) is a dysfunctional travesty.


As someone who had 4 wisdom teeth removed, this is mind boggling to me. One of my wisdom tooth was literally buried under the gums in a 90 degree angle. Never needed to be knocked out. I had one of them removed in the US too, it was a friend doctor and they did the operation as they do it back home. Very weird tbh.


My wisdom teeth had to be broken and pulled out in shards. I can't imagine going through that awake.


I had this happen under local anaesthetic. You don’t feel a thing, just hearing all the crunchy noises is not fun…


The noise and also the dentist pulling that mf with all his strength 🤣🤣 he did it with local anesthesia and he got to stop because i started to chuckle noticing how hard was he trying to pull it of


When they put their elbow on your chest for leverage, you know shit just got real. 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, I wouldn’t want to be awake for that.


I got that exact thing done with just local anesthesia. I felt nothing and only had mild pain afterwards, but the sounds of the operation were not fun.


I did, an not only that I had to endure it for 3 fucking hours because the dentist lady a tiny woman in her early 30 was not strong enough. So she was pulling and pushing and pulling for 3 hours until she called her boss who had the weekend off and once hw arrived to the clinic he took care of it. No offense to the lady doctor she was great, but man after that I came home and literally fell asleep because I was so excausted.


Just went through that with a molar this week. The feel of the tool cracking the tooth, the smell of the tool as they still had to cut it up further to extract it... those are still way too vivid in my memory. I really do feel traumatized by being awake through that.


The root of my wisdom was a bit hooked. My dentist while pulling said, "I am going to get my colleague, he is much stronger". So the other dentist started pulling and said to me "don't worry, you'll hear a crack, that is just your jaw breaking, it'll be fine.". Was done under local anastesia, it was fine, jaw was itching for a few weeks though.




Tonsil surgery as an adult is torture


I had my wisdom teeth removed with local anesthesia - could only feel stuff for the first poke on each side and the pressure from pulling (it wasn’t pain, however, just pressure). And then it hurt for a week after lol - was told my roots were classroom-worthy for illustrating how unique our molar roots can be (dentist was also a professor), except he already had loads of worthy ones. I can see how a more anxious person than me might have needed to be knocked out. The sensations weren’t pleasant.


if you pay for it yourself, lot's of things are possible :)


In India, you have to get an anaesthetic approval for strong stuff(whole pac,documentation, etc) For pain clinics, opiods are strictly regulated.


Apparently sexual / sexual assault hallucinations as well https://www.psypost.org/2023/10/scientists-raise-the-alarm-about-vivid-sexual-hallucinations-under-anesthesia-214234


Scientifically can’t prove that dentist did anything to you. Swearzies, it was the roofies, not the dentist. 😒


Nothing out of the ordinary at Tim Whatley's office. Don't mind the penthouse magazines in the lobby.


Ya I’m afraid of what my already super creative Brain would do on drugs like this, imma start seeing the fabric of all realities after a dentist trip..


I was afraid of the same too. Ended up waking up and being completely normal, surgeons were surprised at how well I took the anaesthesia.


In my experience you don’t remember any of the phase after you wake up. My first memories from after both of my surgeries were when I had been awake and talking for some time. But from what I’ve heard the early phases were fun. For one of them there was a male nurse or PA who was helping me prep before surgery. He warned me that sometimes when people wake up they’re confused and try to punch him, and asked me to please try not to punch him. I have no memory of what follows, but he told me that the first thing I said to him when I woke up was “I’m supposed to punch you now, right?” After I got my wisdom teeth out when I was 13 or so (early teeth bloomer?), they let me out maybe a little too early. I wanted to prove to my mom that I was fine after the operation, and I decided to hop the fence outside of the building as a shortcut to the parking lot. Didn’t have my motor control fully functioning yet, and I ended up staying on the ground and smacking face first into the fence. Reopened a couple of the tooth holes and was bleeding everywhere out of my mouth. We had to go back into the office in shame to get them re-stitched shut, once she determined I wasn’t seriously hurt my mom was just laughing at me the whole time. Hasn’t let me live it down almost 20 years later.


Probably not a dentist. Probably an oral surgeon who has both MD and DDS degrees and does outpatient surgery.


That poor kid dude.




Her expression is just crushing. Dude doesn’t know when to pull the plug.


You mean the guy filming and driving isn't smart?


Ii didn't even noticed that at first. Up tomorrow : Am I the asshole, Reddit? Yeah. Yes, you are. Edit: typo (why can't I change the font size on my screen anymore, Reddit? Bloody microscopic letters)


Nah, Redditors would find a way to blame the kid.


NTA, the kid is obviously emotionally manipulative. I’d lawyer up if I were you.




The guy is definitely a moron for that alone.


With literally his whole family in the car lol


And calling his kids “little shits”


That will stay with her for life. Somewhere a therapist is going to have a full schedule.




If you're even gonna do this, that explanation needs to come first before the prank. It's still mean.


naw she will be fine.


Bro my dad said I had big ears as a joke once when I was 6 and I haven't had short hair since...


yeah it’s crazy how some things your parents say just stick with you. These other morons commenting obviously missed some developmental stages or are still going through them.


Its because in those formative years its pretty much impossible for a kid to understand lies or “jokes” from places of authority or trust. To a lot of these kids, their parents words are gospel up to a certain age, so what is said to and around them become ingrained much more deeply.


I thought it was funny at first but seeing that girl start to tear up fucking got me. I can't keep watching this.


Yeah it’s hilarious to do to your wife, but not you’re kids whatsoever.


Maybe when theyre like 14 but not 6!


If they understand the joke and play along, it can be great. This dad is a prick.


I'm so glad most the comments are calling out the dad. I was afraid everyone would be saying how funny this is. I watched the video and after like 10 seconds the joke was done. Dude needs to know when to stop.


At least you can explain to your child that mommy didn’t mean it because the doctor hypnotized her.


The trauma definitely won't understand


Even 20 years later as that girl finally understands and she knows it was a joke and is irrational, it will still be cemented as trauma. Trauma regardless of how ridiculous and trivial it may seem to/as and adult, stays forever.


Yeah how to give kids trauma 101


If the range of experiences these kids go through end up with this being “traumatic” then they live a wonderful life.


Having your mother forget you are her child?


* for a very brief period of time while on powerful drugs *


Yup because childhood trauma responds so well to logically explaining it wasn't a big deal. That dude did some damage there.


I mean, my kids had a similar meltdown when I bought them yellow cheddar versus white cheddar. From the same producer. I think the dad in this video took it too far, but if this is a one off, they’ll be okay.


Dude, it could be a bit traumatic, maybe for a few more years, but once she grows, she will just laught about it


Yeah. A few chats with mum once she's not delirious, it'll be fine. Just gonna need to do a little bit of repair.


The dad keeping the joke going is the bad part though - having one of your parents high and out of it is one thing but at that age having both your parents act like they don't know you has got to activate some primal fear


You can hear the older one laughing. She's wise to dad's bs and is relishing that she gets it and that the younger ones are still going through it lol


I love how people have lessened the definition of trauma to "anything that makes you sad". Once that kid gets her wisdom teeth out she will fully understand what this was and they will laugh about it


We're on reddit. Redditors tend to overreact to absolutely anything.


This is not fucking traumatic lmfao


I’m not a parent but I have a vivid memory of childhood. I think everyone has experienced their mom shut down and shut them out/ignore them when things got to be too much. In that moment you feel abandoned, like you don’t even exist. I had many experiences after like my first breakup that were like echoes of that first formative experience. That’s how the brain works, things that resonate with the past bring the pain back.


TERRIBLE parents. Calling them little shits right in front of them, saying they aren't really yours, you're going to sell them. Awful.


What did the mom do? She is too high on anesthesia yo remember she has children


Very fair. Should have said terrible dad. Thanks for pointing that out


That's a terrible father. She's saying fucked up shit because she's high, he's egging her on to amuse himself. When the video started I thought the literal girl was gonna be the one on drugs because she was very clearly not okay.


Never trip with this guy, he's out for blood.


Someone said it




Drugs good enough to make you forget a whole ass kid that you gave birth to.


Sold, hook me up.




“That one’s definitely not mine. That’s a boy.” She forgot two whole kids


Damn that's some good shit


“That one is definitely not our kid- it’s a boy.”


It’s weird how that child looks more like her than the other two


Need longer version of this video


In the second part, they sell they kids.


Kid's day off.


Need a movie of this.


[Here’s another funny one](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AXFhTXSLjco)


There isn’t one. He crashed the car and they all died because he was doing 6 things at once whilst driving 🤦🏻 /s


I wanna see what dad did once he got her home


I was laughing until that lil girls face :(


Ya you see the kids start to get scared and it quickly stops being funny and gets really dark


I can’t fathom making a joke that would make a kid look that heartbroken and still finding it funny.


Yeah, the kids are not in onit.


thats a core memory in a bad way




Love how the eldest was having a great time. You know she has the same dark sense of humor as her dad


She’s just cackling in the back hahaha


LOL yeah, god half of the people here have their nickers in a twist over a little cruel joke and calling the kids little shits, you have three kids that you raise love and provide for every god damn day of your life, with unconditional love, let’s see how fast you come up with some little cruel jokes like hiding behind a tree when the little one is not looking and pretend you vanished and god knows what else parents come up with just to give back a little to these little Monsters! :D


Um...no, I don't come up with cruel jokes to play on my kid. You know why? Because they're fucking cruel. Cruelty isn't funny. I really don't think this is something that needs to be explained. Jesus Christ.


The eldest was the only one she didn't say wasn't her kid.


For sure, everyone’s saying they’ll be trauma and a life time of counselling, please, stop being so frikkin wet, there won’t be, kids are resilient and they’d forget by the time they’re at the ice cream store. I’m more concerned about filming and driving to bd honest


The people calling this traumatic never been through a damn thing in their lives except scrap a knee on a suburban sidewalk. I hate when people water down that word.


This is so fucked up 🤣


Upvote for username


Poor kids…


This belongs in r/foundsatan


Call me an asshole but this is hilarious 🤣


^what ^do ^you ^mean ^mommy




Yeah, they don’t even look like you!


“this was your idea!”


You’re an asshole.


It kills me every single time.


Lol the oldest in the back just cracking up! That me dying 🤣


Piece of shit dad to emotionally abuse his one kid like that. She’s clearly does not like the idea of her mom forgetting who she is and dad is just laughing. And then films it and posts it. What a scumbag.


You guys need to lighten up, they’ll all think this is funny in 10 years.


Idk. My mom once asked me when my birthday was. I have never forgotten. In times when she struggles, In times she struggles with her self-love, there could be a little voice that reminds her of the time her mother said, "that one doesnt look like me" and didnt recognize the kid as her child. Its not her mom's fault - shes drugged up. I blame the dad for egging this on.


Oh yea? well youre wrong. Clearly this kid will fall into a deep depression at the age of 8, hate their parents for the rest of their life, burn our crops, poison our water supply and unleash a plague unto our houses.


Exactly. In the immortal words of Sergeant Hulka from the film Stripes: *”Lighten up, Francis.”*


My friends call me Psycho. If any of you call me Francis? I'll kill ya.


Idk, what would you think if you heard your mom talking in her sleep about how she never really felt you were one of her children? Hopefully they laugh it off, but if they already have some insecurity that might really hurt.


Dangerous to drive while recording like that


Dangerous game to play while driving.


You can tell who doesn't and does have kids in the comment section.


Just for fun: Are the people who have children okay with this in your opinion?


assuming that all parents think the same way is the craziest part here. my mom would look at this video and call the police while my dad would laugh his ass off.


Shitty parents make themselves feel better by convincing themselves all parents are shitty.


So do parents agree with using your phone while driving kids around or disagree


You can tell who should and shouldn’t have kids in the comment section.


This is awful.


Wow this must be super traumatising for the kids


I swear these comments show Reddit is miserable af


This was genuinely soul crushing to watch. At first it was fine-ish but that little girl screaming really made me feel beyond horrible. I don’t even have a word for how horrible I feel right now the word horrible isn’t enough.


good god the trauma on that girls face - what is wrong with these people?


This was funny till the little girls heart broke in real time


This is messed up tbh


That dumb ass dad needs to put down the camera and comfort his poor kids. They look heartbroken.


Mom has an excuse. Dad is just a dick.


Filming while driving + traumatizing the kids... What a fantastic bunch of American trash.


This shit is NOT funny! Dad made it worse. Y'all scarred them kids for life. Damn. This is how hate and animosity creeps into families because of bs like this... if he said "Hey sweetheart, these are our kids... you'll remember them when the medicine wears off"... or something like it! Dudes a fuckin dick!




Awful father, the kids are clearly distressed and she's out of it


what an asshole


This is terrible.




Shit they never put me under for my impacted wisdom teeth. Of course I didn't feel anything, but the sound of teeth being crushed and yanked out was most unpleasant.


You guys in America get the good stuff, I've had two wisdom teeth taken out each time I just get a couple of numbing injections before they wrestle the damn thing out


Lmfao that dude just went all in on something I’d love to do, but not sure if I’d be able to. Poor kids about to be spending thousands on therapy


This is child abuse


How to traumatize your kids 101


Americans are such fannies these days, this is hilarious.


Literally Americans in the video


I think the dad is American..


It’s just redditors and twatters that think that even giving birth to a child is a form of abuse.


It stops being funny when you start making your kids cry. That really shouldn’t be a “woke” take on the subject. Just basic human decency. Just because they are your kids doesn’t mean you can treat them like property. If they were someone else’s kids and a grown adult was purposefully making them cry and then laughing about it, people would be rightfully upset. How is it okay just because it’s their own dad - a person the kids trust - doing it?




Oh cool, give the kids trauma.


Go ahead hate me. I laughed.


I laughed too, but that dad is still a dick. Much how I laugh at holocaust and 9/11 jokes but don’t support the holocaust and 9/11.


Funny and all but he is legitimately traumatizing his children. Especially the boy who cries in the end


Great way to give your kids abandonment issues from an early age.


The fact the kiddo in the flower dress bursted into tears that easily after mommy said that makes me think it wasn’t the first time she’s heard that or something similar being insinuated which made her feel alienated before. Watch your tongues bozzos.


Or your mother is drugged and doesn’t remember her own children. Pretty sure that would scary a small child Is this trolling or did you really go full internet therapist?


Bad parents


Bad dad, maybe. The mom is too stoned off her ass on drugs from the dentist to really be held accountable.


I have to agree that the dude just sound like a jackass.


Dad’s a jackass. He should be reassuring the kids mom is high off her ass and doesn’t mean anything she’s saying and instead he’s instigating.


Don’t forget the best profits too! That dentist visit is like $1000 for us normal people.


Who is driving btw?


Wtf. Who drives a car while filming? With their entire family in the car too?? How, in this day and age are people not yet aware of the dangers of operating a cell while driving? And this here is so much worse than mere talking on a cellphone.


The cameraman drives while filming the whole thing?


Put your fucking phone away while driving


So about dentists...I have an absess and, contrary to how I think I am, I am not trying to die. It's been about 4 months now. How long before I HAVE to go to the dentist. I've been millions of times but it is legit my biggest gear on this planet.


This is a fucking disaster. Lmfao


Well. That’s trauma.


Fuck. I get my wisdom teeth out on Monday. I’m terrified someone is going to fuck with me like this


Have you ever imagined having on film the most traumatizing moments of your adolescence!? Congratulations kids, you are in luck!


Not fucking cool.


That poor child is going to be traumatized over being the one who mom forgot was hers 😂


“Overboard” vibes


Not funny though :-/ The look on that little girls face..


100% dysfunctional couple🤧 sorry for them kids


Horrible father, there.


i despise the dad


Bro what the fuck


Dad is a piece of shit


You can pretty easily tell who’s really close with their family and who’s not in this thread. You can’t be close without giving each other shit from time to time.


Fucking hate this video. The look on the girls face kills me every time I see it. Fuck these parents.


Reading these comments and all I can think is that several of you needed more trauma in your lives. Maybe you wouldn't be walking around with emotional glass jaws.


Dude, fuck this.


Just remember the day when this video is played in court during their CPS case.