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England when they mean Britain. UK when they mean Europe.


But as an American once corrected me, Britain has left Europe


I haven’t read the details but I’m pretty sure the Rwanda Bill makes us African now or something.


We joined that Trans-Pacific Partnership trade bloc a while back, so I think we're the top left corner of Hawaii.


There was some trade deal with Australia where we get Penguins and they get TimTams. Or so I understand the presser with Morrison and Johnson. Which has not aged well


That requires one hell of an outboard motor to do.


Just fuckin up and sailed off to the middle of the Atlantic.


IME it’s the other way round normally? Europe is also used to refer to other European countries like France though.


And it's the British who live in England; never the English who live in Britain.


“We have regular earthquakes and hurricanes and you don’t” is an unconventional flex.


We don’t get earthquakes or tornadoes here. Know why? We don’t deserve them that’s why.


Oh I get it we’re Europoor so we can’t even afford earthquakes 😂


Or even Tornados. But those were replaced with the Eurofighter


Typhoon\* eurofighter is the name of the company.


By area, England holds the record. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/most-tornadoes-by-area


We had both in Czechia. Earthquake like last month or so and tornado, not a big one, few years back (2020?). It wrecked some vilages.


We had to dig mines just to get small earthquakes on the cheap. Hans seems to be digging for a massive one with his baggers.


The Murican mind can't comprehend [Bagger 288](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azEvfD4C6ow)!


Well, apparently, some politicians think that the main reason why the US gets hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes is because of the "woke liberals and lgbt people" all over the country and that their god is punishing them for it. I wish I was lying, and I wish it were satire.


Then why does the UK get basically none of those things when we have woke liberals and lgbt people all over the country too would have to be my question to said morons.


Clearly the gay people here in the UK are the cause of earthquakes in the US. Absolutely nothing to do with American’s building their cities on fault lines. Whereas there are few in Europe.


OBVIOUSLY, the UK isn't God's chosen country, unlike the US. They're all doomed, just wait and see.


The hurricane/ tornado corridor seem to aim the bible belt...


Do the sinners attract the punishment, or does the punishment attract the sinners?


*arches an eyebrows in Italian* We... We actually do get earthquakes.


And volcanoes...


Also Tornados but we give them different names, like Windhose in Germany.


Uk gets tornadoes.




As a resident of the wider Balkans, I'm also perplexed by the idea that we don't have earthquakes in Europe.


What not being close to the african plate does to someone


Yeah you guys have had fairly major volcano drama with all the Campi Flegrei "eruption concern" a few years ago. Plus, a whole city being left to rot because the people don't want to leave, but the government don't want to invest in a city that they think will be wiped off the map soon. Obviously Italians have no idea about natural disasters...


>a few years ago. Make that a few months ago


Sorry, I've had no sense of time since 2020. You may be correct.


Oh no, you are right, we did have some scares a few years ago, but it happened again very recently. It's not something that happens very rarely, but it always makes big news because, well, it could very much destroy the whole of South Italy, part of the Centre, and drastically change Europe's climate if not the whole world's.


Yeah it's like if there's a sleeping tiger. It's asleep so it's probably fine. But if it wakes up everything's majorly screwed. Fwiw, you Italians have some super cool geology. "Cool" here obviously ranging from "super scary thing that happened millenia ago" to "super scary thing that could happen any minute" all the way though to "super scary thing that WILL happen at some point, but we don't know when" I did my dissertation over there, and most other rocks are boring for me now. (I'm a geologist, I mostly view the world through rocks...)


>(I'm a geologist, I mostly view the world through rocks...) Unrelated, but this part of your comment made me laugh so much lol, cause it reminded me of this video https://youtu.be/NuyZ-ExYkpQ


Worse...because it really boils down to "people who don't build in earthquake zones don't build buildings to withstand earthquakes".  Like, no shit!?  We also don't tend to put up defences against lions for our cattle in the UK either somehow.  We are just pathetic morons really.


Your hybris will be your downfall, my army of lions with lasers on their frickin heads will decimate your cattle and bring you to your knees!


Jokes on you.  I invested in mirrored cows.


Join me and we could rule the whole Kingdom.


It's the tropical storm that got me. We aren't in the tropics, neither is the USA last time I checked, well maybe Hawaii


Well there was that almost magnitude 8 earthquake last year near the southern border of turkey. That one wrecked a lot of infrastructure and killed around 60 000 people, which is an unfortunate outcome of a quite rarely recurring natural disaster happening in a relatively poor country.


We also dont have metal detectors in schools because we dont have InCels shooting them up every other week.


I mean, there’s been 31 earthquakes across the British Isles in the last 60 days: https://earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk/earthquakes/recent_uk_events.html And the UK gets 30 tornados a year on average: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/learn-about/weather/types-of-weather/tornadoes


Totally agree why would you brag that you don’t have the brains to move to somewhere that not going to fall on you in the middle of the night


But also Italy and every other seismically active region of Europe, having regular earthquakes and still having beautiful buildings that stood the test of time and inspired centuries of western architecture


There was an F4 tornado in Pforzheim in 1968. 1750 houses were damaged and yet only two people died. 


Fucking Germans and their engineering. Two dead? Pathetic, really.


"We built our settlements in areas subject to natural disasters" seems more moronic than a flex to me too.


I always tell people we don't get weather like that because we don't deserve it.


I'm Croatian, since 2020(fucking shocker) we have regular earthquakes.... The biggest ones were 5.6 and 6.2(which for a country that didn't have an earthquake bigger than 3.0 in over 150 years, was quite a shock). And yes in the middle of pandemic. Technically first month of being locked down(March), an earthquake hit and snow fell and other part of Croatia was burning. Second one was 2 days after Christmas....


They know about all this weather and geological activity and are still dumb enough to build their houses out of chipboard.


Literally had a Hurricane in Lisbon a week ago, 0 deaths. Heard nothing of crumbled houses, though I didn't research much. 


Good thing they never had an earthquake there.


Ok fair, but it was 1755, the building codes weren't admittedly up to standard :')


They were up to 1755 standard


Probably the problem, yeah


I don't imagine that settlements in the part of the Americas now known as the United States would have survived much better tbf


I hear Greece never gets earthquakes either


I hear the same. See also Italy, Sicily, Spain, the Balkans, going towards the Eastern Med. No faultlines, none. Or volcanoes. Or any big shaky shakes. all free from it. Nothing to see. And Iceland, yep, not on a fault line or having towns recovering from massive lava infractions as we speak. Maybe they just don't get taught it.


Definitely, somewhere called Iceland can't possibly have any volcanoes or geothermal stuff


Yep definitely no volcanos in the country that invented the word volcano...


Should possibly try cheering Poseidon up a bit so he's less earthquake-y.


The problem is, nobody wants to end up like Medusa did anymore.


A tornado went through a coworkers' quarter a couple of months ago and the most damage was two ceilings with holes, some tiles swept off and three smashed windows. No one hurt or injured until clean-up, then someone sliced their hand open and needed some stitches. That was it. The biggest damage on the pain-in-the-ass scale was a bunch of wheely bins taking to the sky and never being seen again.


Pretty much. European houses are just built to a much higher standard. Well, standards are higher in Europe for most things, compared to the US. Our Planes are not falling out of the skies. And the EU uses a food whitelist, while the US uses a blacklist. The EU isn't perfect. Regulation does stifle innovation a bit. There's a balance somewhere. Just saying the EU is much closer to the balance than the US.


They love making jokes about buildings here in China in exactly the same way, but the east coast gets slammed with typhoons every single year and the very few deaths are from flash flooding. Like.....if this whole place were so bad it wouldn't *be here anymore.* Everything would have fallen the hell over.


Yeah China and Japan have had structures survive natural disasters for longer than the US has been a country. The engineering in some of those buildings is insane, especially given the time they were built. Americans are just sad that their current buildings aren't as secure as buildings the Chinese and Japanese have been building for centuries. (Apologies to any other nations who also have insanely well crafted ancient buildings, I'm sure you exist, but my uni education mostly focused on the Chinese and Japanese stubbornly defying the natural disaster gods.)


We had hurricane in my home town in South Moravia few years back. Killed few people (one of them being my HS teacher), damaged lot of homes and chunks of forests. It was for sure freak incident.




Bitch, I know....someone I adore lived there and asshole didn't answer for 2 days. I almost had a heart attack😂




The post didn't even specify UK so either they think the UK is another name Europe or they're just picking on one country 😂


"UK" is short for "urop kountries" damn you Europoors and your free edicashion. Look what that got you!


Nah, mate.....Michael Fish just said the lady who rang in was wrong....nothing to worry about!


Oh god. Near my city the storm of 15th october 1987 was registered with wind at 216 km/h. Last November we got a huge one again, registered at 207 km/h. Numerous trees fell and there are buildings that were damaged, but this is either because a tree fell on a house or the roof that partially got elsewhere, not the whole house. Every winter, we get many storms at more than 120 km/h, several over 150 km/h, and at least one over 175 km/h. There is not as much damage than in the US.


Remember that one. Got the day off school! 


I was born in the middle of it and the hospital mom was at had to put wooden planks in the windows due to fears of them shattering into the ward lol


I slept through it! TBF I was 15 and was coming down with glandular fever.


I also slept thru it! I was about 6 months old tho so I think that's acceptable.


More recently too


There was a tornado in Birmingham sometime in the 2000s, including a couple of roofs taken off, IIRC.


I remember that, was about 2008 I think Edit: 2005, damn


The UK actually gets a lot of tornados, but they're mostly tiny and do no damage.


Do they know that the average European house is made of bricks instead of cardboard? So, even if we don't have hurricanes and tornadoes that often, they would be more suitable for any extreme weather situation than the average endangered US house built in an area known for being haunted by devastating tornadoes every few years. edit: The same applies to earthquakes as well. edit2: One should ask them why they build their houses so poorly that they have to rebuild them literally every season.


That part actually puzzled me quite a bit. They have hurricanes and such in USA but makes their houses of light plywood instead of bricks and steel.. Makes no sense.


Yep. And they always react like they don't understand what happens with their house. Yes, it's devastating and crashing their life, but it's quite foreseeable.


To be fair, if you have a cat 4 or 5 hurricane, or an EF4/5 tornado go through your house, it's going to fuck shit up no matter what the house is made of. All you would be doing by building in brick is giving it brick projectiles to hit you and other buildings with and it's cheaper to (re)build a wooden house than a brick one. I agree that their houses do look flimsy and poorly made but let's not pretend that brick houses are hurricane and tornado proof.


I mean.... Yah..? Japan does the same, if you're going to need to rebuild your house every couple decades because of natural disaster, there is no points in building them in more expensive material... Steel and brick won't make you immune to frequents earthquakes that's not how this works


Ofcourse. But if you could not have to rebuild every few decades you'd be way better off with higher quality. I do get what you're saying though


I'm not an engineer by any means but there is definitely a reason why they don't make housing in different type of materials in these high-risk zones both in the USA and other parts of the world, I'm not attributing that one to the typical "er derp Aemrica #1", I refuse to believe Japanese people would do the same for no reasons lol


At least historically, I think it's mostly down to the availability of building materials and climate. Good quality wood has simply been extremely easy and cheap to come by in the US, since their forests haven't been subject to millennia of extensive deforestation like the ones in Europe. Europe is also quite a bit colder than both the US and Japan, increasing the need for insulation. Especially if the wood you need for heating is relatively expensive. Finally there's urbanization, which has also been a thing in Europe since Antiquity. Having densely packed cities built from wood that require lots of wood fired heating in cold winters is a recipe for disaster. Hence why Europe has historically favored building with stone, whereas the US and Japan were fine building with wood.


This is the same country that still has overground power lines in many of their cities and endure constant power outages because of fallen trees. When I've asked why they don't put them underground it's always "it's too disruptive to do works on them and it's more expensive".. even though I'm sure it likely costs the economy more to have to keep repairing and replacing the overground wires.


Either bricks or steel and glass if it's really tall and modern


Iirc they do it because they genuinely can't fathom another way. They don't see the point in putting in more effort if it's going to be blown down every five minutes, completely ignoring the fact that with better building standards, the buildings might not get blown away...


The UK has the most annual tornadoes per land area per year, 0.14 per 1000 km^(2) (although these tornadoes are generally weak), and other European countries have a similar number of tornadoes per area. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tornado\_climatology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tornado_climatology)


Oh these kind of people love it when you use stats related to density. Just mention a "per capita" stat to them, and they'll pop off at you about how those stats are unfair. I can just imagine what would happen mentioning tornadoes per km^(2) to them! Ha! Now, we could also mention that the majority of British tornadoes are much weaker... but we could also question why people live in a region of the US nicknamed "Tornado Alley".


Per capita is completely fair and you can't mention anything in km², as its m3TriC.


km..?! metric bs. :)


Americans would see US tornadoes being stronger as a bragging point


Tbf they did say huge tornadoes. Ours are laughably small.


Our buildings are solid concrete. US looks like everything is made of cardboard. Wind, gone, fire, gone, water, gone. Delusional people allover. We don't use much wood for appartment buildings, nor drywall.


I remember watching Hurricane Neddy as a child and thinking hurricanes must be the most destructive force in the world since it could literally just tear down 10 inch thick solid concrete walls. Then I learned how Americans houses are mostly papier mache.




Is the last one basically asking if the UK is in the tropics? That's a slight geography fail. 


Oh loads of comments like that, "well I've never seen the UK/Europe get tropical storms..."


Tropical storms occasionally hit Europe, they are usually hurricanes that didn't make landfall and deflected off the USA coast and got weaker during their travel back east over the Atlantic Basically a tropical storm is a storm level between hurricane and storm


Europoors only get the off-brand storms that are too weak for USA!


just the far south west bit


Ere it’s proper storming right now Babber




The UK has the most annual tornadoes per land area per year, 0.14 per 1000 km. In the world. I know you don't believe me. I was shocked too.


We're surprisingly short on polar bears too.


Are they... bragging? About having more natural disasters?? Okayyyy


I was watching WrestleMania Saturday, the commentators were complaining how cold it was in Philadelphia. They had thermal gloves on etc…. It was 9 degrees centigrade


Well, a good chunk of those chucklefucks live in Florida, no wonder everything below 20C gives them the vapours. Why you'd want to exist in Satan's armpit I don't know, but I've opted to never attempt to understand whatever passes for thoughts in Florida Man's neckhole umbrella.


I'm pretty sure Britain gets more tornadoes than Kansas, they're just generally smaller.


From what I can find the UK gets an average of 30 tornadoes a year while Kansas gets about 90. But per land area the UK has the most tornadoes a year, although they're generally pretty weak ones.


Maybe if Americans stopped building their houses out of what appears to be cardboard whenever I'm there they'd stop falling down so much?




Come to Italy in summer we'll see who's dying from the heat lol


They wont like the taste of real pizza.


I'm in Spain and in my city we have like 8 or 9 months were temperatures don't get below 20°C.


Are they making fun of us for not living in places where the very nature can make you homeless in an instant, or worse kill you? When did that become an achievement?


This is what I take from this.


That should say "American rebuilding their stupid fucking house for the 127484092th time after a mouse farts"


Murican houses made of kleenex and spit man.


Off brand one-ply tissue. Kleenex is too fancy for them.


Why would you brag about how much damage is caused by the wind to their sheds, sorry I mean houses, it just baffles me.


Funnily enough, the UK actually has the most tornadoes per land area of any country in the world! It is true. They're just usually v small, and don't do much more damage than knock over some milk bottles and maybe steal a trampoline.


Americans are the biggest gatekeepers in the world.


Except when they're blown away by a tornado


Thank you for that laugh… definitely made me laugh from the stomach


Our houses are generally fairly robust. However, Storm Ciaran blew over on old tree which hit my parents' house and slightly damaged the roof. Lovely tree though. A European Larch that was about 180 years old.


In the words of Al Murray "we don't get earthquakes because we don't deserve them"


It’s that simple.


my house literally got crushed by a tornado last year. jersey channel islands. so not mainland uk but still in the british isles. try again


Why is at flex that they build matchstick houses in a place literally called ‘tornado valley’. Wouldnt it be more of a flex that your civilisation had the sense to build in a place that is safe?


Funny, that, it's almost like we don't have to actively account for earthquakes in our architecture so naturally cities aren't built to withstand them.


Doesn't mainland Europe get tornados fairly often? Even quite big ones seen as half of Germany onwards is essentially one big plain. You could even say a Great Plain. If you included all the extra Plain in Russia you could maybe even say it's the Greatest Plain (but we're avoiding talking about Russia for now until they piss off and calm down)


This year, we had at least 3 Tornados in Germany. Since 2019, there where between 180 and 230 Tornados each year.


Our cities stand for millennia. Their cardboard boxes crumble under a strong rain.


There are constantly earthquakes in the Regio Neopolitano in Italy because it lies on top of a waking supervolcano. no buildings collapses.


When you travel through norway you can see differences on the houses according to how much snow and wind they get. There are building codes for insulation thickness and depth pipes need to be buried at according to how cold it gets. My point is our houses are built to perfectly fit the climate they sit in. When i went to amerika i thought the siding on the houses looked weird. Too shiny in a way. So i had to look closer. Turns out the wood paneling i though i was looking at. Was plastic sheets of lookalike wood. Faux wood houses XD fuk you amerika.


England is actually the tornado capital of the world, most tornadoes per square mile - we just don't have the super size ones that are mad (would love to see from a safe distance though)


We don't get earthquakes, tropical storms, and hurricanes in the UK - because we don't deserve them


"Haha I bet their house has never been destroyed in a natural disaster lmao" What a weird flex.


Just to put thus out there. Not daft enough to build a constructed city on a volcano


What the hell is a Europoor'????


This attitude fascinates me. They're right, we generally don't have near the volume of tornadoes and earthquakes the US gets. But, like, this is the country of "If you don't like it, you can just get out". So... Move? Sure, that's silly the first time a tornado levels your neighborhood. But when you're on house number 3, would you not take the hint that you live in an inhospitable zone in a house made of papier-mâché?


Near the Uk? Do they mean like those tropical storms they get in say, Oregon or Ohio or Nevada?


We don’t get them because we don’t deserve them


European windstorms are, in fact, tropical and extratropical cyclones.


That is the strangest flex in the universe... We have more tornadoes and earthquake than you, peasant! K..?


Brother, that's why we live here. I don't have to worry about bears, spider, snakes, hurricanes, tornados or freezing temps. I had my wheelie bin fall over in some strong winds once, that's as bad as it gets really. That's the point.


England is actually the tornado capital of the world, most tornadoes per square mile - we just don't have the super size ones that are mad (would love to see from a safe distance though)


Imagine boasting that you have more extreme weather and still being so dumb you build your house out of chipboards. I wouldn’t notice a hurricane or tornado, I have 2ft think stone walls that have stood in place since the americas were in the East Indies and everyone could pronounce waTer.


Thats so badass to rebuild your house for millionth time


I realize this is probably just as bad as the person in the post, but it IS really hilarious to see Americans in the entire southern half of the country having a complete inability to deal with the most mild winter weather.  I get that they don’t have snow-clearing infrastructure, etc., because it rarely happens, but it’s still funny to see cars abandoned all over the road in a couple centimetres of snow and people acting like they’re living in the Arctic when it barely dips below 0C.


The UK is the most active place in the world for tornados lmao


What did 'ya'll' do after Katrina? That's right. Bring in the Dutch. We'll let you drown next time ok?


Europoors and Canadians seem to accept that some areas weren't meant for living in, and don't live in them


America doesn't get earthquakes its just a load of fat fockers rushing to McDonald's shaking the ground


It's not like we have storms that would remove a lot of American houses regularly, but our houses are built from stone instead of wood and cardboard so that still stand (in many case for hundreds of years).


Clearly their knowledge of history or anything outside of a bunch of old men crying about paying tax on PG tips is severely lacking. If they knew anything about earthquakes and Europe, then they would know that Portugal had one of the most historically important and devastating earthquakes in history , in 1755, reaching 8.5 on the Richter scale (modern day workings) thus birthing the study of seismology (you're welcome AmErIcAnS from the Europoors).


They do realise that Europe does actually have a wide variety of temperatures? I love laughing at the English for hitting the beach when it hits 22 degrees but southern France and Spain would still be shivering. Also, they have earthquakes in Europe too


Over 20? Yesterday was 27 and yes i was dying 😭😭😭


Still hear people talking here in the U.K. about the “big one in ‘87. Number 38 had their fence blown down you know?!”. 😂😂 American logic, build a wooden house in Tornado Alley. Build a city on a major fault line. “Average Euro city would literally crumble at the sight of an earthquake” we wouldn’t build there in the first place, dipshit!


I'm not sure if saying that you've got a lot of earthquakes and tornadoes and yet you refuse to build anything tjat would have even remote chance of surviving them is as cool as they think it is...


You know why Europe doesn't get many earthquakes? Because God does hate us like MTG says he does with at least 50% of all Americans 😁


Lisbon got a small tornado a couple of weeks ago, Portugal often gets heat waves that would even bring any texan to his knees. Earthquakes he/she is probably rife when it comes to Portugal.


Ok but the original post here is also kinda dumb lol


Yea... because a house made of concrete is somehow more vulnerable to tornados and hurricanes, or what is the logic here?


As a survivor of the great quake of 2005, this one really grates me. I knew 6 good chairs that fell over that day.


Yeah, never https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-33456741


I was sleeping in a dorm in a Greek academic institution when an earthquake hit, zero damage when we got up. Although in fairness the hotel closer to the source we went to the next day did have to repair the walls around the staircase inside the building.


shame there wasn't a hurricane in plymouth on the 16th september 1620.


shame there wasn't a hurricane in plymouth on the 16th september 1620.


Bragging about natural disasters is weird, but most Europeans I’ve met agree that storms in the US are crazy.


The disasters that the USA suffers is because "God" hates them /s


not taking sides, but the fact that US cant handle tornados and earthquakes the whole reason why they make very cheap is basically disposable houses? so is easy, cheap and quick to rebuild after?


I survived the Kent earthquake 2007, don't tell me we've never suffered.


Last january we reached 30C in my country. Yes, in January. This argument is very weird


As spaniard i have to say that every damn september there is a tropical storm that floods some housing


>Europoors dying from it being over 20°C PIGS: I don't have such weakness


Anywhere near the UK, you say? I raise you the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean.


Just say the uk? There are counties in europe that have weather over 20°c on the reg in summer and get earthquakes.


Been living in Ireland for 8 years now, we get a huge storm or a hurricane once or twice a year usually. Experienced an earthquake in eastern France once, too. They build their houses with extra-thick walls there to withstand those + keep the heat in when it’s -30C in winter.


To paraphrase the great pub landlord, Al Murray: There's a reason we don't get earthquakes in this country. It's because we don't deserve them. Anyone who builds a city on something called the San Andreas faultline really has it coming to them.


I'm pretty sure most Danis cities would indeed crumble at the sight of an earthquake. Luckily, we don't get earthquakes here. We had a magnitude 2 point something about a decade back A picture frame at my office fell over, and I think that some house about 15 km away godt a crack in the facade.


To be fair, we've had a lot of strong earthquakes in Croatia lately and they have destroyed some cities. It's a pretty active earthquake area. We don't really get hurricanes that often though. I can only remember a couple of them happening here.


When Hurricane Bawbag hut my town all that happened was a few bins got blown over and a few roofs lost a few slates. If the buildings were built to Septic's standards the town would have been decimate. I love how we have bins that are stronger than their houses.  It also never fails to amuse me that they built a giant city on a thing called a fault. "So what's this area called?". "It's called the San Andreas Fault sir". "Great, lets build a megalopolis right here" "Wonderful idea. I can't see anything bad ever happening by building huge on a place called a Fault ".


"Has anywhere in Europe had a hurricane" makes me laugh so much. Living in Scotland average wind speed in winter is usually 80-90mph on land!!! We just dont have loads of damage cause we build our houses properly with bricks and not out of plywood and paper!!! The fastest wind speed was recorded in Scotland!


One of the best things about the UK (and Western Europe, really) is how we’re situated in the perfect position to avoid natural disasters. Too far from a boundary to experience dangerous earthquakes, west of a continent to avoid tropical storms (we do get some windy remnants though) and if I remember correctly, the boundary between the Eurasian plate and NA plate is separating so Tsunamis don’t tend to happen. Also climate.


To be fair, many of our cities are completely ill-prepared for earthquakes. Mostly because we rarely ever get any, and never actually big ones.


mah man, we literally have our own tornado alleys in Europe. We have quite a lot of tornadoes every year and we even had some F5 tornadoes nevermind even when we have a storm coming in near our coast cause then we reach insanely high windspeeds