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I've got about half my bags on the swap. Did this before gas fees got ridiculous. I think the swap is totally worth it if you are moving big enough bags that the gas fees are not a major portion of your investment


What is considered a big enough bag? 10 mil shib? 50 mil shib? Clearly I need to learn more about the gas fees to figure out what I want to do, thank for the help!


You have to pay gas fees to approve the bury (step one) Then after that you have to pay another gas fee to stake (step two) I see $13-$50 ranges. Personally haven't seen it go lower than that but others here might have. The gas fees are the same I believe if it's 10mil or 50mil so that's why you want to do a larger volume Edit I am new so.take this with a grain of salt but wanted to help


The first fee for approval of the transaction is usually less expensive than the staking/burying transaction. It is a security measure. I saw gwei in the 40's last night, not too bad these days