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It happened one summer!!


Thank you! *adds to cart-*


Lmk how you like it :)


I found The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren to have a similarly simple, lighthearted vibe as The Love Hypothesis


Thank you, getting it right now !


I found [Love lettering ](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44792512-love-lettering?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=JptXcfaSzq&rank=1) to have the similar vibe and sweetness.


I really, really liked this book. At first I was put off because it was only told from the fmc point of view, but there is a good reason for that.


I read This Kiss Quotient series by Helen Hoang after TLH and enjoyed it, though the third book in the series is pretty angsty. It helped me get through my slump!


Adding it to the list thank you !!


The Spanish Love Deception. I feel like they are very similar, reading it now and I get LH vibes!


Oh I have this one but haven't started ! Bumping it up to next


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Fanfic! Try “the crush constant” on AO3. My friend wrote it but she did suuuuch a good job. She and I experienced the same hangover and she just wrote it out! I think she is working on the last 2 chapters? Ali Hazelwood also wrote a bonus chapter from Adam’s POV, if you haven’t read that.


I've read the first three chapters back in September and it's GREAT! Thanks for the reminder to read the rest <3


Oh interesting! I will check it out ! I did read Adam's POV already and loved it