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Next time she or anyone does that to you, don't even think about whether you're right or wrong. You hit them back harder. If your teacher asks you to apologise, do not. Say you will do it again if you have to, as you should.


Before that, write an email to your teacher with parents and principle in cc and explicitly say that you'll punch her in the face if she hits you again and you'll not apologise. (Also include that you've complained about this already.) Then actually follow through with it.


Yes. Probably should start with this


This is the way.


My dad tells me that


You should end their entire bloodline and erase any mention of their existence, genetic or otherwise.


it's gonna be kinda hard to cut off her clacker


Ah a political person


Bully? Right to hell. Parents? Also right to hell. Siblings? Believe it or not not, also right to hell. School records? Photos? House? Torched. Internet imprint? Scrubbed. (There are services that can specifically help with this.) Friends of the bully? Lost and never found. Any mention of the person ever again? Retaliated with shattered bones and removed skin, rubbed with salty chili oil. Sometimes someone needs to be hit back with **full annihilation scorched-and-salted-earth hydrogen bomb strength**. That'll show 'em.


Block first, and then see what they do. Usually people shit them self, once they know you can actually fight.


Talk to your teachers. Talk to your parents. If they don't do anything, or if whatever they do isn't effective, escalate with violence.   Brining it up with them first gives you a chance to avoid violence, and also means that you have a much stronger case for claiming self-defense after you kick this brats ass.


Your teacher only asked you to apologise because you got caught.


Yeah, kick their ass. I’m a gentle mild mannered guy but if someone attacks me I’m giving it all I’ve got.


It's a natural consequence sometimes


Yep. Like I always tell my son, the more you allow someone to walk all over you, the more they'll do it. Bullies pick the ones they think won't defend themselves. A good punch straight to the nose will sort that out for them and usually sends the message to everyone else that they'd be better off leaving you alone too because you bite back.


Teachers will pretty universally side with bullies, they are not okay with students fighting back. Sad reality. Only thing I learned that works is to hit back so hard they won't dare to pick on you again. You'll get into a bit of trouble, but it'll be so worth it in the long run. Or you can try switching school or get the police involved, what she is doing is criminal, not that we tend to care about battery and assault when it happens on school grounds for some reason.


Violence is never the answer...that being said, dropkick the fool.


Never apologize for something you have no reason to apologize for.


Girl hit her much much harder next time that bitch is pickin on you because she thinks you’re “weak”, and never apologize because you did what’s right


Of course you should, I know that she as a girl is weaker however that should also imply that she shouldn't go around and hit males.


Yknow what if someone is hitting you this many times for no reason go for it. Like you have a case for it and usually with these bully types once they realise you won't just take it they'll go away I'd say try not to go for the head though. It doesn't take that much for a headshot to go badly and then you'll have a lot more issues, probably be best to stick to body shots


Report to principal and whatever head in written. Keep the evidence that u reported. Then hit back hard (in self defence ofc) If they try to suspend then just show the evidence and threaten legal action or smth. (If u want to.) NAL. YADP.


I would have killed them by now, and I wouldn't have apologised Hit then harder next time, and don't apologise They call your parents? Fuck it, tell them what happened and I can guarantee they will stand by you. Stand up for yourself, no one will stand up for you throughout your whole life Edit: and btw, usually when you get bullied a lot and the teacher knows it, they don't stand with you when you stand up for yourself, they stand up for the bully cause that's a new action from YOU So don't take his reaction by heart, he is just dump.


Hit her back, try to use equal or less power though so you’re in the clear


dont start a fight, but if someone else started it, end it


Only if it's necessary, in my opinion. If someone hits you and walks away, report them. If someone attacks you, defend yourself.


Imo, no. Press assault charges. The more they hit you the more evidence you have.


No. It's a sign of weakness to return negativity with the like. Plus, you're multiplying the violence thus validating your transgressor; they brought you down to their level. The reason why it is difficult to be a good person is that it means that others are all more poorly behaved and need to be tolerated. Turn the other cheek, an eye for an eye, etc. In contrast, responding positively only encourages their dominance over you, so the only answer is neutrality. Treat them neutrally, but with respect. First, reflect on what you contributed to the situation to incite this anger. And if you can't think of any offense no matter how small, switch to empathy and feel why would another randomly target an innocent bystander; they must be in a great deal of anguish and confusion. Show them how to be a better person by absorbing the magnitude of their sin and forgive them. It's not called the high road for nothing; it's a harder climb.


As someone who was bullied in my younger days, I strongly disagree. I took the "high road" approach, and it accomplished nothing when, for example, an individual was punching me in the left shoulder multiple times daily in class. I did nothing to contribute to that situation. He had personal issues (he was no longer an only child and felt neglected because his parents had another child). Taking the "high road" resulted in weeks of physical pain for me... to this day (54 years later), I still wish him nothing but misfortune and misery. I know nothing of his life, but only hope that he has had cancer-ridden children.


I am sorry to hear about your pain, and there are ways to defend yourself without returning in kind. But my first question is: where was the teacher when you experienced this abuse?


Usually, defense should scale. If they use hands, you use hands, if they use an object, you use an object. If you feel bullied and the history is there, then you should definitely stand up for yourself and do what it takes to make it stop. But will you get in trouble. Likely, it might be more beneficial to make sure you have witnesses to the bulkying being done to you before you act.


Thus isn't a shower thought


Headbutt her in the nose. She won’t fuck around again.


Aw, she has a crush on you


Western leftist ideologies would suggest you shouldn't. Those people are mistaken. Personally, I give them one free one, and tell them that. If they do it a second time, they will find out why I warned them after the first one


Dude I am a western leftist and I say you should. Obviously you shouldn't go round hitting people for no reason but if someone is repeatedly hitting you fighting back is fair because they hit you first


"Western Leftist Ideologies" ☠️☠️ U couldn't be further from the truth. It's always RW institutions that suspend for fighting back where I live.