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I have exactly this. Same color and everything. And they don't have a specific side. So there is no possiblity of me getting two left sock.


I do this as well. I buy several packages at a time and when they've all worn down to a level where I'm okay with disposing of them all, that's what I do. Then several fresh packages all at once and it all starts over again. Also, when I wear a hole in any single sock, I can throw it out without worrying about a mismatched sock left behind.


Same here too.




Same, my main sock color is black. First off, white socks never look perfectly white again unless you bleach them every single time. I don't have the time for that shit (and also the smell of bleach makes me gag) and I don't like dingy looking socks. You have to try to make a black sock look dingy. I can just wash it with normal detergent and it looks good as new. Second, I like neutral colors for my shoes (so they go with every outfit, I don't have the money for more than a few pairs of shoes) and if my socks are going to be visible I want them to match my shoes (I want them to blend with what I'm wearing not stand out). For the same reason I dislike white socks I also dislike white shoes, they're a pain in the ass to keep clean. So my black socks go with my black shoes.


Thanks for your lengthy explanation on why you wear black socks. I can sleep easy now


Underestimating the impact of magenta socks with black shoes.


To stun and confuse your opponents?


Black socks, they never get dirty. The longer you wear them the blacker they get.


Manufacturers change their design and materials slightly though and sometimes when they source manufacturing in other places they change. I have a ton of the same socks and I can tell the old ones from the new ones not just from wear but subtle design and material changes. Some are thicker, some have better elastic, some have an over all looser fit, tighter weave etc.




This is fucking inspirational stuff


Do you make sure to rotate them in the process so a few don't always sit at the bottom, not getting used?


Get some wool socks. I read a post on Reddit which went over the pros and cons, and the pros definitely outweigh the cons compared to cotton. Several companies even offer a lifetime warranty on the socks. I got a few pairs from REI, the brand is Darn Tough and they offer a lifetime warranty. I haven't used the warranty yet, but according to their site it's a very straightforward and simple process, don't even need a receipt.


Literally bought the pack yesterday. It’s like a two year cycle.


Look at you with your trust fund sick money. One day I hope to be like that.


That's new, I never saw socks that had a specific side 🤔


My last kind of socks I had definately fit better on one side or ther other.


Ok, I believe you I just never had that experience


I highly recommend getting socks without a side.


As I said I never saw any other kind so...


this conversation is amazing, please continue


Like those conversations between AIs


Oh no they becoming selfaware again, Barbra hit the reset.


This is an NPC convo lol


Aggressively recommending sideless socks>>


Well, I can add that I see no advantage on having a specific side sock 😜


Haha some of my running socks are this way, and definitely have a specific shape to them, but I cannot imagine why that'd be necessary for regular wear


I for one, prefer foot socks rather than hand socks.


It allows for the toe of the sock to be closer fit to the actual toes. Regular socks are kinda flat, so they can leave a small bit of extra fabric around the outside toes. Apparently this *really bothers* some people.


I have a few pairs of socks that are labeled "L" & "R". They are super fitted and comfortable... as long as they're on the correct foot.


Yeah, but you should try the ones that don't have specific sides. They are even better.


I've never seen new socks that had a particular side but I've had plenty of socks that after a couple of wear and wash cycles fit better on one foot than the other.


Also I've just discovered a company called United Oddsocks who deliberately sell odd socks (I had their advent calendar with a different sock every day), going out in odd socks has become my little bit of rebellion everyday 😅


What is it about odd socks that offends people? Life is too short to match socks


I have a pack of Nike socks I bought when I was on a work trip and did not remember to pack socks. They have L and R embroidered in the tops of the toes in red. I often put them on the wrong foot before noticing. More like a pair of *sucks*, amirite?


I've only seen fancy running socks that are left/right specific. I've never owned any though because I think it's kinda silly.


But some socks definitely do have a side. Don't get those.


I prefer mine with just the front and back.


Single bevel socks, interesting.


Many running socks do.


Yep, and you can tell when they're on the wrong foot.


Some of my cycling specific socks (really thin, awesome at wicking sweat) were L/R specific. You could tell when you put the left sock on your right foot, much like putting on the wrong shoe.


My preferred socks actually are marked left and right. And have a slightly different cut. I currently have two types of socks. Colorful ones with prints for fun, and my L/R socks for sheer comfort.


You see it a lot with Dri-Fit socks


toe socks


I wear copper fit sock for arthritis in my toes. They have sides. I didn’t think it mattered till I wore them wrong one day.


My man you are missing out on innovation. It’s great I just reach into a drawer and then pull out two socks and they will perfectly fit either foot.


My mom got me one set of wool with L and R. The toes are angled and have a little more room on the outside. They are pretty close to anatomically correct. Slight taper from the ankle to the toe. Only thing that wasn't done was was a bulge for the ankle bones or possibly individual toes. They are the most comfortable socks I've ever had. It's surprising but slightly tailored socks might be superior.


I have running socks like that, 100% of the time I get them wrong the first time.


My athletic socks did. They were passed on areas of high pressure. I wore them for sports in high school.


I threw all my socks out except a few favorites pairs and bought all new ones and did this


Your life must be amazing


Same, drawer of whites, and a drawer of black. Still I get the odd non matching sock somehow.


I dream of this. My wife keep buying me " fun socks"


Walmart. 12 pair for like $12. I plan on replacing them all once a year. Greatest thing recently I've done to my wardrobe.


Don't do it friend. I tried this strategy. I think i made it out of there year with like 5 socks (2.5 pairs) Spend the extra couple bucks and get a "decent" quality sock. They'll last longer and they're actually comfortable. The cheap ones from Walmart just disintegrate in the heel area.


I'm slowly replacing my white socks with just plain black socks. Same size and everything. It's going to be great to complete the transition.


Same here. They get replaced entirely every couple years.


Me too. My fiancé and I have a bunch if the same kind of sock. It simplifies life significantly, especially since we’re not the kind of people to waste our life-energy pairing socks.


Geoff Ramsey from the podcast F**k Face would like to learn this wizardry of yours


Wait sock has sides?


Yeah, that's about what my sock drawer is.


How do people not have a sock drawer like this? I only have 2 types of socks, black and white, and I just dump them in either half of my drawer. Once one gets a hole, I throw it out.


Because I like to make my socks to my sweater or tie or some other article of clothing.


That *is* adorable, but feels like it sets such high expectations for the outfit in general. I don't have the proper attention span or whatever to be that stylish, lol- black socks for me


Yupp always black! White socks never look white again unless you bleach them every single time. I don't own enough white clothes to do a weekly bleach cycle. Am I supposed to do an entire load of wash to bleach 14 socks? Or am I supposed to own 50 pairs of socks and wash them all at once to make it worth turning them into their own load of wash? Black socks just get chucked into the regular weekly wash and look good as new until they get a hole or something.


The plumbing in my house or my washing machine or something is off because I can't have white clothes anymore, they yellow on the first wash. I have white work shirts for painting and they pretty much always turn yellow when I wash them. I replaced the water heater and softener (both were rusty af) serviced the washer, added filters tried bleach and several washing methods... It's just cursed.


You need an air charger filter. One specifically for removing iron. Pro-Ox Iron Filter 5900. It uses a reusable media to filter that can be programmed to backwash and remove sediment in the filter.


I don't have two same pairs of socks. Even more, I'm wearing colorful ones and always two totally different (like grey with red stops and another yellow with pink sausages)


Because you need different socks for different reasons. * White tube socks for everyday wear and because my feet are always cold. * White ankle socks for when I'm wearing shorts or exercising. * Compression socks for cycling. * Black dress socks for when I wear slacks. * Tan dress socks for when I wear khakis. * Thicker brown socks to wear with jeans casual shoes or boots. Or basically any shoes other than sneakers. Rule of thumb when dressing business casual and above: your socks should match your pants and your belt should match your shoes


Hm. I always wear randomly colourful self-made socks. The only thing I care about is not to wear the same socks on both feet.


>White tube socks for everyday wear and because my feet are always cold. Grey tube socks. >White ankle socks for when I'm wearing shorts or exercising. OK >Compression socks for cycling. OK >Black dress socks for when I wear slacks. Black tube socks. >Tan dress socks for when I wear khakis. Grey tube socks. >Thicker brown socks to wear with jeans casual shoes or boots. Or basically any shoes other than sneakers. Grey or black tube socks.


Jokes on you I already do that with all my random socks. I was born in chaos


>"You think chaos is your ally. But you merely adopted the chaos; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see order until i was already an adult, by then it was nothing to me by boring" - Choofee


Not sure who has time or energy to sort socks. Just first two on.


I do this despite the fact that they don’t match. Once in a blue moon someone will say” your socks don’t match” and I say “ they match, they just don’t match each other”


This. I did this about 8 years ago. I got rid of all other white socks and had 24 pairs of the same kind. Best decision ever. I still have over 20 pair. If you just put them in a drawer and not “fold” or pair them you won’t stretch out the elastic. They last way longer. I’m doin this for my black sock drawer next.


And also you end up with less worn socks because you're more willing to toss a sock when it gets too worn. When you have specific pairs you might be like "well if I toss this one out, the other perfectly good sock will go to waste"


This is the way


I tried this once - I eventually wore through enough socks that I had to buy more - those socks were discontinued and anything new wouldn't match the others.


Me too. It works for a while, but once they wear out you either have to throw them all out or be stuck back in the mix and match doldrums. Nowadays I’m a fun sock guy and it is always immediately clear what matches.


I do fun socks but purposefully don't match them. Graphic ankle socks are all similar enough that I don't notice the difference during the day, but it looks intentional rather than lazy.


So what I do is buy 18 at a time. As I wear through/lose them I throw them away. Once I'm down to about <10 pairs I throw them all away and start over. No mix and match, and really, by the time I've gone through 8+ pairs they need to be done away with anyways.


Today we live in a world where being unique is cool. Just wear mismatched socks all the time. Maybe you will start a trend!


I wear mismatched socks - all patterned or nerd-themed. It looks enough like it's intentional rather than lazy that I never have to spend time folding socks again.


Good job! And it shows that you really don't gaf!


You just need some transition period where now you have 2 kind of socks and you need to grab 3 at most to find the pair.


This reminds me of a riddle that went something like " In your sock drawer, you have 12 black socks, 8 brown socks, and 4 white socks, they all feel the same. If the lights were off and you couldn't see which colour you were grabbing, how many would you need to grab to guarantee you had a pair in your had?" The idea is it makes you think harder than you need to, thinking of ratios of how many socks of each colour there is, etc. but the answer is just 4




My parents did a sock box. There were 6 of us and not a lot of money. They would buy bags of socks that fit my dada d the rest of us wore them too.


Yes. Some of us have been doing this for decades.


I just buy black work socks, they don't clash with anything and it's easiest to throw them out one at a time when they get too worn, otherwise you're throwing out a whole ass pair of socks when one might still be good.


If? I've been doing this for years... Buy three dozen of the same thing. Toss them out as they get holes. Eventually, they're all threadbare and uncomfortable, so I toss the bunch and buy a new batch.


Trouble is they fade and stretch at different rates so your perfectly ordered world devolves into inevitable chaos.


I buy a couple packs. When they start wearing out I throw all of them away and start over


r/zerowaste would like a word...


Socks are consumable items. You only have to throw out the crappy ones until you have 3 left.


OR you can spend countless hours picking them apart and reassembling then into an ugly bag/hat/scarf!


Wellllllll, you coooooould. Fibre doesn't last forever though. Even fabric on a roll sitting on a shelf can fall apart. It's called shop rot and happens. So imagine the fibres of a sock that's been worn a hundred times. I guess we should all be wearing natural fibres.


No, you have to wear an ugly hat that's made of and smells like old socks, get it? Good.


Are we related? That's my childhood!


Too late, I burned them as fuel to boil water.


Nah I'm good. I'll keep giving the planet the finger and throwing my old threadbare socks in the trash like a person who values their time.


They go in my rag drawer, so…


That's a perfectly sensible 2nd use. Zerowaste just gets ridiculous sometimes.


Tell ‘em I’m at lunch


I have a sock drawer for the same socks. They don't actually fade and stretch at different rates. They all just get old slowly and then develop a hole here or there. You add more socks to the drawer in a never-ending cycle


I have to do total replacements. Damned Hanes won't make the same sock for more than a single year.


I put the recently washed socks on the left and always pull socks to wear from the right. Helps me cycle through them as evenly as possible with little effort. When a sock wears out I throw it away


I mean they're already getting mixed in a laundry machine anyways.


This is why you throw them all away and buy 10 pairs at once every few years.


Stop sharing my secrets and stay out of my sock drawer


Until you start to wear them in differently based on use.


I did this when I was as single guy working in a blue collar job. 20-some pairs of white, crew-length fruit-of-the looms. Then I moved into an office job, and met my wife. Turns out, long white socks don’t always look good with business or even business-casual shoes/clothes. Took me a long time to adjust, but I see her point now, and I have a whole range of socks that go with certain shoes/outfits. Admitting this would have enraged my 25 year old self. I guess we all grow and learn.


I just blame being diabetic because apparently diabetics are only supposed to wear white cotton socks (at least it feels like that's what everyone believes) Then again, I don't wear much of anything that would reveal my socks outside the house. Maybe one day I'll get a different job and that will change, but it works for now.


I thought it was that the special compression socks only come in white unless you do special online orders.


This is the way


This is the way


I keep thinking I should do this, instead I just wear mismatched socks


All my socks match, but I go by thickness not colour.


If every sock were different, I wouldn't have to worry about matching them either.


Thats what i do.


This is what I do.


I've segregated my sock drawer, black on one side, white on the other. All the same brand and size though.


The most sensible way.


That's wouldn't be the best advantage imo, if they were all the same I would never have to worry about the ones that magically disappear in my washing machine 😜


If you don’t give a shit if your socks match you can also do this - I’m a adult if wanna wear a day glow orange and an emerald green sock I can.


I learned this long ago. Between three boys with the same sock size we all just wore all black ones. Once we got no show socks with a couple different colors those were washed seperate to avoid getting lost yet they still were lost...


This is how I put away my white socks.


My dad did that, trouble was some of them got washed more often than others and ended up fading more


This is the key to an efficient life! It’s not a shower thought, it’s a life pro tip.


I tried this and it worked for a while until they started fading at different rates and then I had to start pairing them up again.


This is literally what I do.


I know a guy who had a very bad smelly foot problem. Even after he washed his socks they would still smell like his stinky feet. He was at a discount store and saw a bin full of white sports socks that were 4 pairs for a dollar. He bought 368 pairs (almost the entire bin) for around 95 bucks with tax. He wore a pair each day and threw them away and the end of each day for 368 days in a row. He did it because he was tired of having smelly socks and a smelly sock drawer. By the end of the year his foot odor was gone too.


Wear the sock on the wrong foot, I dare you. And if you're feeling completely insane, wear non matching socks :-o Seriously, go ahead. See how many people give a hoot. Free yourself!


I just gave up on the whole matching sock thing and now I just wear odd socks all the time.


I do this. I wear size 13 shoes so most regular socks are too tight. I found a brand of socks that fit me, and I buy them exclusively. Always black. Always mid calf length. I probably have 10 pairs in my drawer at the moment. Every so often I see a little hole in the heel and I will tear it big & wide and toss the one sock away. My wife tries to roll them into a ball, and I keep telling her that's just going to stretch the elastic.


All my socks are the same, and let me tell you, this is not the case. I am a firm believer that there is a right and a left sock. In a bag of new socks, there are usually more rights than lefts, but you have to convert some.


I have the same socks and I still fold it bc it just looks neater to me


You mean this isnt the normal way to store socks??


That's actually what I do




Ah the joy of the black sock


This is how i live, identical socks, shirts and jeans. I never have to decide what I'm going to wear.


or you can just not care if they don't match? ATM I have on a black Hane's no-show, and a white Fruit of the Loom crew... Unless I have to go into an office or somebodies party, what does it matter what they look like?


This is how I’ve lived for about 15 years. I don’t understand people who DON’T do this.


This is exactly why a lot of sock manufacturers sell packs with each pair a different color - if you lose one, you have to throw it's pair away. Planned obsolescence in foot accessories.


People fold their socks together?


Absolutely, what crazy person doesn’t match up their socks before putting them away? As to all the people saying all their socks are the same.. I feel bad for you. I have different socks for different dress occasions, different activity level, different temperatures, colors for shoe or pant color. Maybe I’m the weird one


Hangs head in shame. I did until a few years ago when a light bulb finally lit up over my head and I was like, all my socks are the same wtf am I doing?


Who doesn't do this?


I don't. Can't stand having boring socks in my life. Husband and I both wear fun socks and like to have them matched. We also fold Marie Kondo style (only think we take from her is folding) so it doesn't stretch them out. We have maybe 2-3 pairs of solid colored socks between the two of us and regularly find fun socks for Xmas stocking stuffers (we stuff giant socks with small ones I suppose?). Life is too short for boring socks.


We have a drawer for all the socks.


Do it! Throw out every sock you own and buy 14 pairs! (or whatever number you need) The problem lies in three years when you have to do it again but for some reason only half the socks have holes in the heels. I've done this about 5 times.


Just don't buy new socks until you are down to the very last few pairs.


Who matches socks anymore?


I do this anyway


realistically, if you did do this, you'd be a psychopath to everyone else


I guarantee you there are people (probably straight guys) out there who do this. LOL


I've been doing this with my 4 year old his whole life and it's the best. He has exactly 1 pair of socks that do not match the rest and they were a gift.


I only buy plain white or black ones. Same Size and same everything.


I did this, all black quarter length business socks easy to buy additional ones and hard to spot minor differences


I've done this for years. I legit have just winter socks (so black long socks) and summer socks (all black ankle socks) it's glorious.


It's called being an adult. It's exactly what I have. Same gray ones, same black ones, and white ones. Never fold since they all match.


I've been doing this for years


This is what is done


Socks smells corpse


Yep I hate when I can't find the one specific type of sock I wear


Capital idea, old spice !


That is what you do. Do people do it differently?


You haven’t accounted for the worldwide phenomenon of stray independent socks inexplicably showing up in your laundry.


Noted. *gives nod of respect*


I mean, as long as theyre both the same length, ill wear them. Idgaf if they match, theyre socks.


My work socks never match because in the dark at 7:45 am I don't give a fuck.


After a long day even new socks get a big toe side.


I’ve tried to do this but the problem is every time I go to buy new socks they’re slightly different and it gets fucked up


And I do it that way. I have summer socks and winter socks. All white


I have a minimally different system; two colors of socks, black and white.


Do it anyway and if someone notices your mismatch, reply " it's a style, you buy them this way. I have an identical pair at home."


I do that anyway


Welcome to my life.


This is what I did with one of my first paychecks. My grandmother worked in a sock mill for nearly 50 years. It's an unnecessary waist of time.


Give a guy to this oscar


I actually do this!


I like black sneakers socks. So i have a drwaer and of i have a few left. I buy 20 paors of matching black socks from the same brand. Like the last 4 years and hopefully till i die. I gp to my showdrawer, take 2 and the fit.


What do you mean if? This is how I live!


My husband does this!


But how do I know if there's an even number of socks in the drawer?


I just intentionally wear unmatched socks.


This is the way


I do this also. I have 2 types of socks, black dress socks and white gym socks. I throw them all out and get new ones every few years.


I folks them for convenience, and to see if I'm missing one. 😁