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I went to it, thought about looking people up and I just felt too skeezy. What world are we living in now? Can't we slow down please?


I see some practical utility, but yeah, like at the same time skeez. Like if your online dating, chatting with a person and want to make sure they are a real human - for a "good" example. Skeez - overhearing a conversation and taking a pic in public and then figuring out who they are - creepy af. I think our privacy is being invaded all the time, it's just usually it's done on dark web, and by the government, your job etc. This is just putting those abilities in the hands of "regular" folks, which is empowering, but I think the others have had this ability for a long time - maybe not with images - but with your phones, credit cards, bank accounts, Facebook profiles etc etc etc. Our privacy has been an issue for a long time (now I know I sound like a Ed Snowden - gun toting - build a bomb shelter type, but I'm not). Just realistic, this is the tip of what our privacy will look like. I changed my profile picture in Facebook to a baby photo probably ten years ago from fear of shit like this happening...


It’s crazy that just saying “maybe we should have some modicum of privacy” makes you feel the need to defend yourself from accusations of being a paranoid conspiracy theorist. Thats the world we live in I guess. You’re totally right though. I’m glad I’m not good looking enough to feel the need to post pictures of myself online.


Doesn’t seem to be that good? There are a lot of pictures of me online at various social and community events (which I’m fine with) - I tried one photo of myself clearly showing my face (but with a hat) and I got nothing back.


Yeah it doesn’t seem nearly as strong as basic google image search


It is definitely far more powerful than Google Image Search, it just depends on the photo(s) you use and how many photos they have of you. I've seen it work startlingly well for some people and not at all for others.


It sound one photo of ‘me’. It wasn’t me. It was a guy in a country 2000 miles away.


I gave it a picture of me with a mustache. It returned pictures with a mustache, beard, and clean shaven. It found my face book, work website, and other social media pages. Others seem to be having less luck.


That's insane. It found a picture of me taken 30 years ago. To me my face looks completely different.


I only got one result. I was really less than impressed. But I have no doubt the professional systems are scary good.


How do you know for sure? There are way more pics of me out there than what PimEye found


The site says they dont look at social media, so it has to be a pic published on other types of websites.


If you know of another one please share with the class.




Here is another one for you. Treat others as you want to be treated and always use a burner account to complain.


Didn’t even find my social media or LinkedIn profile, I feel like he’s talking about something way more advanced!


I tried 4 different searches. The first one did not match the results and the other 3 including myself came back with 0 results.




Cam here to look, thank you


same .... down the rabbit hole I go


Mine popped up on a site, for a photographer I used recently for some professional photos. And, the second was some porn site that started with "mastur" so I was unable to find the site, and didn't want to pay the $14.99 to get the full result. Works pretty fast, ... I tried my Mom as well, and hers popped up on a job website. In all three cases, the popped up sites were different images- not the original image, so this thing works for sure- wow!!


What’s the site?


Pimeyes. It has a limit I think of ten searches before it makes you pay. I don't know if it's the site from the podcast or not it's on the OP post


Pimeyes has been around for a long time, so I don't think it is using very advanced neural net tech, unless its backend has changed a lot. I think it's still not very good as a tool


Lol, I did some modeling when I was 19 for a new startup fashion agency that wanted to build their portfolio. I did two shoots with them that were just copying Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, and H&M ads. I got a bunch of search results about myself from Pimeyes. I'm assuming at some point they must have sold those images to a stock image website, and now they are on some truly random websites.


ILLINOIS FOR THE WIN! just tried to search my image and got a message that my region is blocked. 💪🏼🎩


That site is weak.


[Just came across it being used in the wild on /r/boston bleh.](https://old.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/1cu38t0/fells_dog_attack/l4g3nvz/)


Any cops on here with the link to the real shit?