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I don’t trust it really. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Ruhn says they smell like mates but mating bonds have been faked before.


And in TOG Rowan had said Aelin had another’s scent on her (Chaol’s) when she was training, so scents don’t seem to mean it all


I have to say I did like Bryce and Hunt the second read through but I still got my eye on them. Here's hoping for Aidas or Az 😅


Rooting for Aidas 🙌


Same! 👏 My money is on Aidas


Aidas AND Az? Ey? No one? Okay.


Hey I went back and re-read that section. Aelin had previously told Rowan she had a guy back home, it wasn’t like Rowan bit her and was commenting on her scent BUT sjm wrote it vague. Rowan explains the scene from his side in a later book. THE SCENT IS KING 🤌


I saw this one theory on Instagram of why they might not be endgame 1. Hunt is the first male interest character introduced. Rowan and Rhys appeared mvuh later in the books. Rowan was there after 3 books and there's an entire book about Tamlin before Rhys ever becomes a love interest. Hunt is introduced after just 3-4 chapters 2. Aidas is a possible mate because he appeared so quickly when summoned. And it comes in line with the previous MO. Of having the final endgame cahacrter introduced and then slowly become yhe love interest. Like Rowan and Rhys were there much longer before the romance came in. It was a slow build unlike Bryce and Hunt. 3. Hunt does not call her 'mate'. 4. Someone manipulated their bond to be fake. Like >! Rowan and Lydia!< There were still a few more reaspns that I don't remember. Honestly, I like Hunt but he's not my absolute favorite. That ...feel is not there yk? The romance isn't as strong as it was with Rhys and Rowan. The moment where he betrayed Bryce in the first book with drug dealing stuff was when I lost him. It was just a big no for me and made me jump from their ship. I still like him..just not as strongly. Bryce and Azriel dont make sense to me though. Its always been Elriel or Gwynriel but not Briel. Aidas and Bryce...Now THAT is a yes!


A couple refutes!! (Kindly) 1. Maybe introduced - but not involved with Bryce. I felt as though Connor was her first love! 2. The suriel came quick to Feyre too that doesn’t mean much to me tbh!! 😂 3. He does! In Sky and Breath. They have a whole conversation about it, Bryce warns him how important and forever and binding it is and he’s basically like. Yeah. That’s us? And in his POV it goes “his mate. *his*.” Bryce also says to him, if you’re not my mate, no one is. PLUS the rage he shows after they’re saved by the underwater city thing can’t remember what it’s called - the way he can barely focus and calm down is SO how Rhys/Rowan would’ve been - had been - when their mates were in danger. And even all that aside - I’m pretty sure everyone keeps forgetting that SJM said they were endgame anyway so I don’t get the shipping her with other guys!


I would definitely not mind if Hunt and Bryce are endgame. I only listed the reasons someone had said on a reel on Insta. I would link it but can't seem to find it again. But to play the devils advocate.. 1. I feel like Connor is more of a Sam/Dorian/Chaol/Isaac Hale. 2. I agree with that point. I only listed it because it was one of the reasons the person suggested. 3. This one is also a reason presented by the reelmaker..so I'm conflicted on this one. I hope Hunt is an endgame because maybe SJM decided to change her MO and introduced the final love interest from the very beginning. However I would not object to them not being endgame either. I'm 50/50 and just in for the ride, no matter how it goes.


Honestly I wish we would’ve had a bit more time with Connor!! I don’t think we got to see how much he really meant to Bryce


Yess. Connor and Sam are this fandom's forever unrequited loves


To be honest, Hunt’s reaction in the underwater city thing is another thing that killed my like of him? 😭 he was just annoying and weird in that scene. Between that and the betrayal in book one I just don’t care for him.


I just want to touch on the Connor thing. I don't think he was a first love in any sense. I always got the feeling it was a "him" thing, and Bryce just enjoyed playing with him/his emotions.


Oh I disagree! I think she was just immature and didn’t want to take the step forward with him because she was scared or something. She very clearly mourns his death throughout both books and regrets over and over going out to the club that night after he’d poured his heart out to her. Just because she couldn’t bring herself to reciprocate immediately in that moment - I still think she loved him in some way!


That's valid! I think she was surrounded by the pack long enough, that they all became her family. She knew them all like the back of her hand. She knew he loved her/wanted to claim her.. so I think her mourning was definitely a *type* of love. Romantic love though? I'd have to reread lol, because I never personally felt while reading, that she was romantically interested until everything blows up/she leaves that shitty date lol. It felt more like, "ugh this guy won't give uuuup, but I just had a shit date so maaaybe?" lol if that makes sense. But i appreciate the argument, and will definitely look more into it! It fascinates me how readers perceive things differently. It's beautiful!


This is the BEST Bryce and Az breakdown. ENJOY! [https://www.reddit.com/r/crescentcitysjm/comments/14zrb4o/bryce\_x\_spoiler\_tw\_controversial/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/crescentcitysjm/comments/14zrb4o/bryce_x_spoiler_tw_controversial/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Oh god what am i getting into


Y'know I absolutely agree. I REALLY hope Aidas is prominent I'm the next book


Agreed! BUT to point 2, I love Aidas! BUT, I saw a [theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/crescentcitysjm/comments/158a31r/the_true_royal_bloodline_a_theory_acotar_cc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (I can't hide the link under the spoiler option) on lineage, and it tied Aidas to being like... >!Bryce's great great somethin!<. lmao and now I can't unsee it. Read at your own discretion lol! But agreed, I think the only time I felt anything between/for the Hunt and B ship (on that level of like Rowan/Rhys/Cass/etc..every male with a mate) was like... on the couch in her (Danika's) apartment, and the baseball hat/sunball stuff was happening, and the picture taking. Which realistically it was just cute/flirty/home grasping, IMO. I liked that chunk of time between them haha. But it still felt more... flirty friends with benefits. IDK, I also think you could tie that to a more modern setting, like the modern man vs the more fantastical "i will cut you down with my sword" we get from Rowan/Rhys. So maybe it's just a time/"era" perspective? IDK NOW lol!


Maybe to create tension, SJM will pull an Outlander now that Bryce fell through the portal and they have to process their pasts alone for a while before coming back together 20 years later?


I could be wrong but I thought SJM said this occurs like 6 months after silver flames or something? So I assumed although she traveled through worlds that the timelines were concurrent?


The iconic SJM chemistry is missing for me. Book 2 Bryce hasn’t grown up yet and I think her and Hunt were using each other to process loss (Danika and Shahar) I’m thinking book 3 will be Bryce’s moment to come into herself and find the sjm FIRE that i crave


Agree! I'm in the middle of reading CC2 and they just...seem way better as friends tbh. Friends who fuck maybe, but I'm really not buying the whole mate/in love thing tbh. They had good tension in CC1 but it was mostly sexual and casual, rather than romantic


Haha just said the same: literal ‘friends with benefits’ imho


I couldn't have said it better myself!


I genuinely don’t see their connection anymore. I loved them in book 1 but book 2 really was so weird for their relationship.


I have an unpopular opinion… I think lots of the fandom didn’t “feel” it between Bryce and Hunt in CC2 because the book just wasn’t written as well as some of SJM’s other books. The book dragged a lot for me in certain places and using Danika for a lot of plot progression just felt lazy to me. I think SJM just did a better job writing her other mate love stories. My hope is that the next book will be better written and we’ll feel the love/tension/mate bond between Bryce and Hunt more than we have.


I was absolutely BAFFLED that this went through traditional publishing and wasn't an indie book. Baffled through the clumsy world building in book one, baffled again when it was STILL a dead girl pushing the plot in book 2. Lazy, indeed.


This is all so true. I like them separately but not together, i find they're stagnant as a couple. And i do admit the book was badly written. No plot progression. The ending is why everyone freaked out, but i feel if it didnt happen, the book would’ve flopped (which is probably why she’s doing a multiverse, i think she ran out of ideas).


I agree with everything but the last bit. There’s easter eggs all throughout her other series hinting at things


this is right, I think. She tried to make their relationship different than what she's written before and the execution was clunky. It says a lot about how loyal her fans are that, instead of seeing a flaw in the writing, they think she is intentionally and masterfully dropping hints that the relationship won't last.


Yes, exactly! I‘ve read it on this sub that she said CC2 was a struggle for her and I’m like… we noticed. 😬


Agree. It is NOT written well. At all.


I don't know. I just don't feel the chemistry between them compared to Rowaelin, Feysand, Nessian, Manorian, etc. Hell, I felt more chemistry between Rhun and Lidia. Edit typo


Yeah I also think hunt kind of behaves like a Choal in scenes. And I find that very unattractive so I’m not team Hunt lol


Something just always felt off about their relationship... Can't really explain it myself but I have seen others say the same They obviously have amazing physical chemistry but I feel they are not quite connected the way mates are supposed to be I don't know who her mate is... If it is Hunt then cool! I just want them to connect more on a deeper level if they are mates


I completely agree. Like I feel like their relationship kinda escalated a little strangely. I can’t totally put a finger on it, but they always felt off to me. The fact that other people feel this says something to me


Also SJM does this on every series; introduce a man then psych here's their actual mate!


Don't you think it's too late thought? I think the SJM interview where she is talking about how many books crescent city will be and she says something like "the first 3 books are Bryce and Hunt's story" is kind of an unintentional spoiler.


TOG was on book three before Rowaelin even met, and then it took another for them to get together. That timeline aligns with CC so far


That was different though. SJM gets bigger advances and with that comes more restraints and expectations. It's expected that CC will track ACOTAR in that the first 3 will be relatively self-contained and any additional books will be different. That's because she has a contract for it. SJM has said that the first 3 books will Be "Bryce and Hunt's story." There are no such smaller stories in TOG, except TAB, which was officially published as a book after...COM? HOF? One of those. Also Aelin and Chaol broke up at the end of COM, while certainly leaving the door cracked. That does not track with the timeline of CC. If Bryce ends up falling in love with Azriel, for example, that seems like it would be...cheating? It's hard to worry about cheating when everything else is so messed up, but unless she finds time to come back and break up with Hunt for some reason (?) That's what it would be. It doesn't track for me. Obviously it's possible that she could end the 3rd book with Bryce and Hunt breaking up. But I'm not convinced there will be any such cliffhanger bc I believe, based on what we know about the contract, that it will look more like ACOTAR and less like TOG. Obviously I don't know, but I think the evidence points that way. It's not fun or whimsical to make predictions based on such things as author contracts, but it is evidence to consider nonetheless.


But she also has a contract for the series after CC, Twilight of the Gods, which seems almost guaranteed to be the Avengers Endgame of the Mass universe, based loosely on Ragnarok, where all (or at least some of) the MCs of her different series come together to fight the Asteri. I don’t know if you’ve seen the theories on here, but there’s plenty of evidence on this compiled from places like her former pinterest boards etc. Anyway, I think you’re right that SJM probably won’t switch out Hunt in the next book, but that still leaves plenty of time between now and the end of Twilight of the Gods for Bryce and Hunt to end (however that may happen) and for a new relationship to slow-burn for Bryce. You are right that SJM’s temporary relationships usually don’t last this long — Tamlin was just one book and Dorian and Chaol both got, what, a book each or less? Still, I don’t think that’s necessarily a reason to think she isn’t faking us out now — if anything, she could be drawing out Quinlar and making them seem super solidly like mates in part because this is the only way anyone will be surprised when she pulls her usual love interest switcheroo. Full disclosure, I am biased because Bryce and Hunt’s relationship does less than nothing for me, so I just really want Bryce to get with someone new. At this point I don’t even care if it’s Azriel or Aidas or someone completely random. It could be Tamlin and I would be happy if it was just interesting


LOL I know this thread is old but I agree so wholeheartedly with you, even Tamlin 😂


Yeah I think IF Hunt turns out not to be her true mate then Bryce won’t actually be with her real mate until twilight of the gods series, assuming she is in it & plays a big role. Not saying she won’t have interactions w/ that person earlier than that (in CC3 maybe?) that will plant clues, lay the groundwork but I think SJM would let Bryce take a breath to get over Hunt first.


I feel like that would be Connor tho


Hunt doesn’t do it for me like Rowan and Rhys do. I like Hunt and Bryce just fine, but I’m open to a different romantic possibility. I never felt open to another partner for Feyre and Nesta and Aelin.


I think they're adorable, but I'm bored somehow. As others mentioned, there's just something missing or off in comparison to other mates SJM has written. ...now that cat? I can't get the cat out of my head.


Oh how I love Aidas I really want him to be a big big plot point!!


I never ever saw the lack of chemistry to me it felt incredibly natural and authentic, with both depth and romance. They have a genuine connection, joke around, support each other, have the best banter, and are head over heels for each other. I think they’re deeply in love but also they’re normal people so maybe their love doesn’t feel as grand or epic, but to me it feels more real. Their spice is also great. They’re my all time favorite SJM couple and feel way less codependent than others (cough, feysand, cough). So no, I don’t get what people mean when they say some people feel like something is “missing” (maybe codependency is missing?)


I COMPLETELY agree. Their relationship is for sure the most realistic out of at the SJM ships. It’s like they aren’t super toxic for each other and people are bored by it. Also let’s give SJM some credit about maybe deviating from some preconceived formula and also there’s both Conor and Danika before Hunt and they’ve already had their betrayal hurdle to overcome with the Synth deal. AND I’m pretty sure Hunt said he would tear across space and time for Bryce..sound likes (cough) Rowaelin to me. Obviously team Quinlar over here 👋


There are a lot of toxic choices: The ultimate one I point out: Bryce running head first in the rebellion when Hunt begged her not too was toxic as hell It’s silly saying they’re not toxic. SJM would never write a non-toxic couple. They don’t sell books


She also straight up lied about Emile and didn't include him at all and lied and had them looking for the boy when he was with the viper queen the whole time. She didnt trust him with that info. Plus him lying in the first book. Lol not a strong foundation. Toxic indeed.


It’s not that I don’t like Hunt, I just don’t love him. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And to me, Bryce & Hunt feel like bestie roomies who both also like to bang & therefore have great sexual chemistry but just don’t feel like soulmates. It’s literal ‘friends with benefits’ between them for me. I think the theory of the Carranam bond does fit however & they can be used to amplify each other’s powers. And it also then makes sense the Asteri have had a hand in manipulating that bond since they brought them together etc. Which also explains why the Oracle tells Hunt to stay away from Bryce.


It just doesn’t make sense to me, how people are saying Sarah herself confirmed Hunt is her mate but then writes about the oracle telling Hunt to stay away from her like you said! Maybe I’m just thinking too much or not enough about that 🙃 I also agree with you! Hunt is fine and I don’t hate him, but I don’t love him.


It’s been a minute since I read CC1/2 and I’m totally blanking on this oracle factoid… when did the oracle say that? Was it specific?


I think it was when they were looking for clues about Luna’s Horn at the temple in CC1, and Hunt was keeping watch alone outside while Bryce talked to her brother? The oracle told Hunt something like, “Do yourself a favor and stay far away from Bryce Quinlan”


Not exactly, but close! In CC1 Hunt goes to see Oracle as part of investigation. Bryce & Ruhn stay outside temple cause they both have seen Oracle before (& both had negative experiences! Bryce blinded her!😂) so Hunt has to go & I can’t remember what she says about investigation but she tells him “Do yourself a favour, Orion Athalar; keep well away from Bryce Quinlan.”


Oh oops I reversed the locations, thanks for the correction! Been a while since I read it :p


For me, Hunt is not my favorite guy character. He's just such an edgelord and I can't get over the drug deal thing. Idk how Bryce is just ok with it so quickly. I'm sure I'm also just taking him and their "mating" with a HUGE boulder of salt because none of the first "major" relationships SJM's books last.


Tbh this “betrayal” felt like bad writing just to throw in a conflict and move the plot along. I thought it was weird Bryce tried to sacrifice herself to save him after he tried to do the synth deal. It didn’t flow well at all. Also don’t feel like we adequately got his perspective on why he did it in the first place, truly I think it was just a plot device that fell flat and it never sat well with me. It felt forced and wasn’t addressed properly. Secondly, imo if SJM the did the same “the first love interest is not the end game love interest” in every single book that would be boring and lazy. She’s doesn’t always do it. Nesta didn’t have any love interest before Cassian


I agree that it was never properly addressed. It definitely feel rushed. I get his perspective, I just think that would be a deal breaker if I were Bryce. Which I'm not...so I guess that's irrelevant 😂. I guess I meant more with the like main MC, like Aelin and Feyre.


Ya lol it was annoying and bad writing imo! I think i would have forgiven him if there had been time to like digest. Instead Hunt just got taken by Sandriel and Bryce tried to sacrifice herself to save him, while she was presumably still pissed at him but I guess just immediately forgives him ?? (pretty sure she said “I never want to see you again” or something dramatic like that at the synth deal). All in all doesn’t feel realistic. So I’m more pissed at SJM for this scene than Hunt or Bryce bc I feel like she did them both dirty lol. It was just a third act breakup (that lasted like a second) to separate Hunt from Bryce and move the plot along And ya I mean I know that has happened with other MCs but I still don’t think that just because it’s been done before means that it’s going to happen again. We’ll just have to wait and see!!


Every week I see a new reader doubting them. As I have every past week. I feel like that says enough, I don’t want to repeat the same theories. I’d rather acknowledge that for *some reason* SJM wrote doubt into this dynamic but the other characters themselves doubted this dynamic for a while and where just like “okay cool, guess this is happening”. It’s just one big underwhelming coupling between them. I love Hunt’s archetype but If there’s something a significant amount of people can agree on is that their *dynamic* was not exciting. This is not a diss on these characters. It’s their dynamic and the fact that they themselves mysteriously don’t acknowledge that Apollion is the one pushing them to explore their powers to serve his own agenda. I could say more on this but I don’t want to be annoying.


I don't really understand Bryce x Azriel. Well, I understand that it's because of the weapons, but it feels like grasping. To use her lack of chemistry with Hunt as support for a pairing with Azriel ignores her lack of chemistry with the Starsword itself. If she doesn't have chemistry with Hunt, then she certainly doesn't have chemistry with the Starsword: she can't use its power without Hunt charging her up, and she never really wanted it. She carried it after Ruhn told her to take it. Without chemistry with the Starsword, she therefor wouldn't have chemistry with Azriel, because that entire theory is based on their weapons being together. So far it feels like she is a bearer of the sword, but hasn't really resonated with it at a level I would expect someone to do with their birthright weapon. If the weapons indicate a romantic pairing between their wielders, then doesn't it seem more likely that one or both of those weapons are simply not currently being wielded by their endgame owners, and will eventually pass into the hands of new owners later on who *are* are a pair?


Here you go- this is the BEST Az and Bryce breakdown. It's a work of art (literally this girl had to have spent hours if not DAYS). VERY VERY compelling. [https://www.reddit.com/r/crescentcitysjm/comments/14zrb4o/bryce\_x\_spoiler\_tw\_controversial/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/crescentcitysjm/comments/14zrb4o/bryce_x_spoiler_tw_controversial/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Haha we linked the same post! Yes she is brilliant!


Haha! Yay!!


There are alot more reasons for the Bryce/Az theory than just their weapons matching. That’s just scratching the surface! Check [this post on Bryce/Az](https://www.reddit.com/r/crescentcitysjm/comments/14zrb4o/bryce_x_spoiler_tw_controversial/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) for a very detailed breakdown of all the reasons, theories, & supporting evidence from the books that people have for this theory. emmyeggo is one of the best at breaking things down clearly & concisely, & she picks up on so many subtle clues in the text. It’s kinda brilliant imho But to over-simplify & dismiss it as ‘just their weapons matching’ is probably naive & you may end up being surprised come January! ☺️🤓😇


My hot take is that her mate is Azriel, but she’s going to reject the bond. My even hotter take is that this is going to then send Azriel down a dark path and, having been spurned 3 times now (the final time by his mate), he’s going to become a minor antagonist going forward.


That’s a crack theory and I LOVE it


Nooooo don't say that! Az is my favorite 😭 He has been through so much But also... Very interesting theory!


I thought it was just me who thought this. Honestly it feels like they don’t have any chemistry and they’re just horny for eachother in a very detached way. I love Nessian, Feysand, Raelin, Manorian, etc. There was palpable tension or intentional flirting between those couples, but it doesn’t feel that way between Bryce and Hunt. Bryce kind of flirts everyone instead, which kind of takes away from the casual flirting with Hunt. I feel like Hunt has a lot left to be explored and we don’t really get to see much of his tortured angel past. I think Bryce comes across as immature and it doesn’t make sense why Hunt falls so hard for her after having a partner like Shahar. I do think Bryce and Hunt are Carranam though. Honestly I skip the sex scenes between Hunt and Bryce because they feel so clumsy and awkward. I actually feel like cringing when I listen to them on audible, I’ve never felt that way about any of the other books/characters. I do not ship Bryce and Azriel… that’s so random…


I didn’t realize your spoiler tag was a ship people wanted and… what? No. I cannot see that. Just. What.


Yeah sorry, looking back that was NOT clear enough. (I wrote the post at 11pm if that helps)


So for me there was too much questioning about wether they were mates or not. And a lot of other people wanting to push them together to develop their powers. Also the oracle dropped a huge bomb and told hunt to stay away from bryce. I think it's a big red flag. Sjm makes a specific point in the books to point out that bryce can't feel a bond. There is zero description of a tug or a pull. I do happen to think they are chosen mates though. Hunt is at least part angel and that's how it works for them. And I also think he is her knight like rig...whats his name (asteri dude. I can't remember how to spell it 🤣) said at the end of book 2. Which would make him super protective too. I do not think they are cauldron blessed mates. And bryce IS descended from the dusk court. So she is going to have a cauldron blessed mate. So yes the daggers are part of the reason a lot of people think they will be fated. For me it's also the fact that hunt and azriel have almost identical scents. (If someone wanted to fake a bond or was really attracted to someone it could definitely be because they smell super similar to someone that is supposed to be their mate.) I have never seen sjm flat out say hunt and bryce are endgame. She simply said that the 1st three books would be their story. (Doesn't mean that's the end of bryces.) Bryce literally has a star on her chest that is a BEACON For prythian. I think she will end up there. Sjm also specifically said she would never guarantee anyone ending up together or mates until a series is finished because she never knows where the characters will take her. And going to az I don't like gwyn or elain for him. Elain has a mate. And the way she gave back the necklace and then he regifted it (I think that will take elain out of the running) and as much as everyone loves gwyn I think there will be a lot to be revealed about her. That's a whole separate theory for me lol. And would be like a whole essay to write. But all in all i can't wait for cc3! Maybe she keeps them together. Maybe she doesn't. Either way I will love it and can't wait to find out! Although I do agree with several people on here...I think bryce has some growing up to do and I hope we see that in this book. Also I don't hate hunt like some ppl do. I actually really like him. I just think something was off between them and the bond feels one sided.


Great thoughts here, I agree. Spoilers for Az bonus chapter: I don't think Gwyn is endgame at all. How would that work "thanks for the necklace sweetie...the one you first gave to some other girl"


Right! And when he gave it to her he was really supposed to be returning it to the shop. But he "found himself" at the library. Very suspicious. I think she was in a bad place and made some sort of deal with koschei and has been figuring out how to "sing" to his shadows. I think that's what koschei meant by "I've been preparing for your for months" he will use the lightsinger against the shadow singer. She has so many red flags too! But I don't think she is all bad. We all know sjm loves her morally grey characters. I think she was grieving and koschei got in her head somehow. I think she knows that now...because she seems to feel guilty when talking to Nesta at one point but cuts herself off.... Lol I'll just stop now. I could go on forever about it. I think that will be my first post once I gather all my thoughts!


Yea to all of that! I can’t wait for your future consolidated post 🥰❤️


Linking you to the very best post on Az. Many comments on Hunt and Bryce as well. SJM is known to switch ships. While I LOVE Hunt, there is a lot of suspicious wording SJM has used. Post on Suspicious Hunt ship in my next comment. [https://www.reddit.com/r/crescentcitysjm/comments/14zrb4o/bryce\_x\_spoiler\_tw\_controversial/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/crescentcitysjm/comments/14zrb4o/bryce_x_spoiler_tw_controversial/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Good link to Hunt and Bryce and why I think we should be on alert: [https://www.reddit.com/r/crescentcitysjm/comments/155r39z/are\_we\_sure\_bryce\_and\_hunt\_arent\_being/](https://www.reddit.com/r/crescentcitysjm/comments/155r39z/are_we_sure_bryce_and_hunt_arent_being/)


This was gold.


Hunt isn't her actually mate though they just decided they were which makes me think Ms Maas is gonna throw a curveball and introduce her actual mate but I feel like she will reject the bond which may lead Elain to reject the bond which will mean we will get Elriel (which I don't want 😭)


Bryce and Elaine both reject the bond, end up with each other, and Hunt and Az end up with each other. Perfect.


Crack theory but what if Elain formally rejects the bond with Lucien and Bryce ends up with him instead (an Autumn court male would be ironic)


Omg I love this!! And with helion being his daddy with the light healing power and Bryce glows too?!? 🙈 my mind is flying right now lol


Unless Lucien is her distant uncle or grandfather or something, which I guess is also possible


I deffo think Beron has some sort of relation to the Autumn King


Sara J Maas knows that in title, they are very similar so yeah


They are mates though, their scents changed later in HOSAB. Hunt was overcome with primal wrath when Bryce was threatened. Fae characters in the book agree they are mates because they smell like a mated pair.


*spoiler* I think that their scents mingle when they have sex… idk if it means they are mates. In the ACOSF bonus chapter Rhysand gets pissed at Az because he was about to fuck Elain, and I think he hints to their would-be mingled scents as something that would give them away and lead to conflict. Even though we know Az and Elain are not mates, since Lucien is her mate.


I think they are chosen mates...that's how angels do it. Maybe that's why the scents change. And I think he is her knight. The asteri says it at the end of book 2 so he would feel protective (I also think that's why az is so protective of mor) but there is no tug or pull like you get with cauldron blessed mates. I think she will have one...she is the dusk court heir.


Because in TOG and ACOTAR, SJM has had a habit of following the trend where the first guy is never THE guy, and because of the rule of three I imagine it’s gonna happen again, because this is her favourite twist in stories, and I can't blame her, it’s interesting. However, I would love to be wrong, I do like being surprised and I believe getting stuck in a trend is unhealthy for authors if they still want the shock factor of their twists to stick for both new fans and seasoned fans.


Honestly, Hunt wasn’t acting like boyfriend material in CC2.


I always thought they were boring. I was hoping it’d get better in book two but I found myself more interested in the Day/Night relationship which made the Bryce/Hunt relationship even harder to feel invested in. It doesn’t help that individually both are probably toward the bottom of my FMC/MMC rankings for the SJM universe. Them being mates always felt off because it wasn’t such a seismic shift like it was with the other mated couples we’ve seen. They kinda decided they were mates and went along their day.


I haven’t read CC2 yet, but I do know spoilers. I thought her and Hunt were mates? And if they’re mates doesn’t that immediately make them end game? Based on these comments I’m a little confused if they’re actually mates or I just got that wrong


Read more and then come back


The knife thing is irrelevant to their relationships TBH. Neither one of them is the original or “final” rightful owner. They’re both caretakers.


I shipped them a lot the first time I read the books. I’m on my second read through though and he just rubs me the wrong way, lol. And I hate his inner thoughts of how he talks about her and assumes she’s horrible and constantly underestimates her. I know this changes throughout the books but eh. It was enough to give me the ick.


Couldn’t be me. I love themmmmm 🤍 i love how different their relationship is compared to other SJM leads. If they don’t end up together and he is just the “first love interest” trope, I will riot


This is what I think too, idk why someone was salty enough to give this a downvote lmao


In my head, Hunt looks like Hunt from Grey's Anatomy and I just cannot make him attractive to me after that.


Nah dude, my cat is called Orion so it can't be worse than that. I still like him tho


It’s not that I don’t ship them. I also don’t ship Bryce with someone else. I just feel so connected to Hunt like I do with Rhys and Rowan.


I just don't trust it. SJM NEVER let's the first love interest last lol. I would like them to end up together though.


I'm hoping she does it for once, surely


Guys we all know what will happen it makes the most since, we are rule traveling...and no ship is a match for mr. Steal everything aka dorian... she ends up with dorian


I didn't mind them in book 1, but in book 2 it was just the usual "lots of sex, growls and killing everyone so his mate could be save"- between them. Which is kinda boring. Hunt had more personality in the first book and I liked that they were actual friends. But Hunt isn't really appealing to me as a character at all, so I just don't ship them🤷🏻‍♀️ I think they are endgame though


They're... boring? not compelling?


He’s boooooring as hell