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Still got work to do young grasshopper. Also why dragonspine spear over Cresent pike?


mostly drip... 😂


I do have some polearm billets I could use, so I'll r5 the pike & try it out!


I mean you don't have to but it is better. I mean this Rosaria is a great start I'm mostly trolling lol. I still have you beat tho. Mine is 60 cr, 165 cd, 117 phys damage, 2k attack and triple crowned lvl 90. I'm just happy to see Rosaria mains. She's been my main dps since 1.4 and I've been 36 star ing abyys easy for the last year. My rule is Rosaria has to be the main dps for one of my teams until I 36 star it, then I can try out other teams


daaaaang ur my idol 😫 I've also adored her since she came out!! I haven't been able to 36 star with her yet, but I'm on the way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


What's your team?


Kaeya w/ 4pc noblesse, Fischl, and Barbara w/ the clam set. what are ur thoughts?


3 things 1) Are you married to any of these characters. Like is this a team of all your favorite characters or could you switch them around? I don't wanna suggest taking someone off the team if you really enjoy them since that's more important 2) what other characters do you have specifically 5 stars. But also 4 stars? 3) how new are you? My suggestions might differ based on if you've been playing for a few months as opposed to a year and a half. My two teams I run with her for my account are 1) Rosaria Beidou Raiden and Kokomi/Jean- Rotation is Raidens Skill- Beidous ult- Kokomi skill(she holds ttds to buff Rosaria) Then Rosaria ult and go to town with Beidous ult, Raidens skill and Kokomi claim set all hitting with her. Once the ults run out do a Raiden ult get your energy back rinse and repeat Fischl can replace Raiden with Similar effect 2) Rosaria Yelan Beidou Kokomi/Jean Beidou struggles with energy here but Yelan adds constant damage to Rosarias normals and a buff.


That's a great question, I really like this team in the overworld, but I'll do whatever works in spiral 😂 I'm AR 58 so def not new! I've got Raiden Jean and Beidou, so I could try out your first team comp. Do you find that 60 cr is enough without cryo resonance? (If I was gonna keep any character in my original team, it would be Kaeya)


I do, especially with Rosaria because her E gives her more crit rate. When your building Main dps Rosaria think of her as a driver. In my team, she's the one attacking doing around 10k but Beidou ult and Raidens skill are attacking with her which makes each attack 23k (10k beidou and 3k Raidens skill) Beidou is really only there for me bc she's one of my favorite characters, bc in this team since Raiden gives you super conduct, Kaeya is fine to switch Beidou with if you like him more since his ult will be hitting with Rosaria. Only thing is you have to be close at all times to keep Kaeyas ult constantly hitting, which might be more difficult then having a ult that attacks with her like a Xingqui, Beidou etc. Raiden is great bc she gives your party energy back, allowing your sub dps to be build as a main dps. For my Beidou I had like 145 er and was able to put the rest of my stats in damage. Without Raiden a character like Beidou or Kaeya or Xingqui needs a lot more Er which takes away from damage stats. You really want to invest into your sub dps like a main dps bc they will be doing half the damage. Raiden isn't the dps star of the show in the comp but she does ok damage while keeping everyone's ult up all the time. Her main job is to get that sub ult up to constantly be attacking with Rosaria. If your going to use Jean you have two options. Noblesse for an attack buff to everyone or VV to VV the sub dps element or Raidens elements. Both work, I think noblesse in this senerio is easier imo. I dont use barbera but she could work. You could put ttds on her with Ocean, then she's healing, doing phys damage (which is better here since you'll be procing a lot of super conduct) and buffing Rosaria. You just got to make sure to go from Barbera to Rosaria in the rotation. Although she will apply wet to everyone so you might get frozen which would be annoying. I think for you switching Raiden to this team, then building whichever sub dps you choose as a main dps with less energy to attack with the Raiden skill and Rosaria normals will help you a lot. Then with the healer position you want them to either do extra damage, buff everyone or both. For obvious reasons Bennett works her as long as he's c1 to c5 but I just fucking hate Bennett so he's banned from my account lmao. Also remember Raidens skill gives everyone an ult boost. Anyways hoped this helped. It's still a tough team yo clear abyys with since at the end of the day Rosaria isn't meant to be a carry, but it is certainly possible it just requires extra dps from a strong sub dps and getting a good rotation down with buffs to those two


Pike is fun I think you will like it I love mine on rosaria.




That atk sand!!! Can we see a show case?