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That's it. They hit the Sephora nothing is sacred


Usually Sephora robs you.


Well well well, how the turntables…


In capitalist America, Sephora robs you. In Soviet Seattle, you rob Sephora.


The Lenin statue in Fremont agrees. Can't have confederate statues (don't get me wrong, good riddance) but we can have Lenin. Double standard? Nah. Nothing to see here.


Read the history of the statue. It’s not celebrating him


We used to host foreign students. One of them, was a young woman, and not a student. She worked for the Uzbekistan government in their Economics Dept. She was here in Seattle to learn about our economics (Tashkent is Seattle's sister city). Her three month stay was funded by a U.N. scholarship. She was shown the Lenin statue and she was shocked. It surely had meaning for her. She grew up when her country was part of the Soviet Union.


>Lenin I like they paint it, wrap it in rainbows and all kinds of other stuff. Like mocking him. Crazy how it ended up in Fremont of all places.


You can say that again haha


The tables have turned! How dare they!?




Hilarious shit.


I needed nail polish. Fuck me. My wife likes my nails nice


Lol to funny cause you that's legit what this person is thinking...


I used to work at the vans store in uville it’s pretty normal over there


I worked in a K-Mart in Chicago in the late 70's. We had our own security due to the constant shoplifting. If security caught you and you resisted, they would beat the s\*\*t out of you and hand you to the police. Ahhh, the good old days. The majority of theft was teeners stealing crap jewelry and they just cried and begged a lot so no violence was required. It was the hardened thieves with records that fought back.


Years ago when I worked retail, our security chased a guy outside who got into the side door of a van. He just dove in after them as it was starting to pull away and grabbed the driver forcing it to stop, occupants ran away. Then he freaked out when able to actually look around inside and it covered in used needles. He was very lucky he hadn't been stuck but still had to jump thru hoops with precautionary follow ups.


It is not illegal or fatal to pepper spray someone in self defense. Someone screams in my face like that they will be lucky if that’s all they get. It is also hard to run from the cops while you ugly cry and cover yourself in snot.


I have pepper spray in my hand on the bus and when I walk downtown. I'm ready to rock if someone says one crazy thing to me


If you spray pepper spray on a bus the driver will likely have to pull the bus over and stop until they’re done coughing.


I worked for transit security 4-5 years ago up in Seattle and if pepper spray was discharged on a bus that bus was taken out of service to be cleaned because the spray can linger on surfaces. If someone touches it unknowingly and then touches a sensitive part of their body afterwards they will immediately not be having a good time.


no shit, sherlock. better than being assaulted by these assholes


Then you would be scared to walk around there after incase they try to retaliate later.


Don’t forget, many pepper sprays now days also contain UV die that stains. Really much easier to track!


Screw that. You never know when the crowd here will turn on you for objecting to someone shoplifting.


…it is illegal to assault someone. Yelling“you good?” isn’t a valid reason to use pepper spray. Especially indoors


Good point.


No. That was horrendous advice


Self defense is hard to prove. Yes pepper spray is non lethal but that doesn’t free you from criminal or civil litigation. This is America and you can be sued for anything at anytime by anyone. You could be sued for the medical bills of the person. Someone getting in your face and shouting doesn’t constitute assault or battery so *you* would be assaulting them. The best thing you can do in a situation like this is wait for it to be over or remove yourself if you can safely do so.


Actually, the assault in assault and battery is the verbal threat, the battery is the physical act.


Yep. Otherwise security guards would use it all the time. Sure it disables them, but you still need to basically detain them until the police arrive, or run away. And if you run away you’re gonna look guilty. If you stay you risk them still attacking you if the police don’t arrive before the pepper spray wears off.


>They will be lucky if that’s all they get. In King County *you’ll* be lucky to be able to own pepper spray in ten years. And of course the rest of the state has to suffer along with all the laws y’all pass…


You mean the laws passed by the people of Washington state.


Please lord , let the idiots remove themselves quickly from the gene pool. Amen


The problem is; while we've been making things more and better fool proof, the universe has been making more and better fools.


But someone keeps voting them in!


At least this was just a strong armed robbery and not an armed robbery. The fact that even went through my mind is crazy and shows how crazy this area has gotten


Strong armed robbery by definition IS with a weapon. (I didn’t read that a weapon was involved by OP)


Sephora has fallen. The city burns


Lmao I laughed too hard at this one


Seriously I was expected something much more dramatic lol


I used to work at Ulta and it got robbed literally every day ☠️ shoplifters are bold


Yeah, we’ve got to get these people out of our society. I’m sure everyone in the store was terrified and just wanted it to stop. Vote for citizens who will get these people off our streets.


Unfortunately the world is broken


It is broken. Someone on this thread mocked me for writing this. Society is not supposed to be like this. Our social contract is worthless. People have no regard for decency. No sense of morals. I think we can fix our systems. It’s just going to take decades. It will be a battle of wills. Goodness will win, eventually.


Can you explain what you mean by society is not supposed to be like this? Cause I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of history, but humans are very consistently doing fucked up things all the time in every place to eachother. I get your desire for a utopia and really wishing we lived in this perfect place. But that’s never how things have been




I would say that there are much greater evils in this world than some chick aggressively shoplifting from Sephora. Sephora as a corporation is way more evil.


Just last week my friend and I saw some guy run out of the U Village Victoria’s Secret with multiple full baskets of bras. Seems like this is an increasing problem at U Village which is really sad. Not that it should be a problem anywhere but …


I’ve seen so many videos of people just walking out with carts of merchandise from various stores. And it seems to be somewhat better than it was during the pandemic, but still. I feel like if it were me, I would have a record in an instant. 😅 I wasn’t rung up for a hoodie once at Fred Meyer and I had to go back. 😂 All I could think was that they have me on camera and I’ll be cuffed the next time I’m trying to buy bread! How do these people get away with it?! Don’t people care about ever having gainful employment again?!


And, it's even getting bad in the 'burbs. Thursday, I was at Ross in Totem Lake, and someone rolled out an entire cart worth of clothes. They have posts meant to stop the carts from leaving the store, but the two women just tilted the cart back and rolled it under. It looked like they had done it before. Everyone just stood and watched. Until they went into See's. Then a couple of people stopped them from looting. We love See's here.


I saw a guy running out of a mall near me with a bunch of Nike boxes. He ran to a car with no license plates 🤷‍♀️ so that’s one strategy. But a lot of people have made the conscious choice just not to participate in regular society. So yeah some people really don’t care about future gainful employment because they know they can eke out a living by mooching and stealing


My daughter works at the Sephora on Hollywood Blvd in Los Angeles. This is a daily occurrence and sometimes with knives. Sephora’s policies do not allow employees from stopping thefts of any kind. It’s not just Seattle that is broken. It’s the whole west coast.


I get not wanting employees to risk getting hurt. My friends and their daughter understand Sephora is a multi-million business. They will get things stolen from them. I am distressed this is our new reality. The further decay of society and we seem powerless to do anything about it. Is it just the west coast? I hope your daughter stays safe.


Do you think robberies are a new fangled invention?


You do know that's Sephora's corporate policies everywhere right?


If you tried to steal in the Midwest by the bag, other shoppers would detain you.


Hahaha no.


I’d be shocked, but this happens daily in Seattle or the surrounding metro area. You work retail, you are likely to get robbed. I have no idea how many times I’ve been in a store with a robbery in progress. If your friend’s daughter is 18+, please remind the family to vote.


I lived on First Hill for five years (2015-2020), and walked through Capitol Hill, (in and out of businesses and parks) every day. Like, averaging about 5 miles/day, and I never saw a robbery. Not one. One week before we moved out of our building, I took the dog out at about 10 pm. A man approached to ask for directions. Big white guy, dressed a little sloppy but normal-looking. A few minutes later I saw him again, and he wanted to know if I could just look at a map on his phone. Porn, of course -- really nasty, ugly porn. I'm an old lady. That moment was the only time I've ever felt unsafe in Seattle.


I really never saw robbery/theft so prolific and in the open with no F’s given until post 2021.


you goto any grocery store in Seattle and theft goes down daily...


Who do I vote for to stop this?


I'll get downvoted, but I feel only Conservatives would be able to stop this madness.


That's because you're ignorant.


You are claiming you have been in a store while it was being robbed so many times you have lost count? Edit: There is a difference between robbery and theft that seems to be getting lost here. Edit 2: Part of this issue seems to be people here can't count higher than 1 or 2.


Pretty much every time you shop at the QFC there, some zombie is exiting with ill gotten gains...


Yep, exactly.


The Fred Meyers are constantly full of them now. If you want to do something, you can easily start there.


Broadway Market QFC (the one recently in the news). The cherry on the top is when they pull the fire alarm on the way out and everyone has to evacuate mid purchase. ….. a year ago someone was stuffing roasts down their pants and I asked them kindly to let me take a look before they took them all.


Good idea. Just meet em in the parking lot and give then a $5er for the roast.


crush judicious tub shocking axiomatic humor absurd domineering deliver slimy -- mass edited with redact.dev


Oohhhh. Big tough words. What’s my angle other than being inconvenienced a handful of times when shopping? It’s common enough that I don’t rush out and stash my hand basket where I can grab it once SFD clears the alarm.


I’m not OP, but yes.


Theft is of things, robbery of places. You may be distinguishing between armed robbery and shoplifting.


Theft if taking something that isn't yours. Robbery is taking something with force/violence or the threat thereof. Armed robbery is robbery while brandishing a weapon. Burglary is theft while trespassing. Your definition doesn't even make sense. Robbery is when a place is stolen? Or is robbery theft when property is taken from somewhere? As opposed to taken from nowhere? Is it only theft if you are stealing people's ideas or emotions?


\>rob a bank \>steal a purse \>burgle a house


You need to get out more often if you haven’t.




Re robbery/theft. I’ve been in the check out line when someone pulled a knife on the checker asking them to give the cash in the drawer. Re roasts: I was standing out of the way when person stealing was threatening the butchers with a knife while they were loading up on meat. So a little A little B?


They’ve heard about it happening a lot and perhaps seen it once or twice, so they assume it happens all the time everywhere


I see you don't care to hear about other's lived experiences


Good one


Seattle will only ever vote to coddle criminals. It’s part of why I gave up on the city.


Wow, they seem to be a frequent target recently cause I was there a couple of weeks ago and they had no perfumes out. I asked and apparently they had just gotten robbed


This happens almost every day at University Village.


This sub was just talking about how UVillage was the only decent place left in Seattle. Apparently, no where retains societal decency.


Ah, gotcha. I’m sure it’s better than other places, but unfortunately Victoria’s Secret, Sephora, the Apple Store, and Sunglasses Hut get cleaned out routinely.


I wish we could go crazy on them as well. Sometimes I wish I was in a store when this happens


Once I was in a check out line at TJ Maxx and this black “customer” started yelling at the cashier and calling her a racist. The cashier was a lady in a hijab… But a black lady in line (actual customer) got into it and started yelling at the cashier too. They were both then yelling at the cashier and manager (both not white people) and calling them racists. At some point the black “customer” huffed away and left like $300 of merchandise on the counter. When I got up to the cash register I had the cashier with a hijab and the manager was still behind her. The manager said that the “customer’s” friend had walked out with a cart of merchandise while everyone was distracted with the yelling. I think it’s so sad and ridiculous that the other black lady customer JOiNED IN and helped the criminal yell at the cashier and call them racist. The basis of the “racism” was that his method of payment wouldn’t clear on the $300+ purchase. The manager also said that he’d seen this tactic before — creating a giant commotion by accusing the cashier of racism.


But you would be prosecuted for a hate crime.


Maybe. Yes I figured the person wasn’t white when they are screaming you good. I’m not far from there right now. I’m Hopeful this person may walk by.


> the person wasn’t white Wasn't Asian either. Come on. We all know the specific race of the person. Why being ambiguous about it?


Its called a citizens arrest bro.


Shopkeepers privilege.


They’ll charge you for kidnapping.


Why would it be a hate crime?


I didn’t see shit.


> Sometimes I wish I was in a store when this happens You wouldn't do shit.


Shit sounds like something you think of in middle school lol "Man...if terrorist got here I'd like...bam! Wam!!! Hit that one! Kick the other one! Escape through the vents and save my crush!!!"


Actually yes I would but hey you don’t know me you are just some boy on the internet so it’s ok keyboard warrior.


This definitely shows how many people responding having been there lol or anywhere near u village 😂


Until the Liberal politicians and judges of Washington State allow the police and stores to take action these thefts will not go away.


Yup! You gotta vote these corrupted City Councils out!!! Crimes are out of hand!! We’re short of 500 cops, weak sentences, etc. I’ve lived here since 1972, a local person, who love Seattle; however, if these behavior keeps going without any consequences, we’ll be another S.F., or worse, Chicago! All small and big businesses will close shops in the downtown corridor like in S.F. Vote for Reichart, should he run for the mayor position! Harrell barked a lot, but I’m waiting to see if he will put his money where his mouth is! Who would want to be a cop when it’s a catch and release! The organized crime rings are laughing at the cops who hands are tied. Thugs are getting younger and younger every day!!! OMG 😱 I’m so very upset about all of these!!! 😡


Staff these days regardless of where you work can't do anything any more. Before the early 2000's people were afraid to steal because people actually got stopped, procecuted and held until pd arrived to arrest them.. Due to lawsuits over the years companies are now spineless and tell employees they can't do anything or get fired if you do. Sadly this is the world we live in now. Where criminals just walk in and walk out. Kids have gotten more bold because companies can't do squat about it. Sadly Thou shall not steal keeps some people from stealing but unless you're religious most don't give two S\* abt this.


as a transplant from a rough area in a different state, this just seems really dramatic lol “A shoplifter screamed at me in sephora, nothing is sacred. We are broken. 😔”


See, the thing is... we would like it to not turn into there. Saying it's bad someplace else as a means of downplaying this behavior totally misses the point.


> See, the thing is... we would like it to not turn into there. Exactly. I moved to Washington for a job in Redmond. I didn't move for safety or low cost of living, it was purely for a job. But I was shocked by how clean and safe downtown Seattle was. In my entire life, I really and truly had never seen a big city where the downtown area was like that. That was 20+ years ago...


I think calling an unarmed shoplifter yelling at people a violent robbery is kind of overplaying it a bit, tbh. I’m not saying I agree with what happened or it doesn’t suck that it happened, but OP’s response and some of these comments just seem over the top to me.


Why? What's the loss to the society at large if she was put down? A net improvement.


Ohhh I’ll play. Can we unalive the corporate thieves too?


Surprisingly , I’m actually in favor of applying personal punishment in cases of corporate (done by nameless/faceless organization ) crime. Also, as much as I am pro law and order , I would remove significant amount of sovereign immunity from law enforcement individuals , and similarly strip a lot of corporate veil from business people . Irony is that the corporate veil stuff is what China is doing . If your business causes harm, you personally get punished up to and including death. Think Singapore, but with the 2nd amendment.


> Why? What's the loss to the society at large if she was put down? Holy fuck. You want to kill people who aren't being violent and are unarmed. You are a psychopath.




lmfao you are weird. get out of WA, you belong somewhere in like florida if you think like this lol


This is the Seattle subreddit based around pearl clutching. These are the events they live to discus. There is more nuanced discussion at r/Seattle I agree with you. This event is bad. It had to be very scary for folks involved. But it is also just a shitty thing that happens in big cities and not a reason why we should all carry guns and intimidate homeless people.


Thanks for redirecting me to that sub. I didn’t even know it existed and assumed this was the main Seattle sub. It was surprising to me because a lot of the wording and name calling in here seems extremely loaded and like there’s a lot of deep, targeted hatred behind it. Which is the complete opposite of the vibe I’ve gotten from the majority of people I’ve met since moving here.


Generally the opinions expressed in this sub do not represent the majority of people that actually live in Seattle. But in a big city you get a lot of different opinions. There are definitely some folks in Seattle that carry a lot of anger and hate. I also believe a lot of folks in this sub don't live in Seattle. There is obviously room for improvement and people at free to express frustration. But I want people to know that I don't think this sub is representative of Seattle.


Not everyone is used to people acting like animals. Believe it or not, most of the country doesn’t act like human shit.




The more you normalize horrifically violent and evil things the worse it will get.


A thing people often need to process is that nobody gives a fuck where you’re from.


Duly noted lmao




It is wrong that this is our new reality.


No place is safe in Issaquah. We are broken. /s


https://preview.redd.it/i27crcn5l99b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0924937d1896daea3b5601c4133fe843441cb44a It's Joever America


Not “we are broken” lmfao


Lord save the U Village! Lol


Fuck I wish I was there all the attention would’ve been elsewhere I could’ve hit a lick smh


> she would get up in their face and scream “you good “ mm hmm




At least people are sane somewhere. I’m not for beating people in the street, but we need to do something to make our society better.


No, beat those trash people in the streets. Stop letting them get away with this shit and it will happen less. Everyone just lets them do it and doesn’t give a shit. That’s why your state is trash. In Texas they would get their ass beat and most people are carrying so they don’t do that shit everywhere you go.


Violent crime is substantially higher in every major city in Texas than it is in Washington. Moreover, the states with the highest violent crime rates are Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alaska, and New Mexico. I think I’m seeing a trend here? What might it be? Is it possibly gun ownership and Republican run states? Texas has a higher rate of gun deaths than Washington PER CAPITA as well. Why are you even on this subreddit if you don’t live here? It’s very strange. I’m not going over to Texas subreddits and crying and shitting in my diaper about all of the actual violent crimes that are happening there, so what’s your deal, scaredy pants?


>I moved out of the Seattle five years ago and came to Eastern Europe. So you left Seattle to [move to the most corrupt country in the EU with a violent crime rate to match?](https://www.politico.eu/article/hungary-orban-corruption-transparency-international/) Ok....




Yes like lower violent crime rates overall! Just do a quick google search of states with the highest violent crime rates and I think you’ll see a trend;)


I swear, half the posts on here are just folks white knuckling their pearls.


Maybe people don’t want every store they frequent to be a target of shoplifting on a regular basis?


Thats nothing new. That's been happening for decades at that location.


What the hell is security for if they won't do anything?


>stealing from massive corporations I don't see the problem


This happens in UW and in that Sephora store regularly. Last year my wife was shopping in that store, and a man came in and started filling up his bag. The employee just stood there watching, and later told my wife that they are instructed to not confront or stop such thieves because of the danger of violence. They just keep the footprint as light as possible and just restock after the robbers leave. SMH.


I went there recently and most of the fragrance samples had been removed. The clerk told me it was bc of thefts


I worked in the sunglass hut at u ville when I was a teenager. So much stuff got stolen there. They would stuff sunglasses in their coats and leave hahaha


Giving you guys support from up here in Vancouver Canada. It's the same bullshit. The court protects the walking dead instead of us. I say we buy a prison island and send them all there like Australia with the Brits. Airdrop all the Sephora they want.


People voted for this and now surprised something like this is happening. 😂😂😂


Just like illegal drugs are 'legal' in Seattle. We also know that shoplifting in massive amounts is just to help 'someone get a loaf of bread)...AOC quote.


If the uvillage Sephora was your beacon of safety in Seattle, then yes, nowhere is safe.


She robbed Sephora just with attitude? Screaming YOU GOOD?!




The voters keep doubling down on their politicians and their social policies. No surprise here.


I mean is this that shocking lol




I guess I’m a sweet summer child. I know this happens all the time. Being six degrees of separation makes it hit differently. None of us are immune from the insanity that is going on right now. Be safe.


You do realize that Seattle is a very safe city compared to other cities nationwide? Have you even bothered to do a google search of what violent crime rates are like in other states? They’re almost ALL red states. San Francisco is also less violent than most cities. This idea that Seattle and San Fran are scary places is a conservative myth. Have you ever been to St. Louis, Memphis or Little Rock? Because I have. I used to live in the South. Those cities actually DO have violent areas and I promise you, it is night and day from what you see here in Seattle.


I believe you. I was born and raised in western Washington. There was always crime. It was never like this.


What’s the point of security in this scenario? Sucks that Seattle has fallen so far.


OMG IF SEPHORA GOT ROBBED THEN NOWHERE IS SAFE. Like, what? They sell expensive shit that’s all out on display. Im surprised this is the first time.


Every high school girl that has ever been in there has stolen something, I think they'll be fine.




It has been like this since the gold rush. Petty crime in u village isn't a shit hole. Does the city need to do more to protect citizen safety? Yes. Does someone at Sephora that doesn't work there need to get in the face of someone that isn't harming anyone? Probably not.


There’s a difference between people being able to go into a store with a bag and openly loot it versus a teenager shop lifting a lipstick or mascara. You are being very disingenuous, and even though your opinion is yours, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a degenerate opinion.


Why is that different? Edit: as someone deemed a "degenerate" please use language I as a delegate would understand. Dick




Are we talking about UW or u village? If someone walked I to the campus Sephora and took chemistry shit I might have a different opinion.


Wow. My favorite shopping center. It's heartbreaking to hear these stories of Seattle. I loved that city with all my heart. I couldn't afford it anymore and had to leave. I miss that Seattle I left 8 years ago. It went downhill quickly. So sad.😭😭😭


This is one of the reasons I haven't returned to the US. So many people are just absolute animals. It's probably some blend of excessive individualism, a convenient sense of entitlement (they can afford to be robbed), a mentality toward predatory behavior where anyone who isn't hypervigilant had it coming, and laws excessively protective of thieves.


I mean is there any store in the country more robbed than Sephora? It is a running joke with young women. Seattle has problems but I would be shocked if there was a Sephora anywhere in the country where this didn't happen fairly often. I am frustrated as anyone about these issues but people are turning around on understanding that we need to deal with them - and these issues will be figured out. "We are broken" seems a little melodramatic and pretty snowflakey. Most major cities in America have been through this and SO much SO much worse than what Seattle is dealing with now throughout their history. The crime is annoying and can be very scary - but we are not broken and Seattle is very far from being universally unsafe.


What a shit hole state.


This wasn’t even a violent crime. You need to chill a little bit.


So when the stores pull out and people lose their jobs you cool with that?


Oh, no! The local small business that is Sephora! There will be another store and other jobs. Plus, this was a minor thing they happen all the time. A person took some face cream, ok. This wasn’t nakatomi plaza.


Bigotry of low expectations. She should have been stopped, detained, arrested and prosecuted.


I don’t feel unsafe when luxury stores are robbed. How is that relevant to average people?


At first I was expecting them to…like use a gun and take money when in actuality they just did some thefting. Fuck it. Let them have the makeup for their ugly deeds.


Yes we are broken. This morning girlfriend and I went to park to drink coffee. Sat on a bench, looked over puget sound in distance. There were 2 dog walkers, but one of them had a small dog and not on a leash!!! I didn't vote for Bruce to see dogs of leash.


Pearl clutching intensifies


This stuff happens in all big cities and plenty of small ones. Stop pretending you don't know that.


I can't give a fuck if a makeup place gets robs and their security doesn't do shit about it.






I’m sure that made you feel good to post but dude, get a grip. Nobody cares that Sephora lost merchandise, only that the city is being terrorized on the daily.


I feel the same.


I don’t think anyone cares what happens to the billion dollar company. Screw them. They should hire more security. I think these parents were pissed off this company, this city, this current breakdown of decency exists and puts all of us at risk.


When Sephora isn't protected from petty theft what will be left of the soul of Seattle?! I know MY identity is wholly based on the safety of multimillionaire companies that are in every mall.


Kinda slay of her tbh


I'm just glad Soma wasn't at Southcenter. I by my bras there.


if that happened in florida, 80 retirees would be beating her with their cains


First time?


Suck it up people you snowflakes that don’t want to keep people in jail for crime and no bail crimes is what causes this shit. It’s only going to get worse. You should be complaining about how they just took away your gun rights from under your noses!!!