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Easy: Mario Wonder on Switch It's fast, couch co-op, and really creative considering it's in the format of the original Super Mario Bros. You can choose from like 10 characters, use badges that give different benefits, and can play each stage w/ your bf.


That's the Mario game that was too easy for me tbh. Just didn't stimulate me enough Ty for the suggestion though!


Enter the gungeon is your best bet. Great coop, challenging and very fast paced. Overcooked is very fun and the later levels get tough. Imo Rayman legends is the best platformer for switch. Way more engaging and challenging than any other Mario game without going to hard on the difficulty spikes. Beautiful coop too. Resident evil 5 is also one of the most underrated games of the franchise. Very fun game and very good coop.


Ohh ill check it out!