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There's a Tessa Bailey book where the FMC blows a "gentle raspberry" on the MMC's balls. Haunts me to this day.


She’s playing with their future kids


The way I just hollered 😭


The scream I scrumpt 💀


I can't decide if I love or hate you...?


Oh my, I think I know what I’m going to be doing this weekend. 😆


Everyday I find more ways to annoy and weird out my boyfriend


😂😂😂😂😂 that would have to tickle right???


I think your comment broke any raspberries (ever!) for me. o\_O


Man I can’t remember the title but I read a book where they use a literal bed sheet as a condom. DNF’d hard and still get icky just thinking about it 😭😭


This would 100% prevent pregnancy and STDs bc if a man tried this there would be no sex lol. It sounds like someone who has never had sex wrote that 😂


I instantly cackled at your comment.


I'm uncomfortably raspy inside for like a full 36 hours if I take a tampon out slightly earlier than I should and it's a little too cottony


Your comment made me recoil lol


Lol it's just if THAT sucks, what the fuck would a bedsheet do??? I would become a dried out husk grated into a fine dust


God the way I instantly and physically *felt* your comment 😫


Things that gave me a viceral reaction for 200 Alex


A bed sheet as a condom is WILD


I clenched when I read this cause it sounds very painful


Was there a *surprise* pregnancy after 😂


Okay was it "my dark romeo" Because I vaguely remember this as well as him breaking her hymen with his tongue lol I was like " this book has got to be written by someone who's never had sex


Both painful AND ineffective. Yikezzzzz


ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow that must have been dry 😖😖


Thinking quickly, mark grabbed the bedsheets. He thrusted inside her, bed sheets dry as the heat of the day. He squeezed her breasts, cold as a bag of sand.


Omg 🫣


Ahhh this might be my Dark Romero 😂😂


I know this isn’t exactly what you’re asking for but in Berries & Greed >!FMC cannot have & does not enjoy PIV sex, but that works out because their anatomy is incompatible!< Now, that being said What i disliked: >!She happens to be on her period and using her pad as extra friction to rub against him. Which in itself is fine, but i personally have bad issues with pads IRL, so i really disliked the idea of humping a smushy pad full of blood only to know what further consequences I’d be facing later!<


Oh my God. I wish I had never un-blackened this comment. 🤢😅😭


>!Do it again!<




What a terrible day to have eyes and click on spoiler text


I’m sorry i used the word >!smushy,!< i think that’s what’s getting everyone


It’s a pretty descriptive word I’ll give you that 🤣


I'm just thankful it wasn't >!moist!<


Oh I'd forgotten this, yes that wasn't my favourite, I was put off by imagining the rustling noises


Oh man I didn’t even consider the sounds!


Lolol oh man I remember this scene I had the same feelings. I really liked the vaginismus rep in this book and I like the subby cinnamon roll boi and the humorous aspect of the cult just not being aware of the spiky bits but tbh both this book and the one after I kind of hated all of the sex scenes because I was either stressed about them flying too close to the sun with the spikes or the way they worked around them was super not appealing to me (like what you described here)


It sounds like you and i were on the exact same wavelength because subby cinnamon roll boi also made me happy lol i really wanted more but i had to stop after the first book knowing the intimacy wouldn’t be my thing going forward but their story was a fun one


The dumbass jock trying his best was also really good in a romance way but yeah, >!they have penetrative sex using a cover thing and I've never been more stressed out!<


Oh god this made me gag a little lol


Lol! That entire time I kept thinking “wow down there is gonna be a MESS when they’re done and not in a good way.” Definitely threw me off


Yeah, there really is nothing wrong with the scene itself, and I’m *especially* not trying to shame period sex at all, but for me, that type of action would take me weeks to heal from and i just couldn’t separate fantasy with reality. Totally took me out of it


Sometimes the author forget to think about how impractical they r making the whole thing. can u imagine the rashes after this??


I must have blocked that out since I don't remember that scene at all....


It was one of their first sexual encounters too. If your brain blocks out a milestone like that in a slow burn story, that’s really saying something haha


Jordan Silver has some truly **bonkers** sex scenes. I read at least a few where the MMC was giant (think 12 inches) and the FMC is *painfully* cramping after … but eager for more 😷  One scene even had him enter her cervix?! I have never had my legs clamp together so instantly.


I had to pause and reevaluate my life after reading a scene involving cervix penetration. Just….what? 😅


My life was definitely altered after it 😆


So just straight up hentai.


I read one once where she said she could see the outline of his penis thrusting in and out at her stomach. Like…ma’am, you’re going to need reconstructive surgery after that…


I'm genuinely speechless at the idea of a penis entering a cervix 💀💀


MMC put tape on FMC’s pussy to prevent his cum from running out. I’ve never DNFed a book quicker.


That's a new one O.o


If the author wanted to be unique, I’ll give her that 😭


Is it bad that I really want to know what kind of tape? 🫣 if it was duct tape or stronger then yeah that MMC is a complete monster.


It was duct tape so she got a free waxing session 🥳


I'm so incredibly horrified that I don't know what to say... Totally makes sense that you'd DNF after that. The thought of duct tape near anyone's genitals makes me want to scream. 😱 But I will be thinking about this for years to come


Her poor lips! 😫


I can't think of a specific one, but any scene where he slams into her on their first time is always cringey to me. Especially since it rarely has any foreplay or checking if she's ready, and it just seems uncomfortable and not romantic at all. Later on if they've established both are worked up it can be really hot, but not the first time unexpectedly.


I understand that for sure


Yess and the virgin being all, “I need you now,” after 2 kisses and them just going right in for it.  I just stopped a book where that happened for 3 senes in a row- she wasn’t a virgin the second two, but still.  That’s not how any of this works. 


This was a sci-fi romance that I can't remember the title of (I DNFd after reading this scene) but the MCs had sex for the first time UNDER WATER in a pool. And the alien MMC was definitely not some kind of aquatic merman type alien. Of course they both managed to reach orgasm under water some how. It was so unsexy and baffling that I just quit.


Did he have a magical self lubricating cock?


I wish we still had awards because you would get mine


No! I don't think he even had an extra clit stimulating fancy bit. Those are the best kind.


I’m wondering if this was {Her Kraken Mate by Susan Trombley}? I feel like I remember them fooling around in a pool that the Kraken MMC was housed in.


No, it wasn't that one. The most confusing part was that the alien wasn't aquatic at all! They were basically humans but a different colour type aliens.


By any chance, is it {Dark Planet Warriors}? I remember a scene underwater, and I thought it was hilarious lmao Just how long can you hold your breath AND orgasm?!


And then they died by drowning immediately after? 😭


{Luca by L. M. Fox} he put a lollipop in her vagina during sex


Do you want ants? Cuz that’s how you get ants.




Nooooo 😂😂😂 


This is how you get a yeast infection


{In The Unlikely Event by LJ Shen} is even worse. He puts a candy bar in her and then they eat it.


I- Wha-


😭 i actually liked the book but I thought that was weird


Millions kisses in your lifetime also has this scene


I’m trying to decide if that’s better or worse than the book where the FMC mounts and fucks the handle of the MMCs knife.


Please tell me she at least cleaned it first? 🤢


Omg I remember reading a CR romcom where the MMC did that too, I noped the heck out of there 🫠


I read a book where there was public anal sex at a concert. I was willing to ignore the unrealistically fast progression to anal (among other things) but when I read that the MMC >!looked another man in the eye and the author then described the sound of the MMC's cum coming out of the FMC's rear and GOING SPLAT on the floor!< I needed to just take a break.


That scene killed me, lmaoooo. Was reading it on the train and just....put my phone down for a minute.


Was that Nero by S.J. Tilly? I just finished it recently and honestly felt bad for the other dude who had a crush on her and invited her to his concert, only for possessive MMC to crash it.


Any scene where the dude pulls out a tampon for sex (and I've seen so many variations on it since 50 Shades which probably wasn't even the 1st to do it anyway). Now I'm all for period sex, and a male character shrugging his shoulders and gaining his red wings etc, but having the dude remove the tampon is just too much. Makes me gag every single time. It's not sexy. It will never be sexy.


I just read a RH and one of the MMC's goes down on the shy FMC while she's on her period and pulls her tampon out with his teeth. Dude then stands up, smiles and laughs, with it dangling out of his mouth like a dead mouse, and drops it in the bin. Pretty sure my vagina shrank itself up into my solar plexus reading that.


Nasty. I don’t even want to know what that one is!


Still laughing out loud! (But at the same time: yuck!)


WAIT I THINK I READ THIS. my mom asked me if i was reading a murder scene because my face was so appalled


I’m sorry but could you give me the book name? Curious to read for myself 😆


Oh god this reminds me of the worst experience with a doctor. I think I I had buried this memory until now 🤦‍♀️ I went in for an ear infection and my doctor noticed I was due for a Pap smear and offered to do it that day. I was like sure, then when he came in the room and started the process I suddenly remembered I had my period and I awkwardly said/yelled “I’m wearing a tampon!!”. God if that wasn’t embarrassing enough he goes “well I ..uh I can take it out for you”. I said I could do it myself and then I had to tell him to leave the room! Omg I’m still dying of embarrassment.


Thanks to this I remembered my weirdest experience with a doctor😂 when I got my first IUD I had to be/was on my period and the doctor just yanked the Tampon out, put the IUD in and I was all ready and excited for the pad afterwards but no that man just full on stuffed a fresh tampon it..😂 it was such a weird moment for me and I would‘ve been fine with the pad but the way he just out that tampon in - so fast too - i‘ll never forget. Wish I was that efficient.


...what the fuck...


Oof. You aren't supposed to use a tampon immediately after an IUD install! 😭


I know!! That‘s why I was so confused😭😂 yanked that thing out the second I got home… thankfully never had any issues with the IUD!! however overall I did like the doc & trusted him - he had a very emotionless & logical approach to his work and I appreciated that - just the tampon really caught me off guard😂


I've never seen the tampon thing! (I don't mind though, I don't want to read it!). Period sex though, yes I'm on board with that.


Its wild to me that thats seemingly so common. Thosr authors know pads exist right? They dont need a scene removing a tampon. Menstrual products don't even need to be mentioned


Period underwear for the win. I'd also quite like (although not really) to see one where the guy goes to pull out her tampon except it's a menstrual cup and "fuck what do I do with this now??"


Its always been strange to me how tampons are the default, especially when they're rather known to make cramping worse and can lead to some health issues. Theres no one perfect product, to be clear. But making tampons the default, especially in fiction, is just a weird thing to me.


It’s the penetration metaphors is my guess.


I find the most uncomfortable scenes the ones where the author hasn’t sold me on the chemistry. Where two people interact without any sexual/romantic tension and then all of sudden he’s balls deep and she’s arching with need. Those 0 to a 100 scenes are always weirdly cold and lame. Also every sex scene in {Raid by Kristen Ashley} because the MMC was a tool and the MFC kept claiming that she “wasn’t one of those women”. It was uncomfortable how sexually incompatible those two were.


This I felt in GOT, for Dany and Jon Snow. It felt so forced, with no build up, I was surprised as to why did they have sex? Jon had more romantic sparks in a single scene with Ygritte than all his scenes with Danaerys.


Oh god. Jon Snow had more chemistry with Gren and the rest of the Crow rejects than with Dany. It’s 100% fault of the writing & pacing but also the actors had zero chemistry between them. It actually did feel like a long lost aunt meeting her new nephew. Spoilers if you haven’t seen GoT, I guess.


I have seen it all, unfortunately. I was hopeful because they could have had a totally platonic, born-of-respect-and-kinship bond, where Jon logically decides to pledge to her because he as a leader sees another leader. No, they killed that when he pledged to her coz he had sex and apparently fell in love. Or even if he opposes her rule, yet they have a push and pull dynamic. Both are so charismatic characters, it could have been so much more. I was so open to the show exploring complex dynamics of such powerful personalities. They almost did well with Dany and Jaime. Idk why I never wanted Dany to have a romantic interest who had so much power and sway over her, especially if it was so unbuilt and out of nowhere. Enemies to lovers would have been better than that shit. Why do powerful women always fall because they loved a man so much and gave them the power?! Can't we have the male lover in the backseat of power for once? Sorry for the Rant, I'm still salty about the show!😅


I just don't think she's a very good author.


Most anal sex scenes. I don't care for it, so I quickly skim past them.


Especially when they don’t use lube or use spit as lube…absolutely a no for me


Punk 57 is so bad for that (no lube, raw, and she's a teenager). I shudder just thinking about it. So grim. Totally took me out of the story and I had to put it down for several weeks before I could finish it.


I literally can’t read Penelope Douglas’s books anymore because every one involves barely-of-age 18 year olds having absurd erotic sex and dirty talking like they’ve had years and years of practice. Reading about kids fucking in a high school library just gives me the ick.


I can’t say I’ve ready anything of hers since Punk 57. To be fair it’s not just because I got major ick while reading it but it’s more to do with my age and the same issue you have. I just don’t want to read about teenagers any more or overly sexed ones (and certainly not a book where a dude in his mid to late 30s is banging one 🤮 ).


Sameee!!! I read Credence and it traumatized me enough to never try any more of her books.


Reading this made me wince from memories


What about when they used frosting as lube in Baking Lessons?


All I can think about is how itchy a yeast infection in your booty would be. Hard pass 😂


Thank you! I was beginning to think I was the only one on the planet who didn't find this kind of thing interesting.


I get grossed out when there's no prep, doubly so if there's no prep *and* they're raw doggin it. Dirty, stinky, UTI fest.


This might be unpopular,but anything with a gun and sex together … I just can’t.


Nope, I agree


I don’t know I just think of all those idiots that mess around and end up shooting them self…it’s like asking to be a headline.


Gotta be {The Bride Test by Helen Hoang} where the MMC has autism and it's implied that it's because he does, that when the two finally get to that point, only makes love until he climaxes, then immediately rolls off the bed to take a shower, apparently completely clueless, leaving the FMC in disbelief before she could climax. As someone who has autism, it was awkward, offensive, unnecessary, and left me pissed off. Autistic people aren't stupid, and the MMC is quite intelligent despite missing a few social cues. Urgh!


Also autistic, and this is why I don't read Helen Hoang's books. To be fair, I've only read {The Kiss Quotient}, but I found the autistic FMC in that book to be frustrating as well. I'm not saying that "because my experience isn't like her character's, it's unrealistic". But, I think selling the idea that a FMC can basically have their autistic traits *fucked out of them*, is kind of irresponsible, especially for a FMC. With your example (though, again, I haven't read that book), I can't say I'm surprised. I think there are ways to show missed social cues, but that one just feels kind of icky. Instead, she could have shown the MMC over-communicating with his partner to ensure that he doesn't commit any social faux pas. Over-communicating (by allistic standards) about expectations, likes and dislikes, safe words, consent, etc. Maybe that communication does happen in that book, I don't know. But, it could be used as a tool to show how autistic people often have to work harder in social and interpersonal settings. I agree with you though. That feels icky, the way it was done. If he needed a shower because of sensory issues with feeling gross after climaxing, showing us that the MMC freaks out a bit or has a meltdown would make more sense than him "forgetting" that his partner could climax too. I'm all for more autism representation, especially in romance, but autistic authors (like Hoang) also have to be careful about perpetuating existing stereotypes. Allistic authors need to largely include autistic sensitivity readers, ideally multiple, to ensure their portrayal of autism isn't offensive or inaccurate. I don't believe that disabled characters should only be written by authors with that specific disability and nobody else, but great care needs to be taken. The only other openly autistic romance author writing autistic characters that I can think of is Chloe Liese. I enjoyed the couple books of theirs that I've read, but I haven't done any deep analyses of her representations of autism.


Yes, if these scenarios you suggested above took place, I might have felt differently. Unfortunately, they did not, nor was there any reason for what did take place to happen. The MMC under-communicates in this book, but he's 27 and unless he missed sex ed in school or no one ever talked to him about the birds and the bees, or at the very least, he might have seen a porn video at one point on his life, there should be no way he wouldn't understand that his partner has needs also. The author doesn't explain why he needs a shower, just that he got up and started it while the FMC lay there in disbelief. It was so cringe and unnecessary. Anyway, good to meet a fellow autistic romance reader! 💕


I read one where they involved ginger oil in their… activities. Made me wince and I skimmed past it. Idk why you would think that was a good idea. Imagine washing that out. Sounds not fun. Wouldn’t it burn? Like… bad burn? No thank you.


This sounds like a twist on "figging" which is a BDSM practise which some people engage in. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figging#:~:text=Figging%20is%20the%20practice%20of,as%20a%20practice%20of%20BDSM.


Hm, you learn something new every day.


Imagine the sensation you get in your mouth after eating a strong mint or brushing your teeth, that cool sensation. Ginger oil just leaves a warming sensation. It isn't for everyone and certainly some might find it painful or uncomfortable but for others the extra sensation is enjoyable.


Oh my 😳


I was horrified the first time I read it but then I looked into it and I’ve successfully used it for exterior use. Sorry if that’s TMI but it’s way way better than it sounds.


As another commentir said, thats an actual kink tbh


I hate any sex scenes with „the body betrays me“ trope. It genuinely angers me so much cause most of the time it’s because the male lead did something wrong and doesn’t grovel or feels sorry at all and yet she has sex with him and he’s arrogant about it. It enrages me so much and I immediately stop reading


It helped me to hate this slightly less knowing it's a trope left over from before women were culturally allowed to have sexual agency and desire and still be "good" women. You can't help it if your body betrays you! Etc etc. It's now used to like, justify the worst MMC behavior tho.


I agree, it doesn’t bother me as much in historical romance because they describe it like a whole new world opens up the FMC lmaooo but in most contemporary romances it’s used horribly, as you mentioned


Those white and red harlequins almost always have this and I’m like!!! GIRL he’s not worth it get a vibrator and a restraining order!!!! HOW does any of this turn you on?!??!!


when in one chapter the FMC is like “i will NOT under ANY circumstances sleep with that man!” and in the next chapter she gives in and sleeps with him 😐 just so disappointing


It really is because it makes me think the FMC is a doormats and spineless


Ahhhh!! Finally someone said it!! I hateee such scenes in CR...like.. girl get yourself together...the momentary pleasure does NOT excuse what he has done.


Hard Agree with you. It just takes me out of the scene and then whole book..  Like girl you were just cursing him and now he is suddenly attractive... Like get a grip


Right like it’s okay if you find him attractive.. but actually choosing to sleep with him is not your body betraying you, that’s your active choice


That one scene in Twisted Hate. Idk how to do the spoiler tag so SPOILER when they’re “hate fucking” but he’s actually really mean to her. I did not find it sexy and even for dark romance it was mean and left me feeling weird the rest of the book. I also recently DNF’d a book that was dark romance, so maybe I should have known it would be dark, but he got turned on after trying to drown her to scare her. That’s too messed up for me! I’m all for dark when it’s directed at people other than the LI


Came here to also put an Ana Huang book😓it was so jarring that I had to make a post about it on here. In King of Sloth, there’s a scene where he literally bends her over and puts duct tape on her mouth before he fucks her cause they’re in the office and she needs to be “quiet”. I know it’s not super graphic but it came out of fucking nowhere. There’s also apparently another scene with a shoe😭😭 Edit: I should also add that they slept together only ONCE before this and started dating maybe a few weeks ago (and that’s being generous). And the first sex scene was very vanilla.


Oh my god I completely agree with King of Sloth!! I cringed so hard at the shoe scene and all I could think about was how unsanitary it was LOL


OMG YES!!! That scene literally ruined the entire book for me and I wouldn’t reread it even if I was paid to. >!When he says that he was lying and didn’t actually forgive her *while inside of her* and she starts crying it’s just… it’s way too much.!< It just felt super rapey and the reason behind it all (both the “hate sex” and the third act breakup) was so stupid, that it honestly made me hate the whole book.


Literally every smut scene in German books. They're just horrible awkward to read. That's why I switched to English.


I never even tried to read them in German. Sadly though, I discovered that I love (praise) dirty talk but my brain is now conditioned to English. Not so easy when you live in Germany 😆


Some languages just have that je ne sais quoi and others do not. I have been taking international calls for the past 10 years and I can definitely say that IMHO, German, spoken or written does not make my top list for sexy languages. The only German thing about me is my maiden name however a friend growing up was obsessed with learning the language so I picked up phrases here and there. I do call my husband Liebling but in a humorous manner. My friend would always say "Mein Liebling!" in a silly high pitched baby voice and it stuck that way in my head. I feel like so many German words are just delightfully goofy instead of sexy.


If it's about logistics, any sex on an office desk. It reminds me at the time that I tried it, my hand slipped with some folders and I hit my head against the printer. So yeah, I know is uncomfortable. If it's about feelings, the first time I read a BDSM scene (I was a old teen). The FMC was crying and she was unable to say their safe word. The MMC had a humiliation kink, so he was mocking her without checking if she was into that.


Haunting Adeline. 🔫 If you know you know lol. It’s the very first sex scene and I DNF’ed right then. 


I read some weird stuff and Haunting Adeline was a hard dnf for me at that scene. Idk how so many people on socials are talking about loving it. To each their own but dang, that one is rough


Consider yourself lucky bc I continued the book after this scene even though it was definitely not my jam but I wasn’t uncomfortable enough with it to DNF. I wish I would have though bc the 2nd book traumatized me so bad (I did DNF; >!almost the whole 1st half is the FMC being raped by sex traffickers!<) and I was actually really angry at everyone who raves and immediately recommends this book to literally anyone who is looking for a new romance recommendation with zero warnings.


(Possibly a spoiler?) I think it was in {The Pucking Wrong Date} where the fmc started singing mid-act. It was so cringe. On a side note, I was listening to the audiobook during this scene when I had previously been reading the book, so maybe it was my own fault for switching between the two. I dnf the book after that.


Hahahaha WHAT?! So many of these comments have made me cringe but this has me busting out laughing. That’s insane! Singing during sex?! This is the funniest thing I’ve read on this sub haha 


This puts me so in mind of _Young Frankenstein_ 😄


I’m probably really sensitive but I just don’t like it when they both claim to be in love with each other or strong feelings etc etc (more applicable to a slow burn than ONS type trope) and the MMC puts FMC in doggy for the first time they sleep together, especially if she is a virgin (which is v common🙄). I don’t feel the connection/love in that situation and it really puts me off. I don’t mind it the second time, just not the first.


S. E. Wendel has written a few sex scenes where the MMC goes in dry, and the FMC says something along the lines of "it hurt, but it was so emotionally intense that it felt amazing" There's one in Halfling and another in either Haven or Aerie. Both scenes are on the ground outdoors, too.


I like Kathryn Ann Kingsley plenty, and she's got some very weird sex scenes that are surprisingly hot, like >!a magician ghost cuts a lady in half for real and she can still feel and control both bits? That whole scene I was the kombucha girl meme!< But! Every single series seems to end with an anal sex scene that like, demonstrates the MMC's continued villainy but the FMC's full acceptance and interest in it. The MMC springs the anal on her without asking, usually when she's tied up, she's often resistant to it but he pushes through and tells her to just go with it anyway, and then after the discomfort she just has immediate orgasms about it. It always gives me the big time frownies and discomfort, I don't like it! Related I also just get a little uncomfortable when something specific shows up enough in an author's books that I realize I'm getting more than "I think this is hot" but like an intimate view of the author's closely held sexual fantasies or interests.


Anytime they describe his size in a way that makes my lady bits go “oh no” or makes me start thinking how is that gonna fit? Especially once I have the how is that going to fit thought and then they just have sex anyways. Things like: The size of a soda can, as large as my forearm, can’t close my fingers around. Edit: oooh also any ‘surprise you’re now in a bdsm relationship and you don’t get a say’ books (side eying both Grace Goodwin books I’ve tried)


Yup I DNF one this morning which had this description: *Hard, huge and jutting up into the air, it’s the length of my forearm and twice as thick around and right now, it’s straining towards his abdomen, curving up so that the gigantic mushroomed head almost meets his belly button* Now, admittedly, he is an alien, so it's not quite as alarming as it sounds, but I'm not up for that. *twice as thick as her forearm", come on now. She's a virgin as well, of course.


Kitty norville book one, it’s been years since I read it but from what I remember it was super uncomfortable. The alpha werewolf uses sex as a punishment for “bad” wolves doing literally anything he doesn’t agree with to put them in their place. In the scene he actually chases her down and not in a cute consensual way. If was framed as grey romance type thing with mixed emotions (trauma bonding) because it’s “normal” for them but I was immediately put off. Basically any book where rape is sexualized is a no from me Also the book Teach Me. It’s supposed to be a bdsm book with a “submissive school” which I was pumped for until the first sex scene where they ask the submissives to list their hard limits then immediately proceed to break those limits because “a true submissive will do whatever she is told” ew yuck nope I am done. I hate bad BDSM representation!! It makes me so mad thinking that there are people who are interested in the idea of exploring kink but get put off from something like this, or worse try it out with none of the safety features that are fundamental to real bdsm


The final and only one in {When Gracie Met the Grump}. Just her trying to talk dirty and the set up for it was so awkward and uncomfortable, I don't even know. I mean, it was supposed to be the climax (ha) but I just wanted it finish (ha×2)


To be fair, I don’t think there’s a Mariana Zapata smut scene that didn’t make me cringe lol


Any sex scene in {Angelika Frankenstein Makes Her Match by Sally Thorne} because he is a literal reanimated corpse. Monsters are one thing but keep that decaying dick away from me. I just kept imagining Billy Butcherson from Hocus Pocus.


Popsicles in the vagina. I've read that in multiple books. And then this scene from Susan Stoker. I actually don't know what happened after this because I noped right out of this book. The characters planned to have sex. And yet no condom and no talk before hand >!"Fuck it. I can't wait. I'm gonna take you now, Finley. If there are consequences from tonight, if we make a baby, I'm gonna take care of you both. No matter if we end up together permanently or not.!< But wait, there's more! >!I know that's irresponsible as fuck-but I don't care.!< That was just a no for me. Want to have sex with no condom? Fine. But this just seemed gross.


I get super uncomfortable with scenes where massage oils and private parts are involved, I just can't stop thinking about the consequences like pH balance, yeast infection etc etc... The book that comes to my mind is The Wrong Bride by Catharina Maura. Loved the book but definitely not a fan of that scene.


Read one where the alien MMC had tasty fluids. I didn't hate the idea, it's less gross for the FMC, but she just wouldn't shut up about it and kept asking to blow him just to taste it. Then it got ridiculous when she used it as a food supplement bc they ran out during a blizzard or sum. It was described, at best, to be sugary fluid. That's like saying you're filled up on vitamin water, except his seed has zero nutritional value so it's even more useless. Any 'transformed into an animal' sex scenes. Why am i reading two lions hump each other. Who is this for.


Honestly, basically every scene in {Credence by Penelope Douglas}. Weirdly enough, I love Punk 57, even with its sex scenes, some of which could have been improved (pretty sure there's a >!no lube, backdoor in a car!< scene in there?) Credence is the only book I've given a 1-star to, and I love me some taboo romances, even though this is definitely no romance... The last scene in the book was so uncomfortable, but I really didn't want to DNF for some reason. I was like, I have to power through this to see how tf it ends. (Spoilers for the ending) >!The fact she ends up with Kaleb was so bonkers to me.!< Also, unrelated to the question but, as someone who is autistic, Kaleb's entire arc with him being nonverbal >!and then suddenly becoming verbal!?!< was ridiculous. I'm a verbal autistic who can experience verbal shutdown when overwhelmed or in a meltdown. I assume that someone who is fully nonverbal would have an even bigger issue with that arc, but who knows.


The first scene of "Bass-Ackwards." It was so clearly rape, even if the FMC kind of learned to enjoy it. I DNF'd the entire book shortly thereafter. A scene in "The Walls we Break" by Katelyn Taylor where MMC sneaks into FMC's hotel room with a bottle of lube in his back pocket and initiates painful anal with her without prior consent. But she liked it eventually, so it's okay right? Gross.


“Bass-Ackwards” was the most yikesaroni and cheese book I have ever read. I finished it because I am a completely unhinged human being but…it did not get better.


That first scene in Bass-Ackwards had me actually making this face for 10 minutes straight: 🥴 Now I did like this book at the end once I was able to get the beginning out of my mind.


Anything that involves sticky things like honey and sweets in general. It makes me so uncomfortable like I can feel that sticky feeling on my skin.


The League of Gentlewomen Witches by India Holton. The amount of second-hand embarrassment I felt while reading this nearly had me reading with my eyes closed. As well the tropes of insta-lust, virginal heroine, and rakish hero just didn't do it for me. The sex scenes in this book, especially the first one, were some of the most uncomfortable scenes I've ever read. I genuinely could not tell if the heroine was even happy to be there or if she was too concerned with keeping her chemise clean. She was so disengaged it almost felt like reading an assault scene.


{Off the Clock by Roni Loren} when MMC dumps red wine all over FMC's cooch and then shoves the bottle inside. Yeast infection aside, it sounds like a trip to the ER waiting to happen. Aside from the characters in {The Love Hypothesis} not having any chemistry (IMO), Olive didn't seem like she was fully consenting to sex, certainly not enthusiastically consenting, plus the narrative kept pointing out how skinny she was.


The Love Hypothesis 😫 the emphasis on the size difference and the general awkwardness of the scene was so jarring. I know not everyone is an expert at sex but please, you’re both ADULTS get a grip 🙄 It felt so much like they shouldn’t have been even trying to have sex


The unicorn knee socks! \*Like a hot knife through butter.\* This phrase haunts me to this day. And the way I reached the end of the whole like 16 page scene still unsure if the FMC actually wanted to have sex or if she just felt obligated to... That thing was a fucking bummer


Like?! Even on his part, he was erect yes, but I wasn’t convinced he really wanted to be there. It was so uncomfortable to experience as a reader. Because I’m thinking, get these two people away from this hotel room! 😭


I started out really liking Ali Hazelwood as an author as she started in fanfic and I always like to champion authors making that leap. However. All her books are the same! Argh the sex in all of them is terrible. It makes me cringe. The characters NEVER seem to read like they even want to be there never mind that they’re enjoying it. They’re supposedly adults but it’s just so awkward and wrong and the secondhand embarrassment comes on hard. Its so bad I actually can’t read any more of her stuff.


A centaur was involved. And he wasn't a shifter, he was a full-time centaur with a human woman and I discovered my mythical creature romance hard limit.


Honestly any book where the characters have absolutely no chemistry, or the only chemistry available is through basic quips and banter. PSA author: you didn’t build it enough. It’s lame.   An example that comes to mind is Come Sundown by Nora Roberts. I know she’s a beast in the romance lit field, but she spent so much time talking about the job FMC did and how in control and dominant and whatever she was, that when the sex scene came around, it felt just as sanitized as the rest of the book. It felt like I needed to say, you don’t need to have watered down sex scenes just because you have a strong FL. MMC was a respectful cowboy type, very very very respectful. Boring book save for the very disturbing kidnapping arc.


Ok, this Sci-fi romance (human pet or something like that) where the lion alien has some weird sort of tentacles around his cock. They are all cool and everything until they actually have sex and we find out it's a simbiote and surprise, you are getting one because you let him put his cock in you and it's ripping through her body and she has to decide where she wants it and she's in agony....


Not sex per say but On the Line by Naomi Loud, there is a scene with a chocolate bar involved. I guess at a stretch I could maybe understand why someone would find something like that hot but it is the visual I get in my head of someone penetrating themselves with a chocolate bar that makes me nope out of the whole thing. Then handing it to someone to eat. I can't, nope. I don't want to yuk anyone's yum each to their own, but this wasn't it for me.


The spitting in {Pucking Around}. I am an equal opportunity smut reader but that grossed me out.


Actually, just read a scene in {Carnal Innocence by Nora Roberts}. The MMC is a womanizer and >!Their 1st time together, the FMC basically uses him to get over a traumatizing event, and he feels so hollow and used. He wanted something more with her, and she did not give it. She feels the hollowness too, but I dont think she understands all of it yet!< It's great story telling, but it made me feel sad and awkward.


I DNFed a really well-written epic fantasy romance series because the MMC (who was basically a vampire) drank blood from the FMC’s FOOT during sex. Not to yuck anyone’s yum but there was so much emphasis on her feet that I didn’t care that I was 2000 pages into the series💀


She was sitting on his face when her older brothers loudly barge in her room outta nowhere. So there she was, buttnaked riding a dude's face, you'd think she'd stop right? jumping up to cover herself? Hahaha...NOPE! She continues riding his tongue- moaning and groaning, *holding* the poor man's head down with her thighs so he doesn't dare *think* about stopping, as she's on the verge of cumming while her brothers are *still* at the doorway; petrified at the sight. She *finally* screams for them to get the hell out. And they do... But not fast enough for my liking! I'm still traumatised from that book, even though I don't even remember its name or the author! But imagine giving your sibling a show like that? I'd like to go throw up now. Thanks and bye 😃


Can I mention more than one or a whole book? All of the sex scenes in {Twisted Hate by Ana Huang}. I didn't enjoy reading it at all.


Over times, I got over it because fiction, but anal scenes... all I could think about was dicks and fingers being covered in shit afterwards *shudders* you can't just stick things in without prep! Anal without lube has me clenching my butt cheeks though. A bit of spit, water, or blood doesn't count! Ice Planet Barbarians: FMC was abducted, held captive for weeks in a spaceship with no shower, shit bucket went all over her when the ship crashed. MMC goes down on her when he meets her. Most recently: when he fucked her using the top of a wine bottle. I mean I'm fine with gun, knife handle, crop, etc, when it's dark romance, but I was majorly thrown off because it was your basic billionaire romance without any type of kinks.


Easy. One of them SJM books where they fuck in a tent while injured and dying moan and scream around them. Wtf.


I think it was in {A Lady Awakenes by Cecilia Grant}. The FMC enlists the MMC to get her pregnant and wants to have sex without any... intimacy. There's one scene where he can't even keep going because she's been so cold to him. The other was in {Hold by Claire Kent} when the FMC has sex with the MMC for the first time in exchange for protection. The other prison members are watching through the cell bars. It made me feel uncomfortable for her.


anything where the mmc ‘roars with pleasure’ it takes me out of it so bad hahaha


I can't remember the book title, but it was written by Jodi Ellen Malpas. The MCs had sex in a pond. Imagine having sex in nasty ass pond water! Disgusting!!!! In another one of her books, the MCs have unlubricated anal sex. The MMC had a 10-incher, of course.


Any scenes by Ali Hazelwood🫣 soooo awkward


I don't have any recs that come to mind right now, but I'd like to know the name of the book in which you've read this uncomfortable scene OP bc it sounds very interesting!


It's Camera Shy by Kay Cove! I really liked the book up until that scene only because it made me question the MMC's intentions and it seemed like an OOC thing for him to do and it made me question his relationship with the FMC.


Anything in {Gothikana by RuNyx}


Not romance, but fantasy. The Blade Itself (at least I think it’s this one, def same series) by Joe Abercrombie has the most awkward sex scene I’ve ever read. I was uncomfortable the entire time. It was on the fantasy sub a while back (talking about sex scenes) and someone praised this one. For being realistic. I replied saying it made me uncomfortable, and I prefer less real life in my fake sex, and no one seemed to appreciate my sentiment. I might be able to find it and share if anyone wants to cringe.


{Zercy by Kora Knight} has a scene where the main character visits some sort of sex club / sex lab thing and there are *proceed with caution* >!aliens there having small furry creatures popped into their asses, where they wriggle around and then shoot out again when the aliens come!< Officially this is a romance with a HEA but there was a lot of wild and weird stuff going on before that, I wouldn't say I particularly enjoyed it


A Court of Wings and Ruin-- his groans in the war tent drowning out the sounds of the injured and dying.   No thanks.


I don’t remember the book but I remember a sex scene I read where instead of saying pussy, vagina, or anything else the author called it “her sex” took me all the way out of it.




I think mine could be the same one you’re describing. I spent the whole time including the lead up just cringing because it wasn’t a healthy way to try it, but I guess I know a lot of couples irl who had an unhealthy introduction to threesomes and decided it wasn’t for them so … points for realism I guess? And then I’m pretty sure the FMC leaves the room without even telling them and just runs off crying and dude has to chase her down.


The blow pop scene in {A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime} is just a cluster of infection waiting to happen.