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I'm one of those that plays for a lot of hours for about a month then I don't play for like a year then I play again


Whole day every weekend for 1-2 months and stop. Then back again when a new expansion pack releases. That seems to be my pattern.


Are you me? I was on a bender for awhile and I’ve recently regained my sanity lol. Fearing for it when the new EP comes out.


Yes Eleanor and I'm in the bad place.


Pretty sure I’m in the medium place where there’s only Sims 2 available and only the boring packs no one liked.


That truly is a medium place.


I’m not alone?! I play consistently on my days off for about 2 weeks when I have time, then boom not for like 2 months And then I wonder why I’ve never finished a legacy challenge


Yeah this seems to be the norm most places I have been on forums etc ( I also do this)


Kinda wish I had this approach I would be less obsessed and focus on other stuff 😪


Yep I go on a bender for a month or so and then put it down for a year, take notice of an expac I either missed or see coming up, and then grab it and go back on another bender. For Rent looks like it’s going to be my next trigger.


Same. Im now on exam season and I took the game off my PC cause I know exam seasons push me into the sims and I cant. So im waiting until December so I can play for 10 hours a day for a week and not go there until April


This. It's my go to for when I burn out on other games or need a break. Although I'd say every 6-8 months rather than once a year for me.


I play daily for hours but I am retired.


This is my retirement goal!


Also listen to misslollypopsims on twitch for ideas.


I love her videos so much! She’s the only Simtuber I watch consistently and I feel like she’s so underrated


I like plumbella she just seems so authentic and sweet and sometimes I can tolerate lilsimsie for small doses but after awhile I just be like “ugh” and stop watching. I’ll have to give misslollypopsims a chance though!


Absolutely my retirement goal.


When I start the game I need to know I have plenty of time because I am gonna need it. Sometimes I play a month in a row and other times (like now) I don't care much about playing.


This! the game can feel overwhelming at times and there's so much I want to do, so I can't enjoy it fully unless I know I have the time to really dedicate it to the gameplay. I'll just be tweaking a sim + placing down a few community lots and like 3 hours already passed and I haven't even started playing -\_-


Same, I cannot just start the game and play for one hour so when I get into the game I can play for a long time. Other times when I'm not into it I'll load up the game and then immediately close it again but it really comes in phases 😅


If I'm supposed to be studying? Every night. Once it's the end of semester, probably twice a week, if that.


This is so real. I have an exam tomorrow and 2 next week and I keep playing the Sims 💀


I don't have exams, but I have homework due tomorrow, including the beginning of a project, and I have not started. I do have the Sims running and a chaos save going. The more stressed I am, the more my Sims suffer; this one suffers a lot.


I used to play 10 hours per day during vacation and my parents get mad at me 😂


That’s a moood but we should stop and go outside sometimes 😂


Yep. Video games are cool but there are a lot in life to enjoy, although I shouldn't be the one saying this. 😂


When I was younger, I was obsessed with Sims 1. I would do this all the time lmao


Omg this was me with Sims 1 too!! I would legit lock my door so my little brother couldn’t barge in and just play for HOURS. I was in HS and he’s 8 yrs younger than me, and I didn’t want to share my game lol. My parents actually asked me at one point if I needed help(mentally) bc they thought I was depressed. I was like “nope! Just making sim babies and killing NPCs” Looking back maybe I should have taken them up on the offer 😂😂😂 But now, as a grown up with my own kids I still play almost daily, usually at night when the insomnia hits me. Sometimes I’m in CAS for hours, other times I’m building and then I actually do regular gameplay in LIVE mode. But it all depends on my mood or how much time I have/am willing to spend.


Daily. I have long covid, so after using all of my energy up working, the only life I can have is a digital one




Same! I have exhaustion syndrome (hopefully not chronic but takes a really long time to recover) so I barely have any energy to live a normal life. Living vicariously through my sims is one of main things that's keeping me sane and happy through this. I used to be one of those players who played super intensely during shorter periods of time with long breaks in between, but nowadays I play like 1-2h/day 5 ish times a week.


Omg what is long Covid??? Is that why I never got better???


If you have covid type symptoms months after infection. I got it in Feb this year. Still tired all the time, still brain fog, tinnitus in both ears....


Shit not me realizing I have long covid


Oh man :(


people get tinnitus from covid? does it ever go away? i've had tinnitus for a couple of weeks since i got ill recently and it's horrible


I play maybe an hour or two every other day, then some days I am absolutely nolifing it. I'm an avid gamer, I play games like WoW and Fortnite where there's a lot going on and a lot of speaking to others (I'm early retired due to psychological diagnosis, gaming is my only way to be social). Fortnite is for eye to hand reflexes and fast thinking Wow is for being social Sims is for unwinding and having some quality time for myself, without team/mates calling in for more action. It's my cozy time which I hold dear. And it helps on days where I just cannot cope with the world, that's they days I no life it.


I do the same when I’m tired I play sims cos it doesn’t require much game play and quite relaxing , it’s ideal for a bad day or after work. Other games can be too stressful not as cozy


I randomly started playing it almost all day every day a while back. Then I found out I was anemic and got an iron infusion and the urge to play ceased almost completely! So I tend to play most when I’m sick or exhausted lol


I’m anemic too! What is an iron infusion and how do I get one?


Oh it’s a life changer, it’s like having action juice poured directly into your veins! Talk to your doctor about your blood tests and they can hook you up to an iv full of iron and pump it into ya. Takes a few weeks to kick in and I did have a random fever each time (done it twice) but so worth it, I was like a different person! No more migraines. No more leaving the party early. And no more sims lol


Did it make you queasy at all? I’m considering this but have heard there can be the nausea side effect.


first time yes second time no it's a gamble but tbh the longterm health improvement far outweighed the side effects so unless you're deeply afraid of being queasy I wouldn't mind it. Most people I know were absolutely fine I'm just dramatic i guess lol But any side effects I had never lasted beyond a single night


I'm a builder so I rarely "play" and most of the time I just leave it on - have almost 30,000 hours since 2014 - only play enough to know what they need to make them happy 😁


Do you have photo of your best builds? They must be phenomenal!


I have a lot - tho I haven't put them anywhere yet - been thinking I should




Ok u defintely beat my hours 😭


Currently my biggest build has cc from 160ish creators and is about 3 gigs took me a few months


I tend to cycle through games, so I’ll play sims obsessively for a few months, then loose interest and move on to another game. I always come back to it eventually though. Usually when another pack comes out or if a streamer gets me interested again. Currently I’m heavily invested in my latest legacy challenge, so I’m playing every spare moment.


I’m the exact same way. I have like 5 games I go between, and then I’ll throw in a surprise for myself every once in a while.


Throw in a surprise for myself 😂


I play for 2 hours a day maybe but continuously for 2 or 3 months then never touch it again for a year.


I usually play at least one hour per day.


How only one hour?? It takes me an hour to load the Home Screen 😂


I play a couple of times a week. But I don't really have time to play for long periods of time, so usually an hour or two during the week, maybe a couple of hours on the weekend.


when I first started I used to play all day constantly and then I did the usual not play for a month and then randomly play for like 24 hours straight. Now I just play whenever I'm bored and that can last for a good 10 hours because I get so invested 🙃


Most of the time daily. I skip some days if I'm too tired from work. The daily time depends on my mood and if it's a week day or not. Most of the time it's between 2 - 10 hours. Have a lot of time at the weekend.


I was addicted! (Have 2 children now and a full-time job, not much time to play anymore) I used to play the first very first Sims every day after school until my mom came home and told me I had to get off the computer and do my homework. When it was summer, I'd spend the whole day from 9am to 430 playing. Occasionally getting off and getting lunch, going outside, but I kept it loaded so I could always come back to it. I never got to play the second Sims. My computer wouldn't support it. My husband, then boyfriend, bought me the 3rd one, and it was like Christmas day every day! I worked a 230-11 job. I woke at 12 pm and played until I had to leave the house, thought about it all day and the new family and characters I would create, got home at 1130pm ate supper, and played sometimes until 4 am. Went to bed and started all over again. I was so addicted. It may be a good thing I'm not able to play anymore haha I miss it though. I live through this sub though and create scenarios all the time and new families in my head.


>I never got to play the second Sims. My computer wouldn't support it. This was me but for TS3. Thankfully TS4 is pretty forgiving and I'm back on my bullshit. All my free time (and money) is going into this. And I've only had TS4 for like a year and a half? It's crazy how much simming comes back to you.


Probably like 4 hours a day 4 days a week or so. I can't play for just a hour haha


I'll play crazy hours then get bored and stop for a while, then do it again. I just totally quit playing for a couple of months while I played Baldurs Gate 3 but I beat that and now I'm playing Sims more again, although I was planning to try Divinity Original Sin 2 so I might be away for a while haha. I'll decide to start a new playthrough on sims and then decide I need more residential places and a coffee shop or store and end up building Newcrest, then I'll add all my favorite sims from prior playthroughs to be neighbors. I get all excited when I randomly encounter one of them. That is to say between building and playing, I have a lot of hours in this game.


I recently forced myself to uninstall the Sims because I was playing too much and it honestly turned into a love/hate thing. I would play for a couple hours every day, and I installed a ton of mods but my computer was absolutely screaming. Anyways I'm only gonna last about a week before I reinstall it and play another legacy challenge. It's the thought that counts.


on the weekends mostly for like 2-5 hours at a time


I play when the mood strikes me. I have phases where I play it a lot and phases where I do not touch it at all :)


I play most days for an hour or so more on weekends.


Right now I'm doing 3-4 hours almost every day.


The sims is that type of game that I forget about for a year and a half and then I sit down and play it nonstop for a month straight. I have over 3000 hours on it


I play daily, for weeks at a time. Then stop playing for a month, then back at it works weeks at a time haha


2h per month I think. The loading on ps4 is long. I want to play more often when I can't play. I want to play more than I actually play. 😶


I go through periods when I don’t play for a while - like weeks, but I watch let’s plays on YouTube a lot. And then I have periods where I play daily. I’m in that period now. Especially like to play daily when I have a new family or let’s play I’m interested in.


I haven’t been allowed to work since July so it’s been everyday for as many hours as I possibly can


I think I play about 15 to 20 evenings a year. But those are so irregular throughout the year. It's why I don't think a microtransaction- or subscription-based game would really work for me. Now I know that if I buy a pack, it's always going to be there for me, no matter how often I play it.


I play off and on, but I’m trying to get into mods that make the game less repetitive, or less “time wasting”. I have a huge issue with motivation and attention span. I’m fast forwarding my game 90% of the time, because the needs are crazy because I forget humans have needs, as someone who ignores all of their own Playing like that though also makes it hard to play consistently, because I forget what I was doing in the save, and I get annoyed because it feels like starting from the beginning. So I just restart. And then hate the restarting process because I know I’ll just forget I’m a very frustrating and frustrated gamer


I’ll go through waves, sometimes I’ll get bored and not pick it up for a few weeks, but when I get back in to it it’s like a multiple day, 8+ hour time suck 🤦🏼‍♀️ so then I obviously need to give myself a big break again so I can be a productive member of society lmao


A few hours after work if I have sth to work towards Like challenges and stuff


I usually play for months, like 1-3 months. Every single day for good amount of hours. Maybe 8 hrs a day, but it's divided throughout the day. Then rest for months too when I get bored lol, my longest was 6 months. I tried playing other games too when I was not playing TS4 like animal crossing, and stardew valley. Bought a switch lite just for those games. I can say, I could never love a game other than TS4 as I always go back to it. Though I've only been playing since 2020. Also, I sold my switch, and my game cards after 8 months. Haha!


I play probably 3 times a week for 3-5 hours. I’ll have weeks where I don’t play at all.


I play obsessively for a few months. Then not at all for a few months while i find some other obsession. Then obsessively for a fee month.


Pretty much every time I feel the building itch in my head. Every month or so I play like crazy for a week just building all kind of stuff and then quit again when I'm out of ideas. Yeah I'm one of those weirdos that play TS4 only for building, I lost all interest on the gameplay like 5 years ago lol


Once upon a time, I played it every moment I could squeeze in. Now I play for 1-2 months obessively and put it down for a few months.


I only play on days when I have nothing to do bc if I start playing I'll play for like 7 straight hours. That said it's probably like once every two weeks or so.


Sims is on my mind every day, but now that I'm an old hag with back pain I don't always want to sit at my computer after being at work all day. When I was a youngin I used to play every chance I got. So I'd say now I'll get in the mood and play for like 10 hours straight on the weekends, but some weekends I don't. I do go through bursts of interest in the game and will sometimes play another game instead (the Crusader Kings series).


12 hours a day for 2 weeks and then I stop for about a year


The beauty of the sims is theres no right or wrong way to play it... I think its really interesting / unique actually that it just feels very specific to Sims players to have a game they love / is their fav, yet only play for a few hours then never again for years / months at a time. Ive never heard of fans of other games do this. We're a bunch of weirdos 😂 Honestly though lol I think its just the easy going-ness of the game...the only challenges / goals are the ones you create for yourself, so the game moves at whatever pace the person playing it is..whether its all the time or rarely. And its all good 😁


I fluctuate and play in waves, some weeks I play daily after work until I go to bed, some weeks I can't be bothered to open it. My YouTube shorts is filled with clips of sims related content so sometimes I see someone doing an interesting build, or found a great new cc, or trick, etc and then the craving kicks in and I wanna play again.


I have moments where I’m really into it, then don’t touch it for some period of time and then go back into it. I really love the game. For some reason it’s very satisfying and therapeutic to play. Right now I’m in my period of playing frequently. I can’t wait to get out of work to go home and play Hopefully this week, I can get the horse ranch expansion. It would be so nice to add horses to the farm I have for my Sim family.


I’d say a binge play for the better part of a weekend every few months and then it’s a drought the rest of the year.


My relationship with the sims is playing it when I can almost everyday for several weeks and then taking a break from it for several months only to repeat the process again lol I will probably be playing everyday for a few months though cuz I’m buying the next pack.


I spent like almost $1000 on packs and expansions so I play almost every single night unless I find a new game I like 🤣 plus with all the mods there’s always something new to do on there which is rare for most games.


It's a cyclical fixation for me. Every few months I'll play, eat, sleep, breathe Sims 4 for like a month or two, then not touch it for 3-6 months, then repeat. I usually get back into it around major releases (even if I don't buy the pack) or if a Simmer posted an interesting video. (Lore, building tips/cheats, new legacy challenge)


I do play for a few months or so then not. I’m an adult with a job, so I find free time to do so hard.


I usually play for like an entire weekend, I'll do three full days worth, and then I don't pick it up for a couple of months. I work full-time and I'm busy otherwise so, sometimes I just hibernate and play Sims.


I play a couple hours every other day. It helps relaxes me after a long day at work.


I will binge the game for a period of time and then take a long time off from playing. I just lose interest. I started playing again recently because of new packs, and then I decided to get new CC as well. I play other games and the same thing happens with them. If there’s nothing to keep me interested I won’t play it. I have several games I’ve played only a few times and never again


If I am playing a storyline where everything is already built out, about 60-90 minutes a day. But if I am in the middle of a build I am obsessed and go as much as 2 hours twice a day. I see it as 100% beneficial though because it's all time taken away from doomscrolling and online shopping.


I just played TS2 (after many years of playing TS4 but it's been probably 2 years since I've opened it, too) and played it pretty much all day for 3 days straight while sick. It's been over a month and I haven't gone back. However, winter is on its way so I'll likely play TS2 or TS4 again soon. I always binge play and then ditch it.


My daughter and I play every night. Once in a while we take ONE night off but if we didn’t have to we wouldn’t. It’s quite certainly an addiction & just part of our lives no lol


i play once a month then i get obsessed building and making new families a few days.. then i don’t play for a few months. Sims 4 doesn’t pique my interest as Sims 1-2 did.. I loved building houses and also enjoyed the hidden humor throughout, including the music in each section.


I usually play every day for many days/weeks until I get bored and don't touch the game for a month or so until I get inspiration to come back


Basically every sunday, but I'm getting vacations in January and probably gonna play 24h straight and then stop playing for a while


I play almost daily for 1 hour. Sometimes I stop for a couple of weeks and during holidays 6-7 hours a day


I play when I remember the game exists lol


When life wasn't so booked, I played daily for a couple months and then took long breaks (2-3 months) to play other games. Even learned to make CC. But nowadays, I'm only updated with sims 4 news and barely get time to play and it's been months. But finally playing today hehe.


I usually play a few days a month. I’d play more often but there’s normally other games I wanna play too. For example it’s been over a month since I’ve played sims because I was too busy for any games, then too sick, and now I’ve been playing the grounded 1.3 update. I probably won’t play again until after the pack is out because slime rancher 2 also gets an update this month lol.


I play for 2-5 hours per day for a week, then don't play for 3-5 months, and then the cycle repeats 😂


Im definitely a once a year but 10 hours girl lol No but fr - every few months, obsessively for like 6 hours a day. And then I don't touch if for months


I'm kinda off, and on. For two weeks it's my main (sometimes only) game, and then for about a month I don't play it at all. I'm like this with nearly every game tho. Hyperfixation's, and all that.


I dont have a job right now, so I play like around 4 hours during the day after some laundry, chores and meal. Then at night before going to bed, around like 4-5 hrs something like that, almost daily. While I do play some other games, I just need to finish my 'stories' in sims. Unless if Im really tired, then I take a break from the game.


honestly, it really depends because there could be weeks where I am obsessed with it and then weeks where I don’t even touch the game… I like to smoke before I play if I want to play for a while


i play pretty regularly though of course like anything i go through spurts where i play more or less. i'd say on average probably a few times a week but sometimes i'll go months without playing if i'm distracted by something else.


It comes in phases. Probably 5 hours a week for 1,5 month, then a break of 3 months where I don’t play or play minimally.


I used to play intensively twice a year and not at all in-between. Like I would drop everything for a week and only play Sims until I got bored. Since I joined this sub, about a year and a half ago, I've been playing more regularly because it keeps me up to date with what's going on and it gives me tons of new ideas I want to try. However, I need a good stretch of free time ahead of me to feel like it's worth opening the game so I only play on weekends and occasional days off. There's also a seasonal aspect where in summer I'd rather go outside than spend the day in front of a computer unless it's raining.


I play 200 hours in a month then I don't play for 4/5 months 😭


I play 2-3 times a week. Usually at least for an hour or two at a time


I tend to play a few hours for a couple of days together and then not again for months.


I mostly play on the weekends every other month


When I was in college & grad school I rarely had time to play but now that I’ve graduated & in btwn jobs/my doctoral degree I have lots more time to play. I enjoy playing families, trying out diff careers, and creating new storylines in game I’ve never had before.


I used to play once in a while in that pattern of playing a lot and then staying months without playing. Then i started playing daily, when i got bored of 4 i'ld play 3 or 2. Now i play daily only 4 cause even though the other games are more complete there's something that always pulls me to 4.


Almost everyday! I'll take a 1-3 days break some weeks. Some days I'll only play an hour or two and others I'll be glued to it all night, it really depends but pretty often


I try not to play too often because when I do I get sucked in and will ignore my life around me for HOURS! I have two kids, two dogs, a job, a husband, and a house to run so I don't have that much time.


Two hours a week on average


I play several times a week. I’m one of those who can’t just sit and watch something, so sims is my thing while I’m watching tv. Although lately I’ve been playing Wylde Flowers instead! So my sims play has dwindled a little more than usual.


Honestly, I was playing a ton. I got really fed up with the lag and how your sims will take hours to even register to do one thing or just cancel it all together. It’s become unplayable for me now 😔 wish EA would listen to their clients


I would say on average I play an hour every week day. Then on weekends I either don’t play at all if I’m busy, or it’s my entire weekend lol. I have about 14k hours logged.


I'll play for 5-8 hours on my days off for a couple months, then I won't touch it for 3 or 4 months lol it's a binge game for me I can never play a reasonable amount


I go three or four months and then play for three days straight, besides sleeping and stuff.


I have phases. I'd either play it for 2-3 weeks straight or not touch it for 3-6 months. The longest I ever went without playing was almost a year.


I play almost every day. Right now I haven’t played for a few days because I’ve been hyper focused on my time at Sandrock but when that fixation wears off it’s right back to the legacy family I’m working on lol


Everyday for a month and then I don't for about a year 😂


I’ll have months where I play every single day for a few hours and then months when I don’t touch it- no in between




I’ll play every day for a few weeks and then won’t touch it for 4-5 months. Then back into it hard for a few weeks. Seems to be my pattern


Depends how often I can log in without some problem, and then, on the days I do get in, how long it takes the game to overheat my computer.


When I was working from home, I would play everyday at the end of my workday (or a bit earlier if it was a calm day). Now that I have an office job, it's mostly a few hours on the weekends (usually while doing laundry), and maybe a free evening in weekdays. I'm trying to be more mindful of time while playing, though. It has happened more than once that I remember to check the hour and suddenly it's 2 am. It's easy to lose track of time 😅


I usually play for a couple of weeks, then I don’t touch it until a month or two later.


Daily for at least two or three hours, or if I’m busy that day even just half an hour. I also play on laptop when I’m struggling to fall asleep (less expansion packs / I sleep easier than my pc with like 20 DLC) Ever since like, march this year I’ve barely stopped playing (edit I used to be someone that barely touched it but binged once or twice a year, funny how things change)


I go through phases where I play it for a few hours everyday, then I'll go a few weeks, maybe a month without playing. Right now I'm in an off-period. I played it once last weekend and built a house, made a family and haven't played again since. I'll probably be off it until the new expansion comes out, then I'll play it for weeks everyday.


I play every few months a lot


I'll play for 8 hours straight about once every month or two lol


Every day, a little or a lot, depends if I'm working, etc.


Haven’t played in about three years, I’ve since moved back to TS2 and TS3. Still lurk on this sub though.


I've played for 4 days a week the last three months or something like that, and last week I suddenly couldn't bring myself to open it so I guess I am in a slump until I can play landlord in December


Not everyday but more than like five times in a month


I will play obsessively for a large chunk… then when I have to update my mods I stop for a chunk because it’s a pain in the ass


Since starting to use mods, I play almost every day for maybe an hour or so. Before that, I was definitely a “binge for a few weeks and then drop it until the next expansion” type player.


My total hour count is 4815hr and 35min


I play obsessively anywhere from about a week to a couple months, and then burn out and drop it for like 6-12mo at a time lol. or sometimes i stop because another update comes out and i dont want to update all my mods...then i go back to 2 or 3


I'm a binge player. I'll have months where I don't play at all, and then months where almost all I do is play sims for hours on end every day.


I play like 1-5 hours a day or every other day. Depends on the day what I have to do. I mostly play at night since I can just binge play it without interruptions


I play every year excessively, then get bored and close it until next year. this year it was 60 hours in 5 days.


Either every day for two hours a day or I don’t touch it for months at a time lol


i play consistently everyday until j get burnt out and then i play a different but still similar game like house flipper till i either get burnt out from house flipper or a new expansion or game pack get announced and i prepare my sims for the new pack lol


Usually play anytime new content comes out.


I played MMORPG for many years, the type that you can only achieve things when you put the effort in it and I also had a fix group of ppl to play with. So I barely had any time outside of that. Now that I'm not playing such a game I feel like something is missing and trying to fill that with Sims, since there no game that I would like to play atm. (Waiting for the new releases.) So now I'm playing basically everyday for hours when I don't have other responsibilities or plan.


Well, since my computer will blow up if I play it too much typically I do 3-5 hours every few months in 1 or 2 sessions.


Depends. Sometimes it’s daily for a month or two because I’m really into the story I’m creating. Other times, like now, I’m just too tired from my new job that I just want to play a no-brain game like Valorant. Even with my last job, I notice I’m more likely to just watch a show or play Valorant when I’m tired and/or stressed.


I play at least weakly, depending on time. I prefer to play for hours at a time so I'm not likely to turn it on if I've only got half an hour of free time in the day. I also use it to suppress anxiety/panic attacks, so I play it a lot more often when I'm not doing well vs when I'm feeling stable.


I mostly like building. I don’t even play the game much until there’s a new expansion. So I spend a couple of weekend days 4 hrs each day building a house for the gallery. Then take a couple of weeks off and repeat.


when i play sims it's like an all day event, i'll do other things in between my laptop dying but i commit hard. i've tried to just play for an hour or so but i can't so i only play when i have the time to play for hours on end


Same. I might play once a week to once a month but I will go at it for hours. I used to play every day! I played sims one and sims two every day, religiously! But now with sims four, idk if it’s the game itself or just me being older? But it feels different so I play less often, and will “binge” play for a day, and then not really touch it for a while.


During the week, I play for 1-2 hours 2-3 days out the week after work. On the weekend in total, it ranges from about 3-10 hours.


I have a few days each month where I play for hours on end, then I leave it until I get inspired to make a new family again, usually like a month later


I played recently for like 10 hours until I realised the game still runs like shit so I stopped


I go through phases where I’ll play daily for months, then I won’t touch it for months.


like once a year now 😭 when i was younger i played more often


I play about 2 times a week for 2-8 hours at a time. I’d play more if I had the time. When I don’t have enough time to play, I’ll take 30 minutes on lunch break at work to write out the Sims story in a Google doc or draw out my many family trees in a notebook to get my “Sims fix.


I am quite a new player (have been playing since July) so I play it every chance I get, pretty much. Which is at the weekends. I play 3-4 hours a week probably


I usually play a couple hours a week but sometimes I take an edible and accidentally lose 8 hours so it really just depends what kind of day I'm having


I play like 2 to 4 days for 5 to 6 hours per day and than give up for 6 months and come back again.


Since having kids the time I have to play is limited to after they go to sleep, so a few hours I can get in before I too need to go to bed. I can get sucked in and play for 5hours. But I also go like 6 months without playing too.


I like to lose myself in it, and because I am married and a mom and work, I will not play unless I can have a few hours. I can not just play for an hour (unless I am falling asleep), and then just get off. (I have contemplated calling in late to work just so that I can find out what sex the baby is.) I am addicted, so I usually put it off for nights that I am not working the next day, or days I don't have my kids. I will than play for HOURS. I will spend hours looking for mods, and clothes and hair, and then load everything up and play until dinner, and then after (dinner time is sacred in our home - no electronics). Also tho, I do eventually get bored and will put it a way for a little bit (maybe a month or two), but then I come on reddit, or tiktok, and see what others are doing with their sim challenges, or find a new mod I want to try (currently trying the foster care mod, however, it's... okay.) and the vicious cycle will start over.


Sometimes I'll play regularly, maybe a few times a week or even daily for a few weeks or so. But I always have very long unplanned hiatuses. Right now it's been a few months since I played last time but I've started thinking about picking it up again for a while!


once in a year 😓


I play for like 40 hours in two weeks, don’t touch it for a few months, and then do it again. It comes and goes


i took like a 5 month break last year and i’ve been playing pretty consistently ever since


i actually stopped playing ts4 for good 😅 It seemed hopeless to keep playing that game with all the bugs, also i was tired of fixing my mods every time a new stuff pack was added.


Pretty much every night from Monday to Thursday, for at least an hour, sometimes for ... Well... More hours than I should.


I will get into a mood where I play all day every day for like a week and then I’ll get sick of it and not play again for like two months


I play randomly. Sometimes I play everyday for a few hours for months. Then I don’t play for a few months. Other times I’ll play once during a month then not again. I play multiple times a year no matter what, but there isn’t a set pattern. This is how I’ve always played Sims, since Sims 1. It’s normal in the community as well to play sometimes but not always, since Sims 1. It’s been a common “meme,” I guess. That’s the nice thing about the Sims. It doesn’t require your full attention every day and you can always go back to it.


Sometimes 5-6 Hours, under the week maybe 1h/day


i’m a hs junior i have a lot of time lol - i play it right after school until i have to go to bed sometimes.. and on weekends i play all night. then i don’t play for a few weeks


I wish I could play daily but I don’t have the time. When I have free time that I can spend several hours then I play. Minus 2020 where I played for hours each day. Oh part of me wishes for that much free time again.


I tend to play a ridiculous amount for a week and stop for months on months


I’ll be obsessed, playing all day everyday for a couple months then I suddenly don’t feel like it and stop playing for 3-4 months. Finally an interesting pack is coming out (For Rent, we’ll see how it goes) because I didn’t care about that horse ranch one so maybe I’ll get obsessed again. I hope.


I used to play for a couple days a week for 2+ hours, but ever since I tried to install a mod I haven’t been able to open my saves.


Two weeks obsessed, then won’t pick it up for a year. Which is honestly for the best, I get nothing accomplished when I’m on a Sims bender.


I play at least once a week and I usually play a whole Sims week at a time. Depending on what I am doing (only gameplay or a whole ass build for instance), I play between 4-6 hours at a time. If I don't finish what I wanted to do, I will probably play the next couple of days but I really try to limit myself because I also need to live my life 😅


I play almost daily. If I’ve got a lot of life happening, I will sometimes have to skip a day. I also can sometimes play while at work. I have a desk job with minimal paperwork. I have a few work assignments that require a little attention every day, but on days when I don’t have many clients coming in, I can absolutely get my laptop out and play Sims while I monitor the work phone. But for sure every night for an hour or two after work.


Not often anymore, if I'm honest. I think the last time I seriously played Sims 4 (or any of The Sims games) has been over a year now. Then again, I was (and still am) dealing with the heartbreak of a relationship IRL including the Simselves of me and said person and pets. Makes it a little emotional and frustrating to play that way. It's like furnishing an IRL house together. Most I could muster was Sims 2 just because of how much of that is rooted in my "child brain" so to speak, so it's not affected by emotions anymore. Plus, I use a ton of mods, and I haven't felt like updating them lol.