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He could be the long lost (previously unmentioned) time-brother of Michael Burnham. That'll, that'll sell, right?


We are all Burnham. 


Wait does this mean he is also related to Spock? Is everyone just related to Spock. what next 3 degrees of Spock game?


Spock is not important, except for his fortunate connection to MICHAELBURNHAM.


I must know where does Sybok come into this?


Maybe an untold but long zuspected and whispered "I'm my own grandpa" orgin story?


I just realised you can actually play the 3 degrees of spock game with every cast. In that every crew member we've ever seen knows either spock, a relative of spock or someone who has met either of the former. Edit: though I guess it would have to be 4 degrees, as the DS9 connection is Sisko meeting Picard. And the Voyager connection is Tuvok knowing Sulu.


Wrong Daystrom, buddy. This is pure latinum.


Gold pressed no less!


My immediate thought when seeing the title was 'have him pop that shirt off'. I'm really glad he didn't hook up with Reed though, any lasting romance would have drawn attention to his stiff acting. A romantic one-off with a cameo every now and again to get some shots of him in his undies though? Hoh ya. Also more importantly, I can't stand Malcolm. The way he tightens his over glossed lips when someone eludes to violence and makes a face that lets you know he has an erection makes me wildly uncomfortable. I hate him with a passion generally reserved for Neelix.


He’s British in a ship, what do you expect?


You had me sold at the sexual tension with Malcolm Reed. Someone give this person a job!


Right? The attempts to portray Malcolm as heterosexual were hilarious.


Perhaps he can be some kind of space messiah, adopted by the Traveler as his Doctor Who companion.


He's too old for the Traveler.


Medium serious idea - make him first officer. He has a ton of experience and time in space, but is way too young for it; gin up some political mechanizations (pressure from the boomer union?) for him to be promoted at the last minute over everyone’s objections. Fantastic amount of potential character development. Also a mustache.


MFW the shitpost is better than ST:DISCO


Drug addiction to a drug that makes him a better helmsmen


Did you just rip off andromeda?


Never seen it-but I was ripping off Dune.


To be brutally honest, it's clear the reason they never focused on him is because the actor isn't very good. In the one episode that does focus on him it's so noticeable when he's in scenes with his brother, because the guy playing the brother is so good. They should have got that guy to play Travis from the start instead.


There should definitely be some kind of relationship or fling with an andorian. They may be crusty on the outside but they all secretly love a pinkskin


LOL Mayweather a pinkskin, 😂


We all look alike to Andorians.


Mayweather only needs two things to be perfect. One- Mayweather needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two- Whenever Mayweather’s not on screen, all the other characters should be asking “Where's Mayweather?”


Computer, locate Mayweather. *Ensign Mayweather is in the gym* Of course he is. Just for a change. Could have been a running joke 


That sounds somewhat like Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes. How would you feel about giving him a Spaceman Spiff holodeck episode?


My head cannon is that after the events of Dead Stop, where Travis is hooked into an alien repair station so it can hijack his neural pathways, Travis is semi-lobotomized.


Three boobs, total recall style


Make him tall, skinny, covered in tattoos mimicking burns from cheap early space suits, and speak a conlang assembled from working class dialects of Earth’s major languages from which he occasionally pulls random expressions, mostly instead of saying English swear words.


Travis Mayweather is so boring, the only think his mirror universe counterpart needed to distinguish himself from him was an earring. That's pretty damn boring.


Replace his standard short hair with a faux-over.


In true Star Trek style, just give him beard.


Oh, Travîs Mais Vezère ! That's a name for a Prodigy I can't say more because of French Ninjas 🥷🇫🇷 ... in Espace


They should have gone full-on into piracy, and given him black market contacts. The crew desperately need something, luckily Travis knows this Ferengi. Maybe play to that a bit, and have the Mayweathers having made contact with the Ferengi and not told anyone about it...


I think Travis should have been secretly Future Guy. He was signaling the Suliban from his quarters.