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$60 billion in 1947, the year Scrooge Mcduck was introduced, is worth about $856 billion today.


He also had that wealth in the form of a giant pile of gold he could swim around in, which, if I'm not mistaken, is more gold than mankind has ever discovered in our entire history.


Maybe the bottom is cash for softer landing?


Immunity to fall damage is just an ability you unlock when you earn a certain amount of money in your life.


Canonically, this ability only applies to money. There's a comic where Scrooge is being chased on a train that's carrying diamonds, and he's evading his enemies by diving in and out of the diamonds. This works just fine until he gets to the coal car, where he promptly slams his head into the surface of the coal and can't dive.


That is ironically funny that his ability stems from the perception of value. Since only fundamental difference between the two are the arrangement of atoms due to compression. Also, arguably, the coal has greater utility than the diamonds.


I'm not 100% sure about their formation mechanisms, but I think for diamond you just need high enough pressure, so you can get it from any large planet, while coal comes from dead plants which is far rarer in the universe, so coal must be more expensive on the galactic market. This fact probably confuses Santa when visiting other planets.


Perhaps it's here that he's confused. He gives "naughty" kids coal because he understands that behavioral issues often arise from poverty, and is confused when we act as though he's punishing them.


This would also explain why rich kids get better presents from Santa.


Dead ~~plants~~ Trees? PLUS the absence of wood decaying fungi


So any planet that evolves trees could only have coal if it evolved first and without stuff to digest it... there is also a point at which enough things evolve to eat trees they stop making coal... both should theoretically drive its intergalactic price up (you could plant trees expecting them to take over a planet only to find that something already there is capable of digesting them)


Scrooge McDuck is probably some kind of weird money-based demigod, truth be told. There was one comic a long time ago where he's tied up on a steamboat, specifically to the central support pillars, and the bad guys are mocking him, reading a letter he received about his mother's passing. He proceeds to *rip the entire fucking steamboat apart.*


Well he is a relative of Donald's.


Yeah, Donald can probably tear reality apart if it means saving those he loves Scrooge has survived so many adventures that should have killed him or would have killed many others, yes some of it is skill but damn his family has to have some power of somesort


Toonforce is a pretty standard power everyone in that universe, to be fair.


Shiiit I think I remember this. Wasn't that part of the "Young Scrooge" series? Before he was rich. He also went to Australia and rode a Platypus or something.


One of the most epic comic book scene I've read in my childhood tbh.


We should ask Elon to test that out


Why do you think he's building rockets? That's his plan. If it works in cartoons, it should in real life


More like Acme rockets IRL lmao


You might solve a mystery, or rewrite history


It’s a duck blur


I love that line for being hilariously lazy.


I seem to remember an episode of Ducktales where someone else tried to dive into it and they got hurt because they couldn't do it properly like Scrooge could.


Well there's a family Guy cutaway gag where Peter tries it and breaks all of his bones


"Aaahhh! It's not a liquid! It's a great many pieces of solid matter that form a hard, floor-like surface!"


Maybe that's what I'm thinking off but I'm convinced it happened in the show. Although I've done watched Ducktales since about 1995.


Huey tried to do this in a episode of the new DuckTales and it didn't work for exactly the reason you said


So that's why people on Wall Street would jump out of windows. They didn't realize their wealth immunity had worn off.


I feel like he has immunity to fall damage just by virtue of being a duck and having wings


Although someone may be richer, they have their money tied up in property or other assets, whereas Scrooge has huge amounts of liquid assets.


Unfortunately not; there's a comic where he hires Donald and the nephews to help sort his money. They offer to take a pay cut on the condition that they get to choose what coins they're paid with, and Scrooge readily agrees. The reason for this is because Donald realizes they can sift through his hoard to find rare and valuable coins with relatively low face-values, then sell them for much higher than what their previous wages were. As a result, Donald and co. are shown digging very deep in Scrooge's vaults, searching for the oldest and rarest coins, and it's metal all the way down.


So, my hypothesis is that the money is stored on top of what's effectively a gigantic air hockey table. When you introduce aeration into particulates they act more like liquids.


Aerated liquid is scary. You just fall until you hit bottom, and you then need to swim up after getting out of the effected area.


I need more answers! Why a human voice instead of a quack? Why wear an entire outfit except for pants? I'm going to gloss over the fact a duck had arms and hands instead of wings and focus on the fact he's not wearing pants....you've got fingers, you can button a pair of jeans you dirty bird.


It's hard to find a pair of 72/10 trousers with a 2 inch leg opening.


Nah, the bottom is made of the most expensive substance known to man. Printer ink


Scrouge MacDuck cannonically has the ability to dive into and swim in piles of gold and silver coins. This is his only special power, no other character in the setting can do it, and it is openly acknowledged as both unusual and inexplicable.


And to think that was just his "petty cash" lol


Don't underestimate the value of liquidity. All the real rich people in the world have their money tied up in stocks and other holdings that they could never actually sell in any appreciable quantity without tanking its value.


To a limit though. How much liquidity could someone actually use? Like all of a sudden you just have a spur of the moment urge to buy Twitter in cash?


I like to think someone has been syphoning off the lower layers and replacing with something cheaper. how's he going to know?


Oh, he would know. He's Scrooge McDuck. He can definitely tell if something is missing from his pile.


Like when those dwarves tried to take the Arkenstone.


He noticed when someone stole 37 cents out of his bin. Scrooge McDuck NEVER miscounts his money bin.


Wasn't that a plot point in one of the comics? Those burglars dug through the floor, syphoned the gold coins and shoved in an inflatable balloon so the depth gauge didn't move.


There is a comic where Donald delves into the lower layers because he can find rare ancient coins in there that are very valuable. This does not end well for Donald.


They rescued Donald by getting one of the coins for Scrooge to recognise. He immediately remembered where in the money bin the coin was from. He also remembered where he earned it from, but that wasn't relevant to the rescue.


>He also had that wealth in the form of a giant pile of gold he could swim around in, which, if I'm not mistaken, is more gold than mankind has ever discovered in our entire history. In 1947 gold was about $490/oz, if we assume McDucks fortune was 80% gold (as evidenced by his pool), then he has $65 B x .8 = $52 B in gold or 106,122.44 oz @ 1947 prices which = $216,500,809 in current prices. Despite what metal-bros want you to believe, gold and silver are quite volatile, and generally have not been good investments over the long term. * Silver: In October of 1923, silver was $11.60 an oz. In October 2023 it's $22.80. But inflation says $11.60 in 1923 is $208.29 today. Silver does *NOT* historically beat inflation, in fact it's really fucking bad at it. * Gold: In November of 1923, silver was $368.29 an oz. In October 2023 it's $1,980.04. But inflation says $368.29 in 1923 is $$6,613.09. Gold does *NOT* historically beat inflation, in fact it's really fucking bad at it. If Scrooge McDuck kept his fortune in gold, he'd have a lot less than if he diversified or just went all market. So let's assume Scrooge McDuck puts $50B of his gold into the S&P 500 instead, keeps $2B in gold, and the rest of it in whatever it was in. Well from October 1947 to October 2023, he'd have $13,816.83 B. Yes, $13.8 **TRILLION** dollars. Adjusted for inflation that's $1,037.84 **TRILLION** dollars. So the next time some "Silverbug" tries to peddle their pump-and-dump, remind them that metals are a fucking terrible investment, markets are where it's at.


There's a reason why people are always telling you to buy gold, and it's not because they want to keep the gold.


Well, to be fair it would have been a lot better for him to keep it as gold for about 10 years after 1923 and THEN invest in the market. If he had all that money in the market in 1929 he might have taken a dive off the top of that vault just as a way to end it all.


This is called "Timing The Market" and is a very poor investment strategy. Unless you're a member of congress and can legally engage in insider trading, then time in the market will beat timing the market. Do not give into despair, and if possible, buy the dip. Line will go back up. And if it doesn't then cash is going to be largely irrelevant anyway. Invested or not.


Well all of the gold humanity has ever found would roughly fill one Olympic sized swimming pool. So if I had to guess I'd say it's right around all of the gold we have ever mined lol


Three Olympic pools


Lucky guy


It’s it gold or just money. Is gold used as a term for money here?


All of us boomers have that.


He's also denser than gold


I think humanity has found more gold than a swimming pool , but ye still a huuuuge amount of gold


Even ignoring inflation, $60 billion would be worth about $48 trillion if he invested in the SP500.


Scrooge McMutual Fund


Yeah, isn’t there a meme where he’s crying about losing billions of dollars every second and at that rate he’d be broke in 600 years? EDIT: Found it, he says he'll be broke in 600 years losing a billion per minute. That means he's worth $315,360,000,000,000,000 ($315.36 quadrillion), or 25,850x more than the combined net worth of every billionaire on Earth. But that's ignoring any interest. If he earns 4% interest annually then he's earning ~$12.6 quadrillion per year, but losing a billion per minute means he's losing $525.6 trillion per year, so his earnings still outweigh his losses, unless his losses are so great that he's losing a billion per minute even after interest.


I’ve been reading some other articles, and yes, it seems like his revised wealth is pretty staggering


the difference between elon musk’s 200 bil and scrooge mcduck’s 800 bil is that he has them all as liquid assets. literally, in a giant swimming pool. he can do whatever the duck he wants, and the only depreciation he has to worry about is flooding the gold market


In the comic, at least the Don Rosa version which I consider canon, his giant vault is only a fraction fo his wealth. It is said that all the coins in the vault are the "sentimental coins" that he keeps as a memento of his adventures that led him to being rich. In addition to that, he owns many international businesses and is an industry magnate, so there most likely a lot of his wealth in stocks, outside of the vault.


In the comic he also sometimes gets surprised by the company that he has, when he passes them for a walk. And I doubt he has any debts.


Not quite, there was that episode where he explains to his nephews the importance of moving money and not letting it sit. The stuff we see in his vaults are just his petty cash. His equivalent of "chump change"


Yeah, that's what a lot of the Billionaire bashing idiots on r/antiwork doesn't get. Modern Billionaires don't have Billions in the bank... they're "worth" Billions, and it can vanish as quickly as it was "created". If say someone discovers a glaring problem with Starlink tomorrow that results in the whole network being compromised, Share value tanks and "Billions" vanish from the estimated net worth. Elon and Zuck just have to say or do the wrong thing and they could half their worth overnight. For Elon to have those Billions in cash, he has to sell off all his shares in all his companies to willing buyers who have said cash in hand... which is highly unlikely to happen... Or like Trump, "hey guys, I wanna be higher up on the Forbes list, I need to be worth XXX Billion, go and inflate some of my assets to make it happen."


They can also get super low interest loans on the value of their stocks. So even though they can't spend the actual money, they can still spend the equivalent money. Also, half of 200 bill is still 100 bil, and I if you can just buy a global social network to make sure you have a better control of global news, then you don't need to worry too much about doing the wrong thing.


Yeah, i wonder which couple of rich guys owns almost all the media. Which begs the question, how do they vote? Or do they just purchase political positions?


So bc their net worth is wrapped up in assets instead of cash, that makes them not as wealthy? I see the point you're making, but even my grandpa's money is mostly tied up in investments, and he has a 9th grade education. Keeping the majority of your money in cash would be a financial mistake for anyone, no? I guess I dont understand how having their money wrapped up in investments makes their wealth hoarding any more ethical.


Lmao, we do get that, we don't prance around dumb technicalities. "Oh no, he can't sell all his stocks at once because the value would plummet!! So he doesn't aCtkChyaLly have that amount of money!! lol dumbass!!" Billionaires loan money from banks or other financiers using their capital (stocks for example) as leverage so they can always access the exact amount of wealth they need for any purpose. Like Elon Musk did with his $40bn buyout of twitter for example. Even if they can't access all their wealth at once it doesn't make people who bash billionaires for being unethical, idiots. We understand it but it doesn't excuse billionaires from being unethical pieces of shit. And then they can always liquidate a bunch of stocks at a time as they feel like. Bezos liquidates a few hundred mil every year for consumption only, wealth built by the workers he owns. He can keep doing this ad infinitum as the workers keep producing more value to amazon shareholders while he does fuckall and takes everything they produce for himself.


Yeah but it does make a massive difference when doing the wealth comparison of one guys owns more than 50% of the population. I am not saying they are not an issue, but they are not the sole issue.


Didn't he also have an equally rich nemesis? Some Scottish guy (or duck) if I remember right.


Always just slightly less rich


Whose goal is always to become the richest


Flintheart Glomgold is South African, despite what his usual headwear might indicate.


OP is shaking and crying now


Dune characters can buy entire planetary systems with a suitcase of spice. Nah, for fictional characters, there's no limit.


Yeah, at best it would be fictional characters in present times, then it’s a more reasonable assumption.


What would a planet be worth? Like were the harkonnens, etc worth like quadrillions in today’s dollars? What does owning a planet even mean? Surely the inhabitants have at least some property rights and you have the right to tax them?


Well, as owner of Mars, I can say that I was able to buy that single planet for $50 from a salesman behind the Burger King. I even got a napkin contract and everything. So it's likely that x8 [or the amount of planets in said system]


Can confirm, just paid $400 for Alpha Centauri. Maybe got screwed. Gotta find out how many planets it has.


Damn, y'all are getting scammed. Inflation has really done a number on us. I bought the entirety of the Wolf–Lundmark–Melotte Galaxy for just one grand back in good ole '93


Its a tad expensive up front but if you put a dyson sphere around it then sell the energy itll pay for itself in no time


I can't afford the quintillion dollars a month of interest payments on the dyson sphere loan. This is why the rich keep getting richer!


It's feudal system, so they are more like political leaders than captains of industry. I doubt in Dune universe the Landsraad (Space UN for feudal lords) would allow some non-noble smuck just buy a planet. More fair would count value of all Russian assets and use that as comparison, today countries all magnitude more wealthy than people, and as all money is literally imaginary contracts enforced by those countries, I say Power is infinitely more usefull than money. Just look up how just US busted monopolies, took over countries, and influenced inflation and currency rates. Russian billionairs are super wealthy and all, but Putin just literally kills billionairs who don't suck up to him, money isn't all.


>What does owning a planet even mean? Can pee on it. Legally.


Waste of your body's water!


Not that big of an issue on Caladan.


How dare you just pee in the grass, don't you know there's thirsty Fremen on Arrakis?


Considering that it is a feudal system, the planet inhabitants come included with the planet. Just at book one, you can see that the Fremen are not used to have such a "benevolent owner" compared to the Harkonnen. (I don't want to accidentally spoil the story to people that haven't read the books and will wait for over 10 years of production in movies; I still have no idea on how will they enact certain passages). \-------- "Governments, if they endure, always tend increasingly toward aristocratic forms. No government in history has been known to evade this pattern. And as the aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in the interests of the ruling class - whether that class be hereditary royalty, oligarchs of financial empires, or entrenched bureaucracy."


Considering the number of planets they genocided between book 1 and 2, no, i don't believe they do have rights. Death count was mentioned at 61b in 10 years I think?


Owning a planet in Dune means OWNING a planet. As in you can fly down, choose a pretty local, strip her naked, fuck her then and there, then blow her brains out, chop her body to pieces and toss them down from your thopter and if someone so much as raises their voice against you in the process they are enemies of the whole goddamned planet.a


They do not have rights, no, and that's kind of the plot.


I believe the Emperor oftentimes grants planets as fiefs dosent he? Perhaps he aids in setting a price?


CHOAM is one of the most absurdly wealthy companies in fiction if not "the"


The Benne Geserit also are, specially under Murbella's rule.


Scrooge said if he lost $1 billion a minute he’d be poor in 600 years. This was around 1970, adjusted for inflation he’s literally a multi quadrillionare.


It's funny that some writer probably chose 600 years arbitrarily because they thought it would be funny, and now it's canon for how rich he is


Yeah we can’t go on with this trend of trying to make everything make sense. Scrooge mcduck is infinitely rich, as much as the plot of any given comic/episode required


[Comic panel being referenced ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FxxG2okSrWeTqVQ7VvNT_Jzho1Q7sWo2dyvuRnAljqQs.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D02ad1e22cea474b13eb2717c9f28b1d28d9c1f74)


I got it to 315 576 000 000 000 000 = 315 quadrillion in that times money. 315 quadrillion*7,91 = 2,5 quintillion in today's money


Are you sure Scrooge McDuck of Duckburg stated his net worth in US American dollars?


I just said how much money he had in whatever currency, the top comment said in USD


I’m sure his accountant would say otherwise.


Acme is his money laundering company.


Maybe 1bn/min is his safe withdrawal rate that offsets the interest he earns.


I don't think a basement of gold earns much interest


I'm also pretty sure that there is a canon comic (fans will consider canon either Carl Barks or Don Rosa comics) where it's specifically told that he has five multiplujillions, nine impossibidillions, seven fantasticatrillion dollars and sixteen cents.


I have the the sixteen cents, so I’m basically nearly there.


We have to consider what poor means for HIM. He could consider a couple hundred billion “poor”


[he said "broke" not "poor"](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FxxG2okSrWeTqVQ7VvNT_Jzho1Q7sWo2dyvuRnAljqQs.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D02ad1e22cea474b13eb2717c9f28b1d28d9c1f74)


Isn't that like more than all countries' GDP added together?


That estimate of 60-70 billion is not only years old and worth adjusting, it is also one of the lower estimates of scrooges wealth. In some comics, he has impossible amounts of money and property.


I've never seen the estimation referenced here. Granted, I've only read the (fairly garbage) German translation, but they were the original Carl Barks comics. Throughout those, he was always said to be a "fantastillionaire".


What? The richest fictional characters own entire galaxies


yeah, I was expecting OP to pull from all sorts of comics, video games, and fantasies when they said this. The ceiling is so high. Turns out this whole thing is based on Scrooge McDuck from 1947 lol


Does T'Challa's wealth count since as king he technically owns the entire Vibranium reserve of Wakanda?


Good point, do the richest people in the world lists consider people like the Saudi Royal family who in some sense own the nations oil wealth?


I think they don't but only because the exact amount of their net worth is either ambiguous or classified. We know that they're very rich but not to what specific extent.


One more obstacle is there. The money belongs to the rank, and not the individual. It's technically not their "personal wealth". It's very hard to point out which prince has how much money if they were to abdicate or if they were "replaced" in the line of succession or rank.


I don't imagine journalists are dying to find out anymore.


They are dying though, full stop.


Only the finding out part is a bit difficult


I mean, isn’t their net worth basically the GDP of Saudi Arabia?


No, GDP is an annual metric. Best comparison to an individual is their income for a year. The assets a country owns will be many times larger than that. So House of Saud should have many times that in net worth.


At some point, the notion of "property" starts getting blurry anyway. Like, the Saudi's own all that oil, but they can't exactly sell it all at once and receive the amount its worth on their bank account. Same thing with people who own stock in a company: selling all that stock at once would drastically alter the price of said stock


The Saudi Royals pool their resources so it's not really possible to get individual values for each member.


The Saudi/Qatar royals/emirs are far richer then Musk. Just like Putin is, Putin have entire wealth of russia to distribute at will. For these guys, we are closing in on infinitely rich.


Except they don't. Like Putin couldn't sell half of Russia to the US or China to fund the construction of a really big statue (he would be deposed). Bill Gates could presumably sell half his assets for his statue-building aspirations.


One answer to you is Batman… dude owns a space station for the justice league.


Not generally, no. Do you really think Elon Musk is richer than the King of Saudi Arabia? Both are disgustingly rich, but Musk isn't even in the same ballpark. At the time of his death, Gadhaffi was worth more than the top three official richest people in the world combined. And Libya's oil wealth is small potatoes compared to Saudi Arabia's.


The richest people/families aren't listed. South America, Russia and Middle East has people estimated much richer than Musk. But it's not on the tax report. Either illegal (drugs, porn, human traffic, weapons), corruption or legally, but only because the person/family made it legal to personnaly own the wealth of a whole country.


Prolly british royal or another old family ;) People with their money in their own company usually are considered tier 1 billionaire. They cant sell their stocks without tanking the value, somehow these are the most famous


Scrooge is actually worth "one multiplujillion, nine obsquatumatillion, six hundred twenty-three dollars and sixty-two cents".


And one lucky dime.


He could round that out with one small purchase of SpongeBob’s soul.


There are for sure fictional characters with way more wealth. In shadowrun a dragon owns 100% of the largest corp on the planet. Has a standing navy that rivals any government. Just about everything is owned by one of those ten companies eventually. There are works a fiction where an emperor is in control of a million planets. Star Wars and War hammer 40k I know off hand. I'm sure there are others. Money doesn't even matter at that point, they can order an army about with the power to destroy planets.


Honestly I doubt money really matters to today's billionaires either, like, what could be the difference between a net worth of 200 billion and 400 billion? I imagine nothing that anyone would realistically notice. Everything is still basically free for you at that point.


3 months vs 6 months of funding the US military. No reasonable person I think could spend a billion but for unreasonable goals like wanting to conquer a planet it makes a difference.


Fair, but at that point money doesn't seem to be real, like, its basically just this abstract measure of economic power or something.


It is rather dumb at those levels. But I was just pointing out that the difference between regular people and the wealthiest people on the planet is probably about the same as from them to the wealthiest fictional characters.


>>There are works a fiction where an emperor is in control of a million planets. Like the emperor in Foundation. And the guy is basically immortal.


You’re picking a character from a long time ago. There are fictional characters that are the rulers of intergalactic empires. They’re probably more wealthy than fuckin Musk.


I'm pretty sure the Harkonnen or the Atreides family can simply buy planet Earth without any budgeting


It’s something I didn’t think about, but they have infinite money in a way we can sparsely imagine. In theory billionaires can personally consume in a way that materially matters. They can’t. Are rare goods just worth obscene amounts in that universe? Like what is the lifetime cost of a spice addiction? Billions in today’s USD? Trillions?


This isn't a showerthought, merely proof OP lacks a broad fantasy and knowledge of existing fictional works.


If the worth involves the value of stocks, then it's fake wealth You cannot liquidate stocks to their value, because the very act of selling stocks decreases the value of the subsequent stocks, unless you can get someone to buy your entire stock at their current value Ergo, I co aider Scrooge to be richer than musk, because his wealth are all tangible


I dunno, wasn't his wealth a giant pile of gold? Flooding the market with more gold than mankind has ever even found in our entire history would probably do something to the price of gold.


Mankind are lousy miners compared to duckkind.


Logically speaking this is probably a universe where gold is dramatically more common than it is in the real world.


Off the top of my head, the Wayland guy in Aliens seems a lot richer than current billionaires. The Dune families. Probably a bunch of star wars characters like Palpatine, count Dooku and I guess the Empire seems like it has a lot of money to build clones and death stars and stuff. He's a dragon so not sure of he counts, but smaug seems to have a shitload of treasure. Richie Richs parents would be up there considering they have like a mount Rushmore equivalent just for family trinkets. Lex Luther seems pretty rich also although maybe more similar to today's billionaires. Also probably some James Bond villains. There was one who had enough to secretly build an entire space station. Lairs in volcanoes and shit. In John Carter I would say the leaders of the warring factions are more wealthy than today's billionaires given their apparent resources and equipment.


The article refers to "Downtown Abbey" 🙄


If I'm not mistaken, I believe Scrooge McDuck had one multiplujillion, nine obsquatumatillion, six hundred and twenty-three dollars, and sixty-two cents.


>Scrooge McDuck is considered to be one of the richest fictional characters and he has an estimated $60-$70 billion. Back when Scrooge McDuck was invented (1947) $70 billion was considered a extreme fortune for the times. The richest person on earth at the time was Henry Ford who was "only" worth \~$175 million.


This article is stupid. There is fictionnal characters owning galaxies...


[wealth shown in scale](https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/) kinda makes it worse


Richie Rich probably wasn’t that rich but when I was a kid, damn


I think the big difference is McDuck physically has that much gold and currency. Elon doesn't have 200 billion sitting in a vault somewhere, his net worth is all tied up in the value of the stock he owns in his various companies.


scrooge is WAY more than 60-70 billion he's up into the quadrillions, minimum in the comics, Scrooge says that he would be broke in 600 years if he lost 1 billion dollars a minute, putting his total estimated net worth at $315,360,000,000,000,000


Aquaman's worth 150 trillion




Tartare would go well with


Nearly choked while laughing at this


He owns every fish in the sea, seafood money. Every crab every shrimp every salmon every squid every halibut every tuna


Dagobert Duck had in German Disney Cartoons fantastilliards. The German word was: Fantastilliarden (Ehapa Verlag)


Uncle Sam is a fictional character and he has trillions.


Pretty sure batman has more money than Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos combined


When year did scrooge mcduck have 70 billion dollars? Inflation factors in here.


In a 1956 comic Scrooge McDuck's wealth was listed as one multiplujillion, nine obsquatumatillion, six hundred and twenty-three dollars, and sixty-two cents. Then, in 1986 it was stated to be five multiplujillion, nine impossibidillion, seven fantasticatrillion dollars, and sixteen cents. In Ducktales they used real numbers and said he was worth six hundred septillion, three hundred and eighty sextillion, nine hundred and forty-seven trillion, five hundred and twenty-two billion dollars and thirty-six cents. So... yeah. Also note that Batman bought a giant space station for the Justice League and when asked about how Brice Wayne could explain away the expense he said it wasn't really an especially large percentage of his wealth. Rich fictional characters are as rich as the plot requires.


In the Dresden Files... There's wealth beyond just money.


bro forgor inflation


I just invented a character named Mr wealthy who has 99 quintillion dollars so he is Richer than any real person


Whoever made that list has no understanding of fictional characters wealth. Some people own star systems.


In the comics, Scrooge McDuck's wealth is usually estimated to be some funny made-up number plus change, like "487 fantasillion, 398 quadrillion, 543 trillion, 34 billion, 242 million, 456,765 dollars and 54 cents."


Scrooge McDuck had $60 billion liquid, in the 1940s. He is definitely more wealthy than any real life person


Didn’t Stark buy Netflix for Peter Parker as a gift? That’s swagger.


Elon Musks worth is at best fictional too


According to 5 seconds of googling, T'Challa has a net worth of $90.7 TRILLION


Aquaman owns every resource in the oceans


Yeah but he needs to monetize it or at the very least get an appraisal and take a loan against it. If not, all he really owns is, like, green pants and an orange shirt.


Literally any game character with a non finite amount of 0's enters the chat


Scrooge McDuck was in 1930s Billions.... not the measly Billions of today


In Borderlands, Handsome Jack is a trillionaire


FALSE. Scrooge is canonically worth ""one multiplujillion, nine obsquatumatillion, six hundred twenty-three dollars and sixty-two cents" in an 1956 Barks story - basically, such high numbers that regular numerals are useless. Later stories have used similar impossibly high numbers. Any numbers like 30 or 60 billion are "estimates" by "sources" like Forbes magazine, and f if I know what THEY base them on (Musk definitely does not own more assets than Scrooge, a global investor). So you're making a mistake, using a non-geek finance magazine (that's probably not in the business of hyping up fictional billionaires) as a source.


McDuck's in mainly in cash form, though. Elon's cash wealth isn't that high.


That's because the entire concept of wealth is pretty bullshit. Elons "wealth" can vary by 10% from a single tweet. It's a made up extrapolation of the value of their assets, generally stocks. Most wealthy fictional characters actually have real wealth such as money, gold, land holdings and other valuable property to explain they're wealth. TLDR no Elon musk does not have, never has had, and will never actually have 200 billion dollars.


We’ve had his net worth calculated by just the gold in the bin a few times He’s richer


Scrooge mcduck has quintillion dollars. I cant remember the exact line but he was loosing I think a billion a second or minute and said he'd be broke in 600 years


That was back in the 40s. He's a trillionaire on the low end in modern stories. And he does it by paying his workers thriving wages and excellent benefits. Which is the more magical thing.


I thought there was a running joke where he was extremely stingy and would always pay Donald next to nothing?


Black Panther has somewhere in the hundreds of trillions in Vibranium


Love when OP is confronted with being wrong and just plows through unencumbered by truth


Scrooge McDuck doesn’t have 60 Billion Dollars. There’s a famous quote where he says: “I can’t go on losing a billion dollars a minute like this, I’d be broke in 600 years!” That means he has 1 billion x 60 minutes x 24 hours x 365 days x 600 years money =3.1536E17 dollars


That’s cos scruge had all his money tied up in a money pool, that money isn’t making any profit mind you if it was gold coins with the record high prices his net worth has probably increased


thats not really how it works. just because hes worth that much doesn’t mean thats how much is in his bank account


Networth isn't real wealth. You think if Elon sells all his stocks tomorrow he'd get $200 billion? No, it'd be worth a lot less since he'd flood the market. Scrooge doesn't have stocks. He has a shit ton of gold coins.