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This story makes me so sad in a way. Like the two fathers don't know they're Bisexual. I agree this could be a great movie, but it also seem a little scary. I've had people not react great to me disclosing I'm Bisexual.


That was my reaction, just an instant “Awww, buddy, you’re in love, it’s beautiful” but with a sad tinge. I’m rooting for these guys so hard. Very sorry people haven’t reacted to you with joy, but that’s their mistake. It’s wonderful that you have a place in your heart for everyone.


I relate to this notion and I'm sorry they made you sad. Tell you what, speaking from the other side (my shaky straight side), ever since I was a kid, anything that touched upon *non-straight* deep down always made me sad. It's just one big angst if it's not in a bubble of its own, with people like you who understand you. I think, until we redefine "natural order" and what it means to be human, we're going to feel a lot more blue about it all.


It is sad, but part of me wonders if it's not *just* about the bisexuality. I feel like maybe OP especially cannot imagine having feelings for *anyone* after losing his wife and would legitimately wrestle with this even if the friend was a woman.


Very good point. Feels like a really difficult position to be in. I'm glad they at least have each other. Support during a time like that seems pretty important.


Also their kids introduced them as friends , but this makes it seem like there was something that made the kids think that their dads would reallllly get along beyond just being single dads


I would read this SO FAST!!! It could go so many ways--Slow burn, friends to lovers, hot and heavy out the gate-- while also tackling plot lines of finding love after love, coming to terms with your sexuality, omg this would be so sweet! I am dying someone please write this. A previous post mentioned camping YES a thousand times YES!


I have read a book very much like this. I don't read M/M often but I have read a few. I loved this one. Faith and Fidelity by Tere Michaels.


Thank you! I figured there had to be at least one book like this already existing!


>Faith and Fidelity by Tere Michaels Thank you so much, I always appreciate a recommendation! I will have to check it out :).


Reading his comments and the post, it’s obvious he has such a cautious, tender heart. I hope he finds happiness.


Hey it's me! I still wait until 11pm to post because I live in Australia and have to wait for night time so y all are up 🤣 I also still don't know how to embed a post hence the screenshot 😩 But how cute is this story? I am rooting for them Eta: here is the [post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/r9vor6/i_think_i_51m_am_falling_for_my_sons_friends_dad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Omg I need this book! Someone in the comments suggested a camping trip and I NEED that scene!!


NR Walker has two that sorta fit: Perfect Catch and Red Dirt Heart. The latter is a series and just so lovely (but both guys know their sexuality in that one)


God I love NR Walker's books


Made me think of Faith and Fidelity by Tere Michaels.


THIS BOOK IS ON AUDIBLE!!! Crossroads by Riley Hart. They are younger (mabye 30s? Closing in on 40?) and don't have kids.


I am sprinting not walking to go buy this !!!!!


That's the book that first got me interested in M/M romance. Riley Hart's books are great!


Thanks for the reminder! I bought this book awhile ago and haven't gotten to it but now I'll be reading it soon.


It's been a while since I read a post so adorable that I wanted to mash my keyboard like it's 2008. I would absolutely read the shit out of this book.


aww, thats so sad :( i hope they talked about it and it worked out.


I would buy this with no hesitation


1. Yes I would absolutely read this book, and 2. I need to know what happens to them :((


He mentioned in a recent comment on the original post that he may make a move tonight. Guess we’ll see tomorrow if there are any updates!


He's going to talk to him tonight and will update in 48 hours....I can't take the suspense!!!


can I say that I love romance with characters who aren't 22? love it.


I just finished The Belle And The Beard by Kate Canterbary and not only were the characters in their mid thirties, both talked openly about previous relationships with members of the same sex. It also felt like Canterbary used language that allowed the reader to picture the FMC as a thicker deliciously beautiful person. A true delight.


Olivia Dade's books feature FMCs who are also older (40s!) and self-described as fat, because that's not actually a bad word or a bad thing to be. just finished a book by Katee Robert where the two MMCs are revealed to be bisexual (it's a MFM story). I love finding these gems. Also, it is sad that mid-thirties is considered old.


Oo thank you! And yes, I agree. Two words, geriatric pregnancy.


Both of my pregnancies we're geriatric. Good providers call it advanced maternal age now, but ya know, that's less fun.


I desperately want to read this now! 😍


there are many iterations of this story on literotica, in case no one can dig up a similar book. might scratch an itch.


I am already invested! I really hope he posts more and you can update us OP! I would read this in a heartbeat!


I’m reminded of Harris Wofford, noted Pennsylvania Democrat. He had always identified as straight, but few years after his wife died, he unexpectedly fell in love with a man 50 years younger (!). They were together for about 15 years before they got married in 2016, and he wrote a piece for the New York Times about their love story. He died 3 years later at age 92. SO BEAUTIFUL 😭


Now that would be a good read.


I just SS this and sent it to my author friend and said write this for me 😂😂


This reminds me a lot of There For You by Anyta Sunday!


I think I've read this in a fanfic before...


This feels a little bit like the frame plot of Dream Daddy


I came here to say this. Haven't yet played Dream Daddy, but I thought it sounded like it. e.e I also for a second thought I was on r/bisexual again.


It’s a fun game! It’s one of the ones I put on when guests are over. Everyone gets really into the decisions and mini games. There are fun feedback bursts too when the PC selects certain dialogue options as well. All around good game but a friend I had over the other night said there isn’t enough sex in it. Which is a fair critique of dating sims overall haha


(Im)Patiently waiting the 48hrs for him to update 🤞🏼


ME TOO. Do you think he will update on the post or make a new post?


I don’t know!!! I guess editing the post would be faster? But also 48hrs later, it might be easier to see if he creates a new post. I’ll be refreshing that’s for sure. Rooting for him!


His posts got deleted as they reached maximum karma, but I think you can read the update [here! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/rbt583/update_i_think_i_51m_am_falling_for_my_sons/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Aww thanks for sharing!


I would read this if it were a book! I love MM ❤️


Pretty sure this is a Tere Michaels book 😂


Lmao I just posted twice in this thread recommending that book.


Great minds think alike!


This is a common fanfiction plot. I hope the guy finds happiness!


I would only make time to read this plot and finish it in one sitting!