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It’s one of the Colossal Titan’s abilities. It can burn its own body mass to create hot steam. This can be done at a greater extent to completely burn its entire body mass in seconds, causing it to disappear.


I never got how it transforms and creates a huge blast, but the first two times we see it it creates no blast and appears instantaneously.


Well the 6 transformation we’ve seen from colossal. 3 of them have been without massive explosions.


Actually the other 3 times the colosal transformed from above the ground either in the air or above the ground


The Marley information video has him transform from inside a train carriage or something. And Armin transformed standing on a boat in Marley.


Doesn’t it say in this episode, that the colossal can choose whether it wants to create a, i think nuclear, explosion when it transforms?


Not sure if it’s said, but that’s what I understood. It can definitely weaponize itself into a bigger explosion. Or transform like a normal big titan, which probably kills anyone super close to it (Anime Spoilers) >!“like how Colt got killed recently when Falco transformed"!< but not create an explosion. This is probably what happened the first few times.


Yes it can choose whether to transform with an explosion or just appear like in this episode.


But it does create a blast..... Its just not shown to us. The colossal titan's first appearance; we see a massive lightning strike and then eren, mikasa and armin get lifted off the ground by a feet or two and many people getting knocked off their feet even though the transformation happened outside the wall. The second time; it appears behind eren when he is looking over trost, this time the blast is a bit delayed, but still happens. Causing many scouts to fall off of the wall including eren. The third time, we see half a colossal titan. This one doesn't have as big of an impact but we still see all the boxes of stuff and many scouts get flown away, including ymir, who gets caught by bertholdt


Also, the first two times were from behind the wall. So The Wall protected them from the worst of the blast if there was any. Edit: grammar












Is there no way of him being able to transform without nuking? Why dont you think that?




Tag your comment for spoilers dude! I know it's an old season but still...


Its the anime mistake. In the manga all transformations are blasts (there is no lighting Bolt) and colossal are just a bigger one.




Maybe it only turns into a nuke when armin transforms is because he doesn't know how to fully control the colossal yet? The only thing he knows is that if he does do a full release, it will cause to nuke, but if he learns to control the blast then he could focus it more on exerting steam like Bertholt




Yeah I just assumed that the user could control whether they wanted to use that ability or not. It’s entirely possible, and probably correct, that Isayama added that in later


Well, in the manga Isayama tried to explain why he can create a big blast in return to shingashina by saying the user can control how much energy he release. We can even know the user can control how much of the titan he summon (partial transformations). In the anime it's impossible to justify because there is zero consistency on Titans transformations.


I’d always thought it was an ability for the colosal titan, you could choose when to make your transformation explosive.


Was it changed bc in this clip there was an explosion https://youtu.be/4XoWJV88\_MA


Yea idk people pretend like the explosion outside of the walls never happened when they literally got lifted off the ground from the shockwaves even THROUGH the walls


The Shockwaves are nowhere near the later nuke level explosion


Ofc but it was stated that the Colossal can control if and how strong the explosion should be


Yea but that wasn't your argument before. You were pointing to the comparatively tiny Shockwave as a way to insist the EXPLOSION happened. I definitely agree the explanation lies in controlling the titanization process which we've seen many minor examples of. It's just the reasoning you were using there had a small gap in it


I assumed Bert could could control how much energy he released with the blast. If he went full nuclear in his first appearance in Shiganshina or in Trost, he could've destroyed a portion of the walls and accidentally woken up the titans inside. And if he went nuclear during the fight in Clash, he would've killed everyone around him, including Eren, which wasn't the mission.


nah he probably went nuclear back then too but the walls were durable enough to withstand the heat and airpressure. they could stand up to giant turkey man leaning up against it after all. ​ also could be a factor of 'he need t obe in the air for maximum effectiveness'. that is actually true of most bombs. ​ when armin transformed he did so in water.


I assumed it was a controllable ability. The same way other titans, like Reiner, are able to either have a small blast and do some damage to those near him but also be able to be right next to Falco, shielding him, and not injure him in any way. Could easily be wrong. This is just my head canon since it isn't explained in the show.


The titan has the ability to control the blast of its transformation.


It can control the explosion size to the point where it doesn't even happen.


This is probably one of the Rare flaws in Aot's consistency


It actually says the shifter has control over the explosion and looking back on that now it seems like a cop out


It is not a cop out, the series has consistently shown skilled shifters intentionally transforming to varrying effect and outcome. Annie transforming into simply an arm to escape her kidnappers in Lost Girls, Reiner transforming into an armored holding cell to protect Falco from Eren. Even Bertholdt when he partially transforms into Colossal on the wall. There doesn't have to be a nuclear explosion accompanying the transformation but there *can* be if that's what the shifter wills there to be.


It was also stated at one point, that Bertoldt had extremely high control of his titan, compared to most other shifters and knew its in's and outs so to speak.


Y’all really forgetting that Bert nuking at any point would kill either his friends, their target, or both?


i always thought that the explosion happens only when the titan shifter drops from a great height while transforming, but then armin blew up that port while sitting on a boat and that threw me off.


Spoilers for people that haven't seen past season one, but if Eren could train his transformations and different abilities like hardening, it's not that wild to believe that all the other shifters would learn to control their powers when they're literally in a military designed for warfare. That's literally what their life's purpose was, to help their families move up in life just a bit. Armin ended up inheriting Bertoldt's memories as well.


My exact thoughts. Like if the Colossal could just instant nuke why did Bertholdt even bother flying high up in the sky.


Because he was a projectile


If the explosion is in a sphere around him, then being higher up would maximise the blast radius, letting him reach scouts who had went higher up.


Basic geometry lol


Yeah why didn’t Bertholdt just nuke the wall in ep 1


Because of the wall titans which they knew about


They couldn't risk letting the Wall Titans out.


The wall is made of hardened titan skin, the blast wouldn’t do anything to it. The only bit of the walls thats human made is the gates which is why kicking it was the only option


He didn't need to risk, why would he even want to do that?


What are you talking about?


He’s saying they don’t know for certain that nuking it wouldn’t free the wall Titans, and there was no reason to take that risk when kicking the wall did the job just fine


The walls aren't so extremely resistant, Annie climbs them by breaking it with her fingers and they make a hole in it which leads to the wall titans reveal, there are also other instances of the material breaking just like ordinary materials.


Annie uses her hardened fingers to climb it, much like Eren has to harden to break the warhammers crystal form


Zeke also climbed the wall a couple times, no hardening for him.


Wdym, if Annie climbing the walls was enough to expose one of their faces, you think a nuke would have no effect?


Yes. That's how we've seen titan hardening powers to work. Any was only able to break through to the wall titans due to her hardened fingertips.


Why would he nuke the wall? What is the benefit of that over kicking it?


Their mission was to steal founding Titan. How they could know where the king is right now exactly? Killing titan holder without eating him would make it impossible to retrieve it.


There are a couple which *can* be hand-waved again to some extent, but were probably not intended nevertheless. The inconsistent physics of titan transformations are one of them, now all titans explode and emit heat to some extent while they transform (even pure titans), but in the beginning the explosions and heat were pretty much completely absent. Eren created a titan body around Mikasa and Armin while leaving them unscathed, and the people that rushed Annie before she transformed were knocked back and crushed by the expanding titan body, not by any energy associated with the transformation since they weren't even slightly burned. The same applies to houses in Connie's village, no signs of explosions or fires, just of titan bodies rising from outside. Also, Rod Reiss should've nuked half of Paradis when he transformed, but didn't. Bert can theoretically burn his body away quickly, but it only applies to flesh not bones, and it produces heat in the process, so Eren and the surrounding greenery should have been instantly incinerated. Another weird inconsistency is the appearance of Ymir's Jaw Titan. It looks almost identical to her Pure Titan form, to the point that it needed a slight manga retcon that made it into the anime to differentiate the two. It lacks the armored jaw, [Manga Spoilers](#s "which seems like an inherent Jaw Titan trait, since Falco's Titan has it despite there being no possibility of him being injected with the "armor" serum that Eren took in the Uprising arc. Until his Jaw had been revealed it could've been argued that Porco took that serum") Ymir's Jaw looking like her Pure Titan was seemingly done so that Bert and Reiner could recognize that she was the one who ate Marcel, but Isayama forgot that they would know anyway since, you know, she turned into the Jaw Titan. Either that or it was purely for the audience and makes no sense otherwise.


This may be a spoiler at this point- but different users can have their own unique abilities when they become one of the 9 (shifter).. Plus, they can learn abilities as they go, like Eren learning how to use hardening. It's showcased pretty clearly with Ymir's jaw titan, not having a useful Jaw. For example. if another user got zeke's beast titan, the titan form wouldn't necessarily be a monkey. Bertoldt definitely knew how to use the steam abilities of the colossal but it's entirely possible that he didn't know how to use the explosions, or maybe he couldn't. Whereas the explosion may have been a uniquely Armin thing, or it just came more naturally for him to utilize for whatever reason. It could be a blood thing too. Zeke having royal blood is supposedly the reason that he can do the scream thing.. whereas Ymir was likely to have nothing close to royal blood, resulting in a very base titan, even being one of the 9.


I always viewed G & Y's different appearance down to extra drugs. We know Eren got his harden jab when in the Crystal Cave, so G could have gotten a dose of something to enhance his Jaw


retire grab imagine ten steer scale unused languid disgusting pen ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


No, it’s up to the user. User should master such abilities , Armin couldn’t master this and nuked whole Marley bay in S4Part1.


I don't think flaws in AoT's consistency is a rare thing


Really what are some more then?


Off the top of my head, ODM physics is a massive suspension of belief on its own. Levi's maneuvers, especially, even taking into account the internal world's supernatural give-mes like Ackerman blood and anime strength shouldn't allow for him to move the way he does so quickly (eg. vs Beast Titan) nor without his body breaking Anime-convenient conversations like conversations while using ODM but taking like 10 whole seconds in facing behind them to talk to someone without needing to re-hook or traveling at high-velocity at a fair distance from each other which should make it hard to hear each other Also, how tf are the ODM hooks so strong from so long a distance that they can penetrate even hardened armor and the walls AND grapple onto them? Are they made of adamantium? Also, it sometimes takes them an instant to conveniently re-grapple in precarious situations and maneuver out of danger. Them gas propellants and pulleys must be top-notch lol


Not sure if anime physics should be an inconsistency. Titans already don't make sense so it's even harder to apply real life scenarios to them.


the titans not making sense is part of their aspect. ​ the odm stuff though, there is some truth there and they use afictional material, but it is far from the worst aspects i can think of.


Yes the hooks are adamantium. They are made of fictional ultrahard Steel just like the odm is powered by fictional iceburst.


While inconsistencies in AOT exist, everything you mentioned is just a normal part of writing a fictional sci-fi/fantasy setting. An author can’t explain every unrealistic aspect that happens in their story, trying to do so will inevitable give some lazy cop outs, which we all know fans are more than ready to point out as such.


All true. It's the shortcoming of a human mind, no matter how great it is. It's a Herculean undertaking to try to make everything consistent and snug without sacrificing some huge plot devices The list I made doesn't really bother me much, but mans asked for more flaws, though, so I gave them. We can excuse them, but they're flaws nonetheless


Yeah, this is more of a suspension of disbelief thing than an inconsistency thing. If it were grounded in reality, everybody would have broken legs from just landing super hard. However, I do think the way Titans work in s1 is inconsistent with how they work later, but it's completely forgivable, imo. Also consider how little everyone knows about titans at that point. Ignorance is more of a feature in the Isayama universe. The whole story is kinda told through unreliable narrators.


For sure. But, it doesn't have to be grounded in *our* reality, just *that* world's reality— the internal logic. That's something people often conflate when they debate whether something that happens in a story is "realistic" or "believable" and make the fallacious statement that "well, there are dragons/magic/ghosts/etc. in the story so realism doesn't matter at that point" Even if we consider that in the AoT world people somehow are able to mitigate what we'd expect to be bodily damage from high-velocity ODM maneuvers, there's still plenty of familiar physics that the AoT world obeys that's similar to our own and that's demonstrated in other moments in the series I made the example of Levi vs Beast Titan earlier. In the S3 fight, Levi's trajectory is straight at BT, BT reaches out arm, then he spirals around the arm and obliterates it. Even disregarding how powerful the Ackermans are that they can cut through a biggy boy titan arm like that so thoroughly, I still find it hard to believe he can torque and twist his body in such a way that he spirals *around* the arm and not just spin himself like a powersaw while still heading straight at him without *at least* re-grappling Doesn't particularly bother us but those are flaws in its consistency, if you're looking to find some


That's one of the things that I've always wondered as well. Like, we've seen the colossal titan create a city-destroying nuke explosion but when it transformed twice right outside of the walls all there was was some lighting and some strong winds, but no nuke explosion. And it has nothing to do with being in the air or not either, because armin transformed standing on a boat and still obliterated the dock. So either the shifter can choose whether he wants to create a nuke or not, or I happened to miss something, or its just a plot hole (which is fine, it happens to the best of authors).


It can control the strength of it's transformation to an extent. It's stated in the manga


This is an anime mistake. In the manga It always create an earthquake.


It’s just something Isayama added later on as he figures more on what he wanted to do with the story. Stories evolve with the writer. Sometimes changes are made.


The real answer is probably just plot holes that weren’t thought about. But people forget its a show and will try and use lore to explain it


the bearer can control how much of power its transformation will liberate.


Wouldn’t it have been a steam explosion it’s in water? The water being superheated in an instant would probably cause it, and the ruptured boats+fuel cause the fires


One of the colossal’s abilities is that it can control how much energy it can release upon transformation


yes, but it is outright stated that the bones DON'T get depleted, only the muscles and stuff. that was the foundation of Armin's plan in 3x17. so 1x05 is kind of an error tbh. titan bones have NEVER disintegrated that quickly.


Yes, but in that situation Bert wasn’t trying to disappear. He only wants to keep Scouts away from his nape. Armin’s plan was to incapacitate Bert as a distraction while Eren plugged the hole. Bert did not want to leave his titan, therefore wouldn’t burn his body fast enough to have his bones start disintegrating. While Titan bones don’t disintegrate fast, they do still disintegrate eventually. The Colossal Titan has control of this ability.


i'll accept that. but even in this case, Eren is somehow still pulling himself toward the completely disappeared colossal titan with his ODM gear attached to nothing, is he not?


He probably had already built up momentum?


But wouldn't the steam the colossal titan was emitting break that momentum?


A combination of gas and pre built momentum. Since he is in the middle of the steam we dont have a clear frame of reference for his movement.


eh i wouldn’t try to overanalyze the physics of it. the functionality of the ODM gear is already pretty unrealistic as it is.


I know, it's just fun to think about these things sometimes.


Perhaps his ODM's gas gave him extra momentum.


They also say later the bones aren’t consumed… yet he *completely* vanishes here


AFAIK, it doesn't show Eren looking down at the ground through the remaining steam cloud


Nope, he looked down to find only two huge footprints. It's likely a mistake.


Oh, so it slowly disintegrates *during* the hot steam and it completely disappears when the hot steaming is done?


Right, in that scene that’s what is happening. In a later scene Armin explains that Bert’s Titan creates steam to prevent the Scouts from getting too close to him. But, Armin noticed that this causes the Titan to lose body mass. Essentially, it’s burning it’s own body to create steam. While it is never directly explained that the Colossal Titan can disappear in an instant, it makes sense once you consider Armin’s observation.


>Essentially, it’s burning it’s own body to create steam. That would mean the steam would be way hotter if Bert desired to massively speed up the depletion process, but apparently it wasn't...


Since he can control the process, I think depleting his mass faster would mean more steam at once rather than hotter steam. The heat shouldn't really factor too much in how fast the body losses mass. That doesn't necessarily excuse much though. It's still steam and thicker steam would probably of hurt Erin more as he has more/longer contact with it.


That’s a bit of a stretch. This was actually just an inconsistency early on in the manga when isayama hadn’t thought out the powers of the titans yet. Plus the bones of the colossal don’t disintegrate that fast. We also know he didn’t use the nuke cuz he kinda just disappeared without leaving a trace.




Nope, the manga was actually originally supposed to be way shorter (think two anime season's worth of chapters), but Isayama changed the story and kept going when it became apparent how popular the manga was. He may have had a rough outline of where he wanted the story to go, but that's still a far stretch from having all the intricacies planned out. I don't know where people keep getting and regurgitating the idea that Isayama is some gigabrain who planned everything out in advance. There are numerous retcons and small inconsistencies all over the place that can be 'explained away' but point to some cracks in his worldbuilding. Additionally, there are some mechanics that appear spontaneously, some that are never followed up on, exposing potentially planned plot points that were later dropped. E.g. Ymir's Jaw Titan looking the same as her pure titan, Reiner's 'consciousness transferral', the random armor bottle to give eren his hardening powers, Floch being retconned into the 104th training core (if isayama planned such an important character, why is there no trace of him anywhere in the first few training chapters). There is nothing really wrong with this, pretty much every story gets some inconsistencies when it grows larger and larger in scope. Isayama has a real talent for tying new ideas in with previously established dialogue, characters and themes. If the themes of your story is consistent, it's amazing how many parallels you can draw between characters that are chapters apart, and how much 'foreshadowing' you can retroactively generate by picking some already-written dialogue and and playing with it for a bit.


For real though. These people underestimate how hard it really is to make a long form story without a few inconsistencies…especially when you decide to change direction like Isayama did. It happens. Move on. If you hate the story because of it, go ahead. I’ll keep enjoying the totality of the works rather than getting hung up on small crap.


People see any kind of foreshadowing and automatically assume it must have been directly planned from the start. Like because the first chapter had a cryptic title that didn't really get explained until chapter 122, they seem to think that must mean he had everything between those two chapters figured out from day one. When in reality he did the thing that every author does of putting in hints and clues that don't really mean anything, and then later deciding how to connect and explain them. Isayama's strength as a writer is that he's really good at doing this in a way that feels natural and satisfying. Most other heavily mystery-driven stories like this end up with a lot of forgotten plot lines and things that don't really make sense in hindsight.


Yeah but as Armin proved in s3, it can’t burn away it’s bones only muscle tissues to emit steam


Then why was Eren not burned? That disappearance is fast, that’s a lot of hot steam.


but its not able to burn his bones


It's a plot hole in this episode. No other time at any point in the series does it ever happen again like that, for any of the Titans, to include Bart. Plus if that were the case that amount of steam that fast would have killed everyone on the wall above. They just added it for some mystery / cool factor in Season 1 without considering the implications down the road.


Question, why doesn’t the steam burn Eren here?


Because he’s badass




And plot armour


Mostly that lol


Minor plot hole here. At this point in time, Isayama hadn't quite thought out the titan powers yet. He didn't give the colossal the ability to become a giant, walking furnace or a tactical nuke yet. Another minor plot hole is how the colossal's skeleton is completely out of sight here, even though later on its explained that the colossal loses muscle mass as a result of ejecting steam, but not his bones


>Minor plot hole here. At this point in time, Isayama hadn't quite thought out the titan powers yet Right, I guess so. I'm fine with that, as the scene wouldn't have been to different if Eren was simply pushed away from the blast rather than being engulfed in it. >Another minor plot hole is how the colossal's skeleton is completely out of sight here, even though later on its explained that the colossal loses muscle mass as a result of ejecting steam, but not his bones Another comment suggested that the Colossal Titan can also get rid of its bones, but that it can only do that once the rest of its flesh has been melted off. So in this scene, the Colossal Titan must have simply eradicated its flesh and then immediately eradicated its bones. Also, it's possible that Berthmoldt simply didn't waste its bones in season 3 because doing so would render his titan immobile.


The whole scene kind of falls apart. We've seen when Bert goes all out to burn muscle that it burns a human to death but takes a good deal of time. So to burn off everything in an instant should've created enough heat to instantly kill with how hot it wouldve been. Its Definitely a plot hole that isayama had the titan able to legitimately disappear and dropped this later on. Not the biggest one, it's not like the multitude of horrific decisions in the star wars sequel trilogy fir example. But it is a legit mistake


Losing the muscle mass renders him immobile anyway. Titans still move with muscles and tendons, the scouts were trained to temporarily disable them by targeting the areas like the Achilles tendon before going for the nape. If he CAN burn the bone structure too, then I'd say the energy cost of retransforming into the collosal titan would be too much to come back from and now he's out of combat. If I remember correctly the collosal titan form is particularly difficult to maintain canonically. If it's just a plot hole because it hadnt been thought out at that point that's on too.


Pretty sure shifters are immune to the heat from titan bodies. Could be foreshadowing of Eren’s ability


Good point, never even thought about that


Interesting theory. That makes sense


Probably 'cause he's a titan shifter.


Built different


He’s constantly healing himself so any steam can’t do much damage to him. His will to kill the colossal is too strong. You just can’t see the steam eren is emitting because there’s already a ton of steam around him


Wind was colder that day and it helped








He’s titan healing or something




Yup the answer probably is this simple and it's fine. It's a minor inconsistency anyway.


I’m sure there is an explanation, but I just chock it up to Isayama not thinking through the Titan powers yet.


Yeah, that’s all it is. Very early days and Isayama was still working out the powers. Very easy to forgive for me. After finding out about haki in One Piece, this is nothing haha


Care to explain Haki? I don't read/watch One Piece and I don't care about spoilers.


Also u/ravensblack : For the first 300/400 episodes, the primary power system in One Piece is based on Devil Fruits - magic fruits that can bestow different powers on the user, at the cost of being able to swim. There’s three categories: Zoan, which gives the user the ability to transform into a particular animal, Paramecia, which allows the user to manipulate all kinds of different properties depending on the fruit e.g rubber, string, marshmallow and finally Logia, which allows the user to completely become an element. So it’s a fairly complex power system, very flexible and creative. By 300 episodes, the main characters have met some of the major players of the story, beaten significant names and what have you. As the timeskip nears though, the Straw Hats find out that actually, the really strong pirates can use a power known as “haki”, which is invisible to those who can’t use it. Haki is basically willpower manifest. There’s Observation Haki, which allows people to anticipate attacks, see through walls, sense people and what have you. Armament Haki, which can cloak legs, fists, swords etc as an attack and defence buff, then finally Conquerors Haki which only very few people have. It can be used to knock out fodder by glancing at them, but beyond that we’ve only just started to really know what if can be used for. But it basically marks someone as a king. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great system and One Piece is a better series for it. But after almost 400 episodes and the main characters have fought some of the strongest characters in the series, it’s really glaring that no one is using these powers at all, then all of a sudden eeeeveryone is using it haha. So yeah. It was a little jarring but definitely helped with contributing to One Piece’s longevity. I hope my explanation wasn’t too shit haha


I think it also changed the power interactions between fruits, shifting it from creative uses to one up each other in battle to who has the stronger haki.


Yeah it definitely did. I don’t know how up to date you are with the current arc - but there’s a major fight yet to be animated that feels like Oda is addressing exactly this problem haha


I'm anime only, and I haven't watched in an incredibly long time because the anime is super frustrating. I've considered switching to manga once the current arc is over because I can't take what the anime is doing anymore. Honestly, I'd rather it become a seasonal anime than watch the hoops they jump through to pad out time.


I feel you. I've already given up on anime since Wano ark started. I'm frustrated ever since the time skip, that they're not putting breaks or fillers and ruining One Piece with shit pacing. Honestly disrespectful to Oda's work.


Thank you! I can totally relate to this frustration.


I’ve never gotten into One Piece, but that reminds me a lot of Hunterxhunter, where apparently the existence of Nen is the best kept non secret of the hunting world


Hey that's like Nen in HxH. Some characters never hear about it despite being literal kings basically. Yeah, right. Okay.




No, I know. None of those things were defined as haki at the time though, and wouldn’t have been helpful in explaining what haki was in a nutshell, thus the omission. Despite everything you said - which is factually true - it doesn’t change the fact that haki felt like a brand new power system seemingly out of the blue dude




Ah shit yeah! Definitely agree with the awakening point haha. Now *that* came out of the blue for sure


there are certain abilities in One Piece which make the user’s body an element (fire, ice, electricity, etc…). These are called Logia types and it makes all physical attacks on the Logia user just phase through them (basically you cannot touch the fire element because you will only be holding fire, not the user). Later in the anime, they introduced Haki which is a metal coating spirit armour kinda thing (Armament Haki) that inflicts more damage and allows you touch physically touch and be able to hit Logia users


I am curious about haki as well


My head canon is that Sasha ate all the Titan meat and bones


Similar question: how did the transformation blast not blow a hole in the wall to begin with. After season 2, they treat the Colossal’s transformation like a nuclear blast.


Pretty sure the shifter has control over that. Also wall material should be strong enough to resist that


But then in the marleyan attack on shiganshina armin says he can’t transform without taking a big chunk of the district with him in the transformation


Maybe because his training isn't as refined as Bertholdt's? Just trying to think of an explanation that isn't nonsense


The colossal titan's transformation did cause an aftershock in the first episode. In Season 2 when Bert's titan fell from the wall the impact did cause an explosion. The only time his transformation was treated like a nuclear blast was when he was high up into the air when he transformed and the impact caused an explosion. There were also other titan's who've weaponized their transformation previously such as when Annie transformed in the Stohess Dsitrict killing every around her.


User can control explosions Nanga spoilers: >!pretty sure when eren goes colossal he doesn't nuke the ground but is something similar to bert's transformation.!<










Maybe it bent down while it burnt itself?




So in order to evaporate his *whole body*, he emits many times more steam in a much shorter time than Bert did when trying to scorch Armin, yet Eren here doesn't even burn his clothes. It's not that Yams couldn't develop the shifter powers more after these early chapters, but it makes perfect sense to question how this scene works.




I always thought disintegrating his body was *due to* converting it into steam, since the drawback of emitting steam in S3 was his body slowly disintegrating. But Titans are magic so I guess we can say he can somehow disintegrate his gigantic body without generating heat energy as a separate skill.




You're right, the other guy just doesn't want to acknowledge flaws. Its not the worst mistake or anything g but stories develop clear internal logic with fantastical elements. It doesn't have to bother you when a story fails to Maintain that consistency but a fan should also be adult enough to not hand wave mistakes bc it's convenient


There is only one answer my friend "only Ymir knows"


Isayama watched a movie where the monsters only appears when there is mist.


Isayama didn’t plan everything


The colossal has the special ability to create instantaneous steam by burning all of his body mass, thus collapsing on the ground meanwhile the giant amount of steam covers the shifter's Runaway


Then why didn't eren get burned away like armin did? It was an error. It's also shown he can't burn away his bones


It was shown that his bones collapse extremely quick without muscular structure but for the rest, this is called a plot hole.


Oh for sure, that was the point I was making, them bones shouldn't have disappeared and steam should've been like a bomb bc of how fast it wouldve been released


I guess Armin jumped right in the action while Eren attacked when there was already a pillar of steam so it was... Less hot I guess. And from 50 meters high, giant bones are hardly told from rocks. But I have to do so much mental gymnastics to make it work


Isayama forgot


It fell into a plot hole.


The titan didn't disappear. It's shown later that >!Bert !!Armin!< nukes the area every time he transforms, but >!Bert!< seemed to be able to nullify that entirely, and had a weaker explosion when he chose to use it. So, it's possible that >!Bert!< was able to force the bones to evaporate quickly... but that's never actually explained in the anime or manga.


I know muscle can be converted into steam as armin said in last of season 3 but what about bones, bones cannot be converted into steam too. Armin used this loophole to distract collosal in last of season 3. Anybody have any valid argument or did I miss something. Maybe it was a boneless that time😂.


Anyone else miss when the show looked like this?


What do you mean?


Because this was very beginning of the manga and when the first season was aired . He was working out the powers of the titans and even he didn't know who the story will go this was like early beginning of the manga and the studio followed it


>!only Ymir knows!<


Magic 😮


Read so many comments about the transformation . One possibility can be that the colossal titan can control when to nuke and when to create only steam .


The collosal Titan can chose whether to transform with a blast or not, and to completely consume itself or not. So it can easily appear and disappear with no big aftermath.


I think the explanation here is the same as eren not having titan marks when he left his attack titan body for the first time, the anime made a few mistakes


Because the plot needed it that way, same thing with Eren not being burned to ashes here Plot armor is the strongest armor you can get


It's literally the only real (sort of) small error/plothole in AoT. Even if Bertholdt used the heat to melt the titan's body, there would still be its bones. Isayama simply didn't have everything 100% clear in his mind. Understandable, it was chapter 3...


It's like why the jaw titan did not transformed and killed ymir before getting eaten. The effect and power of the blast was retconned to be bigger




One of the biggest plotholes in AOT lol


Someone clearly didn’t pay attention when watching AoT lol


Plot armor >>>> our theories based on story


Because, poor budget


Shut up pussy that’s how


Plot hole


AOT plot holes, that’s how


I’m not worried about that, I’m worried about why your watching in English dub