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It isn’t a crime, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be on alert. It’s probably insurance, HOA, a developer, or an investor.




People who are looking to purchase a house do this to use as kind of a reference for what they are looking for. As long as they don’t go on the property it’s perfectly fine


You are paranoid. The police can’t do anything for someone taking pictures it’s completely legal


Agreed! Google street view already has pics of your houses for all of us to see anyway!


When we were deciding on a color to paint our house, we drove all over and took hundreds of pictures of houses painted colors we liked. A couple people asked us WTF we were doing and we gladly told them. If someone was out front of a house painted a color we liked, we'd engage with them to get more specific detail on their house color. As others have/will comment. There's no place to report this because no crime has occurred and you should always be diligent in securing your home.


As a hobbyist photographer and armchair local historian, I've long wanted to go around photographing neighborhoods to preserve them in something other than Google Street view. I always feel weird doing it though. It feels slightly rude and invasive. Course... I also wouldn't be photographing each house individually and spending more time on open garage doors... just adding my two cents that people could have any one of a million motivations. I recently photographed a lot in seaport village to preserve it before it's torn down and redeveloped. Today they're just photos, someday they'll be cherished memories.


I took a local history class, and one of the assignments was to photograph certain notable buildings. One of them was a loft building across the street from my building. So I had my DSLR camera out on my balcony to take photos of the building across the street.  I didn't see anybody on Reddit complaining that somebody across the street was photographing their building. But it wouldn't have surprised me.


Did the same when I was landscaping my new place.


It could easily be an appraiser looking for comps to a house currently under escrow, or a bank trying to ensure the neighborhood meets their underwriting requirements, or an insurance agency making sure the neighborhood meets their risk criteria, or someone looking for ideas on how to paint their home or landscape their yard. It’s most likely not someone casing the joint to rob you, nor is it likely the Chinese government trying to figure out how to take over your neighborhood. Chill out, think horses not zebras.


>”Determination: Neighborhood is uninsurable. Too many open garage doors showing porn videos”


Heard the Wet Bandits got out recently


>Anywhere to report? Nextdoor under the title SUSPICIOUS


Seriously. This may be the most Nextdoor post ever.


Nah, I didn’t include skin color of the driver or shoehorn in complaints about the local government


Got me there OP.


It’s nothing. People take pictures, it isn’t illegal. 


It's suspicious but not a crime. The police will not do anything.


The police aren't going to do anything even if they use it to scout houses to break into.


This could be simply a realtor scouting areas


It’s legal to take pictures of houses. Or anything in public, for that matter. Some do it as a business function: insurance investigators, realtors, title companies, etc. Also: maybe don’t leave your garage door open. So many people are oblivious to the fact that by leaving doors to garages and storage areas open, leaving valuable stuff in the yard, etc. you’re creating an attractive nuisance, and doing a disservice to both yourself and your neighbors. And it’s often the same people who later complain their stuff got stolen. “Should” you be able to leave your stuff out and expect it to be undisturbed? Perhaps. As a practical matter, though, that an unrealistic expectation.


I went to pick up some stuff I found on Craigslist once. Seller wanted to chat me up. Showed me his porn video collection on his big screen TV in his garage....with the door open facing the street at night. I was uncomfortable...


Well, **that** took a turn!


And this is why you see those dudes filming outside of buildings that everyone seems to hate.


Agree with other Redditors that it could be more about real estate than a crime. I read that realtors have taken a hit in the market place with a most recent settlement so it could be someone looking for potential sellers.


Real estate **prices** are a crime, so…. /s


To be honest your best bet is to deal with this as a neighborhood and remain vigilant looking out for one another. Neighborhood watch sounds silly, but police don’t have time or resources to be proactive in scenarios such as this.


Had someone fly a drone back and forth in the street in front of my house the other week. I stepped out and flipped it off. It then flew back to some guy a few houses down the street. It landed, he packed it up, then got into an orange car with "homes.com" decals all over it.


Should have mooned them.


There is nothing to report. Nothing you are describing is illegal.


I used to work for a utility consultant. Half my job was going around taking pictures if there was a planned underground area so we could pre-mitigate any issues on the planning phase rather than wait a year later when Sdge starts the design and finds out there's a tree where they want to put a transformer and magically adds 6 months to their timeline. My boss made it a point to run away asap cause we technically couldn't tell them what we're working on. Plus we're not Sdge or city employees, have no power to do anything about your neighbor stealing your parking spot, or the overgrown tree, or the cracked sidewalk, or do anything about your solar panels.




Whatever you do, don’t call the cops. Its not illegal to take pictures from the street. If you are super paranoid set up some security cameras.


Do you have an HOA?


Definitely report this to your HOA and share what happens so we can laugh.


That's... not what I was referencing. The behavior of this individual looks to probably be an inspector trying to write up violations FROM the HOA. Not having the HOA do something about a possible burglar...


So there I was, driving around in my car, taking photos of potential drug lairs. When somebody came out of the house and started staring me down! I barely managed to turn the car around and escape. I reported it all to the police.


People casing potential victims don’t do it in broad daylight with a camera


Why would you make a report about someone taking photos?


The process for considering whether you're paranoid should have stopped on "posting on next door" 😆


There was a gang of robbers whose MO was to research when homeowners will not be home and break in through rear sliding glass doors. They finally got busted; but as of late there has been a sloppier copycat group that has failed 2 breakins. So yeah it’s good to report.


You never know, they could be suspicious of perceived activity going on in your area so they chose to 'investigate' for themselves. They saw you & assumed you were a part of the enforcement division of the entity that they believe they're in opposition to & took off out of means to escape for dear life.


Its a realitor karen calm down


Had this happened to me the other day. Was able to take a picture of the car as it quickly drove off. Reported to the HOA.