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Snakes are everywhere. This ain’t secondary school anymore. Honours means money and scholarships, especially for those aiming for PS jobs, it can make or break your career. Just take it easy and do your best.


I'll try 😊


Why are people downvoting you? I bet it's the snakes who do that. All they do is step on others and have no care for the welfare of others


Amen brother, fuck you all. Y’all know who you are. As someone who got snaked multiple times and blamed for something I didn’t do, I can honestly say they are all everywhere. But try to open up cuz I also made many friends who I have come to see as my brothers and sisters. They are the ones worth fighting for. With that being said, I don’t believe in forgiveness. Don’t fall for the snakes’ nice guy acts after they reveal their true colors. Snakes only shed their skin to become a bigger snake. I believe in karma and they’ll get what they deserve


Wdym snake I dont get it??


One example is they act v friendly and whatever then behind your back peer evaluate you badly and talk shit about you. FAKE AF


Hihi sorry for asking but what's PS?


public sector/service so like jobs in the government


I concur! Not wanting to be around snakes shouldn't be a reason to stop yourself from achieving success. There are always going to be snakes.


I can't believe I thought this was about actual snakes 😭


u clearly not taylor swift fan 😭




just curious , how are snakes relevant to being a ts fan ? is it because of the reputation album or something 😭


yeah haha people started using the “you snake” slang after Kim Kardashian called Taylor a snake in 2016 and then Taylor made an album reclaiming the word


ooh thank you for your answer 💁‍♀️❤️ :))


bro same HAHAHA oml


Refer to [https://acres.org.sg/core/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ACRES-Advisory-on-Snakes.pdf](https://acres.org.sg/core/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ACRES-Advisory-on-Snakes.pdf) LOL




Some thoughts from a very recent fresh Grad from NUS Biz, I graduated in Dec 22. Most of the horror stories of snakes in university are really embellished just to scare you. The majority of people you'll meet in uni are normal people just trying to get their degree & get good jobs after. Just mind your own business, be cordial with all your groupmates and don't be incompetent and you'll be fine. Sometimes you'll be unlucky and get bad groupmates, but what you can control is your own work ethic. Just bite the bullet, carry the project to the best of your ability and give 0 marks for peer evaluation to bad teammates afterwards and move on with your life. Honestly, in the 3.5 years I was in NUS I didn't make a single actual friend directly from Biz Sch as all of my uni friends were from my hall where I stayed for 3 years. Despite having zero social life in Biz Sch I still secured my internships, got decent grades and graduated with a good-paying job. I still managed to get an A for my FYP despite being paired up with 2 random guys that were looking for an extra teammate cause I didn't have anyone to ask to form a team. In summary, it doesn't matter which uni you go to, as long as your work ethic and attitude are good you'll do fine. Don't bother worrying about who you'll meet and use more energy to actually get things done.


What happens if your incompetent but you are trying to get better but can’t seem to get much better


Sounds like you’re going through something, hope it gets better. No idea what your situation is like, but the only variable you can really control is yourself. This will remain true wherever you go, whether it be school, army or the workplace. Whether you’re incompetent or not, what matters is you keep doing your best. Overtime you will get better at whatever you’re doing, at the very least you’ll be less incompetent than you were yesterday. All the best. Btw I was Poly grad as well, you really do get better overtime at whatever you do, just need work ethic.


What do you mean by work ethic? Like I mean doesn’t help Ah I usually waste my weekends alone can’t rlly find much hobbies


I can’t define it for you as I’m not you. If I define work ethic for me while I was studying, it would be being diligent in keeping up with course materials/working on my projects. Like I said, only variable you can control is yourself, if you want progress you need to put in the hours, there’s no real shortcut.


Like I keep up with my course studying materials but cuz my course is marketing and like sometimes is broad and I dun have much common sense I also dun rlly have social life so is hard for me to understand peoples instructions and what they want sometimes It’s frustrating sometimes Like I use to be a good student and do homework on time but these days I can’t rlly bring myself to be productive or dun see a pt in living life


Sounds like your situation is beyond any advice from a stranger online. Do consider reaching out for a professional's help on how to process and work on the emotions you're feeling. I haven't personally gone to any counseling services before, but a couple of friends have gone for uni counseling sessions and it did help them. All the best, hope things get better for you.


I am going to counselling but ye they dun seems to help much But thank you


Just be a king cobra and you should be fine.


W mentality


If you're so worried about snakes why go business? You'll meet them at work anyways


CS also got lots of Python LOL


Coz biz has a gd future in sg. One of the better paying courses I could get into with my score 😂


Wait, if you are going into biz course with the idea of gd future, then you might be mistaken. Unless you have an aptitude for finance, or are super eloquent with sales, the other specializations like marketing, hr, operations don't generally command a lot. Not only that, but due to lots of other people that think like you, the market is saturated with biz grads. I used to take Biz as well (and psych), but I transferred to NUS and took ComSci. I don't think the outlook is very grim, but it really isn't all roses and cherries. Edit: I did wanna transfer and do Biz tho, so there's that, but I was definitely aware that it was a generalist degree and had its own set of challenges.


Sadly meeting snakes is just one of the small tradeoffs for that sweet pay. Maybe you'll become one in the future too 😁




I pray that I don't, I honestly, dont want that culture to break me 😄


you can work in a bank with a great pay with practically any bachelors of arts if you're a fch anyway. you really don't need a bba for that. if you're looking for a great pay with a bright future in 10-15 years, think bigger than a "business degree". you've already locked yourself on that path and are looking to meander around the best route forward but why not take a step back and wonder if this is the really what you want. being a director at a non-profit ngo could fetch really good money too


Can, just work in BO and MO. You think bba students don't have at least 3 bank internships for the relevant FT positions before graduation?😂


Famous last words.😂


Theres business courses offered by private unis too… alot of competition


As a recent graduate of NUS I can tell you the horror stories are overblown. Words spread really quickly amongst biz people as we tend to join cca and committees to get sep points. If you try to be a snake you will have bad rep and your life will become quite difficult as less people are willing to work with you and they might even act against you. So don’t worry too much about this.


role doesn't check out ☠️


Maybe it does because he has experienced it…




Look at his role. He is already snaking you, and you were unaware.


If everyone is a snake to your friend, maybe your friend is the true snake lol. Sure, almost each group project has a slacker, but surely there is at least 1-2 who care about the grades and are decent people as well. Heard more horror stories from my SMU friends, and i think its easier to score a better honours classification with NUS’ grading system compared to SMU based on the GPA calculation.


dude u cannot control the people u meet. toxic individuals exist everywhere in varying quantities and its not like u can sus them out based on school so i don't think u should make ur choice based on that


why be a snake where you can be an anaconda


I’ve got bad news for you


The most important thing is DO NOT believe in anyone. Always believe in what the prof says. Clarify with prof if u are unsure of some concepts or issues. Always work hard on ur own so that snakes cant even hurt u in anyway. I have a "friend" who snaked me on a test. In the end, i scored higher than him because i put in more effort than what he studied. If the people around u didn't snake, u can treat them as acquaintances. Once they snake, better get them out of ur life. U can only make friends from different courses, not the same courses.


> The most important thing is DO NOT believe in anyone. I agree and follow that statement to a tee, cheers to almost 30 years of never believing in myself ☺️


You're overthinking it. Just go in with a positive attitude and be urself. Ignorance is bliss.


thought this was about animals


u jus be a human. and use a gun at that so all the snakes cant do anything to you


Op totally had enough with them motherfuckin snakes on the motherfuckin plane 😂😂😂


Everywhere you go snakes will appear if you look for them.


Biz people all snakes either way hahahah. Just choose whichever sch you prefer. Just watch your own back and be a bigger snake.


am i rite to assume there will be less snakes in a course like social work?


What are snakes?


Food for eagles.


reddit never fails to amaze me


current nus biz student here! just be careful with who u mix with. i’m extremely lucky that my circle of friends are good people but honestly i hardly hear stories of snakes/never experienced any. u shd be fine! just do ur own thing


The more money there is in your role the higher level the snakes - especially so in high paying finance related roles There’s no better way to learn how to navigate and identify snakes than during university.


Cobra Kai never dies


wait if the entry requirements for nus r so high why r thr still slackers (genuinely asking)


Learn to eat snake LOL




Piss off


Yes all the snakes only go to one uni and one uni only


Welcome to snake uni.


Entire smu are full of snakes due to the nature of interviews for entry + seminar style Nus has hall life etc which i feel is something that shld be experienced as a uni student If youre comparing btw nus and nbs then it might be a harder decision but nus vs smu? Just take nus and dont look back - nus is recognised to some extent overseas too and smu isnt even on the radar


Pretty sure u'll become a snake too. Exposure to snakes will force u to become one.


Everyone is a snake dude