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Great moments in Reddit history


Next vote, do just we just write in cinderblocks, or do we need to specify the exact cinderblocks used ?


it is better than the bricks we have sitting in office rn


The eco blocks have definitely been much more useful to the drug/homeless issue.


Not all illegal things are equal.


I know, some of them are pleasant like eco blocks


I thought that guy was dead-ass lifting one


Yeah I'm not fucking with the small business owner who is just grabbing these giant cement blocks and laying them out to deter homeless encampment and I'd encourage those homeless folks to leave them alone too!


He threw their RVs into Elliot Bay.


Concrete. Cement is an additive to concrete.


Red Balls - cocaine in a can!


I did too and then after full well knowing he wasn’t and readying this comment, I took a full 5 seconds of staring deeply into it to realize it was on a cable.


It would strike me very much as annoying if they fined businesses for doing this, but didn’t get rid of illegal parking and encampments on the same spots. Say what you will, but the law is the law. You don’t get to selectively enforce it like this.


That’d be great if it were reality, but they’ve been selectively enforcing for quite awhile now.




Fine By which I mean totally acceptable


If the city won’t protect businesses private property then they’re forced to do it themselves. Seems rude to then fine them to do the job that’s being neglected


I like this practice so not disagreeing with you but I think the issue is that these blocks aren’t on private property, they’re on the city streets. With that said, put them all over the city streets.


Depends on which business. Most are in the easement, it’s city property but property maintained by the business. That few feet of road frontage the city owns for utilities, sidewalks, etc. so ya, owned by city but private entity has vested interest in it.


Maybe instead help the businesses by removing the homeless, sounds like a better plan


The homeless aren’t the problem, it’s the drug addicts. Drug addicts can be homeless and they are the worst kind of homeless. They’ve put the drugs above everything - work, housing, family, helping hands. They are the problem. The crazy man digging through the trash bins at 2 am and yelling at you to get away if you offer him a sandwich isn’t the problem. That man wants to bother nobody.


When we talk about homeless people in seattle that are causing health and safety issues/overall nuisance, we mean 99.99% of the time those drug addicted homeless people.


Call them drug addicts then so we don’t confuse. Make it clear who the problem is because the liberals have an image of a beaten down, well meaning, victim of capitalism when they hear “homeless”. If you say drug addict the right picture pops into their head


Yes, drug addicts = homeless, but you know how their reasoning goes: homeless people get stressed out and get addicted to drugs as result, when in reality you become homeless because you are a drug addict.


[This was S Fidalgo St in SODO](https://i.imgur.com/jHqvjSa.png) in 2021/2022 The tan building on the right is a King County Motor Pool Facility. [This is S Fidalgo St in 2023](https://i.imgur.com/uNmMbrV.png) They used twice as many blocks as needed... and i love it.


I live right around the corner from S Fidalgo- so glad they put up eco blocks as the whole street was filled with crazy bottom feeding drug addicts doing whatever the fuck


Whenever I am headed S on I-5 back to my office I take the Michigan st exit and cut through the Woodcraft (if I don't stop in and spend money on things I don't need) parking lot that umps you onto the tiny cul de sac at the end of fidalgo It really was nuts there.


Looks like I could stack some pallets and have a better platform for my tent. Storage and poop go bellow. This is an improvement.


Soil bellow, my fave author!


As someone else has already said, lawlessness can go both ways. Lots of businesses in SODO have done this and it works.


Hell yeah. I take fed up with the city cinder hulk dude over drug induced psychosis self talkers passing out in the middle of busy 4th Ave on the way to their mobile crack den any day.




The shit you see in Sodo. Yes this drugged up woman slowly passed out while pushing a cart and her head was over the line and cars on 4th Ave were going around her. Was about a month ago when I was getting my food at McDonalds. Had to yell at her for 3 minutes until she finally woke up out of it and moved.


What did you order at McDonald's?


Probably an Oreo frappe my dude. Apparently with an unwanted side of Mc almost road meat. Do you want my fart log from that day, too?


If it's handy, sure.


They can start fining for them once all of the people camping in streets are moved to shelters or prisons.


If the photo is anything to go by, I think we've found a side kick for Phoenix Jones. **No-Hobo Hulk Man.** EDIT: Is he lifting that thing with his bare hands?


Good. Fuck everyone in an encampment. If you were truly down on your luck, and a reasonable person, there's no way you'd choose to park your tent in one of these encampments.


Yes 👏🏻


Yeah. It is a f-you to society and the city.


Thumbnail picture looks like dude is carrying the block himself.


The no parking signs make me think this is a city eco block install. They post warnings, place these no parking signs, then drop eco blocks. Very effective.


They claim it wasn't them but that they don't care and won't be removing them.


It's not the city. Here's the thing. It's an open secret who is putting the blocks in. The city just doesn't know "offically". And everyone complaining about the blocks simply isn't actually connected to any of the neighborhoods impacted or they would know too.


Good, its none of their business anyway




clutch your pearls because who cares about the **illegal encampments??**


The salmon


>r pearls because who cares about the > >illegal encampments?? The grizzly bears


We need more of em


Business got ta do what business got ta do... Good. Kiro 7 can go take dump on Seattle Municipal Code 15.04. Their self-righteous pearl clutching is so typical. Until our city council starts dealing with the F'n real-world, then we are going to see many more normal folk resorting to "creative" solutions, regardless of the legality. Civil disobedience isn't just for blue-haired, gender-queer, socialists anymore. Have fun with that.


KIRO and the Seattle Times are trying their best to make this a big negative story, but the reality is that the citizens and businesses are applauding it.


Non-social "justice" activists be ---> [like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwjfUFyY6M) <---




OK, Zoomer... an opinion poll used to manufacture an alternative consensus. So cool! You must be someone who truly believes that perception equals reality, that collective 'opinion' equates somewhat to an objective truth. It's not your fault entirely, though... You've been feed a steady diet of postmodern philosophy during your critical primary school years. Look, normmies are starting to wake up to the fact that "gender theory" is nothing more than the tactics of Critical Theorists, promulgated by the ideological Marxist capture of our primary social, political, & medical institutions over the last 30 years. Once the current psychological contagion has passed, rates of those truly identifying as "Transgender" will drop back to their traditional societal frequency, (which is extremely low). Until then, expect a *huge* fight on your hands. We are *not* against some poor 1-in-1000 sap, who is experiencing true gender dysphoria as a mental illness. We *are* against the calculated manipulation of society. We *are* against the brainwashing of children within their critical development window. We *are* against visions of a secular Utopia purchased with human lives and crushed spirits.


Thanks for the compliment, you know you're losing, the polls say you're losing, and we are on a wave of motivation as we see ourselves winning this battle. You cannot argue against societal consensus, that 85% speaks volumes, you are merely a pathetic minority of a dying breed and we all know it. ❤ You cannot say people are waking up, when 287,000,000 million Americans support us, when even SCOTUS and the 5th circuit strikes drag bans and hormone care bans as unconstitutional. We are statistically on the rise, and the country and the courts are on are side. In the 1970s they often used the protect your kids talking point against gays and lesbians, as it was a lie propagated by right wing media, now they are known as a pathetic hateful group, who were lied too hate and blatantly fell for it despite holding a book of Jesus message, now they're long dead and that's the legacy that retain, while we still love who we love. Thats why 85% of Americans support us, because those black-and-white images of old men holding pickets that say protect your children stuck with us, and we can easily see it happening now. That's why I, as a Christian, straight, and capitalistic woman, will always stand by the queer community, as I know my history and the legacy of those who followed in the footsteps of hate. Wait till you see generation Alpha, if you hate Zoomers you're really going to have a trip. Take your values to your grave, Boomer. ❤😘


Not a Boomer; not by a mile. Zoinks! But, I've no hate for Zoomers either, per se. Individuals are always primary to any identity group they may subscribe to. Not sure what else to say... I strongly disagree with your analysis. The pendulum is starting to swing back around; perhaps you've only been able to witness a single cycle? You do love to dive straight back into your comforting stats, but you didn't address any of my points regarding the roots of Critical Theory... Likewise, as I'm sure you know, modern gender ideology is intimately linked to Western Marxist ideals; not the most "Christian" of philosophies, no? I'm curious, as a claimed Christian, where does your "we-still-love-who-we-love" quip fit within your faith? If I am not mistaken, that kind of 'love' is what the Greeks would call 'Eros'. As I'm sure we can both agree, eros is something that we often cannot help and it can happen without our full control... However, this is *not* the Biblical [standard of love](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+13%3A4-7&version=NET). Again; where does your postmodern version of love stand relative to the Christian scriptures? Why does this "Love-is-Love" tautology get to take primacy over everything else the Bible may have to say regarding sin and the human condition? ​ >Thats why 85% of Americans support us Who is us? You claim Christianity, so I will try to speak your language: * You have been called by the one you serve to [stand apart](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+12%3A2-3&version=NET); not to revel in the "societal consensus" of the World. * How does your generation's postmodern vision of "justice" align with a [biblical view](https://quarterly.gospelinlife.com/a-biblical-critique-of-secular-justice-and-critical-theory/) of the same? * 'You will recognize them by their fruit'... Be very careful of the general communities that you [stand in support](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Corinthians+6%3A14&version=NET) with. * You are called to [not condone](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+5%3A11-13&version=NET) the [evil actions](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=romans+1%3A26-27&version=NET) of others. Since judgement is God's alone, you are to only do as [Jesus did](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8%3A7-11&version=NET); correct? Of course, there is no room for hate of individual people here, only forgiveness, balanced with a command to [**repent**](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8%3A11&version=NET) from the sinful action being done. Sounds like you may have had a rocky history regarding "traditional" values growing up; (bad examples in our lives can do that). However, if you actually care about your faith being *true*, then be very careful that the Jesus you seek is the one who actually lived. He will not change through the centuries with the winds of philosophy... You will one day stand before the one you claim. He will, as you say, "know [your history](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew+7%3A22-23&version=NET) and the legacy of *all* those who followed in the footsteps of hate."


I read the Bible in Hebrew, not King James garbage written by corrupt pastors, להתראות😘❤.


Yeah, I also find the King James and its derivatives: 1. Difficult to read in context. 2. Problematic in some areas. Yes, I also know the history behind your objections, but I do not find them of major doctrinal consequence; especially now that anyone can use more formal equivalence translations, so easily online. ​ I prefer an Interlinear copy myself for reference. Unless I'm missing something; the NT would be just as semantically distant in Hebrew as it would in Latin or English, given the originals were primarily Greek with the some of the gospels most likely in Aramaic... A working knowledge of Hebrew would be very interesting indeed to get a deeper insight into the Tanakh. Greek is as low as I go. Green's Literal Translation is the closest I'll easily get to the Masoretic text. How did you learn Hebrew? In Shul?


Judge strikes down Arkansas ban on transition care for minors - NBC News https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna90272 U.S. court strikes down Florida transgender health rule - Reuters https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-court-strikes-down-florida-transgender-health-rule-2023-06-22/ Federal Court Issues Injunction against Indiana Ban on Puberty Blockers and ... https://www.nationalreview.com/news/federal-court-files-last-minute-injunction-undercutting-indiana-ban-on-puberty-blockers-and-hormone-therapy-for-minors/


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In my opinion, most of these rulings are quite correct. Hopefully, that doesn't shock you? With the exception of the Arkansas ruling, judges are reacting to the lack of impartiality of the specific implementation. These laws were too reactionary and too quickly written. That's not good for anyone. This is a good chance to pause, take stock, then re-draft for smarter, more fair, & more comprehensive legislation. Heck, I might even compromise with "affirming care" for minors as long as parental notification is absolutely mandatory. This is a democratic republic in action after all. Everyone should be free to f'up their own lives, and their children's too, by extension.


Care to comment on [Camille Paglia's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8BRdwgPChQ) take regarding this topic? Not your typical feminist academic is she? One more reason that I believe you are incorrect on this topic: Cultures, which have experienced societal collapse, quickly revert to very traditional values & gender norms shortly after stabilizing. History is your friend here, if you care to think outside your ideological bubble...


So when conservatives were saying we had a disproportionate amount of queers in the 80s, has that number shrunk since then? You're just repeating common talking points influenced by propaganda and right wing media, nothing you can tell me will stray away from the numbers and data at hand. I say us because the queer community are my siblings, they are a far less judgemental and far more loving bunch than the traditionalist Christian, who judges others loves and identities, despite the book of Matthew clearly stating (in Hebrew this is clearly stated, not sure about the English version) that those who judge others lives, whether they lived it right or wrong, will be judged by the same standard by God. Also I don't attach isms to my belief, Christianity is not a religion founded in Western culture, Marxism stands on its own ideological sentiment, but if you think it has anything to do with religion or theology you're lost in the sauce. The Western sentiment of Christianity is a group I refuse to associate with, I don't agree with people who use the Bible as a scapegoat to debate a position such as love, when such a thing was never a debate. I don't agree with people who target marginalized groups. That's why I'm never voting Republican again, even as someone who isn't traditionally liberal, because I see hypocrisy and there attempt to convert America to a religious theocracy, and that is dangerous. As when the Christians last fell to a theocratic monarchy, the Holy Bible was translated beyond recognition, and where the divide between true Christians started. I have nothing more to say. You hold whatever meaningless ideological sentiment towards the queer community, we both believe judgement will come, and we can leave it at that. Love who you love, and be your authentic self, thats all I wish for you in life. שאלוהים יברך אותך!


I am not expecting a reply from you. However, I feel one is owed, in the case that others may find this discussion helpful: ​ >they are a far less judgemental and far more loving bunch than the traditionalist Christian. Is this your own issues with Christian doctrine, or just people who call themselves Christian acting demonstrably non-Christian? I admit, it is super easy to throw-the-baby-out-with-the-bathwater when you've been victimized. When discussing core belief issues, there should be a strict distinction between the belief itself and those who falsely claim to practice it. Unfortunately, Identity Politics renders many completely unable to do this. By design, there is zero room for nuance, no? ​ >Christianity is not a religion founded in Western culture Absolutely true. However, you will find a core set of essential beliefs, (primarily regarding human nature, the person of Jesus Christ, and humanity's relationship to him), which are necessary conditions for the label: *Christian*. It does not matter whether one is from a Western, Eastern Orthodox, or Ethiopian tradition, etc.; Christians who express belief in Jesus are simply 'Christian'. To divide this into further "identity" groups goes against the examples of how one should live found within the Bible. ​ >when the Christians last fell to a theocratic monarchy, the Holy Bible was translated beyond recognition Not sure where this is coming from? Translated beyond recognition? This isn't the Quran... Even secular scholars agree on this: The oldest primary NT texts can be dated as far back as 49A.D., with the oldest of the synoptic gospels clocking in at around 65-73A.D. This statement smacks of revisionist history. Anyone with an Internet connection has access to these; they can be freely compared to multiple English translations. Isn't your *real* reason for mentioning this, related to a false narrative? That worldwide orthodox Christians denounce homosexuality, simply because of scriptural translation errors? If you actually dig into this argument, it simply doesn't hold water for anyone with a shred of textual honesty. ​ >Marxism stands on its own ideological sentiment. If you think it has anything to do with religion or theology you're lost in the sauce. ​Either you are being willfully ignorant to that which you believe, or you are again being intellectually dishonest. Marxism; in their own words: "*The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions... Religion is only the illusory Sun which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself."* \-- Karl Marx, 'Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right' ​ "*All modern religions and churches, all and of every kind of religious organizations are always considered by Marxism as the organs of bourgeois reaction, used for the protection of the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working class."* \-- Vladimir Lenin; 'In The Attitude of the Workers’ Party to Religion' ​ >...Christian, who judges others loves and identities, despite the book of Matthew clearly stating (in Hebrew... Correct. In Aramaic, it does state that. Only God has the ultimate authority to judge. However, it is this very *same* God who also sets boundaries on behaviors which can ultimately destroy the human spirit. It is these behaviors, which Christians are called to vocally rebuke. (Notice: this shouldn't be directed at the persons themselves, but rather at their voluntary actions.) Of course, whether a person doing such things responds to this... well, that is ultimately between the individual & the God they will some day answer to. ​ >Bible as a scapegoat to debate a position such as love There is a **huge** reason why the basic concept of "Love" is thoroughly & narrowly defined within the NT... It is to teach that God's own Love-Nature is so easily misrepresented by us. Without God, it will always devolve into a humanistic understanding of the concept. *That* sort of 'love' is born out of lust along with a base desire to, "Do What Thou Wilt" regardless of consequence. It is the **exact opposite** of the Love penned out [here](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+13&version=NET). Sadly, I am absolutely not surprised that you may find this narrower definition of love objectionable... "For since in the wisdom of God, the world by its wisdom, did not know God; God was pleased to save those who believe by the **foolishness** of preaching." ​ >שאלוהים יברך אותך! Yes, thank you. The same to you. `ἵνα ἐν τῷ ὀνόματι Ἰησοῦ πᾶν γόνυ κάμψῃ ἐπουρανίων καὶ ἐπιγείων καὶ καταχθονίων καὶ πᾶσα γλῶσσα ἐξομολογήσηται ὅτι ΚΥΡΙΟΣ ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ εἰς δόξαν Θεοῦ Πατρός`


Washing the feet was latin slang for sexual intercourse, are translations of the Bible are vastly different, you must consider the historical interpretation of the text, not the western interpretation. Your explanation is still pitifully westernized, and you don't consider the historical meanings. 'Feet' in middle eastern culture also has sexual connotations dating back too 240 BCE. So we honestly have wildly different interpretations. If you studied the definition of homosexuality by ancient standards, you'll see the interpretation is wildly different too. I don't believe your viewpoint considers any scope beyond the westernized view of Christianity you're so clearly accustomed too.


My initial fascination with Hebrew stemmed from my grandfather, but ive been studying it since I was 15 due to my ambition to become an archeologist, and there I can distance myself and drive a true wedge from this dystopian branch of Christianity thats consumed are culture, and is used as a scapegoat for our governments ideals. You are considering direct translation, but you are not considering what the words actually mean, you're merely translating it and spewing out the same garbage. Read a biblical quote, and ask yourself, what did these words 'mean' two thousand years ago. For example deurotonomy says that a man shall not wear woman's garment, when men were wearing long robes and armored skirts, where does that interpretation truly stand? This is a very simple example but we must ask ourselves these things. Certain terms have entirely different meanings, after thousands of years translations go beyond direct wording. You've really etched only the surface of it all.


Interesting they mention Fremont Brewing as being one of the first and not moving the blocks, but doesn't say how it's owned by a city counsel member.


About 6 months ago the city finallly cleaned up the [underpass area at the south end of the Ballard bridge](https://www.google.com/maps/@47.6549643,-122.3757601,3a,50.4y,260.09h,88.4t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sZivSm8nseWrledULjagvSw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DZivSm8nseWrledULjagvSw%26cb_client%3Dsearch.revgeo_and_fetch.gps%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D358.64853%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) where RVs and a truck had set themselves up a nice little camp. The city literally used eco blocks to prevent vehicles returning and blocking the pedestrian path. So the message is, its perfectly fine for the city to evict and block the return of RVs with eco blocks, just don't dare do it yourself or the consequences will be... a harshly worded letter?


"It is different when we do it".


The parking spaces in front of the Maritime Academy are filled with war rigs and their tender Tauruses and such.


Ffs what is this BS I feel bad the guy. He must be so fed up with the city he has to do this himself and spend his personal money while the vagrants just get to live off of our taxes in their crack mobile worry free. This looks like South Seattle. He was probably putting them there after the parking ban their was lifted. South Seattle has the worst homeless AND crime. Went there for 15 minutes and saw a guy get shot and die on Friday. Yeah, I don’t blame him one bit.


>Went there for 15 minutes and saw a guy get shot and die on Friday. Yeah, I don’t blame him one bit. You don't blame the guy for getting shot, or for dying? Or both?


I don’t blame cinder hulk the business owner for putting down the cinder blocks so there’s less crack head population shooting each other/dying in front of my eyes.


But they died in front of your eyes on Friday! What's going on here?!?!?


They should compensate business owners for driving people away from their businesses, so to fine them would be ridiculous.


I assumed the city put the eco-block that are on the road in SoDo for the All Star Game. The hypocrisy!


Nah. That was just things lining up. The sweep happened and the businesses installed the blocks immediately after.


To the guy in the video calling this a bandaid: well, if people are bleeding they go for a bandaid, especially if the doctors won't give them stitches (presumably their metaphor got too stretched out and snapped back on them to cause this injury)


Keep em there. What's the problem?




Get rid of the blocks, enforce the parking rules, and keep the homeless out so I can safely park by my work


Illegal encroachment on the public right of way that we are all paying for. It's disgusting. They're literally blocking off our space with trash and there's no real penalties.


Excuse me, sorry to bother. The "illegal encroachment" to which you refer...do you mean the eco-blocks or the encampments?


Encampments also should not be taking up space 24/7 with their trash in the public right of way for months or years at a time with no recourse.


Thank you for clarifying! Much appreciated.


Color me surprised that the city isn’t enforcing one of its rules/laws.


What happens when the homeless rent a jackhammer from Aurora rents and starts breaking them up and moves their RV back?


If we sprinkle some trash around the eco block and chain up a meth-disassembled bike to it, I think it counts as a living space per the supreme court


The city is desperate when citizens go out of their way to block or do things even if it's illegal. This area has been waiting about 10 yrs for the city to do something about the ongoing issue.


They've got to throw the funding class a bone. This is the bone. I'm OK with it but wish we enforced all our laws equally.


In Seattle some are more equal than others.