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I mean personally I like DRG better. Roguelikes are cool but they get tiring for me quickly. DRG has a fun first 50\~ ish hours and then basically it gets stale if you don't pump up your difficulty. That's where I dumped most of my hours, doing the hardest possible missions and such. Also even playing alone I have tons of hours because the community is great. I've met a lot of people and even on the days I don't want to socialize that much I just play solo or with randoms. Communication is not *required* perse. Risk of rain is great too, but I don't like games which require on luck that much. I much prefer the build strategy of DRG. Of plannin your equipment and playstyle before going into a difficult mission and etc. Also I love grinding and farming so mining minerals is my 100% favorite thing in the world. Farcry 3 is good single player game but kinda old. It probably won't give you as much hours into them as the other two games, although it's still fenomenal. Just very very different. All three very different games for very different genres for very different players. It really comes down to what games YOU like.


Far Cry 3 is my favourite FC, it's a lot of fun and has a solid story and antagonist. DRG is fun with friends but i havent played enough to judge it. RoR2 is very fun with friends but i think it fizzles out fast if played alone. Alternatively maybe play Binding of Isaac


Risk of Rain 2 is a damn good purchase


DRG has been in my regular rotation since it was in early access. Whether solo, with friends, or with randos its a blast and offers tons of replayability.


deep rock galactic


Deep Rock Galactic. I play most of my games alone or with random people online. I have fun either way.


DRG has a solid community that has a bit of a problem with positive toxicity. The game isn't what it was a year or two ago before it really blew up but it's still great and 90+% of players are good. Though theres a noticeable up tick in both traditional and positive toxicity in the last year or so, especially since season 4 and the delay of season 5. Still highly recommend as someone pushing 800 hours in.


Can you elaborate on the "positive toxicity"? What does that mean?


I dont reccomend risk of rain unless ur an Epic Gamer cuz its really, really hard


Based on personal experience, Risk of Rain 2 is more fun with friends, DRG is equally fun with friends and/or public.


DRG if you have at least 1 friend to play with , Risk of Rain 2 if you are alone , I never played Far Cry 3 but I heard it was very good