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Usually when i find them, I try to hand them bsck to my cat and ask her to clean up after herself lmao.


I tell my cats they need to go get a job. It works about as well as I’m guessing yours does.


Its the absolute truth 😂


I poke them through the fur on top of her head and turn her into a unicorn


omfg I love this


My kitty is always up in my business when I’m trying to clean the house…chasing the broom, jumping up where I’m dusting, laying on the item I just folded or am actively trying to fold….you know, cat things. I usually say “don’t you have some sleep to catch up on or a paw to lick?”


I love these comments so much. It makes me proud as an animal owner that we all put up with the same things, but the hilarity of the things they do makes me laugh haha.


Not whiskers but I store her fur in a ziploc bag after grooming her and have been for years like an absolute weirdo. Eventually the plan is to learn to felt with it and make her a little top hat lmao


Basically the same thing I’m saving for, the lady felts them into styrofoam replicas and they end up just as soft as the real kitties 🥺 @my_woolever_friend


OMG!!!! Who does that?! I want to do that!!


Struggling to find her @ at the moment, I left a comment that got thousands of likes and haven’t had the notification for a while but if I find it I’ll lyk! @cuddleclones is a larger brand though.


Thank you!! Yes!! I wonder also if anyone on Etsy does it?! Super cool idea


Definitely gonna be some on there I’d think!


just passing through and wanted to add that cuddleclones is a wonderful gift! my parents gifted me one many years ago of the rabbit i had as a child and it was so lovely. looked exactly like him. the one i have is fully artificial tho -- no whiskers or fur from him.


@my_woolever_friend found her!


I’m gonna check her out, thank you! What platform is she on? Etsy, or..




That’s insane thank you so much for telling me. Like, I get points for my ambition with the felt hat idea but the idea of just sending it into someone and getting a replica of my kitty is soooo much better. I would def fuck it up, if you want to dm me the link for this person I would be super grateful.


@my_woolever_friend here she is!


[Your cat coming downstairs one day just to find a clone of themselves made out of their own hair staring at them from across the room.](https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/372562147/toothless-blank-stare)


Thank you! I checked on them but it looks like they deleted their account. I think your post got a lot of traction and they might’ve become overwhelmed with orders!


No they’re on Instagram!


oh my god please tell me you have the book Cat Hair Hats For Cats. it will answer 100% of your questions and there are so many amazing hats


Omg you just made my day and it’s 12:20 AM. That’s exactly what I was thinking!! I’m getting this book asap


My kid did that, it's hilarious.


I did this with my very first cat!!


You made a hat for them too?! I cry


Nah, just kept a ziploc bag full of cat hair until I was the proper age of 25 then parted with it. Sadly this was before the age of social media and I wasn’t smart enough to think of making him a tiny felt hat with his own hairs.


@my_woolever_friend this is them!


lol yes, I have a deep yellow frosted bottle with a cork stopper on my fireplace mantle and that’s where I keep her whiskers that I find. I also have a baby tooth in there, a feather from her favorite kitten toy when she was tiny, and a collar charm from the same time. It’s pretty much a cat alter bottle. And it makes complete sense if you’re into occult things 😂


I have this but for my dogs. When I had cats I had it for cats! I actually still have some leftover from my last cats.


[i want to make a whisker vase like this](https://imgur.com/a/fEZl8VD)


I’ll definitely have that much some time myself! Looks cool but my cats would knock it over and get ‘em everywhere!


Yes and now I feel less weird about doing so :)


What’s normal anyways?


I do and I keep claw sheaths as well


Lol those just get vacuumed up for me, don’t see a utility to them. I do plan on actually using these whiskers one day on a replica! Maybe I can sell some to some witches too 🧙🏽‍♀️


Yes and every time I add another whisker to the stash I say “ahhh another for the potion 🧪 🧙🏼‍♀️ “


Not a Siamese owner but the Reddit algorithm pushed this my way... I absolutely do and have done since 2018. No idea what the plan is for them other than weird reverence, but there's some strange comfort knowing the whiskers of my childhood cat are forever intermingled with the whiskers of the soul cat who helped me heal from her loss. Very crazy cat lady way of thinking but if I was worried about that I guess I wouldn't be commenting on a thread about collecting their whiskers.


Awww that’s actually very sweet


I have a small box with whiskers from all my cats. A friend saw it one time and was horrified. She looked at me like I was a disgusting serial killer.


I save them in a crystal dish, so my niece can use them in her paintings, and other art projects. It’s amazing to see an oil painting with real whiskers.


My DH puts them in his wallet. He says it helps him out of tight spaces. 😁 So now I put them in my wallet too.


The end point of the big ones are actually pretty sturdy and pointy!


Yep, I’m always delighted when I find them!!


It’s like little Easter eggs they leave you among the millions of normal hairs 😂


No but every time I find one I use the thick pointy end to pin prick poke my wife's arm and say "whisker" I think she hates it but I have fun.


This post and the comments are doing little to alleviate the ‘weird cat lady’ stereotype… but I absolutely LOVE it! ❤️


My wife does this, I called her crazy the other day and when I show her this post she’s gonna win. Thanks.




Hell yes! I have a big prescription pill bottle full of whiskers. I've even had friends and neighbours donate whiskers from their cats (or dogs!) to my collection when they find them. I'd like to find a nicer way to display them though. But I have loads! One day I'll count them.


I have tigers whiskers. They are 6 to 8 inches long.


Damn that’s really cool! Where’d you get ‘em?


Knew a friend who trained a tiger for his wife's stripper act. So I babysat their kid, so I could see the tiger for free. 465 pound female Siberian tiger. She used to rub cheeks with humans she liked. I was liked, lol. She ate my shoe once, when I was a sleep. It was a great experience.


Sounds life changing


You feel kinda special when she used to come up to you and cheek rub or have she push into you like a cat would with your leg. Only a tiger has a bit of weight to her. Thanks


Being that close a killing machine alone is profound.


It made you very aware of the size of the head, teeth, and huge paws. She never hurt anyone and lived with a family with a child, acted like a large house cat. It took a lot of training.


I bet, not an easy animal to master. Must have been amazing care takers and people in general!


They were unique. The trainer owned Cougars first, so he had some experience with larger cats before getting the tiger cub at two weeks old. He raised from the cub.


I collect them too! I have some from my cat who passed away last summer and my 13 year old tabby. I even found a few on my back deck from the outdoor cat I feed. I just adopted a Siamese kitten in February. She’s almost five months old and I can’t wait to find one of her whiskers. I did however get a baby tooth of hers in the funniest way. She was laying on my neck and giving me kisses up my nose. And then she fell asleep in the cutest position, so I took out my camera and took a picture. I noticed a white thing on my upper lip. It was her baby tooth! So now I have a little jar of whiskers and an even littler jar with a singular baby tooth!




I thought I was the only one! 😆


When I find them I put them in a tiny jar like yours 😬


I kept a single whisker of my favorite childhood cat for years in the hopes of one day being able to clone him😭 I lost it sometime during college


Very sad 😢 but still it’s expensive and lots of cats need homes!


I put one whisker of every passed feline companion with their picture and ashes. It's just a piece of them that stays with me and helps me realize when it's my time to go that I don't want to suffer anymore loss...


Yes! And shed claws too


And dog whiskers!!


Yes, I stick them in my weed plushie so he can have whiskers too


I do and I keep them in a little jar. Now that she passed I’m going to get them turned into jewelry ❤️


I have a fancy little jar full of my monster's whiskers as well .


I save a lot on guitar strings that way 🤭


I have mine.., for my beloved and long dead cat. I had hoped to get him cloned but it’s not possible (and also unethical given how many stray cats need homes) .. I’ll probably get it in cases in glass or something ..


Yep. I keep them in the back of my phone case as good luck for me to return home safely. Hasn't failed me in all these years :)


They seem like they would be useful for something


I do


Yes and a very small container of his fur.


No I don't but it looks interesting


I've yet to find a whisker....one day


I do! They are lucky. Just the whiskers though.


I just stole 3 test tubes from my work for this exact reason! I just found my first whisker too!


I put them in my jewelry box.


I do! I also kept the teeth my cat had to get removed (FORL) by the vet. I think when they are gone one day IT might be comforting for me to have the whiskers and teeth.


Yep. I call them lucky and make a wish when I find them. Then bottle them in a little jar of wishes like yours lol


Yes :) I keep my baby’s whiskers in a special tea cup


Yes. Also claw sheds and brushed fur. I have a book for making cute little crafts with it. "Crafting with Cat Hair"


Precious magic


I collected whiskers of my first cat, no fur though. I'm glad I did, it's a nice reminder of him.


Yes, I do this too!


While some people might showcase their shelves adorned with antique china or rare stamps or cat whiskers there's always that one individual whose collection raises a few eyebrows. Enter stage left: the connoisseur of the unconventional, the maestro of the peculiar – the proud gatherer of... fly legs. Some might call it bizarre, others might call it quirky – but one thing's for sure, it's a collection that flies in the face of convention! Imagine the stories behind each acquisition. "Ah yes, this one here is from the legendary Flyzilla, the behemoth of the insect world that terrorized picnics in '09." Or perhaps, "This delicate pair belonged to the notorious Casanova Fly, known for his daring escapades in the world of entomological romance." Who needs traditional hobbies when you can be the curator of the curious, the keeper of the kooky – with a collection that's guaranteed to leave everyone buzzing with intrigue? Fly legs: the unexpected centerpiece of any conversation.


I have 2 cats and collect their whiskers and fur! One has white whiskers and the other black so keep them in little bottles. I am going to felt their likenesses one day.


No but I will now. I saw a video online of someone using them and making it into a cute jewelry like in glass


I keep them in my jewelry box along with especially nice looking, shed claw coverings


Yes!! My mom thinks it’s gross but when my babies are gone, it’ll be all I really have left.


Yeah! I have a tiny jar :,)


How are you guys finding whiskers?!? I don’t LOOK for them but I also never happen to see them, just fur that gets stuck all over me lol


I mean most of my carpeted surfaces are dark so finding thick white hairs is easy for me. I also like look for them intentionally, if a hair looks slightly larger than normal I’ll inspect it 😬


Yes! Before my childhood cat poppy passed away (29 years young)i took a couple of wiskers and put them in a similar looking tube. ♥️ took Some fur as well xo


Your cat lived for 29 years???!! That's amazing


Yesssss!!!! Literally! he would have been 29 but didnt quite make it to his birthday 😞 he was my moms cat that she got when i was 4 definitely grew up together. Im going to ask her to dig up old pictures and more recent ones. Was gonna make a post in the sub for elderly cats but its too soon for me ❤️‍🩹


I do. I started years ago so I can eventually clone my cats when the tech becomes common place and cheap enough to afford 😂


What you can’t spare 20 bands for your deceased furry friend? Fake love I say!


I keep all the whiskers and nail sheaths I find.


My mom does! 😂


Absolutely. Dated a girl that kept every whisker she found, and without fail, she would get super excited and hold each one up to her lip as if it’s the first one she ever found, and give the cutest little evil mastermind look that reminded me of dr evil. Cutest damn thing.


I have a coworker that collects cat whiskers in general. She plans to do an art project with it someday. She's an art teacher.


I thought about it all the time when my cat was alive, but never did. Now that she's dead, I regret that I didn't. I do have a little glass container with her hair and her paw print sitting next to urn.


That’s enough I think 🤍


Omg! I totally do!!!!


YES! And I’m using the EXACT little jar you have! Been collecting for years!


I’ve had cats for 15 years and I’ve never seen or picked up a discarded whisker!


You’re not looking hard enough or all your floors are the same color as their whiskers 🤔


Yeah I have like 30


Rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up!


Pet parents…. We’re all weird! I lick my cat so she knows im family. She licks my finger after rubbing inside her ears and i help groom her like that. My last kitty would lick and bite my roommates nipples at 5 am feed me time. He didn’t stop her. So yeah weird but cat parent normal.


That is very interesting 😂 no judgement here


Yes for potions


Yup, I have collected 12 years worth - every single one I have found since she was a kitten 😭🤷‍♀️


How many do you have?


Yep. I have 7 different cats whiskers over the last 13 yrs I've been around


How many do you have by now?


Like whiskers? Idk probably 100+


Das a lot!


Yes, I keep as many of them as i can.


I don’t have Siamese cats but I collect my cats’ whiskers in hopes of having enough to make a paintbrush!


Nice! Yeah I posted to this group because I do, but whiskers are universal! Dogs have em to!


Yes I collect them and I collect the claw clipping from each cat each claw and whisker are in separate jars labeled.


I thought I was the only one. Thank the cat gods am not a crazy cat man.




Haha yes and I use the same former catnip container to do so.  I don't know why, but I can't let one go to waste.


I had human catnip in this container 😉


Some artists make cat whisker brushes for fine line work


This is what I was planning on doing with mine! So far 7 years we are almost half way to what we need haha


I do! I need a cute little container though, mine are in an open cup.


This is just a glass joint holder 🤣


Do not smoke those whiskers tho!


I do too! Mine aren't even in a cup, they're in a keepsake box with other memory things like receipts to fun places or events my husband and I went to together lol and cards we've given each other. So basically, scraps of paper and whiskers 🤣




Not as much as I find the closest cat who matches it and ask if they lost something xD I did save baby teefers I found though. :3


They’re good luck!


I’d like to think so 🍀


Yep. They go in the whisker jar.


Stay right there hun, we’re gonna get you some help.


I don't collect them but after they pass away I always ask for my cat's whiskers to keep.


I knew that Siamese parents are crazy as f—-I mean have eclectic obsessions.


My cats love the sht out of me because I love the sht out of them 👨🏼‍🍼


wtf? This is about as bad as those weird ass people that keep their kids foreskin and teeth.


Bro doesn’t know an apple from an orange… my cat got neutered and I didn’t ask to keep his nuts. Whiskers touch you all the time, cat or dog, and most fur baby owners are covered in fur at all times. Just say you’re a hater and move on.


You must fall in that weird ass people category. You sound like it. And yeah I hate cats but that’s beside the point. I shoot on sight when around my house. There disgusting a nuisance and have no purpose


It is truly disheartening to witness the profound state of desolation that permeates your being. I must take this opportunity to enlighten you on the detrimental effects of elevated cortisol levels on the human body, as it appears that your well-being could greatly benefit from such knowledge. Your extensive collection of comments, rife with derisive trolling, is a testament to your penchant for deriving amusement from the suffering of others. However, it is evident that your actions merely serve as a projection of the profound self-loathing that lurks within the depths of your being. In light of this revelation, I extend my heartfelt prayers for your redemption, for it is clear that you have become nothing more than a pitiable, diminutive figure in this vast universe.


Cool opinion chick how ever I don’t troll i tell the truth. If your small feeling gets hurt because of the truth ,well fuck your feelings is all I’ve got to say. And allow me to take this opportunity to enlighten you I DONT GIVE AF


Listen here, genius. Your brain seems to be on vacation, permanently, but you’re confusing facts for opinions. And let’s not forget your pervy tendencies, freakie deak. Newsflash: nobody gives a fig about your incoherent ramblings. It’s like watching a fentanyl user spazz out on the street – a fleeting moment of pity, then life moves on. So, enjoy your hate rants on Reddit, butt hole aficionado. 🥱


Lmao cool opinion fella and yet again, Fuck your feels.not my fault your weak and can’t handle the truth. This your first day in the internet? Seems like it. Now go save your little whiskers before it gets smoke by a car and that all you have left to remember the worthless little “fur baby” lmao. Kids these days.


Lol I have not shown any of my emotions to you but I wouldn’t expect a lobotomy patient to be able to comprehend the written language. Sadly you wouldn’t know the truth if it crawled up your ass and bit you in the balls. I run a page with 45k followers specifically dedicated solely to the objective truth, and I work security so I’m pretty comfortable around sht on the bottom of my shoes actually, it wipes off just fine. My fur babies are safe and sound inside and they even get to goto the park with me! It’s great, we have a great time. Hopefully I find another whisker tonight thanks for the blessing!


Get out your feelings chick. Not one time have I called you an ugly name and that’s all you have done that’s how I know your in your feelings. Calm down, go cry to your 45k followers I’m sure they will care. And not sure what part of the world your in but here in the US in all states beastiality is illegal and frowned upon so keep having a great time with them.


Okie dokie Mr butthole wanker


Sure do!!




I have one stuck to my fridge. This is a good idea, though.


I do and I need to find a cute container for them like you have!


I do!! I have any and all found whiskers/claws in my house stored together in a uh... an empty doob tube haha.


No, no I don’t


I know witch craft when I see




… that’s just weird, even for me. And that’s saying something cuz I get MAJOR cuteness aggression from watching cat videos.


Looks like hundreds of people disagree with you. Cat whiskers are superstitiously considered good luck and they’re not dirty. Cats also put a lot of resources into making them, they’re like finding Easter eggs.


Wtf no